Most productive APIs provided will help to determine your Incentive calculation in quickest time without running a pipeline Job for Compensation Admins. Calculation services are APIs which enables the Admin user to perform calculations in real–time. Using these APIs, Comp Admins or developers can build applications which can automatically calculate the output of any given rule or rule elements expression without requiring any complicated algorithms. The APIs usually provide support for basic and complex calculations and also provide interface for solving incentive/commissions calculations problems. Additionally, developers can also use them to graph functions, calculate derivatives, integrals and perform various other mathematical operations. These APIs are used in a variety of applications such as SAP BTP Build Advanced Workzone or manual calculators and analysis tools. Below APIs are available for Commissions tenants running on HANA and Oracle stack for customers.....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the OdataAdapter  & configure in your SDI Project Create a Remote Source Right-click on Remote Sources. Choose Add Remote Source Here you can define the Source Name (arbitary), the Adapter will be the OdataAdapter Select Credentials Mode : Technical User which supports currently Basic Authentication....

In this blog, we will learn more about SAP Automation Pilot and how you can automate all of your daily manual processes and receive alerts if there is a problem or issue. As a result, it increases your productivity while decreasing the TCO of individual processes. SAP Automation Pilot as it is a powerful tool to....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the Excel Adapter & assuming data will be pushed to your local file path from customer to load into your SDI Project – Virtual table In this blog, a Microsoft Excel file with all of the data in rows will be consumed or you....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the File Adapter using PGP/GPG encryption & configure encrypted sample data from your local file path to load into your SDI Project In this blog, PGP tool is installed, we will be encrypting the source file provided by customer (extract & dump regularly) in....

In this post I’d like to present you with new functions got introduced which you can evaluate the deseried output via Groovy language with supporting one of import package. You can use the Groovy Function to build a Custom Query Function. This feature helps build logic for input parameters, for example, formatting input data.  ....

Data Anonymization in SAP HANA Anonymization methods available in the SAP HANA database allow you to gain statistically valid insights from your data while protecting the privacy of individuals. Why Anonymize? In a data-driven world, a growing amount of business data contains personal or sensitive information. If this data is to be used by applications....

In this blog, you will learn each steps on how to create your own Custom Data Model for your Embedded Analytics which will help Sales User to see their own data based on User Security defined by admin. The Embedded  Analytics (EA) application uses core SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) as the platform for its analytics solution. In this blog,....

In this blog,  you’ll learn how to create Teams , Teams folder, Assigning Users to Teams and SAML Attribute Mapping for Users to determine respective folder access in your Embedded Analytics tenant. The following diagram shows an example where Team 1 is assigned permissions to Team 1 Folder. All users that belong to Team 1 are....

We all want our systems to run as fast as possible, and if you’re managing SAP Commissions, you know that this is definitely the case when it comes to the speed of the calculation process. I am often asked about ways to speed up the calculation, and I do have some lists of good practices,....

As you may be aware, in the past & current today for HANA and Oracle tenants had to raise a support ticket in order to set your FTP Public keys. However, with the new SAP Commissions Architecture, you may configure on your own without the requirement for a ticket or the sharing of your key.....

This article shows you how you can perform SAP Commissions Service Health Check regularly and how to consume it daily. This feature will help you to improve the availability of your SAP Commissions tenant Service and send an alert when service is DOWN to all communication channels ( Slack, Telegram, WhatsApp, MS Teams, PagerDuty ......

Since I spend a lot of time finding out how to fetch the bearer token “grant-type=client_credentials” in the right way I hope this blog can save some time to you. I wanted to avoid performing a request to fetch the access token and pass it after in the flow, you can find more details on....

What is Top-Down User Sync ? Top–down user sync is a process that allows user data from an external system to be synchronized with a user directory in an organization. This process can be used for directory synchronization, provisioning, and user access control. The top–down user sync process begins by gathering user data from an external source and then mapping the data to the user directory. The mapped data is then used to create user accounts, update existing user accounts, and delete user accounts as needed. This process can be automated using SAP Identity Provisioning Service(IPS) or manual processes (not recommended). The process is beneficial as it allows administrators to quickly and easily manage user access and user data across multiple platforms with complete automated way. Bring all your Users from External IAM System to SAP IAS The challenge of bringing users from an external IAM(Identity Authentication Management) system to SAP IAS(Identity Authentication Services) can be daunting. It requires an understanding of both systems and a complete workflow to ensure the process is seamless and secure. The first step is to determine the data needed to be transferred from the external system. This will depend on the use case and the specific requirements of SAP IAS. Once the data is identified, the next step is to create a Standard or SCIM connector for the external system. This connector will be used to transfer the data from the external system into SAP IAS. The connector will need to be tested thoroughly to ensure that the data is transferred accurately and securely before it is used in SAP IAS. Once the SCIM connector is tested and approved, it can be used to move the data from the external system into SAP IAS. When the data is in SAP IAS, it needs to be mapped to the appropriate fields within SAP IAS. This is done by creating custom mappings within the system. Once the mappings are complete, the data can be imported into SAP IAS and the users can be added to the system. Below is the typical flow of User Provisioning Sync   In this....

Previous blog : SAP Commissions(K8s) – OpenId Connect(OIDC) Setup – Part 1   In this blog, you will come to know how to authenticate OAuth token from SAP IAS (Identity Authentication Service) tenant as explained in step by step process. This process is mainly required for API Authentication to get some data out of SAP Commissions using Rest....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to know the basics & understanding of available Standard Adapters and Custom Adapter details for your SDI Project Implementation. Configure your own Data Provisioning Adapters Data provisioning adapters can connect to a variety of sources to move data into SAP HANA, and well as other use....

To upload the files into an S3 bucket, there is other recommend way is using a desktop tool that will preserve the directory structure and will recover if your network connection is interrupted. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service that allows users to store and retrieve any amount of data, at....

In this blog, you will come to know how to configure OpenID Connect Configuration for your SAP IAS (Identity Authentication Service) tenant explained in step by step process. This process is mainly required for API Authentication to get some data out of SAP Commissions using Rest APIs. New SAP Commissions is running on a microservice architecture –....

This blog is mainly for SAP Commissions Compensation Admin on how to extract the Compensation Plan Design from your tenant to BTP Portal in one single view. Background : Sales Incentive Compensation Plan setting by an Organization from Global Sales Leaders or Program Managers takes place in every company.   The goal of setting up a sales rep compensation plan is to motivate sales reps to reach their targets and maximize their Incentive/Commissions. It is important to have a plan that is well–structured and tailored to each individual rep’s strengths and weaknesses.  Also, its been considered....

Writing better functions can save even more time during pipeline calculation This article will introduce how to write better functions in your formula or in a rule which you can consider it be required as default, so you can re-use at any point in time in your SPM projects.   Functions are predefined formulas provided by....

The purpose of this article is to show how to include any data that is available in the SAP Commissions database (TCMP and EXT schemas) in a SPM Plan Communicator Document. Introduction Plan Communicator Documents can display the following Commissions elements: Formula Rate Table Fixed Value Territory Variable Quota Data Fields (Position, Participant, Title, Position....

Dear All, In this blog, we’ll take a look at how you can utilize SAP Analytics Cloud APIs (also for Embedded Analytics) and understand all the endpoints for you to automate or to get some insights from the data which is modeled from report or story. By the end of this tutorial, you will know all different....

This blog post will give you an overview of how you can replicate information from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Commissions using REST API. Sounds pretty basic right? How about we by leverage SAP’s Conversational AI and also use Speech-To-Text to accomplish our goal? Sounds interesting? Let us get started.     Requirements: Create an account....

This article is mainly for SAP Commissions users/customers/partners to know & understand available OData API endpoints for your development or building web applications out of it. Introduction   OData is the current default way to communicate with an SAP backend, be it for an (SAPUI5) frontend or any other integration scenario. The goal of this document....

Introduction to SAP commissions SAP commissions is a Sales Performance Management tool. It helps managers in large organizations automate the calculation and payment of the incentive compensation to its Sales force. The center of Sales Performance management is Compensation plan. Compensation plan defines the set of business logic to calculate the comp­­­ensation pay-out for each....

This article goes through the best practice of authentication flow to identify who the user is and then goes through authorization flows if the user has permission for the roles assigned at a Group level.   In this blog, we are also covering Top-Down User Sync Best Practice as well when users are assigned with appropriate group....

As a developer, there are always more tasks to complete than you have time for in a day. While it’s important to prioritize time-sensitive, impactful or blocking issues, they’re usually not the kind of things that can be knocked off your list quickly. If you try breaking down bigger tasks into smaller subtasks, you just....

This article provides the basics of docker and learn how to build an image that runs a Python application in a container. I will show you how to build a custom application for Sales reps – SAP Commissions. Customers/Developers in your org can build your own custom Application to help Sales reps to see what they....

Hi there, my name is Thiago Rigo (or just Rigo), I’m SAP S/4HANA OTC & Logistics Solution Architect and I want to share my experience about a requriement related to Commissions setltlement. The main objective of this post is to share my findings and how I solved the requirement.   First of all, a little....

This feature is available and demonstrating how you can bring the data from BTP – SAP HANA Cloud Instance to SAP HANA Onpremise (SAP Commissions). It allows through DP Agent and managed instance to read data and execute commands against remote database source, for instance, HANA database server. Using this feature, we can fetch data and update it in other databases....

As a Identity Authentication – tenant administrator, you can now configure target systems for real-time provisioning and provision users to these target systems. Prerequisites Identity Authentication Admin Access Target System SCIM API URL (SCIM 2.0) Provision All the Users to Target Systems Tenant administrators can provision users of Identity Authentication to Identity Provisioning target systems . At a High Level Flow Remember....

This article is mainly for partners and customers who wants to automate internal & external users sync (on-boarding) to SAP IAS by using the below SCIM APIs from your external system or applications. I have listed out all the examples for you to understand.. This below flow makes you understand to automate Users Sync from....

Previous Article : Introducing Touchless Deployment  & Working Session Dear All, In this article, describes how you can automate your SQL deployments to SAP Commission database automatically using Touchless Deployment API’s through SAP Integration Suite or Cloud Integration (CPI) through sFTP connection   Background Customers wants an other way to deploy but not through CI/CD or Postman process method which was....

Dear All, This article is intended for customers, partners and anyone who have access to SAP Commissions to develop your solution by extracting all the JSON records using Commissions RestAPI.  In other words, to extract the data without commission database. What Is Pagination? Have you ever clicked through an Commission workspace with different pages? Or....

This article is written for customers and partners who want to learn more about the APIs that are developed on top of SAP Commissions’ front end website. While reading the following material, you will have a better understanding of how data is retrieved from the backend to the front-end page in each workspace via APIs.....

What is Runtime Performance? To discuss any type of application performance, it’s important to define what we mean. Runtime performance is how your application performs when it is running, as opposed to be loading. This article teaches you the tips to improve and how to avoid long running pipeline job to analyze your runtime performance.....

Previous Article : Introducing Touchless Deployment In this article, describes step by step how to migrate your sql  through Touchless Deployment API and understand each scenario’s for deploying which would benefit customers, partners, DBA’s & Data Integration consultant. Available for both SAP HANA and Oracle tenants Getting Started Step 1 : Enable Touchless deployment role and assign to the user....

Previous Article : Introducing Touchless Deployment  & Working Session Dear All, In this article, describes how you can automate your SQL deployments to SAP Commission database automatically using Touchless Deployment API’s through CI/CD Process from Github Actions. Every customer adheres to the CI/CD Process to ensure that their deployment code is compatible, uses version control, and maintains an....

In this article, you can make interactive maps with folium and pandas library using SAP Commission API’s to find out heatmap of Payments been generated in different location Sample Code def index(): start_coords = [48.218871184761596, 11.624819877497147] folium_map = folium.Map(location=start_coords,tiles = "Stamen Terrain", zoom_start=15) #tiles='OpenStreetMap' , tiles='Stamen Toner' , tiles='Cartodb dark_matter' tooltip = "Click Here For....

Previous article – Introducing CAP to SAP Commissions This article describes how to consume file based approach using with CAP (Cloud Application Programming) for end users to see the report. There are several ways we can make use of CAP Application for the end users to see the real data. Download raw data from Commissions workspace as....

Previous article – SAP Commissions – CAP – Consuming Files based – Part 1 This article describes how to make a Fiori App for the end users to see the Payments report from your project. Note: you need to run the below cds command and start configuring as per below steps cds watch Go to File –  select New....

Have you ever been working on a project where you need some real-world geographical location dashboards to track ?? for example, say, how many incentives/commissions are generated through this particular location/city or how many sales reps are in this particular locality selling faster? OpenStreetMap is a great open-source map of the world that can give us....

This article describes how you can achieve real time Sales Order & Sales Transaction creation integrated with 3rd Party CRM/Billing System when order is confirmed successful..  so you can develop a script consuming commissions API’s which will create based on scheduled time. What is CRUD API ? CRUD is an acronym that stands for CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to start with basic configuration in HANA WebIDE for your SDI Project SAP will provide web-based integrated development environment (SAP Web IDE) is a quick way to get started for developing applications. SAP Web IDE is a good choice for immediate development access. Also an....

This article is mainly intended for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Admins who can develop the applications locally in your cloud shell environment and deploy it to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) using SAP Commissions API’s to build custom dashboards .. High Level Architecture flow Pre-requisites Google Cloud Platform – Cloud Shell Environment SAP Business Technology Platform – Cloud Foundry Runtime SAP Commissions API....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to know the basics & understanding of Design time Artifacts available in HANA WebIDE for your SDI Project Implementation.. The following table lists in alphabetical order the design-time artifacts you can develop and deploy with the SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI). For more information about the syntax required for....

This article gives you the information related to UI5 Integration Cards overview and gives you an idea to develop for your own projects which can provide a quick information for business users in one single portal. UI Integration with Cards Documentation In order to develop cards the card developers should be familiar with: Getting Started Card types....

While pushing your files for processing, you keep your data in form of files. But what if the data you are storing is sensitive. How can you protect that from unauthorized access? One of the ways is encrypting the files using GPG. In this blog, I’ll tell you what GPG is and how you can....

It is my pleasure to introduce you in this blog post to the SAP Commissions Live Sessions.   What is it about? In this series of five live sessions, you’ll learn what every administrator needs to know to set up a Commissions environment, create efficient and effective compensation plans, run a calculation to create results data....

Dear All, In this article, I will share a way how to subscribe your Identity Provisioning Service(IPS) User Sync Job Notifications which will determine job status through mail notifications. This can be used to set up daily jobs and have notifications sent when the scheduled run with failure or success. In this way, Adminstrator can....

Introduction In Sales Performance Management Solutions, we often come across situations where we need to discard the already generated credits because of some changes in the Transaction or the reference data. In this blog, I will summaries how it can be achieved in in SAP Commissions. Reset from Validate If all the transactions in issue....

Dear Readers, The purpose of this article is to demonstrate and explain how SAP Integration Suite (aka CPI) can be use case to drop a file to sFTP server without pushing manually from client system and can also be automated based on your scheduled time.  (Avoiding Human Intervention) How to Set Up Integration Suite Trial Account Link:....

Introduction SAP Commissions provides different ways to fetch data from its Database. One of them is through the use of REST APIs. The Commissions REST APIs can be used for developing reports, setting up integrations between Commission and other applications or interact with Commissions like submitting pipeline job. In this article, I will summarize few....

Introduction SAP Commissions provides a way to implement additional attributes called Extended Attributes in case one runs out of Generic Attributes available and cannot use Reporting attributes as they cannot be used during rule writing. This article details the steps in which they can be enabled. Available Extended Attributes In SAP Commissions, one can enable....

On the first day of your software subscription contract, the named IT Responsible Person at your company will receive an email containing your system information, initial user and initial password. Note for security reasons, the initial password expires in 30 days. You must sign on and change the password within this time frame. If you....

Hi All Over the past months, customers were interested on how to get file Job status  Success/failed/awaiting for the files been pushed to GoAnywhere Dropbox(sFTP)..The Only way was through logging through SAP Commission Portal > Commission Data Loader > Job Status. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate and explain how it works through API and....

Hi All, The purpose of this article is to demonstrate and explain how to Add SAP Commissions Web tab inside Salesforce allows Sales reps/Admin to quickly access their Dashboard/Reports/Disputes, content, and more within Salesforce. This allows for increased access and adoption of Commissions tab as a sales incentive tool, as reps can use it without ever having....