Financial Planning and Analysis

Eliminating financial planning boundaries with xP&A

Discover the role of FP&A in business transformation, the key requirements for extended planning and analysis (xP&A), and seven practical steps to get started.

Evolution of scenario planning to deal with uncertainty

Explore how scenario planning has evolved into scenario management, driven by events and exceptions, to help companies make confident decisions in any situation.

AI and machine learning in FP&A

Learn about the most essential elements for any FP&A organization to consider when looking at artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform the value it delivers.

Predictive planning and the future of FP&A

Discover how predictive planning technology can help you overcome the challenges of uncertainty to save time, reduce human bias, and adapt quickly.

Achieve agility in planning and execution

Contingency planning built with predictive analytics

Explore what makes organizations highly adaptable when responding to extraordinary circumstances and how to anticipate change with contingency and scenario planning.

Learn how technology is the essential element that enables organizations to execute rapid planning and budgeting cycles. With this, FP&A organizations can give their executives a sustainable competitive advantage by making their company more agile, adaptable and resilient.

Improve decision-making and performance with agile planning solutions

Become a true business partner and trusted advisor by supporting smarter decisions across the enterprise with collaborative financial planning and analysis (FP&A) software from SAP.
Plan, budget, and forecast
Planning, analysis, budgeting, and prediction in one solution
Embedded business intelligence and predictive planning
Integration with SAP S/4HANA    

Gain profitability insights

Flexible, advanced user-defined business modeling
Granular profitability and cost analysis
Real-time simulations and insights