Despite several shortcomings, direct TM<->EWM integration based on EWM transportation units (TU) brings a lot of benefits: It can be used with decentralized EWM instances, whereas Advanced Shipping and Receiving requires embedded TM and EWM in the same S/4HANA system TM can plan packing and loading based on sales orders well ahead of actual delivery....

SAP Business Network for Logistics has introduced capability to send LE-TRA shipments to network and thus sharing this with carriers. On saving of Shipment in ECC, idoc SHPMNT05 will be triggered. Based on this idoc, LBN has provided out of the box mapping to LBN Freight order for confirmation APP. You will view the shipment....

As of the February 2023 release for SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SAP IBP), you can replicate planning tasks from process management in SAP IBP to Microsoft Teams. Please see our short product video on this. In the previous blog post about the integration topic, we reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of the different modelling options that....

My recent article Hyperspeed planning in SAP TM has explained TM ⇔ delivery integration issues when statistical stages are used and delivery transportation planning status is “partially planned“. The delivery date can get inconsistent in such a scenario, it can even get earlier then the picking date! The delivery integration problem is even more severe as it....

Imagine the following, common transportation scenario consisting of 4 locations and 3 legs: Locations A and D are the shipping and destination warehouses respectively, whereas B and C are ports of loading and unloading respectively. Leg 1 is the truck transportation from the warehouse to the port of loading. Leg 2 is the ocean freight.....

Imagine a river. The Nile. The Yangtze. The Ganges. The Rio Grande. Take your pick. Now, what if you had to map the course of one of these vital tributaries knowing only its depth, width, and velocity of current? What if you had to plot the exact location of the river’s source and mouth based....

Introduction (Business Case) This blog is part one of a two-part series presenting the automation of the yard process and is a joint work together with Former Member . Part one will be on the project use case of this demo as well as how the different architectures tie in together. Part two is reserved for the....

This is part 2 of the blog on automation of the yard process. In part one, we have seen how the different architectures tie together. In this part, it will be a more in-depth look at the Machine Learning model specifically the digit recognition that is deployed in the microcontroller.  Machine Learning Model One key aspect of....

This video provides an overview and step by step guideline on how to use, model and configure Simulate Key Figure Calculation functionality in SAP IBP.

Over the past 2 years the risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have been front and center in presidential briefing rooms, company boardrooms, and even family dining rooms. Supply chains are now recognized as central to business survival, success, and growth, rather than an opportunity to just reduce costs. As we head into....

My blog post, also published on Forbes, is about Chinese New Year (CNY). CNY is also referred to as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, and it is one of the most significant Chinese celebrations and creates the biggest annual mass migration in the world. As a result, CNY is a ferocious disruptor of the Chinese and....

IBP MRO – Current State Capability and Direction Earlier in this blog, I shared how companies might consider their asset as a customer? Using SAP‘s latest innovations to predict, maintain and plan the spare parts inventory level. I shed the light on the global study we started with customers and my plan as I set industry....

Introduction Every Project uses SPRO and sometimes it is benefecial to know the Maintenence View/Tcode behind the Configuration Item so that SAP Security can control it and also it helps for you to jot down the Tcode you are going to use.   Solution Go to Transaction Code SPRO Now select SAP Reference IMG Now....

MOTOR OIL, Corinth Refineries S.A. is an energy group based in Greece. It was founded in 1970 and its refinery in the region of Corinth counts among the top refineries in Europe. The company plays a leading role in crude oil refining and marketing of petroleum products in the country, as well as the greater....

Just-in-time / just-in-sequence processing is important to the automotive industry. In my second blog, I will focus on the supply to the production process and how the next-generation JIT Supply to Production solution in SAP S/4HANA helps Manufacturers need to ensure that inventory levels are kept minimal due to limited space on the production line and line-side....

If we have learnt nothing else over the past 15 months, it is how critical supply chains are to running our business and that digitization of our supply chains and operations are critical to enabling resilient, customer centric, and sustainable enterprises. And why is this? Because digitalized supply chains and operations handle disruptions better, faster, with....