One of the issues I see in many SAP Commerce project is the lacking developer tooling, especially around project setup, packaging, deployment etc. This prompted me to write and share various tools with the wider developer audience. Everything is licensed under Apache License 2.0 Here are some highlights: SAP Commerce Gradle Plugin Update 2021-04-27: SAP Commerce....

Spartacus allows you to quickly create a fast and engaging PWA storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud. Spartacus is an Angular-based JavaScript storefront communicating through our SAP Commerce REST API. After 6 months in beta version, Spartacus development team with many other SAP Commerce teams (B2C Accelerator, SmartEdit and Cloud Automation) have combined their effort to....

UI Local Build Setup on Commerce Cloud v2 1811 (Hybris)   A simple step-by-step approach to optimize UI development effort   Problem Statement: As a Commerce Cloud v2 1811 (Hybris) UI developer, you might have faced an issue where even to test simple .less, .js changes done in source files, you would need to run....

Throughout this article I will analyse and compare the main advantages Spartacus offers over the legacy SAP Commerce B2C accelerator and the SAP Commerce B2B accelerator, particularly from a developer experience point of view. SAP Commerce Cloud (formerly SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud) is a cloud-native omnichannel commerce solution for B2B, B2C, and B2B2C companies. Spartacus is an Open....

Spartacus is an Angular based storefront for the SAP Commerce Cloud product. The calls to backend Commerce Cloud is made via OCC (REST). Spartacus is also a Single Page Application (SPA), Progressive Web Application (PWA). Spartacus has various features like Anonymous Consent, Assisted Service Module, Cancellations & Returns, Consignment Tracking, Coupons, I18n, Wish List etc.....

SAP Customer Data Cloud offers best-in-class Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) features such as customized registration, user profile and preference management, user engagement and loyalty, integration with third-party social, marketing and service platforms, and so on. When integrated with SAP Commerce Cloud, you can leverage these powerful capabilities to deliver exceptional customer experience through....

SAP Subscription Billing supports you in your subscription business, from the definition of products and rate plans through orchestration and subscription management to billing. Furthermore, it enables you to manage usage and customer data. When integrated with SAP Commerce or SAP Commerce Cloud, you can leverage these powerful capabilities to deliver exceptional customer experience through your....

In this blog, we will create new Structure Type in SmartEdit and assign it to one of the CMS Component. We will enhance OOTB CMSTimeRestriction with cronExpression and add a Guide link to this component which takes CMS Manager to third party site. This blog is based on SAP Commerce 1811. Customization (Core Part)   Extend OOTB....

Generic Editor  allow us to edit components in the SmartEdit interface. OOTB SmartEdit doesn’t support defaultValue to be display while creating new component. But OOTB BooleanComponent (AngularJS) has the capability of handling Default Value and expect the below JSON response from CMS Structure API { cmsStructureType: "Boolean", qualifier: "someQualifier", i18nKey: 'i18nkeyForSomeQualifier', localized: false, defaultValue: true } Here we can....

Generic Editor  allow us to edit components in the SmartEdit interface. OOTB SmartEdit doesn’t support defaultValue to be display while creating new component. But OOTB BooleanComponent (AngularJS) has the capability of handling Default Value and expect the below JSON response from CMS Structure API { cmsStructureType: "Boolean", qualifier: "someQualifier", i18nKey: 'i18nkeyForSomeQualifier', localized: false, defaultValue: true } Here we can....

SmartEdit allows us to easily manage media in our website. We can upload different type of images from our device to components like Simple Banner Component, Simple Responsive Banner component in website. OOTB these components allowed few media types – jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp, tiff, tif, png. It means we can’t upload images outside of this types in SmartEdit and if we try to upload....

Many retailers are implementing SAP Commerce Cloud along with the new Spartacus UX java script-based Framework, which offers huge advantages over the former template based B2C accelerator. The SAP Commerce Cloud, Integration extension Pack 2108 and higher supports the integration of SAP Retail’s Omnichannel Article Availability and Sourcing (aka OAA) with the Spartacus storefront. Before 2108 however, OAA is only supported by....

There are many instances when multiple teams works under different stream in same project and they end up with duplicate typecode issue after code merge.   Duplicate Typecode Usecase Let’s take an example above where Team A and Team B working on different branch under same project. Team A branch code first got merged to....

In SAP Spartacus document there is a page for “How to Debug a Server–Side Rendered Storefront” using Visual Studio Code. This document just introduces another way to debug, using Chrome Dev Tools instead of Visual Studio Code.The steps are written based on Spartacus library with version 3.4.1. (1) create a Storefront using Spartacus library....

Whether you are an SAP Commerce Cloud developer or a functional analyst you are going to need to test an API at some point. In order to call most API’s you will need to be authorized first. In SAP Commerce Cloud, OAuth 2.0 is how it’s done. It’s the default authorization framework for the Omni....

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, SAP is completing preparatory initiatives to ensure successful sales events for all participating SAP Commerce Cloud customers. SAP understands the importance of these events, and as a result, does everything possible to provide end-users with smooth, stable, and satisfactory shopping experiences throughout the season.   Before assessing capacity and resource requirements, SAP gathers customer data through an enrollment....

This doc is wrote for describing how to solve media file could not be auto removed issue happened on Azure storage account, during Cloud Hot Folder file processing progress. Impact : Cloud Hot Folder file processing stuck. Background: Here is some background about the issue. Cloud Hot Folder functionality has been enabled on Commerce Cloud via Azure Storage....

This time of year, there’s so much to do! If one of the items on your holiday checklist is to expand your SAP CX product knowledge, here’s an easy way to do it without taking time away from all your other year-end tasks. Most of our SAP CX products have free short, easily digestible videos....

The blog post describes the way to connect Intelligent Selling Services of an older/outdated version. If you want to learn the new way, please follow this blog post here. Abstract Intelligent Selling Services for SAP Commerce Cloud is a cloud-native system that can capture and analyze contextual and behavioural data across customer journey with SAP Commerce Cloud....

Pages in Spartacus are based on CMS pages which are fetched from the SAP Commerce backend by using the responsible APIs. The data from the SAP Commerce side defines metadata like the url, headline etc. and also the structure of the pages. Structure means what kind of sections are available and which CMS components are....

As you know, Intelligent Selling Services (aka ISS) for SAP Commerce Cloud provides real-time personalization through data driven merchandising product carousels as well as machine learning based product recommendations. Meanwhile, It also supports a reporting and management tool to monitor and improve personalization performance. (cf. a brief introduction here) In this blog post, I am going to walk you....

I ran recently in the situation, where the type system update ran longer than the entire time allocated for the cutover and wanted to share our findings and solution with the community as I received echos from other projects facing the same problem. How runs the type system update? The type system, configured through the *-items.xml files,....

The catalog synchronization job publishes frequently updates about its progress and synchronization speed. The Solr indexing job however does not offer a such feature, although it would be very beneficial to better understand indexing performances. I faced recently a situation where the indexing job was not scaling: the more items were indexed, the longer the....

In this blog you will learn to modify the buildcallbacks to customize (add/modify) any OOTB file, either completely or part of it. Traditional Approach to Overwrite OOTB Files using ant customize There are times, when it is not possible to override OOTB class or spring bean in the custom extension, and the only way forward....

This blog is intended to provide basic steps and knowledge to create a new backoffice perspective. This is advantageous in scenarios when the use case requires a separate set of users to perform specific functionalities which can be handled effectively with a different perspective without modifying the Administration Cockpit. For instance, consider a scenario where....

Efficient pfunctions are key to offer users an optimum user experience in a solution configurator. How efficient are yours? If you find hard to answer this question, this post will help you to get insights into your pfunctions performance and track them as you operate your solution configurator in SAP Commerce. Track performance in Solution....

The foundation of a successful digital commerce business is a secure eCommerce platform. Cyber security involves conformity of protocols, intelligent detection of security loopholes, and proactive monitoring of systems. The security measures will span across browsers, applications, networks, and servers. eCommerce security is built on three pillars: privacy, integrity, and authentication. In terms of cybersecurity,....

Introduction SmartEdit is a pluggable JavaScript framework based on AngularJS which help CMS Managers to manage their websites. Whenever we create any custom component, generally we don’t need to do anything to get it work in SmartEdit. SmartEdit automatically shows all custom fields in popup whenever we create or edit it. Generally 3 tabs would be....

Introduction As enterprise e-commerce platform, SAP Commerce Cloud provides solid support for marketing, such as coupon management, promotion rule, personalization etc. Unfortunately, although SAP commerce has implemented a demo in B2C/B2B accelerator to distribute coupon by using free coupon action in promotion rule, it’s far from enough to meet the complex scenarios in real projects,....

SAP Commerce has Special Logic written to Export Access Rights available in the System. The below script is responsible for Exporting Access Rights – "#% impex.setTargetFile(""UserRight.csv"",true,0,0);" #SPECIAL CASE: Type UserRight will be exported with special logic (without header definition), see "#% impex.exportItems(""UserRight"", false);"   Problem Statement: Since this special logic export access rights of all the UserGroups & Users including....

In this blog I would like to showcase how I created capability to generate a Barcode of QR code type and how you can use similar steps to enable and generate QR codes in SAP commerce. Barcodes are used to convey information visually. We’ll most likely provide an appropriate barcode image in a web page,....

Requirement – Transition existing SAP Commerce solution using SOM Module to AOM Module . What’s the need – SOM module is not supported for use with SAP Commerce Cloud in the Public Cloud. Before moving into the steps and technical details of transitioning SAP commerce solution using SOM module to AOM module . Let’s briefly understand SOM and....

I recently configured dynamic response types in my project following instructions documented in the official SAP Commerce Help and would like to share today this experience with you, hoping to make yours smoother. If you are already very familiar with dynamic types or just want to know how to configure them, feel free to skip....

In this blog post, I am going to share some insights on basic steps for Datahub Upgrade and Datahub Migration to set the repository in accordance with CCV2   The reader is expected to know the datahub fundamentals & processes.   Datahub Upgrade For this documentation, considering upgrading Datahub from source version X to Target Version....

Reason #1 – Decoupled Architecture The SAP Commerce Cloud REST APIs (link) have improved to be fully compliant with any JavaScript storefront technology, allowing you to completely separate front-end and back-end development. Since front-end technology frameworks have grown quickly in the last decade, working with jQuery is no longer enough. Front-end developers are expecting to....

With SAP Commerce Cloud, Dynatrace comes embedded as part of every subscription giving you access to a powerful set of tools to analyze and optimize the performance of your site. In this article we cover the useful features of Dynatrace and how you can leverage them to troubleshoot performance issues. Contributors: yannick.robin , daniel.norberg, jdhickey What is Dynatrace Dynatrace is an....

As part of our vlog series dedicated to Performance Optimisation Best Practices for SAP Commerce Cloud, we release our second video. Struggling with large memory footprint or memory leak on your SAP Commerce Cloud JVMs? In this session, you’ll gain invaluable insights on how to improve Memory utilization of API/Storefront services. In this video, hakan.agdere will show: How to Monitor Memory for....

The promotions module of SAP Commerce Cloud internally uses a promotion engine that is entrusted to perform evaluations on cart and perform selected actions for eligible carts. The promotion engine is based on Drools engine. The recommendations in this article are aimed at helping you optimize the promotion engine performance through the use of certain tweaks....

Build time can significantly influence your development speed on SAP Commerce Cloud. Optimizing the build process can greatly enhance your productivity as an SAP Commerce Cloud developer.   In this article, we will discuss how to diagnose build duration issues and provide valuable tips for reducing build time.   Build duration troubleshooting   Total build....

As we know, Composable storefront is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud, this framework is extensible, progressive  and open sourced, more importantly, it provides better performance compared with traditional accelerator based storefront. In this post, I will show you how to set up composable storefront in ccv2 based on these steps: Design your code....

In commerce implementation project , sometimes there is a need to customize workflow to achieve and fulfil business requirement . This blog is to talk about specific use case where order approval workflow is customised to achieve two level of approval  . Context Let say , B2B customer places  an order on B2B Portal and....

We are thrilled to announce the new tool SAP Commerce DB Sync has replaced the the Commerce Migration Toolkit (CMT) used for SAP Commerce Cloud data migration. DB Sync is designed for SAP Commerce Cloud or SAP Commerce on-prem solutions to migrate database to SAP Commerce Cloud environments or to replicate data from Commerce Cloud to an external database. After....

Intelligent Selling Services for SAP Commerce Cloud (also known as Intelligent Selling Services) is a cloud-native system that can provide real-time customer experience personalization by recommending products to the customers interacting with SAP Commerce Cloud based e-commerce shops. The fundamental machine learning based process can capture and analyze real-time customer data from SAP Commerce Cloud, and....

SAP Commerce Cloud installation can be a complex task for the first time. And some steps can be easily forgotten and lead to some difficult troubleshooting. This article objective is to give an installation example detail as much as possible from the beginning to the end. Some settings example should be reviewed to ensure better....

Managing Performance in an SAP Commerce Cloud Project Learn how to incorporate recommended performance testing practices into your SAP Commerce Cloud project right from the start.   Start Early Performance tends to be a topic that is left for the later stages of a project, however early design decisions can have a dramatic impact on your project. ....

    Migrate your accelerator-based storefront to Composable Storefront If you’ve read the “Five reasons to move to a project Spartacus javascript storefront ” and “Getting started with SAP Commerce Cloud Project Spartacus” you may be wanting to migrate to a stateless high-performance architecture and now wonder how to actually prepare for migration. In this....

Deliver incremental values and respond to changes with SAP Commerce Cloud Project Framework Most SAP Commerce Cloud solutions share similarities in their base processes and concepts. However, a commerce solution’s main value is in how it differentiates itself from the competition. Typically, this differentiation leads to unique internal processes, and a different set of associated applications....

In this blog, we will learn how you can integrate Spartacus – a composable storefront with Microsoft Azure Active Directory to achieve Single Sign On. TLDR; Demo Video is at the end of this blog post if you are in a hurry  !! In this article, I will cover both the changes required for Composable Storefront and....

AzCopy: A fast, simple way for SAP Commerce Media Migration AzCopy  is a command-line utility that can be used to copy blobs or files to or from an Azure Blob Storage account. This article describes the migration of SAP Commerce media files to SAP Commerce Cloud Media Storage. Before reading this article it is recommended that you....

Title : How to customise pre-persistence hook and validate from postman Integration API Module : SAP Commerce‘s Integration API Module exposes a set of interfaces used for data integration with SAP Commerce. The Integration API module simplifies data integration with SAP Commerce using Integration Objects.  Quicklinks: Integration API Module Persistence Hooks   Content 0.  Prerequisites 1.  Introduction 2.  Tutorial 2.1. Pre-Persistence hook customisation 2.2. Postman....

SAP Commerce Cloud has targeted at providing a headless, flexible and modular E-commerce solution for delivering modern customer experiences and as the key component of the headless feature, SAP Commerce Cloud, Composable Storefront (also known as Composable Storefront or 3CS) has been released since 2211 as the only strategic storefront solution going forward. On the other hand, Intelligent Selling Services for SAP Commerce Cloud (also....

Like any complex software system, SAP Commerce Cloud generates transactional and temporary data. In this article, we outline ways for you to configure data retention and cleanup rules to ensure your data is properly removed and to eliminate any performance impact. Data Maintenance and Cleanup in Custom Code Let’s start with a recommendation for your....

As part of our vlog series dedicated to Performance Optimisation Best Practices for SAP Commerce Cloud, we release our third video. In addition to physical and contractual limits of data storage, large tables have an impact on query response time and database scalability. In this session, you’ll learn how to reduce database storage on your SAP Commerce....

Hello everyone! This blog post is aimed at any customers using SAP Commerce Cloud, Composable Storefront (also known as project “Spartacus”). How we number releases is changing. Starting February 2024, we will stop using semantic versioning and instead align with Commerce Cloud numbering. The primary reason is to align with backend release versions, making it....

In SAP Commerce Cloud 1905, there was bug that impacts the performance of media queries. The most common examples are the queries for the media gallery populator and the synchronization process. DroolsKIEModuleMedia extends the “Media” itemtype but uses its own deployment table, it creates unnecessary UNION operation with droolskiemodulemedia table for each media query. Here is an....

Maybe you get notified by SAP that your application on SAP Commerce Cloud is overusing the infrastructure. In this article I am showing how to check the amount of memory that is used by the different services and how to decide if some of the services can be scaled down. The analysis shown here is....

Some customers have specific requirements regarding the search relevancy with SOLR. For instance we have a customer who found out that some use cases are stil missing after trying different standard stemmers for French : SnowballPorterFilterFactory, FrenchLightStemFilterFactory, FrenchMinimalStemFilterFactory In order to address the missing use cases, we identified that it was necessary to create a custom....

In this blog, we will learn how you can integrate Spartacus – a composable storefront with SAP Commerce to achieve Level 1 B2B Punchout Functionality. What’s the need – Latest Spartacus 5.2 version does not provide any OOTB feature/library to integrate B2B Level 1 or Level 2 Punchout to SAP Commerce. Before diving into the implementation....

SAP Commerce Cloud comes with some access restriction when we want to perform deep dive debugging at the node level. Indeed, unlike OnPrem installations, it is not possible to access the operation system directly where service is running. This article shows you how to perform analysis on a specific node/pod through Hybris Administration Console (HAC)....

SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 release strategy has changed to adopt continuous innovation. In short, this new approach provides monthly updates. So Customer and/or Partner can take advantage of bringing new features to their commerce solutions as soon they have been released. This article will highlight how to manage and operate this higher frequency update. In addition to this,....

On production environment, you can check database DTU size and monitor usage with standard Dynatrace dashboards. Here is an example from SAP – Infra Usage dashboard. These metrics do not work on lower environment (dev or stage). In this article, we will explain how to create a dedicated dashboard for this. SAP – DTU monitoring dashboard  ....

In almost all SAP Commerce Cloud projects you have different teams working together across different environments. Having the right data in the right environment is critical to ensuring your solution is working correctly. In this article we outline ways for you to configure and to manage loading data, to ensure your data is properly separated....

Some of the most common activities in SAP CC projects are to handle the calls to external APIs consumed by the platform. Luckily SAP CC has ready-to-use APIs that could help configuring/using these integrations with API Registry Module. The goal of this article is to show you how you could leverage this module to use....

The goal of this article is to provide documentations needed when upgrading Swagger SAP Commerce to version 2211. SAP best practices recommends to use swaggerintegration extension to automate the API documentation process and provide Swagger UI for your web services. Activating Swagger in 2211 The basic steps to activate Swagger in SAP CC 2211 are Include swaggerintegration into your localextensions.xml....

On production environment, you can check primary database DTU size and monitor usage with standard Dynatrace dashboards. Here is an example from SAP – Infra Usage dashboard. This dashboard does not show the read-only replica database that is available with any production environment. In this article, we will explain how to create a dedicated dashboard for this.....

Within JS Storefront, the frequent calls to OCC for rendering CMS content can emerge as a performance bottleneck, impacting both the API server and the database. Below is an example of stack trace that generates a CMS page on the API server. Below is an example of query to components4components table that is executed very frequently when generating a CMS page. SELECT uhu.selectArg0 FROM....

Commencing with the release of SAP Commerce Cloud 2211.0 at the close of 2022, the system has embarked on a dynamic journey marked by monthly updates. These releases not only introduce new features and functionalities but also address bugs and enhance security and compatibility, that have led to the current version of 2211.15. You can always....

SAP Commerce Backoffice search depends extensively on how the SQL queries are constructed. This article aims to provide tweaks such that the queries formed execute fast and do not consume high DTU. This is especially useful when you have tables with large number of records and the search is slow on them A typical simple....

Navigating the implementation of Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless (MACH) projects in the world of digital commerce often feels like solving a complex puzzle. In recent years, MACH architecture—particularly the use of microservices—has been touted as a technological savior. Microservice-based architectures are celebrated for their potential to drive scalable, high-performance systems, adept at handling the....

Observability, in the context of application monitoring, refers to the ability to gain insights into the internal workings of a system by collecting, analyzing, and visualizing relevant data. This practice enables developers, operations teams, and other stakeholders to understand the performance, behavior, and health of an application. Observability is a crucial topic for ensuring a....

This post describes how to run safely database migration from on-prem instance of SAP Commerce system to SAP Commerce Cloud infrastructure with use of SAP Commerce DB Sync tool. Main purpose of following content is to describe a practical use case of “staged copy approach”, with proper examples, hence at least basic knowledge of data migration aspects....

As the commerce-driven RESTful web services implementation in SAP Commerce Cloud, OCC(Omni Commerce Connect) has been widely used as an integration way with any third party system. In the real application of OCC, you must consider how to process errors to support different exceptional scenarios, fortunately, OCC has provided an efficient exception handling mechanism, which....

SAP Commerce Cloud proposes a default stock level management strategy that fits in most of the cases. When business team wants to deviate from this standard, some difficulty can appear and often platform performance is impacted. This article will explain what’s standard and what’s the philosophy behind. Then, you will see how much room for....

Composable Storefront supports Server-side rendering (SSR) which refers to the process of rendering the requested page on the server side rather than on the client side with Client-side rendering (CSR). With SSR the page is pre-rendered on the server before being sent to the client’s browser. A Node.js server is responsible for handling requests, rendering....

Relevant search results are the cornerstone of a successful online experience and higher conversions. This starts with building a robust Solr search query. If your results are consistently lacking, it’s crucial to examine the underlying query processing and search functionality. Getting to that point is typically an iterative process of analyzing, modifying and reviewing the....

Creation of cloud-first applications to extend core LoB solutions continues to be a hot topic. SAP C/4HANA Foundation was released earlier in 2019 to make this really easy for C/4HANA customers. If you’re not already familiar with the concepts do check out this blog by kristin.albright. You might be wondering where to start and exactly which technology components....

This article is completing the official documentation on SAP Commerce best practices. It is based on many customer/partner development feedback experiences. This list is not exhaustive. However, it can be used to watch project development to increase code quality and performance. Some tool or script could be used to ensure the respect of those rules as SONAR. In....

Unit tests serve several purposes. The most obvious is that they must make it possible to test the underlying business to ensure the correct behavior of the source code. But they also allow you to define the use of the API using simple examples. They play both the roles : quality control and documentation for....

As part of our vlog series dedicated to Performance Optimisation Best Practices for SAP Commerce Cloud, we release our first video. In this session, you’ll gain invaluable insights on how to improve CPU utilization of API/Storefront services. In this video, Hakan Agdere will show: How to collect current CPU Sizing Specifications from your VMs and Pods How to collect current CPU utilization from....

As part of our vlog series dedicated to Performance Optimisation Best Practices for SAP Commerce Cloud, we release our second video. In this session, you’ll gain invaluable insights on how to improve Memory utilization of API/Storefront services. In this video, Hakan Agdere will show: How to do Memory monitoring for your API/Storefront processes How to Identify Memory Method Hotspots of your API/Storefront services....

As part of our vlog series dedicated to Performance Optimisation Best Practices for SAP Commerce Cloud, we release our third video. In this session, you’ll learn how to reduce database storage on your SAP Commerce Cloud environment. In this video, I will show: How to check the Storage Usage of your database How to identify the Top Tables consuming storage in....

In this article, we share some major advantages of using Project Spartacus compared to the JSP-based templates that are provided as part of the Accelerator storefronts. Reason #1 – Decoupled Architecture The SAP Commerce Cloud REST APIs (link) have improved to be fully compliant with any JavaScript storefront technology, allowing you to completely separate front-end....

Overview With SAP Commerce Cloud, Dynatrace comes embedded as part of every subscription, giving you access to a powerful set of tools to analyze and optimize the performance of your site. In this article we cover the useful features of Dynatrace and how you can leverage them to troubleshoot performance issues. Contributors: Yannick Robin , Daniel Norberg, David Hickey What is....

If you are an SAP Commerce developer, you must have heard of interceptors. In a nutshell, an interceptor is a mechanism that intercepts the request or response in the application flow and performs certain actions before or after the request has been processed. In SAP Commerce, interceptors are commonly used for caching, logging, and security-related....

SAP Commerce Controllers play a crucial role in managing the interactions between the frontend and backend of an SAP Commerce website. In simple terms, a controller is a Java class that handles a specific request from the frontend and provides the relevant data or actions to the user. Let’s understand the concept of controllers in....

Build time can significantly influence your development speed on SAP Commerce Cloud. Optimizing the build process can greatly enhance your productivity as an SAP Commerce Cloud developer. In this article, we will discuss how to diagnose build duration issues and provide valuable tips for reducing build time. Build duration troubleshooting Total build time The total....

Improve Hybris performance with Read only DB Introduction: It is very often with all the websites running on Hybris that with time, as their business grows and data and transaction volume increases, the website starts showing decaying performance with an increase in the response time. Replica DB or Reader DB is one option to scale up the performance....

Title : How to customise pre-persistence hook and validate from postman Integration API Module : SAP Commerce‘s Integration API Module exposes a set of interfaces used for data integration with SAP Commerce. The Integration API module simplifies data integration with SAP Commerce using Integration Objects.  Quicklinks: Integration API Module Persistence Hooks Content 0.  Prerequisites 1.  Introduction 2.  Tutorial 2.1. Pre-Persistence hook customisation 2.2. Postman validation....

In this blog, we will learn how you can integrate Spartacus – a composable storefront with SAP Commerce to achieve Level 1 B2B Punchout Functionality. What’s the need – Latest Spartacus 5.2 version does not provide any OOTB feature/library to integrate B2B Level 1 or Level 2 Punchout to SAP Commerce. Before diving into the implementation....

Two big changes in Smartedit these release Smartedit start migrate AngularJS to Angular since 2005 and all AngularJS stuff have been cleaned up in 2211. Smartedit introduce Librarification in 2105 and the whole Architecture change a lot. Why Smartedit customization doesn’t work after upgrade Based on above 2 big changes, customer should firstly check whether....

“Starting with version 5.0, “SAP Commerce Cloud, composable storefront” is the name for the official release of project “Spartacus” libraries published by SAP. The officially supported composable storefront is available to SAP Commerce Cloud customers. Documentation is available on the SAP Help Portal. Composable storefront is based off the Spartacus open source code and is included....

SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 got release November,2022 and still under Continuous innovation. There are already patches on (so far 3rd patch 2211.3 as of today). I would like to share simple steps to migrate to Commerce 2211 with our experience of migration and challenges we faced. The very first thing to note that Commerce cloud....

Notifications are very widely and commonly used now a days to send quick updates to the end users, customers, employees etc. In the e-commerce world, text messages are a common mode to send order updates to customers, retailers, shipping agencies. In this blog, I am going to take a use case for notifications and design....

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realise it themselves.” — Steve Jobs Standard integration offers Commerce Quote bidirectional flow between SAP commerce and SAP C4C system. Sales Quote Process is Bi-directional depends upon the Code List mapping Just as an idea,  I had....

In the SAP Commerce Quote business use case with C4C (SAP Cloud for Customer) integration, the quote request process is streamlined and made more efficient by utilizing the capabilities of C4C. C4C allows sales representatives to access customer information and data, as well as manage quotes, sales orders, and other processes in one centralized location....

As enterprise e-commerce platform, SAP Commerce Cloud provides solid support for marketing, such as coupon management, promotion rule, personalization etc. Unfortunately, although SAP commerce has implemented a demo in B2C/B2B accelerator to distribute coupon by using free coupon action in promotion rule, it’s far from enough to meet the complex scenarios in real projects, such....

This blog would help you as an Architect to speed-up the migration process for your On-Prem / SAP Commerce from CCv1 (SAP Commerce Cloud on SAP Infrastructure) to CCv2 (SAP Commerce Cloud on Microsoft Azure Cloud). We will also see the difference between CCv1, On-Prem, and CCv2 and then look into detailed solutions for Data....

In this blog I would like to showcase how I created capability to generate a Barcode of QR code type and how you can use similar steps to enable and generate QR codes in SAP commerce. Barcodes are used to convey information visually. We’ll most likely provide an appropriate barcode image in a web page,....

SAP Commerce Cloud in the Public Cloud(I’ll use Commerce for short name in this article) will support punchout level 2 with release 2211. As one of the prerequisites,  we have to upload product catalog information to procurement system. Below we provide a solution to automatically upload product catalog from Commerce to procurement system. Prerequisites You are the....

Introduction Integration APIs are a powerful and flexible way to expose new APIs to access and update SAP Commerce Cloud data.  We have been using this feature for many years but some recent enhancements have made it even more useful!  As of SAP Commerce Cloud release v2011, OAuth2 authentication is now supported for exposed Integration....

This post is part 9 of a series sharing service implementation experience and possible applications of SAP Private Link Service on Azure. Find the table of contents and my curated news regarding series updates here. Find the associated GitHub repos here. Dear community, Continuing with the implementation journey of SAP Private Link Service (PLS) for Azure we will have a....

Introduction Media Conversion is an important step as part of the CCv2 checklist. This blog explains the various image processing options for solution architects and developers who want to migrate to CCv2. With Cloud Automation from SAP, an image conversion service is available in the SAP Commerce cloud. Let’s look into the various options for image....

Requirement – Transition existing SAP Commerce solution using SOM Module to AOM Module . What’s the need – SOM module is not supported for use with SAP Commerce Cloud in the Public Cloud. Before moving into the steps and technical details of transitioning SAP commerce solution using SOM module to AOM module . Let’s briefly understand SOM and....

The foundation of a successful digital commerce business is a secure eCommerce platform. Cyber security involves conformity of protocols, intelligent detection of security loopholes, and proactive monitoring of systems. The security measures will span across browsers, applications, networks, and servers. eCommerce security is built on three pillars: privacy, integrity, and authentication. In terms of cybersecurity,....

I have worked on this blog with my colleague Chandni Gideon Introduction: In this blog post, I am going to share some insights on basic steps for Datahub Upgrade and Datahub Migration to set the repository in accordance with CCV2 The reader is expected to know the datahub fundamentals & processes. Datahub Upgrade For this documentation, considering....

SAP Commerce 2205 is released and we already have 2nd patch for 2205 from SAP.  The support for SAP Commerce 1905,2005,2011 and 2105 is ending in 2023 and it is always recommended to run the SAP Commerce on the latest version to have good support from SAP on PROD. Usually, upgrade topics should be a very simple....

This blog is intended to provide basic steps and knowledge to create a new backoffice perspective. This is advantageous in scenarios when the use case requires a separate set of users to perform specific functionalities which can be handled effectively with a different perspective without modifying the Administration Cockpit. For instance, consider a scenario where....

Efficient pfunctions are key to offer users an optimum user experience in a solution configurator. How efficient are yours? If you find hard to answer this question, this post will help you to get insights into your pfunctions performance and track them as you operate your solution configurator in SAP Commerce. Track performance in Solution....

I recently configured dynamic response types in my project following instructions documented in the official SAP Commerce Help and would like to share today this experience with you, hoping to make yours smoother. If you are already very familiar with dynamic types or just want to know how to configure them, feel free to skip....

I ran recently in the situation, where the type system update ran longer than the entire time allocated for the cutover and wanted to share our findings and solution with the community as I received echos from other projects facing the same problem. How runs the type system update? The type system, configured through the *-items.xml files,....

The catalog synchronization job publishes frequently updates about its progress and synchronization speed. The Solr indexing job however does not offer a such feature, although it would be very beneficial to better understand indexing performances. I faced recently a situation where the indexing job was not scaling: the more items were indexed, the longer the....

With SAP Commerce application going live, many activities are performed by the implementation team. This includes go-live preparation, cutover, deployment, warranty support, and more. Alongside this, immediately after go-live new implementation scope is often introduced to accommodate use cases observed as part of customer feedback and other critical requirements. While ensuring the continued success of....

In  hybris Hot Folder is used to insert the data from csv file to database. It’s  help the 3rd party to insert data into database directly because the 3rd party may not aware of Hybris or any Programming Language , So to help the 3rd party Hybris come up with the solution i.e. called Hot....

As you know, Intelligent Selling Services (aka ISS) for SAP Commerce Cloud provides real-time personalization through data driven merchandising product carousels as well as machine learning based product recommendations. Meanwhile, It also supports a reporting and management tool to monitor and improve personalization performance. (cf. a brief introduction here) In this blog post, I am going to walk you....

  For the migration you need to take care of the DB migration and also the media migration. These are completely separate things, so if one is working, it does not mean that the other will work as well. This blog is about database migration; the next blog will be about media migration. As a....

On behalf of the CRM & CX Product Learning CoE Team, it is my pleasure to introduce you in this blog post to the latest trainings and knowledge enablement offerings about SAP Commerc Cloud.   If you prefer to watch a presentation with interesting Q&A directly, here is a recorded event I gave via SAP Community....

What is it to be a TM Forum compliant solution in the Telco industry? As Telco providers reach unpredictable acceleration paces, software solutions need to follow the rhythm of innovations and provide a standardized and solid architecture. SAP Commerce Cloud, telco and utilities accelerator s leading this journey and our first TM Forum certification is....

Introduction: This blog post is to showcase the capability of Azure Blob Open Connector. Scenario: Transfer a ZIP file from FTP server to Commerce Azure Blob storage. Prerequisite Setup: Set up an Integration suite trial. Help Link: Setup. Instance Creation in Open Connectors: Connector Instance Design Solution in Cloud Integration: Integration Flow Step 1: Configure FTP sender....

With its history deeply ingrained in sports heritage as the exclusive supplier of on-field caps for Major League Baseball, New Era Cap Company Inc. is a leading provider of athletic headwear and sports accessories. Founded in 1920, New Era was initially set up as a wholesale business using a business-to-business (B2B) model to sell its....

Introduction Generic Editor  allow us to edit components in the SmartEdit interface. OOTB SmartEdit doesn’t support defaultValue to be display while creating new component. But OOTB BooleanComponent (AngularJS) has the capability of handling Default Value and expect the below JSON response from CMS Structure API { cmsStructureType: "Boolean", qualifier: "someQualifier", i18nKey: 'i18nkeyForSomeQualifier', localized: false, defaultValue: true } Here we....

In the not too distant past, furniture sales were considered incompatible with e-commerce. It was commonly believed that consumers wanted to physically touch and handle furniture products before making a purchasing decision. Fast forward to 2020 and the pandemic sweeping across the world, when the shift to online shopping for many consumers was a necessity....

On the first day of your software subscription contract, the named IT Responsible Person at your company will receive an email containing your system information, initial user and initial password. Note for security reasons, the initial password expires in 30 days. You must sign on and change the password within this time frame. If you....