Transaction Code: PE01 for schema. PE02 for PCR. (T-code PDSY is really important because it contains SAP documents to explain how function / operation works). Menu Path: Human Resources –> Payroll -> Tools –> Maintenance Tools -> Schemas Double-clicking on a sub-schema will take you to the maintenance screen for that schema. Double-clicking on any....

Have contributed to this article Abdullah Ismail CHOUGLE and Senthil Nathan KUPPUSAMY with their technical expertise. In Egypt, when it comes to employee’s income tax calculation, the common practice is to prorate the employee’s monthly salary in certain situations, for example, if the person is hired or terminated in the middle of the month. That scenario is covered by....

It has been always a painful task to enter the same default values in payroll transactions (Payroll Driver/Payroll Posting to Accounting/Remuneration Statement…) or select the variant to populate the values. SAP has a solution to default the values at the start of the all major Payroll related transaction, and interestingly it can be easily achieved....

Introduction: In this blog I am going to explain how the retroactive accounting functionality of HCM payroll is handled in payroll schema and pcr level. Retroactive accounting may occur in the payroll in the following two scenarios, Master data changes happened in the payroll past. Processing payroll for more than one payroll period. This blog....

Project WBS Element can collect costs from various MM/PM objects like Purchase Order, Maintenance Order, Service orders etc. and budget can be tracked using Availability Control. I want to explain about, how we can track budget of Employee Payroll expenses using Statistical WBS element. This blog is to purely demonstrate the budget availability control using....

Introduction CPF contributions are the major portion of Singapore payroll calculations. These contributions are subject to a number of legislative requirements and are quite complex in nature to understand and implement. SAP has provided solutions for various scenarios for CPF calculations and these are subject to configuration and consulting expertise. In this blog, we will....

I still remember back in early days of my HR functional career, all customers when they saw the Pay statement with daunting cumulative wage type “/552 Difference prev. Period”, it was always requested that the break-up of all past payments to appear in the statement. This functionality is easily configurable with zero coding in the very powerful....

A fines del 2022, el SII publicó en su sitio web el nuevo formato de la “Declaración Jurada Anual sobre Rentas del Art 42 Nº 1 (Sueldos) y Retenciones del Impuesto Único de la Ley de la Renta”. Más específicamente, el Formulario F1887, que es soportado en la nómina de Chile de SAP. Cada año,....

(Scroll down to read this blog post in English)   Olá pessoal, Chegaram algumas dúvidas sobre o cálculo da tributação de IRRF referente ao abono pecuniário de férias e o valor de 1/3 (um terço) constitucional, bem como a configuração necessária para sua realização. Portanto, nesse blog post você encontra as seguintes informações: Resumo sobre....

Creating Pay Slips Choose Human Resources  Payroll  Asia/Pacific    Australia,   then   Payroll    Pay slips. The Editing Payroll Results screen appears. Enter the payroll area and the payroll period. In the Payroll area field, the SAP System provides a default value corresponding to your user parameter settings or the entries you made when selecting the payroll menu. You can overwrite this default value. In the Personnel number field, enter one....

Pay Slip Configuration Purpose This process provides an overview of the various aspects you must consider when setting up pay slips. Prerequisites Before running pay slips, you must configure the format and printing of pay slips in Customizing for Payroll: Australia under Forms  Remuneration Statements. If you are an upgrade customer and process leave based on leave accruals in....

HCM, Personnel & Organization Countries FP5 Use Technical Data Technical Name of Business Function HCM_LOC_CI_85 Type of Business Function Enterprise Business Function Available From EA-HRRXX 607 SP44 EA-HRRXX 608 SP21 Application Component Personnel & Organization (PA-PAO) Required Business Function HCM, Personnel & Organization 06 (HCM_PAO_CI_6) You can use this business function to enhance the functions of the Personnel &....

HCM, Personnel & Organization Countries Wave 10 Use Technical Data Technical Name of Business Function HCM_LOC_CI_86 Type of Business Function Enterprise Business Function Available From EA-HRRXX 608 SP21 Application Component Personnel & Organization (PA-PAO) Required Business Function HCM, Personnel & Organization 06 (HCM_PAO_CI_6) You can use this business function to enhance the functions of the Personnel & Organization component....

HCM, Personnel & Organization Countries FP4 Use Technical Data Technical Name of Business Function HCM_LOC_CI_84 Type of Business Function Enterprise Business Function Available From EA-HRRXX 607 SP38 EA-HRRXX 608 SP15 Application Component Personnel & Organization (PA-PAO) Required Business Function HCM, Personnel & Organization 06 (HCM_PAO_CI_6) You can use this business function to enhance the functions of the Personnel &....

HCM, Localization of Payroll for Egypt Private Sector Use With this business function, the localized functions in the Human Capital Management(HCM) area for the Arab Republic of Egypt are available to you. This new HCM country version enables you to use the complete functions in the Personnel Management and Payroll Calculation. In addition, country-specific functions are also provided to meet....

SAP Announces Delivery of Egypt HCM & Payroll Localized Product   SAP Announces Delivery of Egypt HCM & Payroll Localized Product SAP HCM on premise, renewed screens and ready for cloud Dear colleagues, We are Delighted to announce the official launch of new localized country solution for Egypt Private Sector, which includes country  specific functionalities....

Understanding following Payroll Operations which are most frequently used. Will be helpful in understanding and writing personnel calculation rules (PCR).   S.No Operation Description Use 1 ADDCU Collect in Cumulative Wage Types By reading table T512W, Wage Type Valuation, operation ADDCU determines the following parameters for the current wage type: 1. In which of the 96 cumulation wage types the....

Hi Everyone! Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and have had a good start to 2021. Excited to write this blog to cover the first half SAP SuccessFactors 2021 release! I would recommend checking out the “What’s New Viewer” to take a look at the full release notes and get into all....

Olá pessoal, Devido a quantidade de publicações realizadas referente a mudança de layout do eSocial da versão 2.5 para S-1.0, tanto pelo governo federal quanto pela SAP, para centralizar as informações e mantê-los atualizados, compilamos nesse blog post todas as postagens anteriores relacionados a esse tópico, o qual será mantido de forma dinâmica, sempre que....

Olá pessoal, No dia 27 de abril de 2021, o governo brasileiro publicou as Medidas Provisórias 1.045 e 1.046/2021, que trata sobre as medidas trabalhistas emergenciais adotadas pelo governo, com o propósito de mitigar o impacto econômico causado pela pandemia de COVID-19. Portanto, nesse blog post abordarei os seguintes tópicos: Resumo das mudanças legais mencionadas nas Medidas Provisórias....

(Scroll down for the English version, which is proudly presented by the SAP Leonardo machine translation service.)   Hola todos, El 6 de julio de 2020 el gobierno español ha publicado el boletín RED 15/2020 con los cambios legales del Real Decreto-ley 24/2020. De acuerdo con el boletín RED, se ha publicado una extensión del Expediente....