SAP Hyperautomation Webinar Series no. 2

My colleague and I were able to present a session entitled “Intelligent business document processing [through side-by-side SAP Intelligent RPA scenarios] for small and medium enterprises [SMEs]” at the recent SAP Hyperautomation Webinar. (You can watch it here.)

The objective of our session was to share our intelligent enterprise vision for SME by focusing on three main innovation streams: First, Intelligent automation — that is, the full automation of business processes based on AI and machine learning services and intelligent RPA bots. Second, decision assistance, which automates human interactions in decision processes. And third, next-generation user experience through voice and messaging.

The benefits for our customers include more speed and agility, fewer errors and repetition, and smarter decisions, along with an enhanced user experience. To achieve the hands-free ERP promise, we have embedded some AI business services directly into SAP Business ByDesign and SAP Business One. Complementing this are side-by-side SAP Intelligent RPA bots enhanced with AI business services, which we talk about in our webinar session.

Our session also includes a detailed demo of creating sales orders from local purchase orders. The aim is to speed up the process of creating sales orders as well as to lower the number of manual errors while processing documents. To acquire bots, you go to the iRPA store and search for the available bots that are relevant to SAP Business ByDesign. The first bot will extract the relevant attachment from email based on predefined criteria. The second one will pick up these files from the relevant folders and send them into the document information extraction service, which is a part of SAP Artificial Intelligence services. Based on the received information, the bot will create a sales order in the system.

The benefits for customers are very clear. First, they can use the best practices bots without any additional cost as part of their SAP Business byDesign license. Second, these bots can simplify a company’s processes (as highlighted in our demo). And third, these bots can reduce manual effort for employees so that they can focus on higher-value tasks.

We currently offer the first batch of six bot templates as Best Practices for Intelligent Automation for SAP Business ByDesign:

  • Business Document Extraction from E-Mail (1×1)
  • Proof of Delivery Note Upload in the Outbound Delivery and the Invoice (1S1)
  • Schedule Report Refresh (1X2)
  • Supplier Invoice Upload for Intelligent Invoice Scanning (1R1)
  • Sales Order Creation from Local Purchase Order (1C1)
  • Account Master Data Enrichment for Document Information Extraction (1C2)

These bots are all available in the iRPA store, with more planned in the future.

We hope you will watch the recording of our full session and see for yourself how small and medium enterprises can benefit from SAP’s promotion of low-code no-code tools and pre-built content packages.

For more information: 

SAP Business ByDesign Help Portal

Blog Post on Intelligent Automation for SAP Business ByDesign

SAP Business ByDesign Roadmap

SAP Business One Roadmap


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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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