SAP Build Process Automation provides extended workflow capabilities and the ability to include into the workflows the robotic automation (iRPA) components. The combination of workflows and robotic automations allows the developers to implement complex use cases in an easy way. In one of the projects I’m implementing, I needed to process a workflow attachment from....
SAP Build Process automation lets you to automate your business processes to meet ever changing business needs. It offers Low code no code tools which help non technical business users to automate the processes and workflows. Low code no code provides visual features to design and develop applications without even writing a single line of....
You have would read comprehensive blog and videos showcased by ENKHZUL SUKHBAYAR andJohn Luu on the 2022 Top 5 product updates from SAP Build Process Automation. Want to get hands-on experience with the top features? Let’s get started with step-by-step tutorials that we have created for you for the below features. API Triggers Actions Technical events for Automation Google....
More information about the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model: Welcome to CAP In this tutorial we will develop and deploy a CAP Node.js Service with simple functions and create an Action Project.The goal is to cover all the necessary steps to consume the CAP Service API functions in a Process, not to proivde a real use case.....
If you’ve worked with SPA, iRPA or Outlook SDK in the past, sending an e-mail with SPA or iRPA should be easy! Simply add Outlook SDK to your project, create a new automation, open an Outlook instance and you can send your e-mail directly from your automation. All of this is easy and straightforward… until....
We all know that many business receiving multiple invoices over email,it is very tedious and time-consuming task to process numerous Invoices sometimes leading to human errors as well. so in this blog We are going to see how easily we can Extract the data from invoice samples and store it in Excel sheet using SAP....
SAP Process Automation: Multiple pages Invoice Data Extraction (Document Template (Training a New Model)) and populate extracted data in Excel Sheet Introduction: – In this Blog Post, we will see how SAP Intelligent RPA can help to simplify Invoice data Extraction in some simple steps and get those Extracted Data in an Excel Sheet. I....
In this blog , will be demonstrating how to use SAP Standard API in SPA. This approach helps us in avoiding fetching X-CSFR token manually in the automation steps where first GET call is required to get token and later the token is used in POST Call. It will also avoid maintaining User/Password in SPA....
In case of S/4 HANA On premise where connection is secured using VPN, this error generally occurs while running the bot. As per the SAP Note 3251797 – Internet Proxy Type does not automatically mean that the invocation goes through the public internet before reaching its target **All the images are captured from SAP Trail Account for BTP....
This blog focuses on the usability of the Output Section within an Action of the Action Project that can be maintained using the Actions Editor. The Output parameters help to describe and maintain the response structure of the API. The Actions Project and the Action Editor are generally available from 18th October 2022. Parent Blog:....
In this blog post, I am going to take you through the Google Authorization SDK and will be covering, Authorization mechanisms supported by the SDK. When to use which mechanism ? How to use the activities ? SAP Build Process Automation enables users to automate Google Workspace Products such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs,....
Use Case: Using Google Workspace SDK to process purchase order information and create a sales order in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Prelude: SAP Build Process Automation enables automation of google workspace products such as Gmail, Google drive, Google calendar, Google sheet, Google slides, Google documents and Google cloud storage. In addition to that it has....
Hello everyone. In this blog post, I am going to explain about a new feature in the recorder – Auto capturing of screens. In earlier versions of the recorder, when the screen changes in the application, the recorder shows a capture hint. This reminds the user to capture a screen. After that the user clicks on the camera icon to capture a screen. Now, the recorder is enhanced such that, as and when any screen....
The world is changing, software evolves and the era of ordinary alert emails is also coming to an end. Welcome to Alerting 2.0! Starring SAP Cloud ALM, SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation and Microsoft Teams. This blog will not explain how to connect SAP iRPA with SAP Cloud ALM. Check out the excellent expert portal for that....
Let’s see how you can automate your processes easily by leveraging the powerful iRPA and a very strong backend technology like SAP OData. Problem Statement: Send your Excel data to SAP System – Just Store it somewhere in custom table Simple Solution Proposed: Develop one RPA bot and integrate OData Endpoint and Make a POST Call....
In this tutorial we will create a very basic Action Project for a simple REST API which will return the list of ToDos. The goal is to cover all the steps necessary to consume Actions in a Process, not to proivde a real Process use case. This is part of a blog series for Actions:....
引言:RPA和流程优化作为小快灵的数字化转型方案不断被客户所采纳,并快速获得业务流程改进的实效。那么如何在企业各业务线推广流程优化的经验,并保持边缘层的创新可以应对业务应用网络的不断变革?企业需要考虑建立流程优化服务中心,更好的管理流程自动化资产体系,持续化的增加其应用价值。 关键词:流程自动化,流程优化,服务中心,降本增效 疫情时代下,全球各企业的自动化应用如雨后春笋般涌现。当今,SAP流程自动化(Process Automation,简称SPA)的RPA(流程自动化机器人)技术以其小快灵的特点,逐渐成为快速体现企业数字化转型业务价值的速效救心丸。与传统的企业级项目的变革相比,流程自动化的实施较为简单快捷,通过一两个点状切入的方式,快速给财务业务流程带来鲜活氧气,甚至让业务领导层重新认识数字化项目的转型效益。 流程优化项目面临的挑战 然而,流程自动化的轻量无代码转型模式也隐含的可扩展性和可管理性挑战。比如,如何评估流程自动化项目的投资回报、如何将流程自动化能力推进到更多的业务线和分支机构、如何应对不断改变的系统界面和应用逻辑等等。在集团层面建立流程优化服务中心机构,对各分支机构进行流程再造培训、服务、管控,在不同业务领域开展流程自动化工作坊、不断保持和扩大流程自动化的影响范围,是保持流程自动化持续降本增效活力的有效方法。 RPA故障率及影响分析 尽管国内对流程自动化的认知与应用越来越广,很多企业在使用流程优化服务时经常忽略了流程优化服务中心的重要性,认为其可有可无。已有不少企业在上线流程自动化后由于忽略流程优化服务中心的建设而导致流程自动化项目在推进中出现问题:例如国内某物流公司在引入RPA后没有匹配相应的流程优化服务中心,在RPA运行中出现了机器人维护不及时、RPA机器人频繁罢工的问题,极大影响了运营效率;再如某批发零售企业尽管有流程自动化的实践,由于在缺乏持续的应用场景督导和支持,流程完整性缺乏持续性的维护和控制,导致自动化流程日趋复杂、业务流转复杂和低速,偏离降本增效的初衷。 流程优化服务中心的职责 数字化项目不会一劳永逸,更不应昙花一现。我们建议企业设立流程优化服务中心,管好用好流程自动化,做好敏捷流程优化的监管者和吹哨人,引领流程再造的方向。 流程优化服务中心,是建立在企业内部的流程自动化核心小组,也是流程自动化项目实施的总指挥部。其通常由跨部门、跨职能的团队组成,为流程自动化项目提供总体治理和指导,以便将流程自动化有效地嵌入企业,并在未来部署中重新分配积累的知识和资源。请访问SAP Process Automation中文社区获取和分享流程自动化使用心得,参加社区活动。 流程优化服务中心的价值 根据Horses for Source的2019年的调研研究,只有18%的企业为RPA实施建立了专用的流程优化服务中心模型。这些企业中,几乎有88%提到拥有自动化流程优化服务中心可以有效地实现业务价值。在另一方调查报告中的数据显示,2021年有30%左右的企业与组织建立了自动化中心,并在集中式协调中心或人才中心方面投入大量资金。眼下,流程优化服务中心模式正在被广大企业所认可。可以预见,2022~ 2024年将会有更多建立流程优化服务中心。 在企业实际应用方面,某合资整车企业从2020年初实施RPA项目时,组建了流程优化服务中心团队负责积累知识、培训赋能、跨领域协调,目前自主开发率高达87.11%,成功上线126个RPA流程,每年节省13,221个小时,效果十分显著。再比如,某国际电气企业的流程优化服务中心在财务供应链领域利用流程自动化技术取代了每月1086小时的手工操作,工作效率提升81%。 流程优化服务中心的优势 对于全局:推动企业整体快速、持续、有效地理解流程自动化、数字化、敏捷化思维,充分利用流程自动化所激发的数据价值,实现高效运营决策。 对于员工:流程优化服务中心的构建可以尽快帮助员工化解“机器取代人”的焦虑与误解,鼓励各分支机构的业务线员工学习流程自动化理念和技能,提升工作效率以及工作幸福感。 对于业务:可以稳步推进流程自动化技术在各项业务中的进展,发挥应有价值。 关键角色 流程自动化流程优化服务中心内虽然没有明确的角色限制,但通常会有一些关键角色,以维持流程优化服务中心的正常、有效运转。 项目负责人:将流程自动化项目确立为企业内的战略优先事项,并为企业资源提供担保。 流程专家:业务运营中的流程专家,与IT经理和业务部门合作,负责创建用于自动化的流程定义和流程图。 开发专家:负责设计、开发、测试自动化工作流,支持流程自动化方案的实施。与业务专家并肩工作,记录流程细节,在实施测试及维护期间协助项目团队。 服务支持:为流程自动化项目的实施提供第一线的协助。 流程优化服务利益相关者的职责 流程优化服务中心的目标:保障项目投资回报最大化 流程优化服务中心作为实施流程自动化项目的总指挥,在确定角色和职责的同时,还应创建可扩展的技术环境,制定合理的战略目标,建立有效的管控机制。 IT部门参与:虽然流程自动化项目通常是业务驱动,但让 IT 部门参与其中,可以得到 IT 人员的技术支持,优化技术环境,避免许多问题,还能建立一个连贯的治理流程。 关键目标设立:预先设定成功实施流程自动化的关键目标也非常重要。设定目标应基于一个全面计划,突出实施流程自动化的广阔前景和长期结果。 建立管控机制:建立有效管控机制,可确保各部门之间的良好协作和沟通,制定变更管理架构和模板。 我们看到领先企业通过流程优化服务中心,利用流程挖掘技术从大数据的失效全面分析流程现状,智能的发现流程改进点,并对优化实效进行模拟推演,与业务方对齐流程再造的预期、制定流程再造和自动化提升方案,持续的分析流程改善的结果,管理流程自动化项目,并衡量和报告各阶段流程改进降本增效的收益,监察流程自动化部署的有效性、安全性,提高实现自动化目标的能力,从而实现投资回报率(ROI)的最大化。 SAP流程自动化平台简介 SAP 流程自动化将原有的SAP Workflow....
25.11.2022 Update: New timeline Google published last year their plans to publish Manifest V3 to replace the Manifest V2 to enhance the security of web applications and the Chrome browser. Google will finally deactivate the Manifest V2 end of 2022, so starting on January 1st, 2023 you need to be ready to use it. Why....
Introduction SAP Intelligent Robotics Process Automation automates the enterprise business processes. Cloud Studio is used to design the end-to-end workflows and the packages can be generated into the cloud factory in SAP BTP. On-premise agent is responsible for execution of these packages and act as digital assistant ( attended automation) or as a digital worker....
Hope you are doing great!! And wishing you a very happy read. We see that AI is touching almost every corner and helping people in getting their job done easily. Yeah AI is trying to fill the gap of repetitive activities easily and providing helping hands to the users by giving them the exact....
I am writing this post how we can combine AppGyver and SAP CAI together to achieve business goals. Let’s see how AppGyver can help in increasing the productivity in your day-2-day business activities – you can be so close to your relevant information which can improve decision making and off-course a fast way to take....
We’ve been working with the SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation solution for more than a year now, developing various automations that communicate in different ways. Time for a solution to retrieve SAP’s error messages after a failed Web service call. Recovering the exact information why your call went wrong was not always that easy. After....
Overview All your Robotic process automation jobs, their environment backlogs and status can now be monitored via SAP Cloud ALM Platform. By integrating SAP Intelligent RPA with SAP Cloud ALM, an administrator can monitor unattended jobs, API triggered jobs, and the environment backlog in the Cloud Factory. SAP Cloud ALM receives information from SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation by....
I am currently working on production deployment of custom iRPA Bots in Supply Chain Management. The bots are built using cloud studio and work wonderfully on a “Happy Path”, that is, with correct test data. “Happy Path” definitely covers most of cases in production, but one cannot disagree that “Happy Path” is not always there,....
In this blog I will explain the difference between SAP Task center and SAP Workflow Management. This blog will help customers understand for which use case they should implement SAP Workflow Management and for which one SAP Task Center would be the better choice. What is SAP Workflow Management :- SAP Workflow Management is....
UPDATE: In the configuration in the destination below, 2 properties may be incorrect: Port likely has to be 587 mail.smtp.ssl.enable should be false Within the low-code, no-code space, I’m working hard to master SAP AppGyver (see my 100-day challenge), but I was helping someone out with something else and learned how to send emails within an automation, which I....
Hello fellow bot builders! Have you ever worked with huge and large Excel files (several thousand of rows and columns) and wanted to optimize the process of automating these files? In this blog post, I will present you the best practices to do that through different examples and use cases. Introduction A lot of automation....
As part of AI & Automation SAP Community Tutorial Challenge 2022 , the below blog post will guide and demonstrate automation of a process within SAP Successfactors employee central Time off module . The below blog post has been co-authored by Nithyanantham Venkatesh Prabhu as well . A Demo video of the process has also been provided in....
SAP Intelligent RPA supports three types of triggers to start a bot run: Scheduled Attended API In this blog, we will showcase how you can execute an SAP Intelligent RPA API trigger when using SAP Intelligent RPA with SAP Business ByDesign. Big thanks to Kapil Anand for creating the technical background to this guide! SAP Intelligent....
The human resources department of a company accepts a big number of resumes from candidates about different job offers. Then an employee from the HR department must classify the resumes for each candidate and each job offer. Additionally, he must extract the most important information of each candidate from their resumes in order to use....
In my last blog post Calling SuccessFactors OData APIs via iRPA 2.0 I wrote about how we can create an automation which is calling a SuccessFactors API for performing upsert operations. The automation however also needs to be invoked. For this I worked on developing a chatbot which would call the API based trigger of the automation.....
In my last blogs I used Basic Authentication method to call SuccessFactors OData APIs. Calling SuccessFactors OData APIs via iRPA 2.0 Let’s call iRPA 2.0 bot from CAI chatbot to update SuccessFactors I decided to invest time in changing this to OAuth 2.0 Authentication method. What makes oAuth 2.0 with SAML more secure than Basic....
I know most of you would have got a chance to experience the Beginner mission of SAP Process Automation. You would be eagerly waiting to get a next-level understanding of SAP Process Automation which includes the automation and decisions. Want to get Hands-on experience to know those capabilities of Process automation. Then, have a look at our learning tutorial....
With the SAP Intelligent RPA 2201 release coming with the beginning of this year, this blog post will highlight some of the new features available for you. Release Agenda 2201 Cloud components Cloud Studio Automation debugging optimization SAP GUI for HTML support in S4/HANA system Automation stability improvement UI Automation recorder productivity improvement Support....
Modern user interface frameworks are taking a lot of action to run as efficient as possible. One example for that are multiple tabs in a browser. There can just be one active tab at a time which is in the foreground. UI frameworks try to limit the resource consumption of the inactive tabs as much....
Recently we ran customer facing workshop to enable them to use specific use cases from our SAP Intelligent RPA botstore. SAP Intelligent RPA like other SAP BTP services is easy to adopt, thanks to booster configuration and SAP Intelligent RPA content, you can be productive in the first hour itself. Still in few customer conversations....
There are two North Star metrics that go into making a successful intelligent enterprise: first, time to insight — in other words, how long it takes you to get to a meaningful insight into your processes by looking at your data. And second, time to adapt, which is how long it takes you to act upon the insights....
Automating and improving financial processes, including unifying disparate data from 24 dealers As the exclusive retailer of Mercedes-Benz luxury vehicles in Hong Kong and Macau, and with operations expanding into Southern and Western China, Zung Fu Motors (China) Limited needs smooth, efficient internal processes. But Zung Fu’s finance team was burdened with thousands of manual and redundant....
Shenzhen Linglue Numerical Control Equipment Co. Ltd. is part of Guangdon Lingyi iTECH Manufacturing Corporation (LY iTECH), a global precision manufacturer that provides “one-stop” intelligent precision solutions such as magnetic materials and precision components, modules, and structural parts. from SAP Image Library LY iTECH wanted to automate manual operations and data imports to increase efficiency and reduce....
Introduction This blog is a part of “Document Extraction with SAP Intelligent RPA” series. With the smart document extraction capabilities in SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation powered by Document Information Extraction service (an SAP AI Business Hub service), information can be extracted from business documents (such as Invoice, Purchase Order, Payment Advice) using Pre-Trained AI....
It is a new year and with a new year follows our very new SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 release. As always, we bring a large variety of new innovations to our valued cloud customers. These innovations will support your intelligent enterprise and help you to run your business better every day. In this blog post,....
Introduction Our SAP power users use Microsoft Teams as their primary communication platform. As the SAP design team, we wanted to enable them to request SAP master data changes using Teams. This would not only enable them to initiate the required changes at any time, but it would also eliminate the need for a separate....
It is always a pleasure to collaborate with SAP Partners. During recent second series of Hyperautomation webinar, I worked with an amazing team from IBM to show how IBM has leveraged SAP Extension Suite, and specifically SAP Workflow Management to reinvent industry workflows to increase customer experience. During our session, we presented short technical implementation demos....
At SAP’s recent second series of Hyperautomation webinar, my colleagues and I were pleased to present information and a demo that showed some of SAP Workflow Management’s capabilities and pre-built content that can help accelerate your journey towards digitally automating and extending your Finance-related business processes. SAP Workflow Management is a cloud offering from SAP that helps you....
This blog post explains how to read text from an image using Surface automation. Introduction What is Surface Automation? A technique where image recognition and OCR are used to automate user Interfaces when DOM is not accessible at run time/design time. It is the process of creating automation according to images shown on a screen. It....
SAP Hyperautomation Webinar Series no. 2 My colleague and I were able to present a session entitled “Intelligent business document processing [through side-by-side SAP Intelligent RPA scenarios] for small and medium enterprises [SMEs]” at the recent SAP Hyperautomation Webinar. (You can watch it here.) The objective of our session was to share our intelligent enterprise vision....
SAP recently held its second Hyperautomation webinar series, during which I had the opportunity to demonstrate how users can easily automate sales order creation in SAP S/4HANA with the help of SAP Intelligent RPA. As you may know, creating a sales order requires entering details into the system on a day-to-day basis, which can be a....
Welcome to the Q2 2021 product update of the intelligent Cloud ERP series, where we share insightful information on how technologies such as robotic process automation or machine learning transform an ERP to an intelligent ERP. This series enables you to fully understand how the end-to-end integration between different SAP solutions makes you run with a....
As low-code/no-code application development and citizen automation continue to evolve and accelerate globally, SAP Intelligent RPA is at the forefront enabling this shift, now closely integrated with SAP Workflow Management and SAP AI Business Services, among others. Process automation is now required to become even more accessible to people with little or no coding skills.....
We are excited to announce an upcoming SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (iRPA) Webinar event with a focus on quick win use cases for S/4HANA and Rise with SAP. The event will take place on June 23rd, registration details can be found here. This represents a date change from June 2nd due to a clash with SAPPHIRE.....
During your automation you may encounter a “server busy” popup that will interrupt it. In this blog post we will find out how to handle this popup properly. This blog post will be cut in different parts : Symptom Origin Solution & Workaround Symptom Workflow freeze : the process hang and....
Although Robotics Process Automation(RPA) brings efficiency and productivity in business processes but it is also escorted by risks inherent to RPA and to business environment it automates. I’m personally leveraging and developing RPA use cases to automate multiple SAP access management and internal control requirements but placing effective controls against the RPA risks and ensuring....
Intro SAP iRPA & SAP CAI are the two prime topics that are changing the game in this rapid and volatile Enterprise Plannings and Product Designing approach. SAP already has proven that no-code/low-code can be a very useful and easy way to design modern AI-Bot driven Enterprise Softwares. This blog will give an overview of the integration aspects of iRPA....
For SAP S/4HANA Cloud, the latest release is always taking the best intelligent Cloud ERP to the next level, powering the customer journey to the Intelligent Enterprise with Innovations in Intelligent Technologies like Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning, Situation Handling and Analytics. New innovations and broad sets of features prioritized by our clients and partners help to fuel....
Overview Here is a short blog post to get you started on building a UI Designer Based-Bot which will handle and automate your entire Business Workflows. Lets get started with the definitions & purpose of tools used for making it. UI Designer Desktop Studio includes a UI Designer perspective. This perspective makes it possible to....
The Cloud Studio brings a lot of new activities especially with the PDF Library. In this blogpost, I will explain you how to retrieve data from a column of a table using Get Table Column Entries (PDF) activity. We will use this table as sample: PDF sample In this case we want to retrieve the 3 columns.....
Introduction With SAP Intelligent RPA, it is possible to automatically create jobs in an unattended mode by using scheduled or API triggers. One prerequisite for an automatic execution is that there is an agent available to execute the job.But what if your agent becomes unavailable due to a network problem or server failure? Obviously, the....
Innovating a system that took 50 hours to produce customer bills each month The largest integrated telecommunications company in Taiwan, Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd. operates in an industry characterized by constant change and fast-evolving technology. Chunghwa needs to be agile to compete, but a cumbersome customer billing system was holding it back. To generate a monthly....
Dear SAP Community members, May 2021 is about to end, and our Topic of the Month activities are almost over. Beginning of the month, we were part of a webinar series “Drive Hyperautomation with SAP Business Technology Platform” together with our colleagues from Workflow Management and AI Business Services. Feel free to watch the recordings!....
Repetitive tasks can be mind numbing, a potential deterrent to creativity and advancement. 10% – 20% of all human work hours are wasted on no-brainers across different industries. The IT industry loses 30% of its work hours to running scheduled checks on servers to make sure they are up and running. Finance departments lose at....
Highlights of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2008 Release (August 2020) These challenging times do not only affect our personal lives, but also the way how we work. Whilst companies and employees have been challenged to perform the largest global work-from-home exercise to date, we at SAP help to ensure businesses run smoothly. Whatever the circumstances....
I am very happy to introduce our Topic of the Month activities in SAP Community with this blog post. I take this opportunity to first un-zoom from our product, SAP Intelligent RPA, and describe SAP’s broader strategy for low-code/no-code process automation. Indeed, 6 months ago McKinsey reported that the digitization of companies’ core internal operations, and of....
Introduction: This post is a part of the “SAPRPA2.0_TutorialChallenge2021”. When I heard about this challenge, one of the scenarios which came up was career path creation within the career development module in SuccessFactors system. Based on my interactions with customer admins during implementation, I realized that the current process for career path creation was data intensive,....
Motivation There was a question in the community as to how we can send out custom messages in the cloud factory and have them as part of the job logs. Below is my attempt to explain how we can do it. Main Content Let’s directly get into the technical details. First define a Messages objects....