With the SAP Intelligent RPA 2201 release coming with the beginning of this year, this blog post will highlight some of the new features available for you.   Release Agenda 2201 Cloud components Cloud Studio Automation debugging optimization SAP GUI for HTML support in S4/HANA system Automation stability improvement UI Automation recorder productivity improvement Support....

The purpose of this blog post is to give you a high-level overview of the steps involved in lockbox processing in SAP S/4 HANA. Let’s first understand the business process In this blog post, we will see the whole process using the BAI2 format. Please check the following link to get a sample file for....

For the past release dates in 2021, please see this Blog Post. You can find our recent release highlights on the page  https://www.sap.com/products/cloud-analytics/features/release-highlights.html  to explore new features, functions, and highlights. Planned enhancements in SAP Analytics Cloud for 2022 are available on the Road Map page. SAP Analytics Cloud aligns with SAP’s global strategy for cloud application releases,....

Gnash your teeth no more! You can now select any number of shop papers for the selected list of maintenance orders or maintenance notifications and print only the shop papers you want. There are no further settings required. Up until now, you’ve only had the option to mass print shop papers for maintenance orders or for....

We’ve implemented two ease-of-use improvements to facilitate the search for components. You can now search for components by material in the common view for task lists and operations. You can also directly navigate from the Material Where-Used List for maintenance orders in transaction IW13 to the components list of each maintenance order in transaction IW3K. The new functionality is available....

I hope you have all had a good start to the year! 2021 was a milestone for us at Emarsys – our first full year as part of the SAP family – and I’m happy to say that we didn’t take our eyes off our customers despite all the additional tasks that go with integrating....

During our SAP Community Call of SAP Integration Suite on Dec 9th, 2021, you asked us a few questions, which I would like to answer as Q&A in this blog post. In the community call “SAP Integration Suite – Overview, Recent Innovation and Roadmap,” my colleague Udo Paltzer tells you about SAP Integration Suite, which is....

This blog would collect all questions from difference customers and partners. Hope it would be helpful for you to use Self-Billing Cockpit.   Provisioning Q: Don’t receive the welcome mail from SAP about business techincial platform. There are two scenarios when you purchase the Self-Billing Cockpit You don’t have the BTP before. SAP would mail....

In this post, we would understand the FI workflow set up with the help of a very basic example. Assumptions: All the required config is in place.  Standard Workflow Scenario WS02800046 is Active. To check if it is active, Please follow the following steps: Go to T-code : SWDD_Scenario Enter Scenario – WS02800046 Here, you would be....

A fines del 2022, el SII publicó en su sitio web el nuevo formato de la “Declaración Jurada Anual sobre Rentas del Art 42 Nº 1 (Sueldos) y Retenciones del Impuesto Único de la Ley de la Renta”. Más específicamente, el Formulario F1887, que es soportado en la nómina de Chile de SAP. Cada año,....

Many of us would like to upskill from on-prem to cloud journey in SAP . Many of my fellow colleagues ask me where we can find the content . This blogpost is about where to find the right content to upskill yourself. Prerequisites – SAP Learning Hub Access is a must. Login to Learning Hub....

During the final quarter of 2021 we have delivered lots of great features to SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Join our product update sessions and get to know the major features delivered in Q4 2021. The session on January 19th, 2022 starts at 5 pm CET / 11 am ET and covers the following topics New....

In the open seas of ever-changing customer demand and fluid business requirements, know that no SAP customer, including you, is an island. With users to support, new capabilities to deploy, entire organizations to organize, and business goals to meet, the “lone wolf” approach is not possible with enterprise software and services such as SAP. Nor....

In school, we took classes and were immersed in a subject with a teacher who led us on a path to knowledge, and other students on the same learning path for that class. When we transitioned from school to professional life, we began to learn from seminars, various web content, and occasionally taking a class;....

There are many paths to knowledge, and everyone’s journey is unique. SAP understands people learn in different ways and begin the journey from different places. So, we created SAP Learning Journeys for SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud. They meet you where you are and lead you to your goal. A Compass and a....

To learn and develop new skills, some prefer to read; others prefer in-person lessons or classes; still others prefer videos; or if you’re like me, all three. For SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud architects, administrators, and end-user aficionados who prefer videos or want access to videos as one learning alternative, we have you....

Some solutions, such as finding a way to improve a skill, involve a journey. And, most journeys require a guide. That guide may be a book, various web content, a teacher or mentor, or attending master performances for aspiring performing artists. Whatever the journey, and however we arrive at our goal or destination, we usually....

In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP05, up to Focused Build SP08. Besides continual performance improvements and overall stabilization, we focused on developing the following three core features: Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field Solution Documentation Integration Substitutes Before going into....

In this blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the Simple IT Request’s new features included in Focused Build SP05, up to Focused Build SP08. Besides continual performance improvements and overall stabilization, we focused on developing the following three core features: Multi-Level-Categorization Layout Field Solution Documentation Integration Substitutes Before going into....

I’m not a design expert. But, like you, I interact with many user interfaces every day, both as a professional and a consumer. What makes consumer software like Airbnb, Venmo, and an iPhone so great? They are easy and delightful to use. Unfortunately, most enterprise software is not.   Thankfully, SAP Fieldglass VMS designers use best practices to make our solutions easier and more delightful with each release. This is no easy task considering the power and flexibility of SAP Fieldglass VMS – it does so much. Plus, it must....

Greetings and salutations my friends and colleagues. Happy New Year 2022. Cheers to health, happiness, and a more sustainable future for our families and loved ones. If you had the opportunity to be back in the office last week from holiday break, you most likely caught some of the Board level and SAP SE communications....

The objective of this blog post is to explain changes made recently to the US ACH CCD file format and how to use it for payments in SAP Business ByDesign. The National Automated Clearing House Association (Nacha) developed the Automated Clearing House (ACH) format Cash Concentration and Disbursement (CCD) to facilitate electronic funds transfers for corporate entities.....

Recently we ran customer facing workshop to enable them to use specific use cases from our SAP Intelligent RPA botstore. SAP Intelligent RPA like other SAP BTP services is easy to adopt, thanks to booster configuration and SAP Intelligent RPA content, you can be productive in the first hour itself. Still in few customer conversations....

SAP Integration Suite comes with SAP Event Mesh, which is a broker for event notification handling that allows applications to trigger and react to asynchronous business events. However, it might be the case that you require to use different event brokers in your landscape. Microsoft Cloud Azure contains the service Event Hubs, which is a simple,....

Dear friends of SAP TM, The first big challenge in many projects is setting up the master data, as many of you know. Depending on the system landscape, this can also mean replicating them from one SAP S/4HANA system to another. Now, assume you have a so-called sidecar scenario with two SAP S/4HANA systems connected,....

  Happy New Year All!! We have an exciting year ahead for SAP Analytics Cloud, we begin with a sneak peek into some of the cool new features you will see in Q1 2022. A full list of what is coming can be found on our Roadmap Explorer or the Product Plan however in this blog I will give....

Dear Digital Supply Chain Manufacturing Community, As our team further enhances and expands our Digital Manufacturing SAP S/4HANA product portfolio in support of Intelligent Factory, we are excited to announce a modular deployment option with SAP Digital Supply Chain, Edition for SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for production engineering and operations. It provides a simplified, step-by-step entry point to the....

What is it to be a TM Forum compliant solution in the Telco industry? As Telco providers reach unpredictable acceleration paces, software solutions need to follow the rhythm of innovations and provide a standardized and solid architecture. SAP Commerce Cloud, telco and utilities accelerator s leading this journey and our first TM Forum certification is....

As of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1902 email notifications concerning approval results can be sent to the workflow initiator however with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2111 release the Purchase Order workflow supports Configurable Email Notifications at the end of the workflow providing the possibility to choose an outcome of when an email will be sent, an associated....

2021年已然过半,SAP S/4HANA Product Success团队延续中国热点问题系列文章 ,从SAP S/4HANA Cloud中国客户上半年的反馈中提炼出呼声较高的产品功能问询,结合前半年度两个版本引入的新功能,给您一份定制化回馈,助您进一步提高数字化转型效率。 本文涉及功能回复基于S4HC 2105版本,后续版本可能会有变化请参考最新信息。 问题1:进销存报表 业务部门需要一张能够显示期初库存数量与结存余额,入库数量与金额,出库数量与金额,期末库存数量与结存金额等栏位的进销存报表来帮助决策。 答:SAP S/4HANA Cloud标准功能通过结合”货物移动分析”和”过账日期的库存”(MB5B) 两个应用既可以查实时库存,又可以查询历史期间的期初期末库存与金额,还可以查询指定时间段内的收发货数量与金额。 比如”货物移动分析”应用有出库入库数量与金额等信息。 比如”过账日期的库存”含有期初期末金额信息。 但是两个应用来回切换可能导致数据展示不够直观。自定义一张进销存报表的需求应运而生。幸运的是,在SAP S/4HANA Cloud中通过标准CDS视图I_MATERIALLEDGERCUBE_LIT就可以拿到工厂级别的库存数量金额以及期初期末金额信息。 详情可参考以下博文: https://blogs.sap.com/?p=1358021 问题2: 清账 过账(含清账)应用被弃用之后该如何继续相关业务? 答: S/4 HANA Cloud 2102版本开始有新的应用代替即将被弃用的过账(含清账)应用。在此列出新应用明细帮助用户快速熟悉新应用,并顺利的继续业务流程。 总账科目手工清账->清账总账科目-手动清账(F1579) 如何调整应收和应付-> 付款清账-手工清账( F1367 )和收款清账-手工清账( F0773 )   预付款业务如何操作->管理供应商预付款请求(F1688) 和 过账付款 (F1612)   详情可参考以下系列博文: 从S/4 HANA Cloud ES 2102总账科目手工清账使用的应用变化谈起来 https://blogs.sap.com/?p=1272181 S/4 HANA Cloud 2102开始弃用app过账(含清账)之后对应收和应付的调整如何操作? https://blogs.sap.com/?p=1282259 S/4 HANA....

时光飞逝,新年的钟声已然敲响。SAP S/4HANA Product Success团队借此机会为您送上新年的美好祝福,同时带领大家回顾2021下半年SAP S/4HANA Cloud产品功能里最激动人心的攻坚成果和最佳实践分享,助您提高数字化转型效率。新的一年,新的征程,2022加油,新年快乐。 本文涉及功能回复基于S4HC 2111版本,后续版本可能会有变化请参考最新信息。 热点1:库存报表本地化解决方案 企业往往需要查看物料的进销存报表做外部审计以及内部的库存管理。进销存报表需要包 含库存期初数量/金额,进货数量/金额,发货数量/金额,以及期末库存数量/金额等信息。不同于SAP 标准的库存概览报表,CE2111版本发布新APP库存概览(中国大陆、台湾),该APP可将期初、期末库存和库存移动汇总数据同时展现在报表中。 详情可参考以下帮助文档: 库存概览 – 中国大陆、台湾 – SAP Help Portal   热点2: 查看产品足迹 可持续,双碳正成为越来越热门的话题。企业需要了解,量化自身对环境的影响。在S/4HANA中可以 通过应用: 查看产品足迹 (App ID F5783)按产品、产品组、工厂和公司代码等实体搜索产品足迹,以对产品的碳排放有细致的了解。结合BTP中的相关应用和服务,相关特性也会在未来的几个版本中不断增强。 热点3: 显示物料实际成本核算结果 实际成本报表是中国客户一直以来的需求痛点,从2111版本开始,新的app 显示物料实际成本核算结果( App ID F6073)提供多物料的实际价格显示和批量下载到excel,未来版本迭代还会提供按照实际成本组件拆分实际价格的功能; 热点4: Professional Service 最新开票引擎 过去在SAP S/4HANA Cloud中资源相关开票应用已经存在好几年了,面对来自客户和合作伙伴的反馈,全新的项目开票应用由此诞生。 参考SAP S/4HANA Cloud Scope Item 4E9, 新引擎包括如下优势: 增强使用SAP Fiori 元素提高可用性,充分利用中央功能,比如排序、分组和过滤,或者查看数据时使用不同的变体。 增强开票数据的准备优先,当检测到ACDOCA/日记账表中的过账与开票元素相关时,它将被直接推送到新的计费表中,这还具有性能改进的额外优势。 与之前的解决方案相比,增加了几个新特性。这不仅包括通过灵活产品确定配置来添加更多相关计费产品的活动类型可能性,而且还包括基于授权和开票数据产生扩展报告的项目计费通用访问。 热点5: OData API还是SOAP API? 几乎每一个S/4HANA Cloud的客户都会有外围系统的集成需求。当需要实现这些集成需求时,我们就面临选择合适的API接口的问题。当一个业务场景有多个API可以满足需求时,我们发现很多客户都倾向于选择使用OData API。诚然,OData作为REST的一种实现方式,实施、测试起来相对更易上手。但API的选择更应该看实际的业务场景和需求来决定,而不是技术上哪个更容易实现,例如是否是批量处理等。以下决策图列举了一些场景,来举例说明不同的场景应该如何选择合适的API接口。 热点6: 批量更改销售订单增强 很多中国客户有对销售订单更改利润中心的需求,此次增强允许客户批量更改订单行项目级别的利润中心。....

Introduction Hi dear readers, my name is Shuang. As part of the sustainability family in SAP Profitability and Performance Management content development team, I have accumulated experience on sustainable finance and have been studying, among others, the impact of climate change on business. Climate-related risk is no longer a purely non-financial risk, or at least....

Introduction: The Transactional data records are written to the Group Journal Entries table – ACDOCU and are recorded according to the breakdown category assigned. However, the Transactional data can become inconsistent if: You assign a different breakdown category to a Financial Statement Item You change the breakdown type in the breakdown category or you add....

Continuing the trend of last year, I am excited to share the innovations and changes in 2021 for the Framework area. Hope this helps you to get a quick recap and get all ready for 2022! SAP Task Center SAP Task Center is the central inbox for tasks in the Intelligent Enterprise. It supports approvals from....

Introduction In this blog post, we will learn how to configure Data Blocking through Manage Sensitive Attributes app provided by UI Data Protection Masking for SAP S/4HANA 2011 solution based on Attribute Based Authorization Control(ABAC) concept. Manage Sensitive Attributes app The Manage Sensitive Attributes application allows you to maintain configuration for UI data protection in a SAP Fiori-based UI. This application brings together several individual....

Talent pools are a great way for your organization to organize candidates in Recruiting. As a result of the recent VIP session held on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 – we thought it would be good to continue the conversation using a blog for clients to share and learn from each other. We will be hosting....

Controlling Period End Closing for production companies are the necessary steps each period. There are always questions/incidents raised concerning Controlling Period End Closing. Most of them are How-to queries which can be explained with a KBA or existing help documents. The purpose for this Blog is to collect the frequent questions raised during Controlling Period....

Wish you a very Happy New Year! We are now live with the preliminary version of What’s New for SAP Business ByDesign, February 2022. Please access the What’s New Preview here. You can also access the same from the Help Center and our Product Page. Happy reading!

Operationales Reporting und Real-Time-Auswertungen werden immer wichtiger. Mit Embedded Analytics bietet SAP ein Reportingtool, mit dem Entscheidungen schneller getroffen werden können und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens enorm gesteigert wird. Obwohl das Tool in S/4HANA implementiert ist und ohne zusätzliche Lizenzkosten genutzt werden kann, scheinen viele Kunden mit dieser Lösung nicht vertraut zu sein. Auch ergeben....

Hello EC Time Community, Hope you had a great start to the New Year 2022. I get mesmerized every time I see a new solution realized with the capabilities of SAP SuccessFactors Time Management together with the SAP SuccessFactors platform tools like Integration Center, Metadata Framework, Intelligent Services and many more 😊. This blog post is....

This is a new year, and this is time to deliver some new contents for Focused Insgihts for SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SP09 brings some new functions to the already well known dashboards suite.   New Launchpad feature for SAP Note correction. Following the introduction in SP08 of a new process to deliverer correction note,....

You might know this blog post for setting up Principal Propagation in an HTTPS Scenario to ABAP – in my blog post some extended information is going to be collected and new features are explained which try to ease the configuration process. It will be continuously updated. Things to take care of Certificate Version and CA Flag....

本文主要收集了2021年11月-2022年01月期间与财务相关的常见问题,问题按照业务线分为固定资产、应收应付、总账和成本。您可以点击下方目录链接查看到相关问题。 Contents 总账… 2 问题1:哪个 CDS view ,能读到APP资产负债表/损益表 多维度分析表 读取的数据?… 2 问题2:客户第一次经历独自年结,希望可以分享各模块余额结转和账期结转的最佳实践案例FICO、MM、SD、PP各模块是否都有年结相关流程。… 2 问题3:重分类应收、应付科目的SSCUI在什么地方?… 2 问题 4:如何在损益表里提现销售费用-折旧费用,管理费用-折旧费用和财务费用-折旧费用?… 2 问题 5 :显示总账行项目中: 1.如何快速区分哪些是冲销凭证 ,哪些是正常入账凭证… 6 问题 6 :在填制分录发现错误后,能否直接在原凭证上修改而不是冲销原凭证… 6 问题 7:如何优化查询供应商应付账款-应付暂估科目余额采购明细,现在无法快速查找… 7 应收应付… 7 问题1: 使用APP:管理供应商行项目,只能查看供应商实时余额,如何查看供应商历史余额?… 7 问题2:我们现在使用的是月末手工清,有个APP叫-清算未清项目(自动清账),如何实现自动清账呢?… 7 问题 3:请问激活收货/收发票 (GR/IR) 清账科目允许扩展的未清项目管理,有条目的上限限制吗?… 7 问题 4:每季度需要发对账函与供应商对账,需要手动导出数据出来,自制对账函,请问是否有简洁方式?… 8 固定资产… 9 问题1:固定资产折旧有没有每个月自动提折旧的方法?… 9 问题2:我有一个资产,直接报废了,现在发现 报销错了,需要取消掉,恢复激活,是 直接报废 通过报废 的那个,0....

The upgrades to 2202 will start this week. So it is time again to provide you with the latest update on the Custom CDS Views app again. [Updated February 8th with the new Value Help Scenario] [TLDR] Here is the brief summary of the most important news: Custom CDS Views can now be translated now....

Hi everyone! If you have been using the On Premise version of SAP Profitability and Performance Management or is knowledgeable about the solution, then you might be familiar already to My Events application or screen wherein users can look at the error event messages that occurred during execution of activities, define temporary or permanent correction overlays for....

The SAP Mentor Spotlight Interview Series highlights key strategic topics, such as emerging technologies, learning, and other topics, and provides insights from Mentors and SAP leaders on turning ideas into innovative approaches that impact people, process, and technology. Mindfulness and meditation can help organizations and teams around the globe. With digital transformation, challenging customer requirements, and an....

The Rework feature in purchase requisitions provides approvers with an option to send back  requisitions to requestors for rework. Requestors can then make the required changes in the requisition and resubmit. This blog post briefly outlines the various configurations and steps involved in the rework process of a purchase requisition. Let us now see an example of....

Integration is usually the roadblock where every promising business transformation initiative stumbles sooner or later, usually leading to higher complexity and effort and lower quality, agility and reliability. In my view, this is often due to the fact integration is misunderstood as a “bottom-up” technology topic, rather than as one of the key pillars of....

Dear finance experts, with the latest incremental release of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for advanced financial closing on January 23, 2022, the access management abilities of the solution were massively enhanced. Background of this update Segregation of duties is a central requirement when it comes to authorization control. It ensures that an individual user doesn’t have the authorization to execute....

We are happy to announce the first release of SAP Complaint Handling on Nov 14th 2021. In this post we would provide an introduction to SAP Complaint Handling and its key features. Background: Complaints have always been multi-dimensional. Ask any customers and/or end-users, you will soon realize that complaints are perceived from various lenses what....

It is a new year and with a new year follows our very new SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 release. As always, we bring a large variety of new innovations to our valued cloud customers. These innovations will support your intelligent enterprise and help you to run your business better every day. In this blog post,....

Co-Author: Anil Kumar Wish you a very happy new year 2022!! We are back in 2022 to update you on what’s new in Two-Tier ERP with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 Release. If you missed our innovations in 2021, click here for a recap. Predictive Maintenance with Service Integration With our first scenario innovation, we see how headquarter....

Undisputed: Electric vehicles are enjoying growing popularity. In Germany alone, almost one million1 electrically operated cars are now running. In the first half of 2021, 312,000 pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids were approved2. The demand for the appropriate charging infrastructure is correspondingly strong. However, it is precisely here that the number of public charging points....

Introduction The Group Financial Statement Review Booklet is first of all a new Fiori application for group accountants to achieve more transparency into group financial statements. …in addition, it is also a new type of application and approach, which combines application guidance with integrated insights enabled by UI5 components contributed by SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC).  ....

Introduction The Group Financial Statement Review Booklet is first of all a new Fiori application for group accountants to achieve more transparency into group financial statements. …in addition, it is also a new type of application and approach, which combines application guidance with integrated insights enabled by UI5 components contributed by SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC).  ....

Did you know that in Europe, there are more than 600,000 calls per year to poison centres for medical advice regarding contact with dangerous chemicals or products? Most of these calls are because children have gotten a product or substance in their mouth, nose, eyes, etc. Quick identification is key to a proper response, and....

As we do every  second week, the SAP Cloud ALM team has released a number of new features today (Wednesday, January 26 2022). I’ll give a brief outline of the new features for the Projects, Tasks, and Requirements apps here. Important! You May Now only Delete Tasks, User Stories, and Requirements if You First Set....

Welcome to release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202. In the following please find a number of selected highlights in group reporting, accounting and financial close as well as treasury management including business benefits, capabilities and demos.    Video 1: Release Video for Finance in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202   Advanced Valuation Processes Period-end closing is a....

Hello ALM Community! SAP Solution Manager 7.2 development continues apace, and SAP continues to rely to your collaborative innovation requests from the 2021 Customer Connection program to improve your user experience and enhance the platform’s value. As evidence of these ongoing developments, Support Package Stack 14 is now available to apply to your system. Last Fall, we....

Today, January 26, 2022, is SAP Cloud ALM feature delivery day. I posted previously summarizing these new features. Here, I want to post in some detail about a nice new personalization feature: marking items in the Tasks and Requirements lists as favorites. Mark Items As Favorites: They’re Yours, and Yours Alone You may have already noticed....

We are pleased to announce the availability of the updates to SAP Activate for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and pre-configuration content in SAP Best Practices Explorer (BPX). This release delivers many updates to the ready-to-run business processes, methodology guidance and the SAP Cloud ALM capabilities that our customers can leverage in their SAP S/4HANA Cloud projects.....

Introduction The Business Application Log (BAL) is a tool widely used by many applications. It offers nice functionality for enhancements and adaptation. For the PMMO application we made extensive use of these capabilities. Transaction SLG1 This is the standard transaction for displaying application logs. Initial Screen of Transaction SLG1 For the PMMO application, the following....

Welcome to another edition of the release highlights blog for the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Test Automation Tool. As SAP S/4HANA Cloud moves towards delivering frequent innovations via the continuous delivery for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, test automation and its corresponding processes also need to evolve. With the 2202 release customers have greater flexibility in Post Upgrade Tests(PUT) to create their....

Support for Custom Document Types Two new configurations Define Document Types for Purchase Requisitions and Define Number Ranges for Purchase Requisitions are available in the Manage Your Solution app under Configure Your Solution > Sourcing and Procurement > Operational Procurement > Requirements Processing. These configurations enable you as a configuration expert to do the following: Check and copy existing document types for....

A few weeks ago we concluded our Customer Connection project SAP for Utilities on-premise 2021. Once more SAP development has delivered numerous enhancements based on your suggestions we collected earlier in 2021 related to IS-U device management, meter reading, AMI, billing and invoicing. We shared details at our delivery call webinars that took place at 15....

Introduction: In this blog post, I will highlight the role of Machine learning in the current competitive environment and how ML is helping enterprises to respond to customers, competitors, regulators, and partners faster than their peers in transforming them as intelligent enterprises. According to Gartner (2020), 69% of routine work currently done by managers will....

With the launch of the Business View in June 2021, with which SAP showcases the strategic evolution pillars for the main product areas, the SAP Road Map Explorer is now allowing users to deep dive even further into the priorities of a particular product or area. These views highlighting the road map priorities are now....

(Scroll down to read this blog post in English)   Olá pessoal, Chegaram algumas dúvidas sobre o cálculo da tributação de IRRF referente ao abono pecuniário de férias e o valor de 1/3 (um terço) constitucional, bem como a configuração necessária para sua realização. Portanto, nesse blog post você encontra as seguintes informações: Resumo sobre....

The easiest way to get data into SAP Data Warehouse Cloud is to setup a connection to your data sources and retrieve the data from there. Though this is certainly the most common scenario, there are a few other interesting options on data ingestion covering different use cases, which I want to highlight in the....

Realizing the full value of your SAP SuccessFactors investment requires a focus on application lifecycle management (ALM). SAP Cloud ALM is our application lifecycle management offering for cloud-centric customers. SAP Cloud ALM for SAP SuccessFactors: Delivers a self-guided and content-driven implementation workspace based on SAP Activate Supplies operational monitoring for business processes and integrations to minimize disruptions Is included with....

SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that allows you to run your business in a world where the pace of change continues to accelerate. To complement the intelligent technologies and broad set of business processes, we have introduced a new way to adapt classic applications with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2022.....

In a recent webinar hosted by APOS, SAP’s Eric Fenollosa gave us an update on SAP BusinessObjects 4.3, the SAP BusinessObjects Private Cloud Edition (PCE), and the road ahead. You can watch this webinar in its entirety on demand. At the end of this webinar, APOS COO Allan Pym introduces the APOS PCE Adoption Kit, which can help you achieve....

Concento Rapid Data Governance (RDG) is an add-on tool that is based on the SAP ui5 Cloud application. SAP Cloud platform technology is leveraged to design RDG which makes it possible to do the customizing and enhancements using the Standard APIs. RDG is designed to reduce and automate the number of technical configuration steps required for....

A new year brings with it personal and professional assessments of objectives for the coming 12 months.  Those initial efforts also result in identifying key metrics to track achievement related to those objectives.  Here in 2022, SAP Procurement seeks to provide paths to success in Intelligent Spend and Business Network efforts for our customers.  This....

Happy New Year! Welcome to the January 2022 Edition of our SAP Analytics Cloud Community Monthly News. We hope to bring the latest product updates, top user content, helpful resources, and more to the attention of our community. What’s in the Spotlight? Sneak Peek into SAP Analytics Cloud release for Q1 2022 SAP Analytics Cloud....

Content Overview Preface Live Connection One User Experience & Seamless Navigation Master Data Currency Conversion Multi-Language Support Time Features Hierarchies Input Parameters & Story Filters Geo-Visualization MS 365 Add-In Conclusion Overview SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Data Warehouse Cloud are SAP’s strategic cloud solutions for Data Warehousing, Planning and Analytics. In a nutshell: SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is unique....

As we have been witnessing throughout the pandemic even more clearly, agility is critical for the customer success because of the transformation speed in industries. To ensure that our customers stay competitive in their respective industries and adapt the next practices in a fast and agile manner, it is foremost important for us to be....

IBP MRO – Current State Capability and Direction Earlier in this blog, I shared how companies might consider their asset as a customer? Using SAP‘s latest innovations to predict, maintain and plan the spare parts inventory level. I shed the light on the global study we started with customers and my plan as I set industry....

This blog post provides an overview of key innovations in the 2201 Release of SAP Asset Intelligence Network. On January 23, 2022, we released exciting new SAP Asset Intelligence Network innovations for our customers. Let me share some of the key highlights from the SAP Asset Intelligence Network 2201 Release:- Latest Innovations – Data Federation....

Running an Operations Control Center (OCC) today, i.e. the management of hybrid system and solution landscapes, includes intelligent technology and processes. As previously outlined, the Operations Control Center addresses IT usecases and services such as Monitoring, Alerting, Reporting/Analytics, Dashboards/Telemetry, as well as efficient and effective Root Cause Analysis and Issue Resolution Procedures. The concept is tried and tested;....

Introduction: In this blog post you will learn about the Bulk Storage Put away Strategy in SAP EWM. There are some materials that require a large amount of storage space usually stored in bulk Storage areas and in this type of scenarios bulk put away strategy is used. Examples: beverages, tyres and glass products etc.....

Dear reader, welcome to a series of articles “Machine Learning Services for Hybrid Operations”. In our publications we will focus on key challenges of well-known thresholds-based alerting systems (e.g. majority of ALM products in SAP portfolio including SAP Solution Manager) and will propose a Machine Learning based approach to extend existing monitoring and alerting processes.....

Each year the Business Application Research Center (BARC) is conducting The Data Management Survey: The new survey on data management tools (bi-survey.com) and is collecting the feedback from the end users and implementation or consulting partners of Data Management solutions to present their findings and their view on the overall solution offering and portfolio of the different....

“The lead generation process starts by finding out where your target market ‘lives’ on the web.” – Wayne Davis Introduction As you might have guessed, this blog post is about leads and opportunities management, and I am going to provide an overview on how they “live” in SAP S/4HANA. We are going to talk about....

Order capture and order fulfillment are the core responsibilities of an internal sales representative. In today’s world, where increasing order volumes and, at the same time, tight control of sales operations costs are key contributions to a company’s margins, efficiency and effectiveness are the ingredients to a modern order and contract management process. Today, unlike....

Introduction SAP Analytics for cloud is cloud SaaS based Business Intelligence tool provided by SAP. It was formerly known as BusinessObjects for cloud. It provides all the key functionalities of an Analytics tool to SAP business users. SAP Analytics cloud provides prediction as an inbuild  functionality. For this example, we will be using a sales data source from Kaggle.....

Introduction SuccessFactors is designed very intuitive and navigation is quick an easy, especially with the new Reimagined Home Page: Nevertheless, at some point you might want to add custom quick-links and short-cuts to navigate within SF or jump externally or change labels to make daily use of SuccessFactors even more easy for your users. This blog....

If you have a business, you likely have a lot of data. It’s your one true source for insight to understand your customers, their needs, and what they want. In this blog, you’ll learn how you can monetize the data your solution generates with the data marketplace for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud and SAP BTP Startup Program from SAP.iO. To illustrate the....

What HR metrics should you disclose publicly? And how might SAP products help you stand up and publish those metrics? These questions have become increasingly important as stakeholders demand transparency beyond the standard financial metrics. In this blog post we will discuss how the ISO guidelines for human capital reporting and SAP Successfactors Workforce Analytics....

At the start of the year, I want to wish you a healthy, bright, and successful new year. With this start, we bring you exciting, new intelligent innovations in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 release to make your organization more intelligent, efficient, and help you to run your business better every day. Hello Everyone, this is....

SAP S/4HANA Cloud for group reporting release 2202 is generally available — We in SAP Product Engineering team are happy and proud to announce the general availability of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for group reporting release 2202 on January 26, 2022. In the latest version of our next-generation consolidation software, you can benefit from the following new and....

On behalf of the CRM & CX Product Learning CoE Team, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the latest trainings and knowledge enablement offerings on SAP Service Cloud. What’s Available The SAP Sales Cloud team has been hard at work putting together training options to meet your needs, whether they be self-paced or....

Hello! I recently worked on a project that used CATS time entry in S/4 HANA. We created CATS time entry interfaces to and from SuccessFactors Employee Central (EC), to Controlling (CO) Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and Cost Centers, and to Fieldglass. The system of record for Project time is CATS. The system of record for....

Introduction SAP Mobile Start, the newly released native entry point for SAP’s business applications and content, is now available for iPhone and iPad. You can learn more about SAP Mobile Start in this blog post. To use SAP Mobile Start, there are two pre-requisites: You need to use iOS 14 or above You need to have a....

I am happy to announce that a new release of the Mobile Development Kit is now available for all Mobile Services customers and can be downloaded on the SAP Software Center and soon to be available on the community Download page). SAP Mobile Services Client has also been updated and available in Google Play Store and in Apple app....

Introduction Change Request Management (ChaRM) controls change and transport process for ABAP system landscape which is based on classic Change and Transport System (CTS), but since SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SP12 ChaRM integrated with Git-enabled Change and Transport System (gCTS) to provide a possibility to transport ABAP code using Git-enabled CTS instead of CTS. A new change....

With 2021.QRC2, we provide the option for the Generic Analysis application to set e.g. variable and/or filter values ​​using URL parameters. This blog describes how the parameters can be defined and how they can be applied. Model Parameter Model parameter can be used for the application widget Table. Parameter Values Options p_ModelId <MODEL_ID> Set the....

Dear SAP Friends, Welcome to another interesting blog. In this blog will see about the new way of Migrating the data into S/4HANA. Note:- I will be explaining only about On-premises changes in this blog, and due to more data will split into parts1st Blog will be an overview.2nd Blog will be steps to perform Migrate data.....

Tax Collected at Source (TCS) is the tax payable by a seller, which he collects from the buyer at the time of sale. Section 206C of the Income-tax act governs the goods on which the seller must collect tax from the purchasers. The seller is only responsible for the collection of this tax from the buyer. ....

As of the QRC 01/2021 release of SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA database, you can leverage LDAP authentication and authorization for your SAP HANA database users. When and why would I use this feature? You already knew that the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open standard protocol that facilitates authorization between client applications and the....

Highlights of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 Release (May 2021)    Another quarter, another release. I am proud to announce the general availability of our second release of the year today – the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 release. With solutions like our fully fledged SAP S/4HANA Cloud, we offer you an easy-to-use, intelligent Cloud ERP with numerous integration capabilities to....

Introduction: Delivery issues can be very impactful on repurchase rate and customer retention. Identifying critical delays and reacting when problems happen is not automated. The blog will showcase how we can gather post-installation feedback from the Customer as well as from the Operator in Qualtrics and trigger appropriate action in SAP Sales/Service Cloud. CX and EX....

Recently on April 29th, my colleague Tomasz Janasz and I presented the topic Business Document Processing with SAP AI Business Services as part of the SAP Community call series. This blog summarizes key highlights from this community call. You can watch the webinar recording of the same as well: Business document processing Many processes in enterprises still involve processing....

We in SAP Product Engineering team are proud to announce the general availability of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for group reporting release 2105 on May 5, 2021. With 2105, we continue our strategic development investment focus on SAP’s next-generation software for financial consolidation and management reporting. Release 2105 delivers on the following key new features and enhanced capabilities....

Once again, I am extremely proud to present a wide range of highly anticipated features to you. Today, May 5th, 2021, SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain 2105 has been generally released as planned. It’s time again for our quarterly peek behind the curtain of SAP IBP. Below, I would like to share some....

We are pleased to announce the availability of the updates to SAP Activate for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and pre-configuration content in SAP Best Practices Explorer (BPX). This release delivers many updates to the ready-to-run business processes, methodology guidance and the SAP Cloud ALM capabilities that our customers can leverage in their SAP S/4HANA Cloud projects.....

With SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite, we enable customers to move beyond simply facilitating transactions and supporting HR-driven processes, to focus on creating a human-centered approach.  This means putting your people and their experiences at the center of everything, listening to their needs and providing them with the tools and information to be....

Customers still using IBM i 7.2 for SAP applications may have noticed that it has transitioned to extended support as of 1 May 2021. This is a good time to consider moving to a later IBM i release to avoid extra maintenance fees.  As you do so, you may need to update your SAP kernel....

As SAP IBP is giving customers the flexibility to configure hundreds or thousands of key figures to support their respective business planning models, sometimes it is crucial to understand where these key figures are currently being used in the system. Moreover, if you are supporting customer’s SAP IBP system, aside from the documentation available, the....

Available from May 2021, the Manage Regulatory Graphics app has now been released to customers. With this app, you can get an overview of the graphics available including the graphics themselves, not just text. You can view graphics and enter additional information. You can search and sort graphics, or find information, such as the graphic....

Limit Items in Self-Service Procurement As an employee, you can now create, edit, copy and delete limit items. Limit items are unplanned services and materials that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. You can define an expected value and an overall limit for these items. Feature Demo Links to Related What’s....

Want to know more about purchase requisitions? Click on the image below! You can get a complete end-to-end overview of purchase requisitions.  

Hi Everyone! Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and have had a good start to 2021. Excited to write this blog to cover the first half SAP SuccessFactors 2021 release! I would recommend checking out the “What’s New Viewer” to take a look at the full release notes and get into all....

The way we consume reporting has changed radically in the last decade. Piles of paper with service results and reporting in printed documents is a picture from the past and everyone is familiar with dashboards, e-Readers and inter-active charts used on laptops and mobile phones now. In addition, the expectations are high that statistics not....

This blogpost summarizes about a new accelerator content “Business Partner Creation Approval Process” which enables to automate the approval and creation of business partner for SAP S/4HANA, in a flexible and transparent way. A business partner is the leading object and single point of entry to maintain Business Partner, Customer, and Supplier/Vendors master data. This....

Background Many Organizations complain about the ERP solutions are too complex and not easy to learn or understand by their employees.Sometimes they want a standard instruction set for the systems or a repeatable course such as ‘Induction course for employee’. to help with that SAP has created a Content authoring tool which is gaining momentum....

The first half of 2021 has been a busy time for us in the SAP  Work Zone for HR team. Read on to find out what we’ve been up to. New HR Guided Experience Templates What is it? We deliver a “return to work” guided experience and new templates for SAP Work Zone for HR....

Olá pessoal, Devido a quantidade de publicações realizadas referente a mudança de layout do eSocial da versão 2.5 para S-1.0, tanto pelo governo federal quanto pela SAP, para centralizar as informações e mantê-los atualizados, compilamos nesse blog post todas as postagens anteriores relacionados a esse tópico, o qual será mantido de forma dinâmica, sempre que....

Last month, we hosted an invoicing webinar for our suppliers on Ariba Network to share best practices and address common invoicing questions. We were excited about the level of interaction throughout the event and the questions we received.  We’re answering all your questions in the form of a blog series organized by common themes. The first post for....

Last month, we hosted an invoicing webinar for our suppliers on Ariba Network to share best practices and address common invoicing questions. We were excited about the level of interaction throughout the event and the questions we received.  We’re answering all your questions in the form of a blog series organized by common themes. The third post for....

Last month, we hosted an invoicing webinar for our suppliers on Ariba Network to share best practices and address common invoicing questions. We were excited about the level of interaction throughout the event and the questions we received.  We’re answering all your questions in the form of a blog series organized by common themes. The fifth post for....

In this blog I will explain how the to analyze Production Order and Lots by Dates and Quantities’. Production Managers typically want to analyze the production orders and lots with respect to planned and actual (start and end) dates together with the quantities. This comprises also the production duration considering actual production start and production....

I admit, that the title sounds a bit like a commercial and maybe in a way it is.All supported Service Packs have received the latest sapconf package (5.0.2). It contains some minor bugfixes, but the reason for this blog post is the the newly added check tool.In the past one reason for Service Requests or....

In this blog post, I introduce you to the new Inventory Ageing Report in SAP Business ByDesign. Warehouse Managers want to know how long the products remain in the warehouse to identify the slow mover products for which inventory costs might be high. For this, we offer now new inventory ageing reports – one for....

Welcome back to the 2105 delivery of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Finance. This time we have a couple of great innovations in store that support the CFO’s finance function to increase automation and accuracy in order to free up time to act as strategic advisor for the business providing data driven insights and unique perspectives....

In line with Universal Parallel Accounting, asset postings are ledger-specific as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105. The user interfaces of the apps for asset postings have been adapted accordingly. The legacy data transfer of postings has changed as well. On the selection screens of the posting apps, you can use the ledger as a selection criterion....

Please scroll down for an English version Dieser Blog Post erklärt, wie die Regelungen zum One-Stop-Shop (OSS) in SAP Business ByDesign umgesetzt sind. Mit der Umsetzung der 2. Stufe des Mehrwertsteuer-Digitalpaktes der Europäischen Union, treten am 01. Juli 2021 die Regelungen zum One-Stop-Shop in Kraft. Um die entsprechende Funktionalität nutzen zu können, sind die folgenden....

Context We have currently three reporting solutions available in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud: Solution based on the Web Dynpro Data Grid (Web Dynpro UI Technology) Solution based on SAP Analytics Cloud (=SAC) Solution based on the Design Studio Reporting Template (Fiori UI technology; but getting deprecated) Most SAP Design Studio apps are no longer supported....

In this blog, I explain the basics of the customer consignment solution introduced in SAP Business ByDesign in the 2105 release. There are also 2 videos for your convenience available: A short overview video here and A detailed video with a system demo here. A consignment process can be viewed at from the selling or receiving side. With....

  As low-code/no-code application development and citizen automation continue to evolve and accelerate globally, SAP Intelligent RPA is at the forefront enabling this shift, now closely integrated with SAP Workflow Management and SAP AI Business Services, among others. Process automation is now required to become even more accessible to people with little or no coding skills.....

2105 Release The availability of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 is now live on SAP Best Practices Explorer. The content is provided in 43 countries and 25 languages.  Easy access to language specific and localization specific content is a key customer requirement.  The user interface of SAP Best Practices Explorer (BPX) supports multiple languages – the content is currently....

Introduction One of the most requested features, the multilevel BOM is available as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 release. The feature is available as an SAP Fiori app with the title “Manage Multilevel Bill of Material.” Figure 1: Manage Multilevel Bill of Material app on SAP Fiori Launchpad Key Features of the App Let’s talk....

Discrete Industries are described as the production of a discrete category of goods or items. This means goods or items can be individually or separately produced. Figure 1: Discrete Industries in SAP S/4HANA Cloud – The Link Collection Currently SAP S/4HANA Cloud focuses on solutions for the following two discrete industries: Industrial Machinery and Components and Automotive. For the later, specific focus....

SAP Project Coach is now available for partners and customers. SAP Project Coach is a chatbot which provides expert SAP S/4HANA implementation knowledge. Additionally, this tool offers coaching sessions provided by a global pool of SAP S/4HANA experts. The usage of the chatbot is free of charge, while the coaching session has a cost associated.....

Mobile technology plays a key role in today’s warehouse management success. Your warehouse workforce need a fast-performance mobile app in their handheld device to face today’s supply chain challenge. SAP provides all sorts of tools and APIs to build high-performance barcode scanning solution for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management (WM). A good warehouse mobile app....

With SAP Business ByDesign 21.05 the ByD Mobile app will support time recording and also introduce push notifications for manager approval requests: The manager approvals tile now shows the number of open approvals and the lock screen and notifies the user if new items come in Mobile time recording is no built-in and offers the same capabilities....

In our last release 2102, we enabled the change of planned output and component quantities of already started production orders. With our new release, 2105, we now also allow to add new components to started production orders. This will be supported for activities that belong to not yet finished production tasks. When adding the component in the....

Intelligent Invoice Scanning enhancements 2105 In this blog post I will have a closer look at the new ‘Intelligent Invoice Scanning’ enhancements, introduced with release 2105. For an overview of the ‘Intelligent Invoice Scanning’ please also have a look at the following blog posts: https://blogs.sap.com/2020/07/31/intelligent-invoice-scanning/ Already with release 2102 we have started to incorporate new....

Customer in the Sales Order documents in sales scenario would need a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) / UPC (Universal Product Code) – bar code for the Kit Header Product as it needs to be charged for the overall kit and scan that UPC rather than the individual products. the Blog covers the following aspects: Maintain GTIN in Kit Header Master Data Create Sales Order document using....

Customers would like to access and extract Key Performance Indicator (KPI’s) data using OData service to extract data from SAP Business ByDesign. It will help customers to perform analytics in external tools like SAP Analytics Cloud or any 3rd party tools like Excel. the Blog and Video Demo covers the following aspects: Customer Scenario using KPI OData service Demo....

业务背景: 应收账款和应付账款会产生客户和供应商的未清项,如何高效而且省力的进行自动清账是财务人员需要知道的基本点。 使用的应用: 操作指引: 根据需要勾选客户、供应商、特别总帐业务和总分类帐科目 运行结果   采购到付款流程中的一般流程 订单到收款中的一般流程 可以看到以上标记颜色的部分项目是需要进行清账的。 无法自动清账的可能原因1 手工凭证,但是字段‘分配’为空,无法提供线索给自动清账 方案:在字段‘分配’里手工加入线索 无法自动清账的可能原因2 客户、供应商的主数据维护缺少’排序键值’,导致产生的财务凭证的分配字段 缺少自动清账的线索 方案:主数据里维护’’排序键值“ SSCUI 101971 自动清账的配置 基于默认的配置可以处理一般的自动清账的需要。 GR/IR 科目 -主数据的设置 对于GR/IR科目,需要在排序键值里输入014(采购订单),以便在产生收货凭证和发票校验凭证时自动记录采购订单和采购订单项目号到分配字段,为自动清账提供线索。 客户/供应商的主数据必须设置正确 客户、供应商的主数据需要在排序键值输入009(外部凭证编号)以保证产生的应收账款凭证、预付、预收款凭证的分配字段记录业务凭证号,作为自动清账的线索。    

With the release 2105 the SAP Enable Now Web Assistant is available for SAP Business ByDesign. OverviewThe SAP Enable Now Web Assistant is a web-based front-end solution which comes as an integrated help system that provides context sensitive assistance for end users and it is available in addition to the SAP Business ByDesign Help Center.The help is....

In this blog post, we are going to talk about Start and End Date in Contract in Sales (CRM). This feature will be available in 2105 release. Business Scenario: For customer in subscription business model, they would like to see start date and end date in contract for each billing item. The New Capabilities: As....

SAP Business ByDesign 21.05 is now ready! SAP Business ByDesign 21.05 is now available and the SAP Business ByDesign What’s New blog gives you an overview about the most important new features of SAP Business ByDesign 21.05.These are the so called Focus Topics (). For these Focus Topics, additional in-depth blogs and videos are available – just click the link....

Welcome to our blog series about SAP Subscription Billing’s new features! This week’s blog is all about one topic, as we’ve just delivered several improvements that bring our integration with Convergent Invoicing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud to the next level. Let’s take a look together at what’s new: Integration with Convergent Invoicing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud....

Freedom of choice. As much as we appreciate the right to choose, people are creatures of habits – most of us drink the same coffee every morning and go to sleep at the same hour every night. In business things are even more structured – companies operate most of the time based on well-defined routine....

With the 21.05 release the new Microsoft Teams add-on for SAP Business ByDesign will be made general available and as soon Microsoft has distributed the app to all local app stores you will be able to install it directly from there. The app allows you to access SAP Business ByDesign dashboards, opportunities, accounts and projects.....

This blog provides you with the latest and greatest innovations that our SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105 release has in store for you in the area of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). In addition to the innovations illustrated in my last blog on Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102, with this release, you can....

Concento RDG provides a powerful User Interface that helps a business user create multiple validation checks and derivation rules without going through the laborious process of manually defining these rules in BRFPlus This blog post is a part of series which covers different key capabilities provided by Concento RDG Concento RDG simplifies MDG rule-based workflow....

In this blog I will walk you through the release highlights of Service in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105. We have delivered continuous innovations in the last quarters in the area of In-House repair. In the release 2105, we extended the scope to enable external workforce procurement for repair orders. It is great to introduce several....

1 Like 35 Views 0 Comments 核心价值 通过减少冗余文件的数量来降低成本,避免不必要的处理时间、运输成本和退货费用 在管理重复销售文档应用程序中检测到的潜在重复销售订单进行比较 还可以链接到销售订单对象页面以查看更多细节 该应用可用于分析和清除系统中的重复销售文档(如销售订单、报价、合同、退货)。 在比较重复后可以拒绝 – 因此,您可以避免多次处理重复的销售文档 Demo:  

Wenn Sie ein Autorisierungsadministrator sind, kennen Sie wahrscheinlich die folgende Situation: Ein Benutzer hat Probleme mit Autorisierungen und benötigt Ihre Hilfe, weil er nicht tun kann, was er will (und muss). Sie müssen die folgenden Fragen beantworten: 1. Ist die Ursache ein Datenbankberechtigungsproblem oder ein Problem auf der Anwendungsebene oder eine fehlende Analyseberechtigung für eine SAP BW-Query?....

Welcome to the May update of the SAP Learning Hub News, keeping you up do date with the latest developments, achievements of SAP Learning Hub. Check out the SAP Learning Hub News archive if you have missed previous updates. You can also sign up for our email newsletter here to get the news delivered directly to your Inbox. E-Learning....

When your customer returns the goods to the store and the return and refund clerk can properly dispose the returned goods immediately base on manually inspection result. From CE2105, two more follow up activities enabled on Manage Customer Returns app. One follow-up activity is ‘Immediately Move to Free Available Stock (0002)’. Another follow-up activity is ‘Immediately....

SAP Business One has been serving small and midsize businesses for more than two decades. Chosen by >70,000 customers with ~ million users across >170 countries, it is SAP’s best-selling ERP solution by number of customers. Available on premise and on the cloud with advanced extensibility and customization capabilities, SAP Business One is a great solution for the SMB market and with it’s....

Customer satisfaction is more and more important to a company success. Almost all the customers expected an efficient handling of returns together with an immediate refund without intermediate steps. From CE2105, a new refund control is enabled on Manage Customer Returns app, which is to “refund immediately”. If the decision is to proceed with monetary refund,....

在过去几年中,SAP Activate 方法论对SAP S/4HANA Cloud 的部署指导不断完善。借助标准业务流程内容,建立决策机制,是顺利启动您的项目, 加快实现价值的核心。  Fit-to-Standard(标准流程适配):在需要的地方灵活,在关键位置加速 在做标准流程适配时,首先把SAP 提供的业务流程内容, 在项目早期, 部署到客户的初始系统(Starter System)中。 然后,由项目团队和业务用户,在初始系统里体验并评估系统中的标准业务流程。SAP目前提供,公共云和私有云,两套预配置内容,供客户选择使用。  这种使用初始系统的方法能够让业务用户在设计决策确定之前,真实地体验到公司一些部门里的流程,了解有关主数据和交易数据的状态。这样,用户可以了解解决方案的行为,以及在系统设置为生产使用时可以使用到的功能。SAP Activate 方法中有详细介绍Fit-to-Standard(标准流程适配)研讨会指南,遵循图 1 中显示的六个步骤流程。如果您需要在远程执行,可以使用playbook计划, 通过远程协作工具和视频会议来完成。   图1:Fit-to-standard (标准流程适配)研讨会中所使用的六个步骤   建立决策机制,保障您的成功  在部署 SAP S/4HANA Cloud期间,项目团队需要制定许多设计决策,有时很难遵守“标准优先”思维模式。所以,我们鼓励客户的项目团队建立有效的决策机制,帮助推动“标准第一”的信条。客户应利用Solution Standardization Board(标准化方案决策委员会)的流程框架,参看下图2,帮助引导设计决策,使用现代技术,构建一个稳固的系统。  图2:Solution Standardization Board决策树 如何开始您的SAP Activate之旅?  建议您浏览 SAP Activate的路线图查看器。它涵盖您部署之旅的所有关键方面,每个项目团队成员都将找到有助于他们在部署项目期间执行工作的信息。该方法里每个路线图都构建为阶段、交付内容和任务的层次结构,每个交付内容和任务至少分配到一个工作流。将工作流视为逻辑领域(如项目管理、数据管理或应用程序设计和配置)中的工作线程,为用户提供其专业领域的所有交付内容以及相应的任务。    

Hello Community,  With the SAP Intelligent RPA 2105 release soon available, this blog post will highlight some of the new release features available for you. You’ll discover the new exciting Cloud updates including all the improvements in bot designing experience and troubleshooting, the New Supportability 2.0 in Factory, the alert handlers updates  and many more cloud....

COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate the transition to the next-generation ERP as digitalization and new ways of working become more critical to business. For example, you will monitor the fulfillment status of all sales orders in real-time as you need often to resolve order fulfillment issues quickly to avoid delivery delays. This blog will illustrate how....

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in SAP Activate prior to a release? With so many products being used on a daily basis, they require feedback from customers to help shape the future of the product and its direction. With SAP Activate, we are constantly evolving our content to meet and....

Hello everyone I’d like to demonstrate the use case where an employee would like to create multiple time entries for the single service confirmation they would have created. To get an overview of the integration itself, please refer to my earlier blog post. This would be useful for the scenario wherein an employee would have made....

  You asked for it.  We delivered it.  SAP Marketing Cloud May ‘21 Release (2105 Release) is here. Our latest release focuses on innovations that help marketers across B2B and B2C brands to seamlessly scale while gaining deeper insights into their customers that support decision-making and drive action to optimize their experiences. The May ’21....

Lead creation and management is the first step of your sales and marketing process. In this step, you can capture any interest in your products and services, and qualify and nurture the interest to turn your potential customers into real clients/customers. Scoping and Configuration activities for the Leads: Enable/Scope Leads: Administrator can add leads to....

Lead creation and management is the first step of your sales and marketing process. In this step, you can capture any interest in your products and services, and qualify and nurture the interest to turn your potential customers into real clients/customers. Leads can come from a wide range of sources like, Campaign, Phone Enquiry, Roadshow....

Converting Leads: Lead conversion happens when a lead has been qualified and you believe your prospect has an interest in doing business with you. Note: As a prerequisite, your leads must be Consistent before being converted. To resolve any lead inconsistency, you can Check Consistency for each lead to view relevant warning messages and fix the errors accordingly. Lead can....

It’s been another week since Daniel Hilling-Smith and I spoke about the future of the digital customer experience (CX) at the ASUG Next-Generation SAP Center of Excellence Virtual Conference. We would like to take this opportunity to thank not only ASUG for the event and setup. We would also like to thank Paul Kurchina, who believes in our....

In my previous value blog post, I highlighted one of the self-service tools that can help customers build a business case for their migration from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA through a RISE with SAP contract. In this blog post, I will describe the value of using SAP Activate for RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private....

Welcome to the April 2021 issue of the SAP Cloud SDK release highlights! March in numbers: 26 issues and support incidents received 16 of those were answered or solved and closed 4.75K clicks from search in Google guiding to our documentation portal SAP Cloud SDK Documentation SAP Cloud SDK for Java 3.43.0 SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript 1.42.0 Latest documentation updates....

Summary: Three financial closing applications are considered for new S/4HANA implementations.  Limitations on licensing,  compatibility,  availability, and roadmap innovation are discussed. Spoiler Alert:  SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Advanced Financial Closing (AFC) should be the primary consideration since it is functionally capable, flexible, as well as being  SAP’s strategic option. SAP has continued to evolve its product....

Dear customers and partners, Let’s join in together to celebrate the highest number of improvement requests ever delivered for the SAP Marketing Cloud!   Based on your valuable feedback we were able to deliver solutions for 23 requests from the SAP Marketing Cloud Continuous Influence project with our May ’21 Release (2105 Release). Many thanks for the....

After getting an overview and understanding of how Virtual Data Models (VDM) and ABAP Core Data Services (ABAP CDS Views) work in SAP S/4HANA, and the requirements needed for a CDS View to be extractable in my colleague Michael Sanjongco’s blog post Part 1 – SAP S/4HANA Cloud Data Integration to power your Intelligence Enterprise. This blog will briefly explain the....

Concento™ Rapid Data Governance (RDG) is an SAP Certified accelerator, automating the processes of MDG Data Model Maintenance, Workflow Design and Business Rules in an intuitive, elegant and graphical interface, so users with no specialized coding experience can perform MDG tasks. Depending on business needs, Concento RDG allows users to implement Dynamic and Parallel steps for....

SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance (IAG) is Software as a service (SAAS) solution built on the SAP Business Technology Platform, It helps organizations to manage SOD and critical access risks while meeting security and compliance requirements. Cloud IAG provides native integration with a superior user experience across hybrid environments, it can be connected directly to SAP....

SAP Central Business Configuration is a new tool that will make it possible to configure a business process spanning different SAP solutions from one central place. SAP Central Business Configuration supports the configuration of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, but aims at seamless implementation of end-to-end business processes across SAP’s Intelligent Enterprise Suite. It provides a new....

Dear Digital Supply Chain Planning and Manufacturing Community, As our team further enhances and expands our Digital Supply Chain and Manufacturing S/4HANA product portfolio in support of Intelligent Enterprise, we are excited to announce a modular deployment option with Digital Supply Chain, Edition for S/4HANA including Manufacturing for planning and scheduling. SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for planning and scheduling allows....

Welcome to my fourth blog post in the series of Intelligent Technologies for Finance with SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Here is a recap of earlier blog posts in the series of Intelligent Technologies- Intelligent Accounts Receivable, Intelligent Accounts Payable, Intelligent Record to Report. In this blog post we will see how the traditional Asset Accounting processes which were manual,....

Overview: Catch Weight Management (CWM) is an industry-specific function for the requirements of the consumer products industry in general, and the food processing industry in particular. The major focus segment of CWM are Livestock, meat, fish, dairy(Cheese), fruits/Vegetables, lumber. leather. One of the basic requirements of the food processing industry is that many of the materials....