In this blog post you will learn how we are constantly improving the Enterprise Support Reporting Cockpit with the help of your feedback!  This empowers our customers to make business decisions that directly affects them.

Due to this feedback we have made already many changes and / or we are working on the changes requested by YOU:

  • Based on your feedback following new features have been added to the Cloud Availability Section
    • an additional drop-down menu has been implemented that lets you choose from various availability thresholds. This allows you to adjust the overview of cloud systems availability – released and live
    • a table overview with an excel download in the availability section, this has been realised – released and live
  • New links added to the Cloud Service section, Open Incident and Response Level Incident sections and to the Cloud Availability section
    • Link to Overall Services, links to CIC to address issues with ticket processing and how to escalate a ticket etc. – released and live.
  • Improved Printing Report allows users flexibility and different customizing options
    – in process, planned to be released in Q3.
  • EU status – We are working on an improved data display in System Landscape and will be adding EU compliance status
    – in process, planned to be released in Q3
  • Addition of German Language, currently in discussion with development to have this realized.

To see how to provide feedback, read our blog here How to provide feedback about SAP Enterprise Support reporting cockpit?

Closing the loop with customers

Feedback is consolidated on a monthly basis, you can see how we analysed your feedback by going to SAP Enterprise Support reporting cockpit Support Portal page and clicking on Feedback

This page is updated every month with customer feedback received and how it feeds into our road map for SAP ES Reporting Cockpit continuous improvement.


Please encourage your customers to submit their feedback* and inform them of this new functionality.

Read more Enterprise Support Reporting Cockpit blog posts Here!

Thanks for reading!

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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