As part of the SAP Cloud Integration Strategy, SAP provides the SAP One Domain Model (ODM), a unified domain model for business objects distributed throughout different SAP applications. SAP One Domain Model focuses on the end-to-end Intelligent Enterprise business processes.

SAP One Domain Model helps establish out-of-the-box master data integration for SAP Intelligent Suite applications and lower the integration efforts for customers and partners.


SAP Master Data Integration (MDI) uses SAP One Data Model for out-of-the-box SAP integration and synchronize business objects across SAP Intelligent Suite. SAP Master Data Integration is a multi-tenant cloud service used to do master data distribution among SAP/Non-SAP product/services.


SAP Master Data Integration


SAP Master Data Integration provides a central data model for consumption of a set of Workforce data across SAP systems. Workforce data is maintained in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and uploaded to SAP Master Data Integration, from which SAP S/4HANA or other applications can retrieve it for their own purposes.


The SAP One Domain Model is released on the SAP API Business Hub and structured by domains. The following picture shows the graphical view of Workforce entity. In this view we can see all relations between Workforce entity to other entities and other domain types.


SAP One Domain Model


This blog post provides the steps required to integrate Workforce data from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Master Data Integration.




Step1: Create SAP Master Data Integration service instance:

Login to Business Technology Platform (BTP) subaccount. Then navigate to Services > Service Marketplace and select Master Data Integration.

Select Create in the top-right corner.


Create MDI Instance


Enter basic info for your instance.

Service: SAP Master Data Integration

Plan: sap-integration

Runtime Environment: Cloud Foundry

Space: <Any option from the dropdown list. The chosen space is not relevant for MDI service>

Instance Name: <User-definable>

Click on Next.


MDI Instance Basic Info


Configure instance parameters for your instance.

application: sfsf

businessSystemId: <User-definable. An identifier for the client>


      "entityType": "sap.odm.workforce.WorkforcePerson"

Click on Create.


MDI Instance Parameter


Step2: Create a Service Key for service instance

Navigate to Services > Instances and Subscriptions and click Actions icon of the newly created service instance. Then click on Create Service Key.


Create Service Key


Provide a Service key name.

Service Key Name: <User-definable. It is recommended to indicate the date of creation in the service key name>


Service Key Name


Write down the uaa.clientid, uaa.clientsecret, uaa.url and the uri of service key which will be used later.


Service Key Details


Service Key Details


Step3: Configuration steps for integrating Workforce data from SF EC to SAP MDI

Login to SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and go to the Security Center page.


SF Security Center


Maintain the OAuth configuration based on the Service key info of Master Data Integration service instance.

Configuration Name: <User-definable>

OAuth Type: OAuth 2.0

Grant Type: Client_Credentials

Client ID: <uaa.clientid of service key>

Client Secret: <uaa.clientsecret of service key>

Token URL: <uaa.url + /oauth/token>

Token Method: POST

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


SF OAuth Configurations


Navigate to the Business Scenarios page. Find the scenario “Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration” and activate the scenario.


SF Business Scenarios


Confirmation Info


Click the pen icon on the right to start configuring the settings.

Integration Name: <User-definable>

Description: <User-definable>

Destination Page Size: <By default, the value of the Destination Page Size is set to 100>


Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration – Options


Configure filters and sorting. For initial load, no filters and sorting needed.


Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration – Filter and Sort


Configure destination settings.

Connection Name: <User-definable>

REST API URL: <uri value of service key>

Authentication Type: OAuth

OAuth Configuration: <Create in Security Center above>


Source Page Size: <400 by default>

Enable Server Side Pagination: <Make sure it’s not selected>

Enable diagnostics for Run Now: <Select if only for trouble-shooting purpose>


Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration – Destination Settings


Remain the setting by default.


Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration – Scheduling


Save and choose Run Now to start the integration. Refresh the latest runtime on the Refresh icon and click on it. Then you can access the integration center to monitor the integration.


Workforce Replication from EC to SAP Master Data Integration – Review and Run


With this we have completed the Workforce Integration from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Master Data Integration service. Please feel free to leave the comments with your feedback and thoughts.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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