I just listened to a great TED talk about value. Since I’m talking long time about value in combination with CX, this TED Talk helps to understand value and use it in the right way. >>> Why values matter


Delivering the right value at the right moment of time isn’t easy. However, if we understand our customers we have a great chance to do so. Value is the strong opener which helps us that our customers are listening.

With value we creat trust. Both belongs very strong together while trust is based on logic, authenticity and empathy.

Think about your conversations with people, friends, partners… and how are you interaction with clients through direct talk or indirect through marketing. Are you telling your story or are you delivering value at the very beginning?

Story Telling vs. Value Delivering… This is something I got from the TED Talk from Frances Frei about Trust How to build and rebuild trust

The left triangle shows a typical story telling. You are walking the way till you get to the point. But what is there is an interruption? There can be many ones… a logic one in someones mind , a phone ringing, etc. If this happens you have no chance to come to the point.

The right triangle shows a different approach. Starting with a short and strong point which delivers value. Within this second you have the attention and you just need to prove it with some strong points. If there an interruption happens it is no issue at all.



Author Since: April 19, 2021

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