I am really happy to share the below solution on how to restrict users from submitting a form during non-specified days and how I fulfilled this requirement for a client using a business rule. 



As a part of the process, the Employee should submit the claims or reimbursements or Per-diems on certain days of every month. Accounts Teams have a specified day kept only for such transactions and employee interactions. So, before the Payroll process starts, employees should submit and get their claims approved. Once the Payroll process starts employee shall not be able to submit any claims for approval. Allowed days to submit the claims are between the 1st to 10th of every month. 



  • To allow users or employees, to submit any kind of MDF object during the selected duration and the rest of other days they should not be allowed to submit it.
  • The effective date should be taken into consideration while submitting an mdf object. As an employee can change the effective date and tries to submit the form.



Steps to Configure this Requirement

Step 1: Create an MDF object and add the fields as per your requirement.

Configure Object Definition >> Create New >> Object Definition

Please find an example below for reference.


Step 2: Create a Business Rule

With the help of adding a business rule, we can achieve above mentioned requirement.

Business Rules Admin >> Click on “Add” >> Select Scenario “Basic”

Provide a Rule Name, and Rule ID, and Select a Base object on which you want to add this rule.


Step 3: Assign created business rule to Object.

Go to Object >> Rules >> Add the created rule under “Validate Rules”.

Please refer to the below screenshot.


From 1 to 10 of every month, the user will be able to submit the form and during the rest of other days, the user will get an error.

Even if the User changes the effective date, they will still get the error. Please refer below screenshot.


With the help of this post, you can achieve the above-mentioned requirement.

Please take note that the screenshots I’ve posted to the blog are from the demo instance.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section on the above-mentioned strategy, and let us know of more such customizations possible on the SAP Community, You can also follow the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, ask and answer questions at https://answers.sap.com and read other blog posts on the topic at https://blogs.sap.com.

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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