We have read from several previous blog posts – RAP for Beginners , Modernization with RAP, Managed RAP.
RAP is framework that would still allow to use the ABAP to develop Modern applications.
With the below blog I want to show a real life use case which demonstrate the power and easy of use of unmanaged RAP.
With the below demo we develop an unmanaged RAP application that utilizes standard SAP API and EML to allow uses to create and update SAP Requisitions.
Unmanaged RAP model for Purchase Requisition
- Create new CDS root entity view, use the below code: –
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED @EndUserText.label: 'PR Header root view' define root view entity YRAP_RV_PRHEADER as select from I_PurchaseRequisitionItemAPI01 //as _prhead { key PurchaseRequisition as prnum, key PurchaseRequisitionItem, PurchaseReqnItemUniqueID, PurchasingDocument, PurchasingDocumentItem, PurReqnReleaseStatus, PurchaseRequisitionType, PurchasingDocumentSubtype, PurchasingDocumentItemCategory, PurchaseRequisitionItemText, AccountAssignmentCategory, Material, MaterialGroup, PurchasingDocumentCategory, RequestedQuantity, BaseUnit, PurchaseRequisitionPrice, PurReqnPriceQuantity, MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration, ReleaseCode, PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate, PurchasingOrganization, PurchasingGroup, Plant, OrderedQuantity, DeliveryDate, CreationDate, CreatedByUser, PurReqCreationDate, PurReqnItemCurrency, /* Associations */ _PurchaseRequisition, _PurReqnAcctAssgmt }
- Create Projection view for the root view already created.
@EndUserText.label: 'Projection view for PR Header' @Metadata.allowExtensions: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED @Search.searchable: true define root view entity YRAP_PV_PRHEADER provider contract transactional_query as projection on YRAP_RV_PRHEADER { key prnum, key PurchaseRequisitionItem, PurchaseReqnItemUniqueID, PurchasingDocument, PurchasingDocumentItem, PurReqnReleaseStatus, PurchaseRequisitionType, PurchasingDocumentSubtype, PurchasingDocumentItemCategory, PurchaseRequisitionItemText, @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity: { name: 'I_AccountAssignmentCategory', element: 'AccountAssignmentCategory' }}] @ObjectModel.text.element: ['AccountAssignmentCategory'] @Search.defaultSearchElement: true AccountAssignmentCategory, Material, @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity: { name: 'I_ProductGroup_2', element: 'ProductGroup' }}] @ObjectModel.text.element: ['MaterialGroup'] @Search.defaultSearchElement: true MaterialGroup, PurchasingDocumentCategory, RequestedQuantity, BaseUnit, PurchaseRequisitionPrice, PurReqnPriceQuantity, MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration, ReleaseCode, PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate, PurchasingOrganization, @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity: { name: 'I_PURCHASINGGROUP', element: 'PurchasingGroup' }}] @ObjectModel.text.element: ['PurchasingGroup'] @Search.defaultSearchElement: true PurchasingGroup, @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity: { name: 'I_PLANT', element: 'Plant' }}] @ObjectModel.text.element: ['Plant'] @Search.defaultSearchElement: true Plant, OrderedQuantity, DeliveryDate, CreationDate, CreatedByUser, PurReqCreationDate, PurReqnItemCurrency, /* Associations */ _PurchaseRequisition, _PurReqnAcctAssgmt }
- Right click on the Root View and select to create new behavior definitions for the Root view and activate it. Choose unmanaged implementation type.
unmanaged implementation in class zbp_rap_rv_prheader unique; strict ( 2 ); define behavior for YRAP_RV_PRHEADER alias prhead late numbering lock master authorization master ( instance ) etag master PurReqCreationDate { field ( readonly ) prnum; // PurchaseRequisitionItem; create; update; delete; }
- Right click on the Projection Root View and create and activate the projection behavior definition.
projection; strict ( 2 ); define behavior for YRAP_PV_PRHEADER alias prhead { use create; use update; use delete; }
- Open the Root behavior definition and create the implementation class.
- Add the code for the create and update class.
METHOD create. **** Custom Create LOOP AT entities ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_prs>). *** now try to post MODIFY ENTITIES OF i_purchaserequisitiontp ENTITY purchaserequisition CREATE FIELDS ( purchaserequisitiontype ) WITH VALUE #( ( %cid = 'My%CID_1' purchaserequisitiontype = 'NB' ) ) CREATE BY _purchaserequisitionitem FIELDS ( plant purchaserequisitionitemtext accountassignmentcategory requestedquantity baseunit purchaserequisitionprice purreqnitemcurrency materialgroup purchasinggroup ) WITH VALUE #( ( %cid_ref = 'My%CID_1' %target = VALUE #( ( %cid = 'My%ItemCID_1' plant = <fs_prs>-plant purchaserequisitionitemtext = <fs_prs>-purchaserequisitionitemtext accountassignmentcategory = <fs_prs>-accountassignmentcategory requestedquantity = <fs_prs>-requestedquantity baseunit = <fs_prs>-baseunit purchaserequisitionprice = <fs_prs>-purchaserequisitionprice purreqnitemcurrency = <fs_prs>-purreqnitemcurrency materialgroup = <fs_prs>-materialgroup purchasinggroup = <fs_prs>-purchasinggroup ) ) ) ) ENTITY purchaserequisitionitem CREATE BY _purchasereqnitemtext FIELDS ( plainlongtext ) WITH VALUE #( ( %cid_ref = 'My%ItemCID_1' %target = VALUE #( ( %cid = 'MyTargetCID_2' textobjecttype = 'B01' language = 'E' plainlongtext = 'item text created from PR Unmanaged APP' ) ( %cid = 'MyTargetCID_3' textobjecttype = 'B02' language = 'E' plainlongtext = 'item2 text created from PR Unmanaged APP' ) ) ) ) REPORTED DATA(ls_reported) MAPPED DATA(ls_mapped) FAILED DATA(ls_failed). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update. LOOP AT entities ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_prs>). *** Update values MODIFY ENTITIES OF i_purchaserequisitiontp ENTITY purchaserequisitionitem UPDATE SET FIELDS WITH VALUE #( ( purchaserequisition = <fs_prs>-prnum purchaserequisitionitem = <fs_prs>-purchaserequisitionitem purchaserequisitionitemtext = <fs_prs>-purchaserequisitionitemtext requestedquantity = <fs_prs>-requestedquantity baseunit = <fs_prs>-baseunit ) ) . ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.
- In the above we are using the standard SAP provided API “i_purchaserequisitiontp” which is released for development in cloud and can be used for upgrade stable development.
- Create service definition.
- Create service binding. We will use V2 as we cannot still have the create with V4 for applications without drafts.
- This can now be tested using the FIORI Element preview.
With the above example we can use other SAP standard APIs with RAP and build apps that allow us to resolve real work problems.
Hope you all would find the blog helpful and would request you all to provide your thoughts or feedback as comments to this blog.
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FIORI elements preview: –