Today I am going to discuss about the Transport and Deployment of Artifacts in WEB IDE : HANA XSA. In the below diagram I am going to discuss about the different deployment option for MTA  Application.




Now describe each and every Application Artifact’s deployment process in Details :

1. Artifact Deployment using SAP ChaRM:

A. First Configure CTS+ for SAP HANA in SAP Solution manager.

Related SAP Link –

B. Configure an HTTP Destination .

C. Configure the Transport Organizer  UI.

D. Configure the XSA Transport Landscape .

Reference SAP link –

E. Configure HANA systems to CHARM as Non SAP system(TMS System Landscape Configuration).
F. Configure source and Target systems.

G. Create a CTS Transport using STMS and attach the .MTAR archive to the transport and moved to the configured target.

The overall dataflow will look like below for the SAP ChaRM with CTS+ :


2. Deployment Using GitHub and CI/CD implementation : 

How to integrate GitHub in web IDE and do push and pop operation to put and fetch data from Git and available in the below link –

Now we will discuss about the Git interaction with CI/CD to automate the code integration –


The configuration steps is given in the GitHub with the below reference link –

A CI/CD pipeline for SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model comprises the following steps:

  • Push your code changes to a source code management (SCM) tool of your choice. The push event to the SCM system triggers the CI process.

  • In the CI build, the Cloud MTA Build Tool (MBT) triggers the technology-specific compilers for the respective modules contained in the MTA. For more information, see Cloud MTA Build ToolInformation published on non-SAP site

  • The Cloud MTA Build Tool packages the artifacts from each module into one archive file with the extension .mtar.

  • The build result is automatically deployed into an environment for automated testing during the CI build. The CI build may contain different tests, such as static code checks for the JavaScript sources  and automated user interface tests .

  • The MTA archive is deployed to the production environment.




Reference URL :


3. Deploy with  XS Deploy using command line or Using Web IDE Interface : 

XS advanced run time is installed in HANA XSA server. But if you want to deploy using command line  from your local machine you follow the below steps :

  1. Install XS CLI client tools locally.
  2. Configure command-line tools to use the NPM Registry to resolve package dependencies if required.
  3.  Execute below command to deploy your .mtar file –

A. xs deploy  student.mtar

4.  to check the application use this two command –

A. xs services and xs app.

Reference URL –

You can also deploy the mtar file from Web IDE graphical interfaces  after building the MTAR files-




4. Deployment by ABAP Transport using SCTS_HTA_TOOLS :

To use this deployment ABAP stack should be setup on the SAM SID on top of HANA server.

ABAP transport user to transport the attached MTAR files to the corresponding system and import them to the equivalent XSA space.

The configuration is available in the below link –


This is all about HANA XSA deployment. Hop it will help.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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