Here are the top performing Industry Cloud Content (Articles/ News Items) from last week.

SAP Goes FinTech with Bold New Approach to Industry Cloud

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Excerpts: Continuing to prove that the SAP of the R3 past is most definitely not the SAP of the digital future, SAP is revving up its Financial Services industry cloud by partnering with an investment firm that will pump more than $600 million into the joint venture.

Cloud can bring in new annual profits of $414 billion for enterprises: Infosys

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Excerpts: The study found that the highest performing businesses had annual profits growth that correlated with using cloud in six different ways such as: speeding up the development and launch of new solutions, adding new functions to existing software, expanding processing capacity, fostering collaboration, unlocking value from data via AI and discovering new revenue sources

The opportunities Industry 4.0 opens up for Indian startups

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Excerpts: Industry 4.0 will be driven largely by the convergence of digital, biological, and physical innovations, building on the global availability of digital technologies — an outcome of the Third Industrial Revolution.In fact, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these technological advancements and their adoption for the need for human survival and sustenance.

This is a weekly blog of top articles / blogs and documents on Industry Cloud. You can follow the tag here.

Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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