Any coding or configuration examples provided in this document are only examples and are NOT intended for use in a productive system. The example is only done to better explain and visualize the topic. The Objective of this blog is to explain how Cloud For Customer can be extended with SAP Cloud Platform based Apps. Prerequisites are....

Any coding or configuration examples provided in this document are only examples and are NOT intended for use in a productive system. The example is only done to better explain and visualize the topic. The Objective of this blog is to explain how Cloud For Customer can be extended with SAP Cloud Platform based Apps. Prerequisites are....

The scope of this blog is to enable addition of Custom fields in Utilities Categories of Live activity and Enterprise Search. Contents: Extensibility through KUT   Extensibility through PDI   Known Limitations   Extensibility though KUT   Log in as KUT user, go to desired WorkCenter OWL and add a KUT field for the Advanced....

Front Office Processes (FOP) in SAP ISU enable the user to launch a business process or a set of business processes in a simplified way. FOP is also enabled in C4C Utilities. For information on how to configure Front office process in C4C Utilities, refer to the documentation guide. The objective of this blog is to enable....

In this blog post I will explain how to extend SAP Marketing Cloud Segmentation application in order to segment customers based on their Agreement Type count, creating a Custom SAP HANA 2.0 Calculation View in SAP Web IDE. Typically Utility companies have several Agreement Types for their services, such as ‘Residential Contract Account’, ‘Commercial Contract Account’, where....

Today I am going to explain how to achieve AFE process which is used in oil and gas industries for both Upstream and Downstream. The term AFE stands for Authorization for Expenditure. This term is used for drilling and completion costs. AFE is used for approval of large Capital expenditure related to exploration, development and....

In the first blog in this series, we looked at how the HANA platform’s capabilities reduce technical debt and complexity by eliminating the need for ETL when integrating your SAP S/4HANA and ArcGIS Enterprise systems. In talking to a number of utilities, they have described their frustration with a file based interface between the two most important....

2022-11-28 – Link zum Space in der neuen Kollaborations-Plattform aktualisiert (Zugriff nur für registrierte Benutzer – siehe unten “Was tut SAP für Soforthilfe und Preisbremsen? … aus organisatorischer und Zusammenarbeits-Perspektive”) 2022-11-24 – FAQ Dokument in Jam veröffentlicht (zu Fragen aus dem Webinar vom 18.11.) 2022-11-22 – ganz unten: Link zur Webinar-Aufzeichnung eingefügt 2022-11-18 – Am Sammel-Hinweis 3267957 finden Sie seit heute eine....

Some of our asset intensive customers, like utilities, who are implementing ArcGIS on HANA with SAP ERP have asked me: how do the pieces fit together and where can I read about this in one place? While the value that the HANA platform brings to ArcGIS Enterprise is based on the same capabilities that HANA....

Hello everyone, in my first blog post I want to share with you a very interesting feature regarding the reconciliation keys and their transfer to general ledger.   Let’s quickly review what reconciliation keys are and what they are for.   Recall that SAP FI-CA is a sub-accounting of the General Ledger and the accounting....

The Executive Value Network (EVN) is an international knowledge sharing oriented forum for those interested in digital transformation use cases of Water and Waste Water companies where attendees explore how to move away from the inefficient traditional processes while embracing new relevant technologies and get valuable insights from peers.   Event highlighted some success stories....

            Dear Utilities Community, I have some updates for you! Last October our 3rd Executive Value Network for Water and Waste Water took place. We created a nice video about the two day event in Antwerp to get some impressions of this great community. Watch the video now: Visit as....

Camus Energy’s Grid Management platform empowers utilities and energy providers with system-wide visibility, forecasting, and advanced controls for a distributed, zero-carbon future. To tell us more about Camus Energy and how they are driving sustainability we have Michael who is the COO of Camus Energy.   What problem is Camus Energy trying to solve? Utilities....

Undisputed: Electric vehicles are enjoying growing popularity. In Germany alone, almost one million1 electrically operated cars are now running. In the first half of 2021, 312,000 pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids were approved2. The demand for the appropriate charging infrastructure is correspondingly strong. However, it is precisely here that the number of public charging points....

A few weeks ago we concluded our Customer Connection project SAP for Utilities on-premise 2021. Once more SAP development has delivered numerous enhancements based on your suggestions we collected earlier in 2021 related to IS-U device management, meter reading, AMI, billing and invoicing. We shared details at our delivery call webinars that took place at 15....

The utility industry has overstayed in the analog age, though the race to go digital is moving fast across the value chain. Senior executives are now eager to leverage the newest technologies to address industry trends such as the rise of distributed generation and renewables; alignment with regulatory frameworks; flat or declining revenues; evolving customer....

Dear Utilities Community, I am delighted that a new issue of our utilities-specific newsletter was recently published. This issues contains information about the International SAP Conference for Utilities is starting tomorrow, on May 18th SAP E-Mobility solution Customer stories from AGL, ENGIE, Siemens Gamesa, ESB, K-water, Iren, and Avangrid Partner demos from EY and Wipro News....

“Utilities have considered EV charging as a top-line synergy play, opening the potential to higher energy sales, and the opportunity to deploy their balance sheet in this high-growth sector.” – Drake Star Parnters, EV Charging at the Crossroads: The Fast, The Curious & The RaEV charger As the Innovation Manager at your Electric Utility, you’ve presented a....

Energy and Utilities The long-term implications of COVID-19 from a business and societal standpoint are still being uncovered. As many countries begin re-opening and life slowly resumes, the world has now caught a glimpse of what is to come. We now know that every industry will face a series of challenges and opportunities as we....