Would you like to know how to export price history from your conditions in  SAP S/4HANA Cloud? Have a look at this step-by-step below: First, check if you have access to Set Material Prices app. To access this app, make sure you have the Business Role SAP_BR_PRICING_SPECIALIST. If you have access to Set Material Prices app, open the application and....

We keep getting requirements from businesses to create a Z Process  to perform Order , Delivery and Invoicing in the background. Although there are other option like BDC’s, here I am making attempt to do the same using FM/BAPI’s, this might be useful specially for Consultant who have just started working on Developments. The Usage....

This blog would collect all questions from difference customers and partners. Hope it would be helpful for you to use Self-Billing Cockpit.   Provisioning Q: Don’t receive the welcome mail from SAP about business techincial platform. There are two scenarios when you purchase the Self-Billing Cockpit You don’t have the BTP before. SAP would mail....

This blog post describes how to set up a cloud connector for integration between SAP Self-Billing Cockpit and an SAP S/4HANA system.   Prerequisites Download the cloud connector in https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/#cloud Install the cloud connector in one service which would not shut down. Otherwise the connection between Self-Billing Cockpit and S/4HANA would disconnect when service down.....