SAP Build Process Automation provides extended workflow capabilities and the ability to include into the workflows the robotic automation (iRPA) components. The combination of workflows and robotic automations allows the developers to implement complex use cases in an easy way. In one of the projects I’m implementing, I needed to process a workflow attachment from....

This article is successor of Use SAP Build Process Automation data for process mining. Introduction Last time I posted my thought of Signavio Process Intelligence use case against workflow process developed by SAP Build Process Automation. That was generic idea to reduce initial setup effort of process mining project, and I thought it can be automated....

Hello SAP Build community 😊 Last year I have created a Guide on how to Integrate SAP Build Apps and SAP Build Process Automation. I have decided to create a second version of it which is much easier and intuitive (in my opinion). As some of you remember we where actually using AppGyver Classic and consumed an Workflow-API....

With the aim of making workflow configuration simpler, SAP S/4HANA developed a brand-new concept called Flexible Workflow. It is advised that we make use of S/4HANA’s new Flexible Workflow feature. The preset workflow scenarios and tasks form the foundation of the flexible workflow. This gives users the ability to specify condition-based workflow for various system....

Introduction: As an abapper most of us might be new to calling external APIs from the ABAP environment. There are lots of APIs on cloud foundry or deployed elsewhere which we can use as per as our need. Most of them use the OAuth 2.0 authentication and other authentication processes. You must have heard about....

Cloud process integration can be used to do process integration, but also can be used to simplify development . We can put together backend service in an iflow for a front end application like SAP UI5 . Today I will  demo the process .  To simplify the demo, I will demo the process base on....

SAP Build Process Automation is one of the latest members of SAP’s LCNC portfolio and is the central building-platform for process-development, -enhancements and -automation.  SAP Build Process Automation combines the capabilities of SAP Workflow Management and SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation in an easy-to-use, no-code AI-powered experience. The new solution enables organizations of all sizes....

Are you interested in developing your own UI5 applications and starting a workflow instance from them? You can follow this quick exercise using your SAP Business Technology Platform trial account. Please bear in mind that now we have more capabilities for Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) which you can use leveraging SAP Process Automation and its forms (if you’re interested,....

Overview and motivation When it comes to manual, repetitive work such as data entry, SAP Process Automation promises an improvement in efficiency and accuracy. It provides businesses with an extra pair of hands, freeing up workers to focus on more complex tasks, thus improving productivity. Yet it is important to include human intervention steps to ensure visibility....

Recently when demonstrating to a customer, one of our most popular workflow content package Document Centric Approval Process, I realised the customer’s environment had several Users on IAS side and the current implementation of the sample UI5 application from our SAP Cloud Workflow Sample Collection, is querying the entire IAS user directory. In real world, you wanted....

Hello, This is continuation of the topic of customisation of Document Centric Approval Pre-Built content package. You may review Part 1 of this blog in case you wanted to know our little problem and the simple solution suggestion from my side. I will be making changes to the sample project used with this Workflow Content Package. You....

Following on from the success of our SAP Integration Suite Learning Program where over 100 customers have received a digital badge for completing the Learning Program demonstrating their knowledge of SAP Integration topics, we have released similar content for SAP Extension Suite. The SAP Extension Suite: Become an Extension Black-belt Learning Program is now available in the SAP Learning....

SAP 工作流管理是一款SAP数字化流程自动化一揽子组件中的重要服务。工作流管理套件数字化工作流,自动化,拓展业务流程以及管理决策,同时实现在无代码环境中监测端到端可视化和配置业务流程的变化。 SAP在API Business Hub发布了很多在线业务流程库。这些流程库覆盖了大部分经典业务场景,固定资产审批流程,采购申请审批流程等业务。一个完整的流程库包含了工作流,决策,流程可视化以及相应的配置文档,而流程库的使用使得客户更快地上线新功能并大大降低IT方面的成本支出。 业务流程专家可以通过流程灵活性主控室发现,导入,配置和消费在线流程库。这篇文章将详细讲述以固定资产审批自动化实现端到端的业务场景。   前置条件 在云控制台中配置工作流管理 激活工作流管理套件包,确保您的BTP用户能正常访问WorkflowManagementSaaS应用。   配置SAP工作流目标 配置导入包目标 您可以通过配置目标 WM_CF_SPACE_PROVIDER 来导入包。此目标用以从SAP API Business Hub导入在线流程库。您需要在目标页面配置好登录SAP API Business Hub的用户名和密码。如果此目标不存在,请按以下详细步骤手动建立。 登陆您的BTP用户,导航到您的子账户。在左侧导航栏,选择 连接性 > 目标 创建新目标 参数 值 名称 WM_CF_SPACE_PROVIDER 类型 HTTP 描述 导入在线包 URL<spaceid> 代理类型 Internet 验证 Basic Authentication 用户 具有空间开发者角色的用户名 密码 对应的BTP用户的密码 浏览到您的 空间 页面, 从浏览器的URL里拷贝出你的空间序列号,类似: 从上面的URL里拷贝出空间序列号 “AAAA-BBBB-CCC-DDD-EEEE”。 类似这个链接,将序列号填充到其中: 保存上述更改。   配置业务规则目标 为流程实例中的业务规则配置目标。浏览到您的子账户。在左侧导航栏中选择 连接性 > 目标 需要提供如下的详细信息: 确认名称定义为 WM_BUSINESSRULES。 关于 URL,从键值中拷贝rule_runtime_url,并将其粘贴到URL字段,添加/rules-service。整个URL格式将显示为:<rule_runtime_url>/rules-service 参数 值....

In this blog I will explain the difference between SAP Task center and SAP Workflow Management. This blog will help customers understand for which use case they should implement SAP Workflow Management and for which one SAP Task Center would be the better choice.   What is SAP Workflow Management :-  SAP Workflow Management is....

SAP Workflow Management is a key service in SAP Digital Process Automation portfolio. It enables enterprise to digitize workflows, automate and extend business processes, manage decisions, gain end-to-end visibility and configure process variants in a no-code environment. SAP delivers many Live Process Content package on SAP API Business Hub. These content cover some typical scenarios, Capital....

I know most of you would have got a chance to experience the Beginner mission of SAP Process Automation. You would be eagerly waiting to get a next-level understanding of SAP Process Automation which includes the automation and decisions. Want to get Hands-on experience to know those capabilities of Process automation. Then, have a look at our learning tutorial....

In this blog post, you will learn to trigger a SAP BTP Workflow from a SAP Event Mesh Service using a nodejs app. SAP Event Mesh is a fully managed cloud service that allows applications to communicate through asynchronous events. More details of SAP Event Mesh service can be found in the below link –

It is always a pleasure to collaborate with SAP Partners. During recent second series of Hyperautomation webinar, I worked with an amazing team from IBM to show how IBM has leveraged SAP Extension Suite, and specifically SAP Workflow Management to reinvent industry workflows to increase customer experience.   During our session, we presented short technical implementation demos....

At SAP’s recent second series of Hyperautomation webinar, my colleagues and I were pleased to present information and a demo that showed some of SAP Workflow Management’s capabilities and pre-built content that can help accelerate your journey towards digitally automating and extending your Finance-related business processes. SAP Workflow Management is a cloud offering from SAP that helps you....

SAP Hyperautomation Webinar Series no. 2 My colleague and I were able to present a session entitled “Intelligent business document processing [through side-by-side SAP Intelligent RPA scenarios] for small and medium enterprises [SMEs]” at the recent SAP Hyperautomation Webinar. (You can watch it here.) The objective of our session was to share our intelligent enterprise vision....

This blogpost summarizes about a new accelerator content “Business Partner Creation Approval Process” which enables to automate the approval and creation of business partner for SAP S/4HANA, in a flexible and transparent way. A business partner is the leading object and single point of entry to maintain Business Partner, Customer, and Supplier/Vendors master data. This....

For all SAP Workflow friends there are some new materials for SAP Workflow Management available. In both you will find input for capabilities like Workflows, Business Rules, Process Flexibilitiy&Visibility and all you need for your Cloud Process Automation trip. The main capabilities of SAP Workflow Management   First there is new book published by Rheinwerk:....

SAP Cloud Platform Workflow Management is a cloud service offering of the extension suite to digitise workflows, automate processes, manage decision and gain visibility into the end-to-end process. Workflow Management enables customers to do more with less, ensure compliance and flexibly adapt processes to changing business requirements.   It offers content that can be explored in SAP API Business Hub and consumed....