Summary: I am writing this blog because we can’t directly compare fields from two different tables in CDS View. This document will help or guide you to achieve the compare field from two different tables. Will see step by step how can we accomplish the fields from two different tables using the “contain” condition. Basically,....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into....

This blog intends to provide reference and details on S/4 HANA Fiori applications usage – analytics, reports that are accessed via Fiori Launchpad (FLP). Further, also serves as a Best Practices to follow in order to pass Audit and compliance and S/4 HANA security role restrictions. One of the very important factors for Audit and Compliance is....

This is a Proof of Concept in customer system for embedded analytics / embedded SAC. S/4HANA Cloud Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud can enhance the analysis function of the current system and can better help customers analyze business related data. In this blog, the successful PoC of Embedded SAC Purchasing Reconciliation Dashboard will be shared to show its....

本文介绍的采购对账仪表盘是客户系统实施嵌入式分析的一次概念验证的成果,以验证财务关键指标比较在S/4HANA Cloud中自建的可行性。S/4HANA Cloud 嵌入式 SAP Analytics Cloud 可以增强当前系统的分析功能,并更好地帮助客户分析业务相关数据。本文将会在下文向读者介绍如何实施嵌入式 SAC以完成财务关键指标比较的关键步骤并展示嵌入式分析云的功能。 客户的需求 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中已存在大量标准分析应用。但是,特定地区或有特殊用途的客户会对仪表盘/报表有特定的样式需求。对于该客户,客户想要分析采购流程的整个生命周期,包括采购申请、采购订单、收货、发票接收,以使采购员能够查看采购的履行情况。除此以外,客户还想要查看在标准应用中未提供的采购订单中税的信息。 因此,我们建议客户使用嵌入式分析云创建采购对账仪表盘。 采购对账仪表盘的内容如下: 采购申请 采购申请项目 部门或 成本中心 采购订单 采购订单项目 凭证日期 交货日期 供应商 供应商描述 产品 产品描述 短文本 基本计量单位 订单数量 我方参考 收货过账日期   物料凭证 收货数量 订单货币 PO审批状态 税率   价格单位 未税单价 未税金额 含税单价 含税金额 订单总数量 订单含税总金额 开票金额 已开票金额 实际待开票金额   解决方案 实现嵌入式SAC的主要步骤有四个:创建自定义CDS视图,创建自定义分析查询,创建story和创建应用程序。具体步骤将在下面详细描述。为了保护客户敏感数据,一些截图来自虚拟测试系统。 创建自定义CDS视图 实现采购对账仪表盘创建....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into actual....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into....

This blog post is related to SAP BW4HANA or BWonHANA or SAP S/4 HANA Embeded Analytics ADSO Active table partitioning. Now please understand that the active table of the ADSO holds data after activation and it is the area where all data resides. Sometimes we may come up with a situation where the ADSO reached....

Als SAP BW Berater weiß man die Vorzüge eines ad-hoc-Reportings zu schätzen. SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics führt ein breites Spektrum an CDS-Views mit sich. Daneben lassen sich mit selbst erstellten CDS-Views vielfältige, unternehmerische Anforderungen abdecken. Wie aber lassen sich solche CDS-Views möglichst einfach in einem ad-hoc-Reporting nutzen? SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics nutzt dabei das SAP....

Spend reporting is an important AP requirement that helps companies better understand and control their expenses. Traditionally, companies that run SAP approach Spend reporting with BW solutions. When it comes to Spend reporting BW gives little to no advantage compared to S/4HANA Embedded Analytics due to rigid extraction process and need of complex transformations and....

Have you ever asked yourself what Embedded Analytics is all about and how your company can benefit from it? In this blog post I, want to give you an insight into Embedded Analytics done with the lately announced ABAP Cloud.   Conceptual Basics Alright, first I need to admit: Yes – there are numerous different....

Many customers, partners and consultants have been waiting for a tool in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud to work with their data. Within the 2208 release a groundbreaking new app is available that enables key users to analyze data much faster than before – the Customer Data Browser. To get a detailed list of key features and....

SAP Influence improvement proposal Flexible time filters in TM OVPs and ALPs This blog is inspired by a SAP Q&A question Changing time horizon for Freight Order Execution Monitoring OVP (Fiori ID: 2675) by Shivang Bhatt SAP TM provides several embedded analytics Fiori applications e.g. Freight Order Execution Monitoring Freight Order Quantity Analysis Source: SAP Fiori apps library The....

For manufacturing orders producing quantity of one there is an easy way to report product and component serial numbers using analytics extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Prerequisite is that you have posted goods receipt from production and component consumption with serial numbers. Do you want to know more? Then this is the right blog post....

This blog is for anyone who is developing CDS views, they can check CDS views already available in the system based on source tables provided to executable ABAP Program. Based on the findings, CDS view already available can be utilized instead of developing new CDS views. When many developers are working, we will create lot....

In this blog post you will learn step-by-step how to create a report in a SAP Fiori environment on operational SAP S/4HANA data. This is done using the ‘Custom Analytical Query’ SAP Fiori app. This SAP Fiori app is standard available in SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics and allows users to create reports themselves, directly on....

This is a Proof of Concept in customer system for embedded analytics / embedded SAC. S/4HANA Cloud Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud can enhance the analysis function of the current system and can better help customers analyze business related data. In this blog, the successful PoC of Embedded SAC Financial Key Figures Comparison will be shared to show....

本文介绍的财务关键指标比较是客户系统实施嵌入式分析eSAC的一次概念验证的成果,以验证财务关键指标比较在S/4HANA Cloud中自建的可行性。S/4HANA Cloud 嵌入式 SAP Analytics Cloud 可以增强当前系统的分析功能,并更好地帮助客户分析业务相关数据。本文将会在下文向读者介绍如何实施嵌入式 SAC以完成财务关键指标比较的关键步骤并展示嵌入式分析云的功能。 客户的需求 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中已存在大量标准分析应用。但是,特定地区或有特殊用途的客户会对仪表盘/报表有特定的样式需求。对于该客户,财务部门希望了解不同公司代码之间多年来的财务 KPI,使最终用户能够灵活地比较不同公司代码之间的财务绩效,并可查看KPI的改变趋势。 该报表包括基本财务 KPI,如应收账款周转率、库存周转率和销售净利润、现金比率、销售收入比率等,同时也支持多维度KPI的趋势比较。在招股说明书中,这些 KPI 需要向公众披露以展示客户的财务状况;同时对于内部监测,报表也可以展示给管理层以监控公司财务状态。 财务关键指标的内容如下: 目前,没有 CDS 查询或 Fiori 应用程序允许比较多个公司代码的 3 个会计年度中的财务 KPI。大多数 CDS 视图(例如C_FinancialStatementKPI)为一个会计年度的会计期间提供财务 KPI 信息。因此,我们建议客户使用嵌入式分析云创建财务关键指标比较。 解决方案 实现嵌入式SAC的主要步骤有四个:创建自定义CDS视图,创建自定义分析查询,创建story和创建应用程序。具体步骤将在下面详细描述。为了保护客户敏感数据,一些截图来自虚拟测试系统。 创建自定义CDS视图 实现财务关键指标比较无需创建自定义 CDS 视图,而是使用标准 CDS。 CDS 视图 I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEM 包含计算所有会计年度/期间所有公司代码的科目余额所需的所有必填字段和数据。   创建自定义分析查询 在主页中找到“自定义分析查询”应用并创建新的自定义查询。 自定义分析查询 YY1_ACCBAL3YRQRY 基于 CDS 视图 I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEM使用关键指标“AmountInCompanyCodeCurrency”,以提供所需的比较功能。 根据需要选择字段。然后根据需要添加受限度量和用户输入,例如会计年度(当前期间)和会计年度(去年)。 作为 CE2111....

Technical blog post on data lineage in SAP S/4HANA In this blog post we will lay out the technical aspects of SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics, specifically how to get from a process to the apps and eventually the underlying CDS-views and tables. This is called data lineage. This information can be helpful when an issue arises....

In an ideal Virtual Data Model, we will have consumption CDS acting is the query for reporting integration. Either it can be used in UI5 development or in analytical reporting – SAC, Power BI, Tableau etc. S/4 Embedded Analytics project works on the core VDMs and allows the high level of customization to the existing....

  SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with built-in intelligent technologies, including AI, machine learning, and advanced embedded analytics. It comes with embedded analytics in the form of a huge set of predefined SAP Fiori analytical apps which can visualize operational data that is already in the system. SAP S/4HANA Cloud also integrates SAP....

本文介绍的期间费用表是客户系统实施嵌入式分析eSAC的一次概念验证的成果,以验证期间费用表在S/4HANA Cloud中自建的可行性。S/4HANA Cloud 嵌入式 SAP Analytics Cloud 可以增强当前系统的分析功能,并更好地帮助客户分析业务相关数据。本文将会在下文向读者介绍如何实施嵌入式 SAC以完成期间费用表(跨三年比较)的关键步骤并展示嵌入式分析云的功能。 客户的需求 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中已存在大量标准分析应用。但是,特定地区或有特殊用途的客户会对仪表盘/报表有特定的样式需求。很多中国客户财务部门想要在一个界面上查看不同公司代码中多个年度的账户余额,可以允许最终用户灵活地比较不同公司代码之间的财务绩效,并查看近三年的趋势。另外,如果客户要在当地地区进行 IPO,在招股说明书中需要向公众披露按职能范围划分的期间费用,以展示公司的财务状况。 期间费用表(跨三年比较)的内容如下: CompanyCode   FunctionArea   GLAccount   Amount (Current Period) Portion % by Account AMT_CurrentPeriodLastYear YOYRate_Period(CurrentPeriod) Amount (Previous Period) PeriodOnPeriodRatio YTD_CurrentYear YTD_LastYear TYD_YOYRate YTD_YM2 YTD_YM3 EndBalance_YM1 EndBalance_YM2 EndBalance_YM3   目前标准应用支持比较 2 年的账户余额。当前没有可以比较多个公司代码的 3 个会计年度科目余额的 CDS ,查询或 Fiori 应用程序。因此,我们推荐客户使用嵌入式分析云创建跨3 年比较的期间费用表。实现该表使用标准数据源,不需要执行许多步骤。  ....

Now a days client has plenty of choices to select Analytical tools as per there business requirements and budget. Cloud being most popular option most of clients are preferring cloud solutions so that they don’t need to invest time in maintaining environments and installations. With Wide adaption of SAP intelligent Enterprise SAP has introduce Business....

In this blog post I will discuss the overview of SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics which is one of the key innovations of S/4HANA. It is a collection of SAP Fiori tiles in SAP S/4HANA that enable real time operational reporting. Embedded Analytics uses SAP Fiori as the front-end user interface and SAP has delivered standard....

I recently was exploring the SAP Query Browser (App IDF1068) on SAP S/4HANA 2020. Query Browser The SAP Query Browser allows you to view, retrieve & analyse different data using analytical queries & is a powerful Fiori app for embedded analytics. I found a lot of information on SAP Query Browser available online, some of....

  In a recent blog I informed you about our new Expert Guided Implementation sessions for SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics. Those sessions are instructor led and delivered within a defined timeframe, and generally are a great hands-on way to get SAP Fiori analytical apps up an running. You may, however, be looking for something a little more self-service so....

Operationales Reporting und Real-Time-Auswertungen werden immer wichtiger. Mit Embedded Analytics bietet SAP ein Reportingtool, mit dem Entscheidungen schneller getroffen werden können und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens enorm gesteigert wird. Obwohl das Tool in S/4HANA implementiert ist und ohne zusätzliche Lizenzkosten genutzt werden kann, scheinen viele Kunden mit dieser Lösung nicht vertraut zu sein. Auch ergeben....

Implementing Fiori apps is to get more value out of SAP S/4HANA business innovations and analytics. Best way to start S4 Hana implementation is define UI/UX strategy with Fiori in early stage of project during discover, prepare explore. It is at this moment, when talking about SAP delivers SAP Fiori application under new and renew,....

Context We have currently three reporting solutions available in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud: Solution based on the Web Dynpro Data Grid (Web Dynpro UI Technology) Solution based on SAP Analytics Cloud (=SAC) Solution based on the Design Studio Reporting Template (Fiori UI technology; but getting deprecated) Most SAP Design Studio apps are no longer supported....