Introduction A comprehensive guide to leading ledger selection in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition system, accounting principles play a vital role in ensuring accurate financial reporting. This article aims to provide you with a clear understanding of how accounting principles are defined within the system, particularly when reporting in multiple accounting principles. We will focus....

In S/4HANA Public Cloud, Handling Unit Shipping Label Output can be configured via Output Parameter Determination App. The plant column within the “Handling Unit” Output Application Object is retrieved from the Handling Unit (HU) header. Whether a plant is determined automatically for the HU header in turn is configured in the Packaging Material Type SSC-UI.....

Introduction: In this blog, we will learn that how any consumer can consume events from S/4HANA cloud system via Event Mesh. Event Mesh can receive S/4HANA cloud’s event if the connectivity between SAP Event Mesh and the SAP S/4HANA Cloud tenant is established, we can achieve this by creating instance of S/4HANA Cloud extensibility service and Event....

In the fast-paced world of SAP development, buzzwords can often create confusion and uncertainty. Among these buzzwords, SAP BTP – ABAP Environment, Steampunk, ABAP Cloud, and Embedded Steampunk have emerged, leaving developers searching for clarity. In this SAP SCN blog post, we aim to demystify these concepts, providing a clear understanding of SAP BTP – ABAP Environment, Steampunk, ABAP Cloud,....

Who would benefit from reading this blog? Many customers use MSSQL to store local IoT data, which is later processed and transformed to integrate useful business data in SAP S/4HANA. This blog will help them to understand how they can leverage SAP Integration Suite to bring different systems together and orchestrate business processes. I would like to thank Gunter Albrecht for his....

This is a detailed step-by-step technical guide document to introduce a Developer Extensibility case followed by this blog.   1. Case Background: In this case, we create an custom Fiori application, which can create multiple purchase requisitions from an Excel file template. Furthermore, you can define the upload template based on your own requirement.   2.....

Objective Singapore law permits corporates and legal entities to change their reporting and local currency to USD instead of SGD. It has been a popular exercise, which is in practice by several corporates as they keep USD as their primary reporting currency in Singapore. When these corporates/ legal entities want to implement S/4HANA Public Cloud....

This blog post describes the Two-Tier scenario of Equipment calibration between headquarters and subsidiary which run on two different instances of SAP. This scenario is beneficial in case of external calibration, in cases where the test equipment is sent to external vendor for calibration. Headquarters are expected to gain better visibility on the Calibration results....

Objective If you have a requirement to keep your group accounting principle other than IFRS & USGP (USGAAP) accounting principles in S/4HANA Public Cloud, then this blog is for you only. It will outline how to achieve the said requirement Cloud ERP. I also found that details and documentation not available anywhere. It will be....

このブログ投稿では、SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public editionにおける開発者拡張の実装方法について実際の操作画面ベースにステップバイステップでご紹介します。コンセプトなどの概要情報については、わかりやすく紹介されているブログをリンクしていますので、ぜひそちらも参照ください。なお、SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, SAP S/4HANA (オンプレミス)でも方法は同じです。 開発者拡張とは 開発者拡張(Developer extensibility)は、ABAP開発者によって、SAP S/4HANA Cloud システム内で SAP オブジェクトの拡張および独自のカスタムオブジェクトの作成ができる、というのものになります。 キーユーザ拡張よりも複雑な拡張・カスタム開発が可能であり、かつ SAP S/4HANA Cloud 内でデータを直接参照することができるため、SAP Business Technology Platform 上の Side-by-Side 拡張よりもより SAP オブジェクトと密結合した拡張機能を実装できます。 ただし従来のクラシック拡張とは異なり、開発者拡張(Developer extensibility)では、コアとカスタムコードを分離するために、従来の実装ルールより制限が多い新しい実装ルールへの準拠が必要となります。 更に詳しい内容はこちらのブログで紹介されていますのでご参照ください。 開発者拡張における ABAP とは 新しい実装ルールの主なポイントとしては、下記の3点が挙げられます。 更に詳しい内容はこちらのブログで紹介されていますのでご参照ください。 SAP オブジェクトの使用制限 – リリース済オブジェクト (Public API) のみ使用可能 Release contract という属性でリリースステータスが定義され、 未リリースのオブジェクトは使用できず、構文エラーになります。 SAP オブジェクトの拡張は事前に定義されリリースされている拡張ポイントのみ モディフィケーションは許可されていません。 Restricted....

在 S/4 Hana Cloud 中,如果情况由后台作业触发情况实例,一些业务利益相关者(如库存管理员)需要在 S/4 系统中采取行动以手动解决特定情况实例。情况处理 ( 31N ) 中描述了该流程。借助 BTP 智能情况自动化,客户可以根据业务规则定义动作,自动解决情况实例。我们准备了任务“从 S/4HANA 自动解决 PO 数量短缺”和“从 SAP S/4HANA 自动解决实物库存”,其中提供了端到端的指导。 但是BTP 智能情况自动化 目前只在AWS Europe (Frankfurt) 有,那么其他地区有没有什么方法可以自动实现情况的自动化处理? 我使用 BTP 集成套件对此主题进行了一些探索。当然开发的 iflow 比较初步,需要根据业务需求进行一定的修改。 我将分享步骤,分享录制的中文视频帮助读者来实现情况的自动化处理。如果有需要,请通过此博客联系客户的 BTP 客户成功经理。 先决条件: 1,你有 S/4 Hana Cloud 上线或正在实施中。 2,你有 SAP Integration Suite 。 3,你有 SAP Event Mesh 。 步骤: 1,创建ValueMapping以确定CPI中情况类型的需要采取的动作,这是一次性的工作。 但是我们可以编辑和附加其他映射。 2,在 CPI 中创建iflow,以从事件网格中获取所有情境类型的情况事件,并根据操作结果更新 S/4 Hana....

本ブログポストでは、会計レポート開発シナリオにしたがいSAP S/4HANAに登録されている会計のデータをCDSビューからSAP Analytics Cloudにインポート接続で取り込む方法を紹介します。SAP S/4HANA(オンプレミス)とSAP Analytics Cloudを接続して本ブログの手順を試す場合は、環境構築と接続設定(SAP クラウドコネクタ・SAP Analytics Cloudエージェント)が完了し利用できる状態である必要があります。 下記の順番でSAP S/4HANAの会計データをSAP Analytics Cloudに取り込む方法を説明します。 シナリオ データソースの確認(CDSビューの探し方) SAP Analytics Cloudの接続作成 SAP Analytics Cloudのモデルにデータをインポートからストーリーでデータを確認   1. シナリオ SAP S/4HANAに格納されている会計のデータをSAP Analytics Cloudで参照・分析したいといった要件があります。主な表示項目・形式の要件としては、売上総利益や売上などの勘定科目に関する会計伝票のデータをG/L勘定、利益センタや会社コード、他の切り口で集計してPL形式でデータを参照・表示するといったものです。まずSAP S/4HANA開発環境にて要件を満たすCDSビューが標準機能として提供されているかをSAPヘルプポータルおよびFioriビューブラウザで確認します。確認した結果CDSビュー(仕訳アナライザ:C_GLLineItemsQ0001)がデータソースとして利用できそうであるとわかり、このさっそくSAP S/4HANAとSAP Analytics Cloudとの接続を作成し、データをインポートしたいと思います。   2. データソースの確認(CDSビューの探し方) SAP S/4HANAに要件を満たすCDSビューが用意されているか探します。CDSビューの探し方は主に下記2つがあります。 1.SAPヘルプポータルから探す。SAP Help Portal : CDS View ※本ブログポストで扱うCDSビューのヘルプ:SAP Help Portal : Journal Entry Analyzer 2.Fioriビューブラウザから探すには下記作業手順を参照してください。   作業手順 ①Fioriラウンチパッドを起動しログインします。....

This blog will help you understand overall purpose and processes of Discounting of Long-Term Assets and Liabilities in S/4HANA Public Cloud. It will explain in detail about the importance, configurations, master data update and process execution itself.  Key Points What Is Discounting? Discounting is the process of determining the present value of a payment that....

Harmonizing Cloud Release Content for You Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to locate and process during a release, given how quickly innovation is advancing? When finding the right content becomes time-consuming, releases can become a daunting task. We hear you and want releases to be exciting and easy, which....

News Feed: 23.05.23: ABAP Environment release 2305 23.02.23: DSAG ABAP developer day for Microsoft integrations with SAP’s engineering team Dear community, Building on Frank’s “BTP ABAP Environment on Azure” release announcement we will take you on a journey of various Microsoft integration scenarios with ABAP over the coming weeks. Excited yet?🤩 Using the language flavor “ABAP Cloud” ensures you’re set....

このブログポストでは、SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public editionと独立したSAP Analytics Cloudのインポート接続/ライブ接続の設定方法について紹介します。インポート接続では計画統合のベストプラクティスを利用して必要な設定手順を説明します。 トピック 環境情報 インポート接続 ライブ接続   1. 環境情報 インポート接続ではSAP Analytics CloudからSAP S/4HANA CloudへはCommunication User(後述のインポート接続の手順で作成します。)に対するBasic認証で接続します。そのためSSOは必須ではありません。 ライブ接続では、前提としてIdentity Authentication Service(IAS)をSAP Analytics CloudとSAP S/4HANA Cloudのアイデンティティプロバイダ(Idp)として使用しSAML認証で接続します。そのためSAP Analytics CloudからSAP S/4HANA Cloudへの接続設定はSingle Sign ON(SSO)となります。 また本環境の運用ではSAP Analytics CloudだけでなくIdentity Authentication Service(IAS)でもユーザ管理が必要となることを留意していただく必要があります。 2. インポート接続 インポート接続は大きく分けて2つの接続パターンがあります。各接続についての説明や注意点は下記表を確認してください。本手順では、「SAP S/4HANA接続」利用した接続設定について説明します。利用するベストプラクティス(SAP_COM_0087)および関連する情報については、表下のリンクを参照してください。 補足事項:SAP標準で提供されているCDSビューがBW接続用のビューの場合、上記の接続方法では利用できません。   ・SAP Best Practice Explorer: SAP Rapid Financial Planning & Analysis for SAP....

End of last year we launched ABAP Cloud and the new ABAP extensibility guide for SAP S/4HANA:  ABAP Cloud | SAP Blogs  How to use Embedded Steampunk in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition and in on-premise – The new ABAP extensibility guide | SAP Blogs  Embedded Steampunk – Some more details for ABAP developers | SAP Blogs ....

We all know that CPFH & DISH were introduced in release 2105 (CPFH) and 2208 (DISH). So, this article wants to introduce some information to people who are interested in four scenarios of sales kits. The related scope item is 31Q SAP Best Practices Explorer. Except the customer master data, material master data and sales price,....

This blog gives you a summary of how the provisioning, and the initial activities are performed in S/4HANA Public Cloud (Cloud ERP) system. While you perform these activities in customer system, kindly follow Project Experience | SAP Help Portal and Roadmap Viewer (   3-System Landscape Provisioning   S. No. System Request Process Link Remarks 1 SAP for....

(Jana Subramanian serves as  APJ Principal Cybersecurity Advisor for Cloud Security and has been recognized as a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). As part of his responsibilities, Jana helps with strategic customer engagements related to topics such as cybersecurity, data privacy, multi-cloud security integration architecture, contractual assurance,....

In SAP Cloud ALM, we’ve been incrementally adding features to our APIs. We’ve reached a critical mass, allowing you to powerfully automate implementation projects and create new added value. To help you get started, we recently published a Jupyter notebook containing example API calls for a scenario of interest to many SAP partners: taking a....

有客户提出需求,在为采购订单预制发票时,进行检查,对于采购订单行项目 Account Assignment Category (科目分配类别) 是 Y(3rd Party W/O SN), 如果 Deliv. Compl. (交货已完成) 未被勾选,此时用 MIRO 开票需要提示报错:收货未完成,不能开票。 本文即对该需求展开分析,探索解决方案。 如果没有果 Deliv. Compl. 未被勾选,此时用 MIRO 开票需要提示报错 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 以前也帮助处理过客户的一个关于开票的需求,因此我们这次需要用到的增强逻辑和之前的一样。参见这篇 Blog :在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中通过自定义逻辑检查预制发票的付款条件与供应商主数据中的付款条件是否一致 | SAP Blogs 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新增增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里新增增强实施完成后,我们需要找到一个字段来获取采购订单的 Account Assignment Category 和 Deliv. Compl. ,我们需要在 CDS Views 里进行查找和检索。I_PURCHASEORDERITEMAPI01 这个 CDS View 里有助于检索采购订单行项目的详细信息,其中我们可以找到字段 ACCOUNTASSIGNMENTCATEGORY ,这个字段即 Account Assignment Category ,我们要判断这个字段是不是 Y 。字段 ISCOMPLETELYDELIVERD ,这个字段就代表了 MIRO 中的 Deliv. Compl. 字段。 3. 目前需要作为判断条件的字段都已经找到了,但我们还需要作一个主数据和....

Introduction:  This document describes about why etag is required in update or delete operations of OData API in S/4HANA cloud and how to use it in CPI while making put/patch/delete OData API calls. etag or entity tag is used in concurrency control of a data while changing it using OData service. Let’s consider that multiple....

Introduction: This document describes about how to set up communication management in S/4HANA cloud which is a prerequisite S/4HANA APIs. Let’s setup or configure Communication User/System/Arrangement in S/4HANA cloud to access SAP S/4HANA Cloud APIs. Follow the steps to setup the Communication Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Note: For communication management setup, one should have “Integration....

Introduction: This document describes about client certification authentication while sending data from cloud integration (CPI) to S/4HANA cloud system or any other system which is compatible to receive data with client certification authentication. In other words, we can say that how to use client certification authentication at receiver adapter in  CPI.   Go to CPI tenant....

Introduction: This document describes that if the standard API is not available to fulfil any integration requirement, then how to create an external API using standard or custom CDS view in S/4HANA cloud so that we can get the required data via created external API Here I will take one example where i want to fetch....

Abstract A mobile application has been created using SAP S/4HANA and Flutter that enables warehouse employees to perform picking and packing tasks quickly. The video demonstrates a step-by-step process of how to perform simple picking and packing tasks. Motivation We all know the mobile capabilities of SAP EWM, which can be accessed through ITSMobile, Fiori....

Experts, before getting into the topic, let’s understand the motivation and purpose of the new modern extensibility options defined by the SAP for SAP S/4HANA Public, On-premise, and PCE editions. Motivation SAP S/4HANA extensibility strategy update comes with lots of benefits for traditional ABAPers and overall benefits for operating in a cloud-first environment. There is....

In this blog, you will learn how to use the Cloud BAdIs in sales order inbound and outbound EDI processing. Background I’m working on the SD-SLS-EDI component for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Our most important topic is about EDI Integration Between Buyers and Suppliers. In this blog, I’d like to share some information with our community about....

In my last blog post about Custom Business Objects, I illustrated some simple cases of how to execute API operations on a Custom Business Object in S/4HANA Cloud. In this follow-up post on CBO’s, I’d like to demonstrate a slightly more complex use-case that you might need to employ if you have specific customer requirements that necessitate....

In the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, the user authorizations are hinged around the Business Catalogs.  The business catalogs are further grouped together to form the Business User Roles.  The users are assigned relevant business user roles to gain access to the desired Fiori apps. This blog showcases the tight binding of business catalogs and....

In the Central Finance projects one of the challenging aspect is to analyzing AIF messages through debugging. Due to the complexity of the solution and tight integration between AIF and Central Finance interface its very easy to get confused and to find the correct method for debugging the AIF messages. In this guide I would....

Advanced Foreign Currency Valuation is part of Advanced Valuation in Financial Accounting. Advanced Valuations support you in following accounting standards, for example, IFRS9. The following processes are part of advanced valuation and are realized as job templates in the Schedule General Ledger Jobs app. Post Discounting of Long-Term Assets and Liabilities Advanced Foreign Currency Valuation Post Credit-Risk....

(Jana Subramanian serves as  APJ Principal Cybersecurity Advisor for Cloud Security and has been recognized as a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). As part of his responsibilities, Jana helps with strategic customer engagements related to topics such as cybersecurity, data privacy, multi-cloud security integration architecture, contractual assurance,....

This blog intends to share our experience and understanding of SAP S/4HANA Cloud ABAP Environment (Embedded Steampunk) with the ABAP developer community. As an illustration, we have included three examples to highlight the capabilities of Embedded Steampunk. Overview of SAP S/4HANA Cloud ABAP Environment Rich and Flexible Cloud Extensibility Every ERP requires extensibility options. Business....

  Purpose of this Document This document will help you understand all the available types of Chart of Accounts in S/4HANA Public Cloud (Cloud ERP) how they are managed in the system. What types of Chart of Accounts are available in S/4HANA Cloud  Operating Chart of Accounts (YCOA) Group Chart of Accounts (YGR1) Alternative/Local Chart....

ChatGPT is a chatbot platform that is designed to engage with users in conversations. It utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language processing to understand users’ queries and respond in the most appropriate way possible. ChatGPT has been programmed to provide useful and accurate information to help users find answers to their questions. Source: ChatGPT 😅 This blog....

This is a detailed step-by-step guide document to introduce a Developer Extensibility case followed by this blog. 1. Case Background: This case is about customizing the Sales Order standard App, adding a custom field called “BU Section”. However, the custom fields on Sales Order are on the last tab “Custom Fields”. People tends to forget maintaining....

SAP Event Objects – What and Why? Event-driven architecture is an approach to software design where the components of a system are designed to respond to events or messages in a decoupled manner. In this architecture, events are sent and received by the system’s components, triggered by user actions, system events, or external factors. This....

客户发现在业务中存在不规范的情况,有些用户对于工单并没做发料或者工序确认,就做产成品101入库。但是在实际业务中这种情况是不存在的,因为没有发料和报工,产成品不可能生产出来。因此客户想在系统中做些限制,如果没有报工或者发料,不允许做产成品的入库。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新建增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里根据本问题涉及业务上下文以及业务加载项描述完成新建增强实施后,我们需要找到字段获取工单的状态。根据客户的需求,我们可以去前台应用 – 监控生产/计划订单里查找到未发料、未确认涉及以下几种状态: GMPS – Goods Movement Posted PCNF – Part Confirmed CNF – Confirmed 在应用“监控生产/计划订单”里查看订单状态 3. 我们尝试在 CDS View 里进行查找和检索字段来表示工单的状态。I_MfgOrderWithStatus 里存在多个字段可以表示工单的状态,其中 OrderIsPartiallyConfirmed 和 OrderIsConfirmed 可以分别表示 PCNF 和 CNF 两种涉及确认的状态。那么,我们可以写出关于确认状态的判断语句。 SELECT SINGLE FROM i_mfgorderwithstatus FIELDS OrderIsConfirmed WHERE ManufacturingOrder = @im_gr4xy_item->inbounddelivery INTO @ls_orderisconfirmed. SELECT SINGLE FROM i_mfgorderwithstatus FIELDS OrderIsPartiallyConfirmed WHERE ManufacturingOrder = @im_gr4xy_item->inbounddelivery INTO @ls_orderispartiallyconfirmed. ... if ls_orderisconfirmed <>....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into....

There are two types of configurations related to conditions. One is client specific, such as Condition Type, we call it customizing item. The other one is cross-client, such as Access Sequence, Condition Table, etc., we call it extension item. The relations/dependencies among these configurations are illustrated below. A Condition Type might reference to an Access....

How to get started on “Integration”: SAP enables our partners and customers to become an intelligent, sustainable enterprise by bringing together our comprehensive portfolio of solutions and technology in service to the business process needs. SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) as choice of Technology Platform for SAP’s solutions Portfolio to accelerate the path to become Intelligent Enterprise. It....

本文主要收集了与集成扩展相关的常见问题(2022年07月 – 2022年09月),按照主要问询对象API,CDS View,CPI,自定义字段和逻辑以及集成相关对常见问题进行了大致的分类。每一类对象下又进行了问题性质的分类,例如:功能缺失,操作和实施以及配置相关问题等。客户可以点击下方链接查看到相关问题。   Contents API  操作和实施相关问题 CDS View 操作和实施相关问题 自定义字段和逻辑 操作和实施相关问题  API 操作和实施相关问题 问题:如何检查分析日记帐分录接口错误? 解答:请参考使用 SOAPUI 测试日记账分录 API 的 SAP blog指南并检查响应 可以参考第 4 部分下的内容: 4 如何检查响应消息 4.1 如何检查同步 API 的响应消息 以及 4.2 如何检查异步 API 的响应消息   问题:客户基于采购申请创建了一个自定义字段,在前台创建采购申请时,可以维护这个自定义字段。但是当通过API API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV来创建采购申请时,字段为空。 解答:客户使用了CPI来管理这个API,发现在mapping里没有对这个自定义字段做好mapping。更新了一下WSDL文件,现在可以通过API来更新这个自定义字段了。   问题:客户想要通过 API API_PUR_QUOTA_ARRANGEMENT_SRV/A_PurchasingQuotaArrangement(’15’)来更改字段ValidityStartDate,但是报错说这个字段只读。 解答:根据描述:Updates the header details of a quota arrangement, using....

This Blog will be continuation of the 1st part of the blog where I explained how we can generate Fragmented Forms from Fiori List report using SEGW (OData) Project. Part-1 – Preview/Download Fragmented Forms From Fiori List Report In this part of the blog, I will be explaining how we can switch/ convert SEGW project to Unmanaged....

Problem Statement: For example you created a RAP based application in S/4HANA Public Cloud system and now you want to test it locally(Fiori Elements Preview) but you end up having authorization issue. Like below: For On-Premise systems this issue won’t arise while testing locally. Resolution: To consume services in an SAP Fiori app, you need to....

在实际业务中,存在组件批量替换的情况,例如一个组件A用在多个头物料下面,由于工艺的要求,需要将组件A统一替换成组件B。传统的做法是找到组件A所在的BOM架构,然后逐一替换。 SAP公有云提供了Scope item “3LP” 可以实现BOM组件的批量替换,其中有 一个比较实用的App “物料清单中的物料使用位置清单”,可以实现对BOM组件的批量替换。(在OP的GUI时代,类似的 T-code:CS15 仅可以反向查询组件物料所在的BOM架构,但没有批量替换的功能)。   1.进入到 App “物料清单中的物料使用位置”; 输入:① 组件 ② 工厂 ③物料清单用途 点击执行可以找到这个物料使用的所有位置,如蓝色框所示,此组件物料挂在 TT_FG02 、TT_FG03两个头物料下。 2. 选中需要替换的两个头物料号,然后点击 “替换物料”。 在弹出的框中输入,替换后的物料号和数量,点击确认。 确认后,会先将此修改保留在草稿中,此时BOM组件还未真正替换。 3. 点击确认替换,系统会将此前草稿中的组件替换动作完成。 4. 查看BOM,确认组件已经替换成功。 总结,此功能可以实现组件物料的批量替换,但局限是无法做到组件的新增。   附1: 关于这个Fiori app的其他官方介绍,请查看 SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library (   附2: 对于大多数企业,一般都有管理BOM的外围系统。对于比较频繁BOM更新的情况,建议可以通过 API接口的方式修改。 相关API官方参考:API for Bills of Material – Read, Create, Update | SAP....

介绍 SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition中批次管理的基本功能。 批次主数据 批次定义 批次管理标识: 如果您需要对某一物料/产品进行批次管理,那么您就需要在物料/产品主数据上通过勾选批次管理的标识来激活批次管理的功能。 您可以通过以下应用在物料/产品主数据中设置批次管理标识: 管理产品主数据 选择某一产品的‘工厂’页签中的一个工厂: 在工厂详细信息的‘基本信息’页签中,有针对批次管理开启的选项: 创建/更改/显示物料 在‘采购’页签中 或者在‘工厂数据/存储1’页签中 或者在‘工作计划’页签中 都有启动批次管理的标识。 批次处理: 维护批次主数据的应用程序 查看批次变更文档: API: Batch Master Record: 利用此接口可以同步读取,创建和修改批次 通信场景: Batch Management OData Integration (SAP_COM_0337) 范围项目: Batch Management (BLF) 技术名称: API_BATCH_SRV 批次级别 批次在物料级别唯一 批次号码分配 创建批次: 在批次主数据维护中(批次管理) 在货物移动中(库存管理) 在采购订单中(采购) 在生产/流程订单中(生产) 在结果记录(质量管理)中 批次号码跳号是不能避免的 (详解见SAP note 619913, 第6项) 批次创建:自动或手动 以下配置可以确定批次创建的时机是在货物移动期间还是针对特定物料进行批次的自动创建。 配置项目:批次管理的常规设置 客制化逻辑:....

This is a Proof of Concept in customer system for embedded analytics / embedded SAC. S/4HANA Cloud Embedded SAP Analytics Cloud can enhance the analysis function of the current system and can better help customers analyze business related data. In this blog, the successful PoC of Embedded SAC Purchasing Reconciliation Dashboard will be shared to show its....

With the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 release a new feature is now available: Business User Groups. With this feature you can create business user groups and assign multiple business users to them. This helps you to organize your area and easily search for all business users of a certain category. In this Blog Post I....

本文介绍的采购对账仪表盘是客户系统实施嵌入式分析的一次概念验证的成果,以验证财务关键指标比较在S/4HANA Cloud中自建的可行性。S/4HANA Cloud 嵌入式 SAP Analytics Cloud 可以增强当前系统的分析功能,并更好地帮助客户分析业务相关数据。本文将会在下文向读者介绍如何实施嵌入式 SAC以完成财务关键指标比较的关键步骤并展示嵌入式分析云的功能。 客户的需求 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中已存在大量标准分析应用。但是,特定地区或有特殊用途的客户会对仪表盘/报表有特定的样式需求。对于该客户,客户想要分析采购流程的整个生命周期,包括采购申请、采购订单、收货、发票接收,以使采购员能够查看采购的履行情况。除此以外,客户还想要查看在标准应用中未提供的采购订单中税的信息。 因此,我们建议客户使用嵌入式分析云创建采购对账仪表盘。 采购对账仪表盘的内容如下: 采购申请 采购申请项目 部门或 成本中心 采购订单 采购订单项目 凭证日期 交货日期 供应商 供应商描述 产品 产品描述 短文本 基本计量单位 订单数量 我方参考 收货过账日期   物料凭证 收货数量 订单货币 PO审批状态 税率   价格单位 未税单价 未税金额 含税单价 含税金额 订单总数量 订单含税总金额 开票金额 已开票金额 实际待开票金额   解决方案 实现嵌入式SAC的主要步骤有四个:创建自定义CDS视图,创建自定义分析查询,创建story和创建应用程序。具体步骤将在下面详细描述。为了保护客户敏感数据,一些截图来自虚拟测试系统。 创建自定义CDS视图 实现采购对账仪表盘创建....

With the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 release a new feature is now available: Business Role Groups. With this feature you can create business role groups and assign multiple business roles to them. This helps you to organize your area and easily search for all business roles of a certain category. In this Blog Post I....

Hey there, fellow techies! As businesses continue to rely on technology for growth and success, it’s time to shake things up with some ChatGPT magic! We’ve all heard the same old stories – developers using ChatGPT to generate code, script writers churning out viral content, copywriters producing content at lightning speed. But what if we....

一直以来在S/4HANA Cloud系统中,我们会使用”调整UI”功能来调整基于SAP UI5技术的Fiori应用界面。那么我们如何修改经典的应用程序界面呢?好消息是,自从S/4HANA Cloud 2202版本起,我们可以使用SAP Screen Person来进行经典应用程序的屏幕调整。这里的经典应用是指S/4HANA Cloud中基于GUI HTML技术的应用程序。本文将结合对” 创建采购订单-高级”应用的屏幕调整演示,来展示Screen Persona的一些基础特性。 关于屏幕调整的业务需求可能来源于以下几点: 通过消除按键、标签和屏幕来提高用户的生产率 通过更直观的屏幕减少培训时间 通过减少用户进行数据输入错误的机会来提高数据质量 使用Screen Persona需要以下几个权限: Screen Persona的使用 Screen Persona会涉及到以下几个步骤: 创建者创建Flavor并调整屏幕 管理者创建分配类型管理Flavor,并将相关的角色给到特定的用户 业务用户使用经过修改的应用程序 创建者 以调整”创建采购订单-高级”应用为例。我们通过ME21N打开相关的应用后,我们在需要调整的界面使用“调整UI“进入Flaovr的编辑界面,在这里我们可以创建一个新的Flaovr,并开始调整界面,比如隐藏某些标签页和字段,更改字段属性等。 管理者 我们通过“管理Flaovr“应用,创建分配类型来管理已经创建好的Flavor。 创建好分配类型后,我们会创建一个包含“SAP_CORE_BC_UI_PER_USE_PC“业务目录的业务角色,并将分配类型当作限制值分配给业务角色。 业务用户 最后我们会将创建好的业务角色分配给相关的业户用,使得他可以访问调整后的页面 后续,我会进一步与大家分享Screen Persona的一些用法。同时大家还可以参考: SAP Help进一步的了解Screen Persona。 FollowLikeRSS Feed Alert Moderator

下面简单介绍一下如何将生产订单BOM中子件的供应商委外库存数量排除到ATP检查之外: 首先确定要排除供应商委外库存子件的可用性检查组和检查规则: 先看物料主数据MRP 3 视图,确定该物料的可用性检查,如下为:SP 再查看所要创建生产订单的订单类型SSCUI:102447:定义检查规则 这样确定了该物料的可用性检查为SP, 检查规则为P2. 再打开配置点SSCUI:101099 配置可用性检查范围 双击打开 SP和P2的组合 选中不含转包选项,这样在创建该物料上层主件生产订单,对该子件进行ATP检查时,供应商委外库存就排除在外,可以更精准控制库存! FollowLikeRSS Feed Alert Moderator

As an S/4HANA Cloud consultant, you might come across a scenario where sales documents need to contain varying data for the different partner roles of a certain business partner. In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, multiple address handling allows you to maintain different addresses for a single business partner, depending on the partner role. Some of the....

Remember the blog post I wrote about FAQs related to the Test Strategy? Well, I’m back with more answers to your burning questions! Since I last wrote, a lot has changed in the tech world, including the rise of ChatGPT and ChatGPT-powered Bing. So, I decided to tap into Bing’s power to find out what questions....

本文主要收集了与集成扩展相关的常见问题(2022年04月 – 2022年06月),按照主要问询对象API,CDS View,CPI,自定义字段和逻辑以及集成相关对常见问题进行了大致的分类。每一类对象下又进行了问题性质的分类,例如:功能缺失,操作和实施以及配置相关问题等。客户可以点击下方链接查看到相关问题。   Contents API 功能缺失相关问题 操作和实施相关问题 CDS View 功能缺失相关问题 操作和实施相关问题 自定义字段和逻辑 操作和实施相关问题 集成相关 操作和实施相关问题     API 功能缺失相关问题 问题:客户无法通过API SALES_ORDER_WITHOUT_CHARGE_SRV更改免费销售订单的审批状态,无法实现免费的销售订单的外部审批 解答:API_SALES_ORDER_WITHOUT_CHARGE_SRV 没有用于更新审批状态的字段;即销售凭证审批状态。无法使用 API_SALES_ORDER_SRV 更新此销售订单类型。客户可以提交新功能请求。   问题:API API_PRODUCTION_ORDER_2_SRV/A_ProductionOrder_2 不能用于更新基本计划类型和生产主管信息。 解答:目前提及的 2 个字段是只读字段,尚无法由 API 更新。 您可以参考 API 的在线帮助。 由于目前缺少此功能,您可以在 Customer Influence 中提交功能申请。   问题:客户询问是否有固定资产报废接口 解答:当前只有创建和更改固定资产的API可用。尚不存在用于报废固定资产的 API 解决方案。 请使用 Customer Influence 提交新功能请求   问题:客户需要通过API....

下面概述了可用于支持 SAP S/4HANA Cloud(私有云版本)实施的工具,并提供了一些关于何时使用它们的提示,请注意有些链接需要SAP PartnerEdge权限或Learning Hub用户才可以访问: 通过路线图查看器查看SAP Activate方法论针对私有云版本的分步实施方法,加速器中包含项目实施的文档模版和其他可用资源。 完整解决方案范围概览和每个范围的流程均可在 Best Practices Explorer 中找到(请查看S/4HANA OP版本的BP,因为它与 S/4HANA Cloud(私有云版本)应用功能相同),关于最佳实践的激活,请参阅SAP Note 3039705。 了解客户和SAP的角色和职责,角色和职责文档有中文版本提供,并且包含 SAP 提供的所有服务。 访问SAP Enterprise Cloud Services Private Cloud Customer Center (PC3) 为所有云服务相关主题提供的数字服务支持页面,例如如何创建服务请求。 如果您遇到操作疑问、遇到配置问题或对产品功能有疑问 – 请在 SAP S/4HANA 社区中发布。 如果您希望直接向开发团队建议SAP产品改进,可以通过 Customer Influence 门户执行此操作。 如果要查找有关云性能、数据中心、安全、隐私、合规性和协议的信息,请参阅 SAP Trust Center。 在 Roadmap Explorer 中查看未来版本中的功能。 在 What’s New Viewer(新增功能查看器)中查看自上一版本后的最新特性和功能。 在合作伙伴门户中查找有关 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 的试用、测试和演示系统的所有信息 在 SAP S/4HANA 2022 Tutorial中试用2022版本功能,了解操作流程。 了解何时应创建事件(Incident)以及何时应创建服务请求(Service Request)请参考SAP ECS PC3....

SAP Build Apps offers a no-code low-code platform with great features, making it easier than ever to build enterprise-ready applications. However, when it comes to such applications, Authentication, and Authorization (the 2A’s) are two critical topics that need to be addressed. In this blog, we’ll explore how we can achieve user propagation with SAP Build....

In Most of the projects there are requirements to have extensibility to SAP Central Finance. In this blog we will discuss only SOME of them. Of course it changes per customer per project based on the business requirements, but here are some common one which I used in almost all the projects Extensions/Enhancements we will....

In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, there are three fundamental possibilities available for the extensibility of the standard functionality that is available out-of-the-box. These possibilities are: In-App/Key User Extensibility Side-by-Side Extensibility Developer Extensibility/Embedded Steampunk For a high-level understanding of these different options, please refer to the following blog which offers a great overview on this topic. In this blog....

This brief is to showcase how to use dynamic_dest routes with SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition service (a managed approuter) to run SAP BTP destinations defined on a BTP sub-account level. Long story short. A community fellow Donny Xu had asked me the following  question. Beyond the technical aspects involved, dynamic_dest routes offer a simple solution to the very conundrum of how to test [complex]....

(Jana Subramanian serves as  APJ Principal Cybersecurity Advisor for Cloud Security and has been recognized as a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). As part of his responsibilities, Jana helps with strategic customer engagements related to topics such as cybersecurity, data privacy, multi-cloud security integration architecture, contractual assurance,....

The Custom Analytical Queries app is a tool used for reporting and analysis that provides the fields required to design a query. You select the required fields and set filters for your query. You can add restricted measures, calculated measures, and preview the query results. Today in this blogpost we will discuss about using Custom CDS Views app to....

In the world of enterprise integration, adapters play a crucial role in connecting different systems and applications. In SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration), there are a wide variety of adapters available that can work as both sender and receiver, allowing data to flow seamlessly between different systems. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into actual....

I’m coming back to you with a new Blog because we need to talk about IDoc messages! This time I will focus more on the design and architecture of integration solutions that we as Architects and Developers create on SAP Cloud Integration, SAP PO or any other integration middleware that you use in your Organization.....

In SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, you can use batch determination in goods movements when you are dealing with a goods issue posting (for instance, a consumption posting to a cost center), with a stock transfer or with a transfer posting. In this Blog, we will learn the process of setting up batch determination in inventory management. Overview Set....

写在前面:本篇博客为翻译作品,希望帮助使用中文的客户通过更好地理解 RASD工具,帮助您更方便、快捷地了解升级的相关信息,提升升级体验。 原作者是:Asha Pillai 原文发布在: Release Assessment and Scope Dependency Tool (RASD) 已升级!! 相关阅读| 版本评估和范围相关性 (RASD) 2.0 的新增功能   什么是 RASD? Release Assessment and Scope Dependency Tool (RASD) 是一个简单的自学习工具,可帮助客户轻松使用和采用 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中的影响、改进和创新。 RASD 为客户提供了量身定制的针对每个 S/4HANA Cloud 版本和持续交付的已删除、已弃用、新对象和已更改对象(如应用、API 和 CDS 视图)的列表。 该清单根据客户使用和激活的范围进行筛选,这意味着客户只需要查看与其相关的变更,而不用翻阅整个清单(可能涉及数千个条目)。 从发布到客户 (RTC) 到升级,客户获得的时间窗口大约为 3 周。RASD 可帮助客户缩小需要立即注意的更改范围,并在短暂的升级期间内执行至关重要的回归测试。 除了升级会受到的影响外,RASD 还会(根据其范围)向客户显示所有可为其业务或行业增加价值的新功能和改进功能。   RASD 的功能? 它是 SAP S/4HANA....

写在前面:本篇博客为翻译作品,希望帮助使用中文的客户通过更好地理解 RASD工具,帮助您更方便、快捷地了解升级的相关信息,提升升级体验。 原作者是:Asha Pillai 原文发布在: RASD 2.0 已增强多项新功能!! RASD 工具现在提供了许多新功能,用于在半年版本和每月更新周期内支持 SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition的客户。如果您不熟悉 RASD,请阅读我们的介绍性博客(英文/中文)   主页上的新功能 增强的范围项目详细信息卡:此卡现在可轮播。 轮播中的第一个视图显示范围项目的比率。 如果用户已为过滤器“范围”选择“已使用”选项,此视图将显示客户使用的范围项目与其已激活范围项目(在系统初始配置期间选择)的比率。 如果为“范围”过滤器选择的选项为“已激活”,则此视图显示激活的范围项目与 SAP S/4HANA Cloud,Public Edition中提供的整体通用范围项目的比率 最后,如果为“范围”过滤器选择的选项是“版本详细信息”,则卡片反映 SAP S/4HANA Cloud,Public Edition中可用的通用范围项目的总数。 轮播卡中的第二张卡显示了在功能方面有更改的范围项目的百分比。 该视图基于筛选器“范围”选择的选项而变动。例如,如果“范围”过滤器设置为“已使用”,则会根据客户使用的范围显示百分比。 第三张卡片显示选定版本或更新在功能变更数量方面对范围的影响(资料来源:What’s New Viewer)。单击此卡的标题以查看更多详细信息。“变更程度”列显示与“What’s New Viewer”中范围项目相关的变更总数。例如,在下方屏幕截图中,总共存在五项与范围项目 1J2 相关的更改(在已更改或新功能方面)。此清单可以按升序或降序排序。可以使用“下载范围”按钮进行下载。     包含开发租户(针对 3 系统架构):现在 3SL 客户可以查看的定制租户和开发租户的使用信息。三系统架构客户可以单击“租户”过滤器的值,并查看测试、开发定制和生产租户(如果客户已配置)。 “新功能”卡现在是默认卡:默认情况下,此卡可用,无需从用户配置文件下的“管理卡”功能中启用。此卡显示在What’s New Viewer”中标记为“New”的所有行项目。根据用户为“范围”过滤器选择的选项和针对本地化相关性的逻辑检查过滤已使用/已激活范围的信息。 增强的电子表格:各种“下载…”按钮允许您将信息从卡片下载到电子表格。现在,这些电子表格已改进,包含相应文档的 What’s New Viewer URL。 演示客户:用户可以使用演示用户浏览 RASD 的功能,而无需使用有效的....

When implementing S/4HANA Cloud (public edition) projects, SAP Cloud ALM (CALM) is the recommended tool to manage projects. In terms of managing project scope, there is a scoping exercise where you have to select the relevant business processes. While it is flexible to define scopes (e.g. based on country, functionalities, sites with own tenants, etc.),....

Abstract Using SAP Build Apps, Google-Images-Search, SAP BTP Kyma and S/4HANA Cloud to create a mobile application for users to request indirect goods or services procurement by attaching pictures. Thus eliminating the need for purchasers to reach out for more details to the requestor and cutting the overall lead time to delivery. A video shows the....

Users have access privileges beyond those necessary to perform their assigned duties, which may create improper segregation of duties. Control Description Dedicate approvers approve the nature and extent of user-access privileges for new and modified user access, including standard application business catalogues / business roles, critical financial reporting transactions, and segregation of duties. Background Assigning....

In this short blog post, I will share how you can set up your SAP Business Application Studio dev space to run Jupyter notebooks 📓. I personally enjoy working on Jupyter notebooks. It is a quick and simple tool that comes in very handy when exploring data or as a playground to test some python code.....

Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, …). Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into....

(Jana Subramanian serves as the APJ Principal Advisor on Cybersecurity and is a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) awarded by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).  Jana provides expert support on cybersecurity, data privacy, cloud security integration, contractual assurance, audit, and compliance to strategic customers in APJ.) Introduction RISE with SAP is a comprehensive....

このブログではSAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 を前提として解説をしています。バージョンの相違にご注意ください。   通信設定の全体像 SAP S/4HANA Cloudと外部のサービス、つなげたいですよね。SAP S/4HANA Cloudはそれ単体でも業務を遂行する上で大きな役割を果たしますが、外部のソフトウェアとつながったときにはさらなる価値をもたらします。 SAP S/4HANA Cloudを任意の外部サービスと接続するときには、適切な通信設定を定義する必要があります。通信設定は以下の3つの要素から構成されていて、それぞれの関係性は図のようになっています。 通信契約 通信システムと通信ユーザなどの情報を持ち、通信に関する設定を全般的に制御するエンティティです。この通信契約を単位としてSAP S/4HANA Cloudと外部システムとの通信が行われます。 通信システム SAP S/4HANA Cloudと通信を行う相手のシステムです。この設定を通して、SAP S/4HANA Cloudは通信相手のシステムを認識します。 通信ユーザ 外部からSAP S/4HANA Cloudに対して、もしくはSAP S/4HANA Cloudから外部に向けて通信を行う際に用いる通信ユーザです。例えばSAP S/4HANA Cloudを利用する際にログインを行いますが、それを自動化されたプロセス上で行うときに、認証に使うユーザというイメージです。 通信設定の全体像 図中の通信シナリオとは、SAPによってあらかじめ定義されている通信概要設定のことです。例えば、SAP_COM_0053(購買発注統合)という通信シナリオでは、購買発注に関連する業務で必要となるようなOData APIがひとかたまりにされています。これを継承する形で、その業務プロセスの実装に向けた通信契約が定義されます。 ここからは、以下の3つのFioriアプリを用いて通信設定に必要なエンティティをそれぞれ作成していきます。 通信設定に用いるアプリ群 通信ユーザの作成 まず「通信ユーザ更新」アプリから通信ユーザを定義します。 通信ユーザを作成 パスワード等は任意のものでかまいませんが、パスワード提案機能を使うと便利です。このパスワードは一旦メモ帳などにメモしておきましょう。 通信システムの作成 次に「通信システム」アプリから、通信システムを定義します。 通信システムの作成 今回はSAP Build Process Automationと接続を行うため、ホスト名には以下の通りSAP Build Process AutomationのAPIゲートウェイのホストを入力します。 ホスト名 論理システムやビジネスシステムの欄にはお使いのSAP BTP環境のサブアカウント名を入力してください。....

SAP Build Process Automationはワークフロー作成ツールであり、その性質上、外部のシステムのもつAPIを呼び出す必要性に駆られることが多々あります。そういったAPIの呼出しを行う機能を持つのが「アクション」プロジェクトです。 今回は購買伝票の読み取りを例にとって、SAP S/4HANA Cloudとの連携をする際に必要となるアクションプロジェクトの設定についてご紹介します。 SAP API Business HubからAPI設計ファイルを取得する アクションプロジェクトで呼び出すAPIの設定ファイルは、SAP API Business Hubからダウンロードすることが可能です。このサイトではSAP S/4HANA Cloudに限らず、どういったシステムと、どういったデータをやり取りしたいのかに応じて用意されたAPIが数多く公開されています。 SAP API Business Hub 使用したいAPIを検索し、詳細ページ中のOverviewタブの下部に移動すると、下図のようなセクションが現れます。ここからOpenAPIの規格で記述された、API設計ファイルをダウンロードできます。 API設計ファイルのダウンロード この例ではJSON / YAML / EDMX の3通りの形式で提供されていますが、SAP Build Process Automationのアクションプロジェクトで利用できるのはJSONのみであることに注意してください。 SAP S/4HANA Cloudへの宛先変数を作成する 今回はSAP S/4HANA Cloudに用意されたAPIを叩くので、まずはSAP S/4HANA Cloudに向けた宛先を作成します。 宛先を作成する URLのフィールドには利用したいAPIのOData サービスのURLを記入する必要があります。先ほどダウンロードしたAPI設計ファイルを開き、「servers」というキー内に記述された「url」の値を取得します。 ODataサービスのURL特定 hostやportは各自の環境に合わせて書き換えてください。 また、Userの欄には、こちらのブログ内で作成した通信ユーザのIDとパスワードを入力します。【SAP備忘録】SAP Build Process AutomationとSAP S/4HANA Cloudの通信設定を行う <<ブログURL – 公開され次第貼る>> プロパティには次の表のように入力を行います。<SID>にはお使いのSAP....

今回は、自動化を推進するノーコード・ワークフロー作成ツールであるSAP Build Process AutomationからSAP S/4HANA Cloudに接続し、購買伝票を読み込んでみるという検証をしていきます。概念の解説をしつつハンズオンの形式で手順一つ一つを記録しているので、ぜひ一緒に手を動かしながらご覧いただけると幸いです。 検証の全体像 SAP Build Process AutomationとSAP S/4HANA Cloudの連携の全体像 今回の検証は、SAP Build Process Automationで作成したワークフローからSAP S/4HANA Cloud内部の購買伝票データを読み込むというシナリオで行います。この際、SAP Build Process Automationの「アクション」、SAP Business Technology Platformの「宛先」サービス、SAP S/4HANA Cloudの「通信管理」の機能を利用していきます。 検証記事 検証の詳しい内容はSAP S/4HANA Cloud側と、SAP  Business Technology Platform側に分けて、2本の記事を執筆しました。SAP S/4HANA Cloud側の記事からご覧ください。 SAP S/4HANA Cloudにおける通信の設定 【SAP備忘録】SAP Build Process AutomationとSAP S/4HANA Cloudの通信設定を行う | SAP Blogs SAP Business Technology Platformにおける通信の設定 【SAP備忘録】SAP Build Process....

with the latest major release 3.0 of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for advanced financial closing (AFC) on January 19th, 2023, the new feature System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM V2) was introduced. Background of this feature In previous releases of SAP S/4HANA Cloud for advanced financial closing (AFC), it was only possible to introduce users and user groups into the system via CSV....

目的 在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统中,您可以在生产订单和流程订单中使用批次确定。 在本博客中,我们将了解在生产订单中设置批次确定的流程。相同的概念也适用于流程订单。 概览 在生产订单中建立批次确定模型。我们的示例如下: 我们将使用原材料 RM_BATCH_SAM 生产成品物料:FG_BATCH_TEST。并且需要考虑原材料的 PH 值,确保其高于 5。同时,我们还希望基于“先进先出”的原则消耗原材料,这意味着应优先使用那些先进入仓库的原材料批次。 前提 创建批次管理的原材料,并且至少包含 MRP 和工作计划视图。 为成品物料创建物料清单和工艺路线/主配方。 原材料有多个批次并已分类。 在我们的示例中,原材料批次有两个特征值: 标准特性:最后收货日期 (LOBM_LWEDT) 自定义特征: PH 已对批次进行收货,以确保它们具有要进行批次确定的库存。 在我们的示例中,库存地点131B中有 4 个可用批次。 批次 PH值 上次收货时期 可用数量 131B_1 5 21.11.2022 40 131B_2 6 23.11.2022 30 131B_3 8 22.11.2022 70 131B_4 7 29.01.2023 50 配置步骤 在应用:管理类(CL02)中创建选择类。选择类应该是物料主数据中原材料批次类的一部分,但某些标准特征可能不需要在批次类中输入,而只需在选择类中输入。例如,LOBM_RLZ 和 LOBM_LFDAT。 在应用:创建排序顺序(CU70)中创建排序规则。排序规则中的特征应该是物料主数据中原材料批次类的一部分。....

在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统中,您可以在处理发货过账、库存转储或传输过账时使用货物移动中的批次确定。 在本博客中,我们将学习在库存管理中配置批次确定的流程。 概览 在工厂内的库存调拨(移动类型 311)中配置批次确定的模型。我们的示例如下: 我们需要将原材料 RM_BATCH_SAM 的批次库存从存储地点 131A 转储到存储地点 131B。在此类传输过账期间,我们的目的是仅传输过账PH 值大于 5 的批次。同时,我们还希望基于“先进先出”的原则消耗原材料,这意味着应优先使用那些先进入仓库的原材料批次。 前提 创建批次管理的物料,并为物料维护采购视图和 一般工厂数据/存储视图 物料有多个批次并已分类。 在我们的示例中,要进行库存转移的物料批次有两个特征值: 标准特性:最后收货日期 (LOBM_LWEDT) 自定义特征: PH 已对批次进行收货,以确保它们具有要进行批次确定的库存。 在我们的示例中,库存地点131A中有 4 个可用批次。 批次 PH值 上次收货日期 可用数量 131A 6 21.11.2022 100 302 7 01.02.2023 20 303 5 01.02.2023 50 307 6 31.01.2023 30 配置步骤 在应用:管理类(CL02)中创建选择类。选择类应该是物料主数据中原材料批次类的一部分,但某些标准特征可能不需要在批次类中输入,而只需在选择类中输入。例如,LOBM_RLZ 和 LOBM_LFDAT。....

3.3 Terminated or Transferred Users Risk Users have access privileges even though they transferred to a new business role, potentially creating a segregation of duties conflict or users who have been terminated are still active in the system, creating a security risk. Control Description This control focuses on ensuring the timely removal of access rights....

In this post blog, I will show you how change to line items in asset document for the asset accounting system that allows you to differentiate accounts based on fixed asset type and cost center. This method can be applied to SAP S/4HANA version 1909 and later. In order to make necessary changes we need....

This blog is specifically focused on new solution by SAP which was released as Scope item 4E9, called New Project Billing. This new App Manage Project Billing has many features. for details you may refer Blog Post by Mr. Andreas Hammerschmidt  “Project Billing for Customer Projects in SAP S/4HANA Cloud”. We are here to get....

  Introduction Ever thought of empowering your customers to detect and diagnose potential defects before they call your customer service department? And if they already submitted the analysis results through their app to the helpdesk? Here is an application that helps customers to make the AI-based decision to call customer service. In this blog I....

In this blog post, I would like to walk you through how you can access a sales order document SAP S/4HANA Cloud from an external system using the functionality of the Attachments API. To demonstrate the behavior of the API calls, I’ll be using Postman. Prerequisites: You have setup the necessary communication arrangement along with a communication....

TL;DR: Explicit authorizations are your best bet for limiting the values in filters of SAP Fiori apps. You can identify which AuthObjects to set from the authorization proposals of the related OData Services, i.e. the OData Services are listed against the SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps library. Where authorizations are not applied, you....

Comparing SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, with SAP S/4HANA on premise, several differences in its IT audit capabilities become obvious. This blog post is part of a series of articles where we compare the audit process of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, with the audit process for SAP S/4HANA on Premise. To summarize the most....

In SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, you can use batch determination in production and process orders and run schedule headers to find suitable material components for the product to be produced, and to pick these from stock. In this Blog, we will learn the process of setting up batch determination in production orders. And the same....

(Jana Subramanian serves as the APJ Principal Cybersecurity Advisor for Cloud Security. He is a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP), awarded by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). In this role, Jana supports strategic customer engagements on cybersecurity, data privacy, multi-cloud security integration architecture, contractual assurance, audit, and compliance.) Introduction When organizations adopt RISE....

Introduce the basic functionality of batch management in S/4HANA Public Cloud. Batch Master Batch Definition Batch Management Indicator: To activate batch management for certain material/product, the batch management indicator should be ticked on. The batch management indicator can be set in the material/product master via the following apps: Manage Product Master Data In ‘Plants’ tab....

When you set up your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system for the first time, there’s a number of decisions you need to make regarding the settings that’ll be valid for the whole system. Among other things, you’re deciding how many and which ledgers you’re going to use. This is a big decision that depends on your....

Batch derivation is always active in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. During this blog, we will learn the process of setting up the batch derivation. Overview Set up a sample of batch derivation in Production Process. Prerequisite Batch management materials need to be created, there should at least be finished and raw materials with MRP views and the....

To help you better understand the structure of generic payment formats CGI_CT and CGI_DD, we have created an excel file that covers the mapping of all reference fields in the generic and country-specific CGI trees. Reference fields are used to extend the capabilities of the standard fields. You can find the excel file in this SAP....

In my previous blog Use SAP Cloud Application Lifecycle Management (CALM) System to Monitor Your SAP S/4HANA Cloud 3-System Landscape Systems – Part 1: Setup, I detailed the steps to set up CALM for a 3-system landscape systems.  It discussed the special handling of different errors which are usually not documented in SAP Help Portal documentations.....

写在前面:本篇博客为翻译作品,希望帮助使用中文的客户通过更好地理解 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 更新/升级中所能使用的特性、功能和限制,帮助您更好地计划业务,整体提高使用产品的效率。 同时也感谢 Vincent Zhu (Vincent Zhu)在本篇翻译过程中所提供的建议!   原作者是: Akshay Sharma (Akshay Sharma) 原文发布在:   如今,客户希望云解决方案能够提供持续可用性,无需等待计划维护事件。他们期待软件部署不再中断其业务。这正是蓝绿部署(Blue-Green Deployment)方法帮助 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 实现的成果。 随着当前蓝绿部署能够支持基于 ABAP 的云系统的更新(hotfix 热修复)和升级(新版本发布),SAP S/4HANA Cloud 的停机时间为 5 分钟或更短。这一数字将计划进一步减少,直至到0。 本博客旨在向您介绍 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 更新/升级中使用的蓝绿部署方法,并讨论即使正在运行更新/升级,用户也可以使用的所有特性和功能。下面,我们开始吧!   什么是蓝绿部署? 蓝色和绿色仅指不同版本的两个运行时(runtimes)。如下图所示,蓝色是当前正在使用的生产运行版本,绿色是更新/升级之后的版本,最终将替换蓝色版本。 蓝绿部署   蓝绿部署的工作方式如下:使用者使用蓝色版本时;绿色版本将被并行部署。然后,当使用者切换为使用绿色版本时,蓝色版本将被移除。在上图中,“准备 V2”(“Preparing V2”)和“切换到 V2”(“Switching to V2”)阶段代表更新/升级阶段。 就是这样简单! 这意味着更新/升级所需要做的更改都会在尽可能不影响用户的情况下被部署。在后台执行大部分更新/升级相关任务后,系统即切换到更新的版本,而更新后的系统即刻变为可用。因此,用户遇到的不允许登录系统的停机时间通过蓝绿部署将大大减少。 目前,SAP S/4HANA Cloud 中的所有....

写在前面:本篇博客为翻译作品,希望帮助使用中文的客户通过更好地理解 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 更新/升级中所能使用的特性、功能和限制,帮助您更好地计划业务,整体提高使用产品的效率。   原作者是: Rodrigo Fagundes (Rodrigo Fagundes) 原文发布在:   LTMC 或 迁移你的数据App中显示的文件大小计算如下: 对于每个工作表,每个字段的大小之和,单位为字节,(80+80+60+…),然后获取每行的大小 然后(每行大小)* 行计数 = 每个工作表的大小。 而文件大小 = 总和(每个工作表的大小)。 通常,以此方式计算的文件大小应大于本地磁盘的大小。因为即使单元格为空,也会计算大小。 如果结构具有大量列,则无论是否在文件中填充字段,计算的大小都会更高。根据源结构定义,不同迁移对象的 100Mb 文件将具有不同的计算大小。 要检查文件是否过大,可以在 LTMC 中上载文件或 迁移数据 应用。如果文件概览中的大小大于 800mb,则文件过大,无法处理。   有关文件大小限制的详细信息,请参阅以下知识库文章: 2719524 – SAP S/4HANA 迁移主控室:XML 模板大小限制

写在前面:本篇博客为翻译作品,希望帮助使用中文的客户通过更好地理解 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 更新/升级中所能使用的特性、功能和限制,帮助您更好地计划业务,整体提高使用产品的效率。   原作者是: Sybille Lackermeier (Sybille Lackermeier) 原文发布在:   SAP S/4HANA 迁移主控室Migration Cockpit的用户们, 如果使用 XML 文件为暂存表填充数据 – 您可能会在文档中遇到提示: 每个文件的大小限制为 100 MB。您可以使用 zip 文件一次上载多个 XML 文件。请注意,要添加到 zip 文件的所有 XML 文件的组合大小不得超过 160MB。zip 文件允许的最大大小为 100MB。 我们为文件拆分器工具准备了一个示例代码,可以帮助拆分大型 xml 文件。 请注意,这只是示例代码! 在 Git Hub 中查找所有详细信息。  

Unsurprisingly, every business is looking to reinvent its digital strategy and rapid ERP implementation approach, fueled by agile implementation methodologies like SAP Activate. SAP project Implementations or the implementation of an Enterprise application has historically been considered a complex and time-consuming process. To accelerate the implementation process, SAP Activate Methodology provides handy tools and guidelines at....

有客户提出需求,在销售订单出库交货过账后,不允许修改销售订单的价格。因为如果交货过账后修改了订单中的价格,在开票的初始界面,金额还是更改之前的价格,只有模拟开票后才会更新,这对于财务的一些计算会带来困难。本文即对该问题展开分析,探索解决方案。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新建增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里根据本问题涉及业务上下文完成新建增强实施后,我们需要找到字段获取销售订单的价格。此外,还需要获取销售订单的发货状态和过账状态,作为判断条件帮助我们判别一个销售订单是否已经出库交货过账。我们需要在 CDS Views 里进行查找和检索。I_SALESDOCUMENT 这个 CDS View 包含了销售订单的字段信息,查看检索字段描述,字段 TOTALNETAMOUNT 可以帮助我们获取销售订单的净值。同时在该 CDS View 里,字段 OVERALLTOTALDELIVERYSTATUS 代表总体交货状态。如图所示,该字段为 A 代表未交货,为 C 代表已全部交货。 销售订单交货状态 我们还需要获取销售订单的过账状态。当销售订单处于可过账发货状态时,字段 GOODSMOVEMENTSTATUS 即货物移动状态的值为 A 。在完成发货过账后,该字段的值变为 C 。因此,我们在 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 这个 CDS View 里使用该字段来获取销售订单对应的过账状态。 完成过账的出库单,货物移动变更为 C 现在我们已经找到了针对该问题的 BAdI 所需要用到的字段,接下来就是要确保我们在 CDS Views 里取到对应销售订单字段的值。在 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 里字段 REFERENCESDDOCUMENT 表示参考凭证的凭证编号,即出库单对应的销售订单号。因此,我们在调取 I_DELIVERYDOCUMENTITEM 中数据时的匹配条件即是” REFERENCESDDOCUMENT = SALESDOCUMENT-SALESDOCUMENT “,这样就能正确取到销售订单对应出库单的字段数据。 3. 根据以上分析过程,实现 BAdI ,具体代码如下。 if SALESDOCUMENT-OVERALLTOTALDELIVERYSTATUS = 'C'. select single * from I_SALESDOCUMENT with privileged....

本篇博客汇总了目前已发布的所有中文版本的引导解决决策树,以下是所有的话题/业务线。作为新的中文知识库的一部分,希望赋能所有使用S/4HANA Cloud的中国客户。 以下是所有“树”的链接,以及每棵树当中您可能想要了解的包含的关键词,您可以选择感兴趣的话题点击对应的链接来浏览。 总账会计 应付会计 应收会计(也可查看该博客) 成本会计(也可查看该博客) 固定资产(也可查看该博客) 计划到生产 智能机器人用例 财务博客(具体可查看该合集) 集成决策树 中央业务配置平台 嵌入式分析 寻源和采购   汇总 总账会计   删除公司代码 功能货币 银行科目被强制拆分 账套设置 凭证分割 重分类应收、应付客户 SSCUI 仓库收发货货物移动 会计科目配置点 税码须知   一次性把所有科目从现有公司扩充新公司代码 会计科目表 允许新增? 快速批量创建 会计科目到生产系统 修改总账科目 未清项管理   会计年度变式?自动开关账期? 已交易货币显示科目余额 APP? 开具供应商发票 采购订单行项目超过999行? 显示 APP 管理过账期间的操作日志 过账(含清账) 应收、应付、预付款 往来账户调整 清账   年结 余额结账 账期结转 同时多个公司代码开启/关闭过账期间....

Background By default, business users have unrestricted authorizations for maintaining standard prices. Flexible Workflow is part of SAP Business Workflow and will allow you to set up and manage simple workflow scenarios in different lines of business, such as SAP S/4HANA Finance, Procurement, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and now SAP S/4HANA Sales. In this blog, we....

In this blog post, I want to talk about Extensibility in 3-System Landscapes in a simplified way, so that you understand what each tenant is for and how to use it correctly for each feature.   Depending on your installation, your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system is based on a 2-System Landscape or on a 3-System....

In this blog I would like to demonstrate to you how you can make use of the calculation fields and subtotals in the output of the payment accompanying sheet. This feature is only localized for the Netherlands, and it will not be automatically available in your system as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208.1 but requires that you....

In this short article, I would like to show how to configure SAP S/4HANA so that you can launch Create Maintenance Request (Fiori app) from within Asset Viewer (WebDynpro app). We use transaction LPD_CUST for configuration; as such, the information in this article pertains to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition as well as the on-premise system of SAP S/4HANA. This article....

有客户提出需求,通过自定义的增强,达到采购订单收货后就不允许更改价格。本文即对该问题展开分析,探索解决方案。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新建增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里根据本问题涉及业务上下文完成新建增强实施后,我们需要找到字段获取采购订单的价格。此外,根据问题中的需求,我们还需要获取采购订单的发货状态。 通过在 CDS Views 里的检索,没有能够找到一个字段可以帮助我们直接获取采购订单的发货状态。但是,我们可以通过 I_PURCHASEORDERHISTORYAPI01 这个 CDS View 来间接帮助我们判断一个采购订单是否已经发货。如果一张采购订单有 item 已经发货,该 CDS View 里会对该采购订单的对应的 item 生成一条记录。那么只要我们使用采购订单的单号在该 CDS View 里进行检索,如果返回的记录数不为 0 ,则代表采购订单已经有发货。那么,我们可以写出我们关于采购条件发货状态的判断语句。 select count(*) from I_PurchaseOrderHistoryAPI01 with privileged access where PURCHASEORDER = @PURCHASEORDER-PURCHASEORDER into @data(ls_PO_NUM) . if ls_PO_NUM ne '0'. ... endif. 接下来就是获取价格,以及完成数据的匹配。由于采购订单的价格存储在行项目里,而相关增强针对的业务上下文是采购凭证,因此我们需要使用 loop 语句循环读取 PURCHASEORDERITEM 表,从中获取采购订单行项目的价格,对应字段为 NETAMOUNT 。与销售订单不同的是,并没有一个字段可以表示整个采购订单的净值,我们只能获得每个 item....

Here’s the deal: There’s an urgent business issue that you want to bring to the attention of the end users, but none of the available predelivered Situation Handling use cases fulfill your requirements. While we continue increasing the number of standard situation templates with each SAP S/4HANA Cloud release, did you know that you can also create....

In this post blog, I will show you how to change screen field properties and how to hide screen fields/tabs on purchase requisitions screens.(ME51N, ME52N, ME53N) This blog post specifically will cover showing, hiding fields which can not be customized by using SPRO customizing settings. In additional, it works on S/4HANA Cloud too. In our....

在SAP S/4HANA Cloud中,批次派生始终处于激活状态。通过批次派生,您可以将批次主数据和分类数据从组件批次传输到生产批次。 概览 建立“生产订单下达触发”和“手动触发”批次派生的演示案例 前提 创建激活“批次管理”的产成品和原材料物料。成品物料需要有BOM,工艺路线及生产版本,且BOM中要包含对应的原材料组件。 图1 – 成品物料的物料清单 为原材料组件创建至少一个批次 为原材料批次做收货以确保其有库存 在 SSCUI 103728 中定义派生事件 图2 – SSCUI:103728 步骤 在 管理偏差策略 – 发送方 (DVS2) 应用中设置发送方派生策略。可在SSCUI: 500445 中定义策略类型和组合 图 3 – 配置发送方的派生策略 – 选择键值组合 图 4 – 确定发送方物料 图 5 – 配置要发送的属性 发送的内容可以是标准数据库表中的字段,通常参考标准LOBM* 特征。也可以是发送方物料批次类中的特征。您还需要决定它是否为发送方派生策略中的推式派生。本案例中仅针对拉式派生进行演示,读者可参考官方帮助文档了解拉式和推式派生的定义: 在 管理偏差策略 – 接收方 (DVR2) 应用中设置接收方派生策略。应在SSCUI: 500446中定义策略类型和组合。 图 6 –....

SAP BTP Developer onboarding for SAP Build Apps. Pre-requisites, how to configure, and how to create an example project that accesses a back-end LoB system via a SAP BTP destination. Tutorial video embedded with references and additional information. For the main article, see SAP BTP Developer Onboarding | Hands-on Video Tutorials Anything to add? Leave....

In the previous Blog Post: Workforce integration from SAP SuccessFactors to Master Data Integration service – Part1 I have described how to integrate Workforce data from SAP SuccessFactors to Master Data Integration. This blog post I will provide the steps required to integrate Workforce data from SAP Master Data Integration to SAP S/4HANA Cloud.   Process: Step1:....

ABAP Cloud has been announced at SAP TechEd 2022 and was part of Juergen Mueller’s day 1 and Philipp Herzig’s day 2 keynote. After SAP TechEd, we provided more details regarding ABAP Cloud in an SAP developer community session and in the keynote of the ABAPConf (in German). In this blog post, we summarize the basics of ABAP Cloud. At the....

I wanted to user RAP based API in sap cloud in my workflow service task to get/update the data from BTP Workflow to S4 public cloud. When I was trying with service URL with direct basic authentication as destination in BTP, it wasn’t giving me the result as authentication which comes when we try from....

This post is part of the blog series that describes how to audit SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition.   In our blog series, we explain the steps necessary to perform a proper IT Audit of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, also highlighting the differences to on-premise appliances. To ensure a common understanding, this blog post introduces....

Want to hear amazing news? SAP Build Process Automation is now part of your RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition at no additional cost. It’s time to streamline those high-volume, repetitive, manual business processes so you can scale and scale fast. SAP Build Process Automation allows for meaningful collaboration between process experts and IT users to identify, simplify and automate inefficiencies within their processes. We want to help organizations like yours quickly....

In this blog i am going to talk about Git-enabled CTS which is a fiori app and available since S/4Hana 1909 onwards. I am using S/4Hana 2021 for showing gCTS Capabilities. And how it is helping to automate ABAP objects testing and deployments. What is Git-enabled CTS? SAP aims to support continuous integration in an....

Today, customers expect that cloud solutions should offer continuous availability, sparing them the need to wait for planned maintenance events. They prefer that software deployments do not disrupt their businesses anymore. And this is exactly what Blue-Green deployment methodology helps SAP S/4HANA Cloud achieve.   With the current Blue-Green deployment supported updates (hotfix) and upgrades (release)....

As an experienced ABAP developer at SAP, I am all too aware of the frustration that consumers can feel when confronted with unnecessary complexity.  I wanted to illustrate just how straight-forward it can be to make use of the Key User Extensibility available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. In my case, I am aiming to restrict....

I would hazard to say that a debugger is a developer’s best friend:  we can always make due without one, but we would always prefer to have one close by.  I have used the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) environment for years as a developer at SAP, so using that tool’s debugging feature is a common....

My last blog series  have been based on the Architecting BTP CAPM based applications, this is the extension of those Blog series with some Real Life Business Challenges and solving the problem with ease utilizing the BTP CAPM Framework. I am working as a BTP & S4HANA Solutions Architect and  working extensively on BTP & S4HANA greenfield Implementations.....

This is the second blog for my Blog series “Architecting Complex Real Life Business Scenario on SAP BTP with ease [ Targeting Multiple backend S/4HANA System utilizing Principal Propagation]. In my previous blog, we have discussed in detail from the Business Perspective, I would be discussing about detail Technical Architecture in this blog. Next blog is about the actual....

This is the final blog of my Blog series “Architecting Complex Real Life Business Scenario on SAP BTP with ease [ Targeting Multiple backend S/4HANA Systems utilizing Principal Propagation ]”. We have discussed so far Business Requirement in detail and understanding of the Landscape Technical Architecture & Component Detail In this blog, We will discussing....

My name is Angelika Salmen and I am the product owner of Situation Handling. With this blog post I want to illustrate the concept for custom created situations, which is based on reusability of artefacts from business applications to situation types. The configuration relates to the extended framework for Situation Handling which has been available....

In this blog, we demonstrate how to use configuration activities to set up your desired service contract dates in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. Date management in the application area Service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud is technically originated from that in the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM). You can use it to control displaying and changing of....

This blog provides guidelines to help you create XML date rules in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. XML date rule is part of the configuration activities for date management in the application area Service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. It originated from that in the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM). You can use it to define very customized date....

As pricing specialist, you can maintain price by uploading spreadsheet. Price, as sensitive information, should follow Four Eyes Principal. Therefore, we can use Approval Process on the uploading function. In this blog, we focus on Approval Process. For uploading basic function, please refer to this blog. Background and Configuration Please see background blog and configuration blog.   ​Main Process....

Introduction Tons of invoices have been sent from suppliers with PDF document or even paper style. On top of that doing data entry of invoices is grunt work and time-comsuming that causes mistypings as well. Fancy doing it automatically? This blog introduces you how we built the automated procure to pay process using SAP AppGyver,....

Latest Update October 2022: Added a few more references including the new Upgrade Impact Analysis available in the SAP Fiori apps library, a blog post explaining creating views, and some important information about using Custom Fields. You can find examples and advice on the new Upgrade Impact Analysis tool in SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Upgrade....

導入 仕入先から送られてくる請求書は、PDFや紙媒体で送られてくることが多いことが現状としてあります。その上、請求書のデータ入力は時に退屈な仕事で時間がかかり、誤入力の原因にもなっています。 その一連の作業を自動化してみませんか? 本ブログでは、SAP AppGyver、SAP AI Business Services、SAP BTP Kyma、SAP S/4HANA Cloudを使って、調達から支払いまでを自動化するプロセスを構築した方法を紹介します。 では本アプリケーションの概要から見ていきましょう。   プロセスの概要 Image1: ユーザーのアプリ使用のフロー Image1のように、ユーザーが本アプリケーションを扱う部分は、写真撮影/pdfや画像文書のアップロード部分とボタンを押すというフローのみです。使い方はシンプルで、どなたでも1~2分の間でSAP S/4HANA Cloudに仕入先請求書を作成できます。 初期フローのステップ では実際にどのようにユーザーがアップロードから請求書を作成するかを4ステップに分けて説明します。 まず本アプリにログインします 請求書の写真を撮る、またはスマートフォンのフォルダからドキュメントをインポートします ボタン操作 – SAP AI Business Servicesにそのドキュメントをアップロードします ボタン操作 – SAP S/4HANA Cloudで請求書を自動で作成します ステップは以上で、手作業で打ち込む過程を排除することができ、作業時間短縮が望めます。 アーキテクチャ フロントエンドではSAP BTPのプロダクトである SAP AppGyverという Low-Code / No-Code のサービスを使用します。ミドルウェアとしては Go言語のDockerのコンテイナーを走らせる為にSAP BTP Kyma というクラウドネイティブでフルマネージドな Kubernetes ベースのランタイムを用います。このランタイムにより、ユーザーはSAP AppGyverを通してREST APIを用い、Document Information Extraction へ請求書のアップロードを行います。 そして自動的にODataを用いて Supplier Invoice Creation....

Many customers, partners and consultants have been waiting for a tool in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud to work with their data. Within the 2208 release a groundbreaking new app is available that enables key users to analyze data much faster than before – the Customer Data Browser. To get a detailed list of key features and....

SAP has provided an interesting option called ‘Adapt UI’ in SAP S/4HANA Cloud which is based on SAP Screen Personas. It enables classic applications to behave more like SAP Fiori apps. It simplifies the complex classic applications by redesigning the screen elements like hiding an icon/field, changing table properties, formatting the labels/fields, grouping the required....

My name is Axel Spriestersbach and I have been architecting, designing, and developing Situation Handling from its inception. In this role I also detect and solve a variety of issues in SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, internally as well as in customer systems. I want to share some of my knowledge with you. When....

This blog post is aimed to share my experiences working on data migration activities migrating data from a SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to a SAP S/4HANA On-Premise system and the usage of SAP Migration Cockpit together with SAP HANA Smart Data Integration (SAP HANA SDI) helping on this purpose. There are a few challenges on this scenario....

Since SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208 and S/4HANA 2022, advanced configuration options are available for message-based situations with the Manage Situation Types – Extended app. This includes sending notifications to the right group of users and providing solution proposals in the My Situation – Extended app. Merger of configuration apps The configuration of message-based and object-based situations is now combined....

In today’s world end-users are spending valuable time accessing multiple access points to gain access to their required apps and content. Even business processes are often spanned across multiple entry points and do not provide this single point of entry that users require. With companies adopting the Two-Tier strategy, SAP is also providing various deployment....

This blog provides you the main notes regarding  Japan FY 2016 Tax Reform Invoice Method valid from October 1st, 2023 Remark: Japanese Emperor’s era REIWA started from May 1st, 2019. Even if the source documents, websites say HEISEI, to easily understand the year, on this blog itself, HEISEI is replaced with REIWA accordingly. Introduction On December....

问题背景: 有客户提出需求,采购订单在触发审批后,如果在审批中的状态,希望采购订单不可被更改。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1.  首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新增增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里新增增强实施完成后,我们需要找到一个字段来获取采购订单的审批状态,需要在 CDS Views 里找到这样的一个字段。I_PurchaseOrderAPI01 这个 CDS View 包含了采购订单的基本信息。根据字段描述,有两个字段可以帮助我们检查采购订单的审批状态。分别是 ReleaseIsNotCompleted 和 PurchasingProcessingStatus 。 ReleaseIsNotCompleted 字段用来表示“审批尚未完全生效”,有两种情况,为空或者为“X”。但前者表示的情况包括订单未审批、审批完成,后者表示的情况包括订单审批中、审批不通过等。所以单独使用这个字段无法判断订单是否处于审批中。 PurchasingProcessingStatus 字段表示“采购凭证处理状态”,类型为 CHAR ,长度为2,通过一个两位的状态码来标识采购订单。标识码有如下几种: 02 – 未审批 03 – 审批中 05 – 审批完成 08 – 审批不通过 因此,我们可以在 BAdI 里使用 ReleaseIsNotCompleted 和 PurchasingProcessingStatus 这两个字段来共同判断采购订单的审批状态,进而实现需求。 3. 根据以上分析过程,实现 BAdI ,具体代码如下。 if purchaseorder-purchasingprocessingstatus is not initial or purchaseorder-purchasingprocessingstatus is initial. select single * from I_PurchaseOrderAPI01 with privileged access....

问题背景: 有客户提出需求,在为采购订单预制发票时,检查供应商主数据的付款条件。如果预制发票的付款条件与供应商主数据中的付款条件不一致,则发送一条错误信息;如果预制发票的付款条件与供应商主数据中的付款条件一致,预制发票可以保存成功。本文即对该问题展开分析,探索解决方案。 解决方案: 尝试通过自定义逻辑,写一个 BAdI 来满足需求。 分析步骤: 1. 首先,我们需要在 SAP S/4HANA Cloud 系统的应用 – 自定义逻辑里,新增增强实施。根据业务场景,选择下图中的业务上下文以及业务加载项描述,填写好实施描述以及实施标识。 新增增强措施 2. 在自定义逻辑里新增增强实施完成后,我们需要找到一个字段来获取供应商主数据中付款条件这个字段,我们需要在 CDS Views 里进行查找和检索。I_SupplierCompany 这个 CDS View 包含了我们可以获取供应商的一些字段信息。根据字段描述,字段 paymentterms 可以帮助我们获取供应商的付款条件。 同时我们需要将“该 CDS View 里的 supplier 字段等于预制发票数据的 invoicingparty 字段”作为查询条件,这样才能正确的取到采购订单对应的供应商主数据中的付款条件字段。另外,由于这个 BAdI 在保存发票时都会被触发,为了防止在冲销过程中也触发该 BAdI ,我们可以在判断条件里添加一条对字段 reversedocument 的判断。该字段代表冲销凭证编号,当进行发票预制时,该字段为空值。所以将其也作为一条判断条件添加到 BAdI 里。 3. 根据以上分析过程,实现 BAdI ,具体代码如下。 if headerdata-companycode is not initial or headerdata-companycode is initial. select single * from i_SupplierCompany with privileged access where....

Overview: SAP S/4HANA Cloud supports Quality Engineer to record and process the internal or external problems via Quality Notifications. In cloud, there are broadly three standard QM notifications exists to process the defects or problems like customer complaints, complaints against suppliers and company-internal problems. The framework is much comprehensive and need to initiate various actions....

We are almost there: the SAP TechEd in 2022 is just around the corner! SAP TechEd is THE premier tech conference for all developers, IT practitioners, professionals, tech visionaries, innovators, and leaders who are interested in gaining a detailed understanding of SAP’s portfolio of solutions, platforms, and technologies, as well as insights into their future direction. This year,....

This blog post is following up on the SAP Cloud SDK for Java (version 4.0.0 just released) introduction tutorial on SAP Developers Community, Create a Simple Cloud Foundry App Using SAP Cloud SDK , which provides a hands-on to create a very simple servlet retrieving Business Partner information from an OData service system, and then deploy the....

Similar as the SAP Solution Manager for the on-premises-centric solutions, SAP Cloud Application Lifecycle Management (CALM) system is designed to monitor your cloud-centric landscapes, including both cloud solutions as well as on-premises solutions.  Its functions are divided into four categories: CALM for Implementation – includes project management, integration with Central Business Configuration (CBC), test preparation....

Introduction Many users are asking me about technical ways to download Financial Plan Data from S/4HANA system. In this blog I will try to explain with an example how user can download Financial Plan Data from S/4HANA. The best source for this information is a standard Fiori application Display Financial Plan Data. Alternatively, user can use....

Have you ever wondered if your reporting rules are working how you expect? In SAP S/4HANA Finance for group reporting, reporting items and reporting rules are super useful features to help you out with all your analytics needs. You use them in reports to enable flexible data selection and aggregation. Reporting items are used as....

Welcome to this short blog post showing you everything you need to add an attachment to an object in S/4HANA Cloud by using the Attachments API and Postman. I wanted to write this blog post as I couldn’t find an easy to follow blog post on how to use this API to create a pdf attachment for....

In the  blog Extract and Integrate Data from SAP S/4HANA Cloud using CDI by Venu Krishna Murthy, the method of data integraion with the tool CDI has been clearly explained . But some customers haven’t purchased CDI , they only have purchased CPI and they also have the requirements to do data integration with S/4 hana cloud , Is it....

In Part I, I have explained how to test  CDI API  in S/4 Hana Cloud whose target is data integration . In part II, I will explain how  to realize  initial data extraction and delta data extraction with background job in CPI with Iflow . For initial data extraction, the data volumn is big especially for....

在博客中使用 CDI 从 SAP S/4HANA Cloud中提取和集成数据Venu Krishna Murthy,用CDI工具进行数据集成的方法已经讲清楚了。 但是有的客户没有购买CDI,他们只购买了CPI,而且他们也有要求做S/4 hana cloud的数据集成,请问CPI可以做吗?通过这个博客,我想对 CPI 做一些探索。 注意:对于数据集成,我推荐使用SAP Data Intelligence或 SDI 或 BW ETL。但相比使用业务 Odata API 与 S/4 Hana Cloud 进行数据集成的方法,我推荐使用 CDI Api(SAP_COM_0531) 和 CPI 来做数据集成。 在博客 Part I 中,我将展示在 S/4 Hana Cloud 中使用 postman 测试 CDI Api(SAP_COM_0531) 的步骤,通信安排为 SAP_COM_0531。   先决条件: 1、客户的 S/4 Hana Cloud 已经上线了 2、你已经安装了POSTMAN。 步骤:....

在第一部分,我已经解释了如何在以数据集成为目标的 S/4 Hana Cloud 中测试 CDI API。在第二部分中,我将解释如何在 CPI 中使用 Iflow 实现初始数据提取和增量数据提取。 对于初始数据提取,数据量很大,尤其是对于销售订单、采购订单等业务对象。如果返回的body nextLink 字段中出现skipToken,则意味着iflow 需要继续读取delta token 和skipToken 的数据;否则表示初始数据已经读完了, iflow 可以停止从 S/4 Hana Cloud 读取数据。 以下是 init 数据提取 iflow 的主屏幕截图:         以下是IFLOW运行后的屏幕截图。此初始数据提取仅针对订阅运行一次,但它将循环运行一直到基于 skipToken 的初始数据提取中没有更多数据为止。   对于增量数据提取,iflow 需要先读取订阅以获取CurrentDeltaLink,然后使用 CurrentDeltaLink 进行增量数据提取。以下是增量数据提取 iflow 的屏幕截图,它由部署后的计时器触发。       部署此 iflow 后,它将使用 Timer 中定义的后台作业从 S/4 Hana Cloud 提取增量数据。

Hello Everyone, I would like to share my experience of the Integration setup for cost center replication from BTP Master data integration to SAP Employee Central Payroll.   Business Purpose and Flow Integration scenario you can create, update, and delete cost centers in SAP S/4HANA Cloud and have them transferred to Employee Central Payroll by....

My name is Angelika Salmen and I am the product owner of Situation Handling. With this blog post I want to guide you through the detailed configuration steps of the My Situation – Extended app so you can make the most of it and enable users to optimize business processes. The configuration relates to the extended framework....

Introduction SAP Intelligent Robotics Process Automation automates the enterprise business processes. Cloud Studio is used to design the end-to-end workflows and the packages can be generated into the cloud factory in SAP BTP. On-premise agent is responsible for execution of these packages and act as digital assistant ( attended automation) or as a digital worker....

Before creating the workflow definitions in the system, be ready with the list of approvers whom can process the workflow tasks. This blog post describes about how you can enable the approvers and assign them to people picker(agent list) present in the workflow definition. Firstly, we should understand how the employees are maintained in the....

Introduction With the introduction of Three System Landscape(3SL) in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, developers will now be able to create development projects via Eclipse IDE with the help of ABAP Development Tools (ADT) In this blog, I will take you through a simple example of how to add a screen validation to a Custom field created....

Co-Authored with Prashant Sharma Extensibility covers a broad spectrum of topics that allow customers and partners to adapt standard business software to their business needs. This includes business configuration, integration, custom fields, and logic, layout adaptation of user interface (UI), forms, and reports. It also covers custom terminology and translation for customer-specific applications. (SAP, 2022) Extensibility in....

Philip MUGGLESTONE from the SAP HANA Academy just released a couple of new hands-on tutorial videos about SAP Graph. In this article you will find the videos embedded with references and some additional information covering Low-Code / No-Code application development for use by citizen developers. For the introduction article about SAP Graph, see SAP Graph | Hands-on....

In this blog post, I want to show you step-by-step how to use the Custom Function interface to extend the code in the Manage Substitution/Validation Rules app with customer-defined functions, and adapt it to your business needs. To better illustrate the procedure, I’ll provide you with an example implementation. Note: Developer extensibility is only available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud with....

Motivation In a customer meeting this week I was asked: “We develop Microsoft .NET applications. Can we run them on SAP BTP?”. I found this a fascinating challenge – particularly since I never worked with MS .NET as a developer before. Why not try and see if and how it would work? Let’s go! Proof....

For manufacturing orders producing quantity of one there is an easy way to report product and component serial numbers using analytics extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Prerequisite is that you have posted goods receipt from production and component consumption with serial numbers. Do you want to know more? Then this is the right blog post....

There is an API in S/4HANA Cloud that can be used to retrieve electronic documents.  This API (Document Compliance – Electronic Document File)  can be used for sending electronic documents to an external system.  The file content when the API is called is base64 encoded and a common question is how to decode and use....

本文主要收集了与集成扩展相关的常见问题(2022年01月 – 2022年03月),按照主要问询对象API,CDS View,CPI,自定义字段和逻辑以及集成相关对常见问题进行了大致的分类。每一类对象下又进行了问题性质的分类,例如:功能缺失,操作和实施以及配置相关问题等。客户可以点击下方链接查看到相关问题。   Contents API 功能缺失相关问题 操作和实施相关问题 CDS View 功能缺失相关问题 操作和实施相关问题 自定义字段和逻辑 操作和实施相关问题 集成相关 功能缺失相关问题 操作和实施相关问题     API 功能缺失相关问题   问题:在加速客户退货订单 (VA02) 中不允许修改“会计核算”标签下的“参考”字段。客户希望了解可以在何处修改此字段。可在标准销售订单中修改此字段。 解答:这是退货订单 API 中缺少的功能。目前,无法还找到满足此要求的快捷方式/解决方法。   操作和实施相关问题   问题:客户需要过账购置(集成应付账款)和管理供应商预付款请求 的 API 信息。 解答:创建供应商预付款请求,您可以使用“日记账分录 – 过账”API。请参阅以下帮助文档。 日记账分录 – 过账(同步) 日记账分录 – 过账(异步) API 日记账分录的指导原则 – 过账 日记账分录 – 过账(同步)API Business Hub 日记账分录....

经常我们会碰到需要从SAP S/4HANA Cloud里抽取数据的情况,通常我们一般开发自定义CDS视图,并发布成OData API来做数据抽取。这种方法的优点是提取的数据是基于与分析和事务应用程序相同的语义层,并提供了高质量和一致性。但除了自开发CDS视图,实际上SAP提供了标准的通信场景(Communication Scenario)来帮助完成数据抽取,甚至是增量(Delta)的数据抽取。 请看下图: 通信场景SAP_COM_0531就是基于OData的CDS数据抽取,可以快速地抽取各种业务数据到SAP BW,HANA或第三方系统。   以下是简要步骤介绍: 首先,我们创建基于SAP_COM_0531的通信安排(Communication Arrangement): 2. 通过调用以下链接,可以获得所有支持数据抽取的标准CDS和它们的URL: https://<host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/cdi/default/sap/cdi/0001/Providers   3. 这边我们以Billing Document Item(c_billingdocitembasicdex_1)为例,调用以下链接,即可获取系统中的全部Billing Document Item数据: https://<host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/cdi_cds/cdi_cds/sap/c_billingdocitembasicdex_1/0001/Facts   4. 如果在调用抽取数据的链接时,在Header上加上参数Prefer:odata.track-changes,即可在返回的结果的最后获得一个更新的deltalink,deltalink用来获取系统的增量数据。 需要注意的是,必须是以dex结尾的CDS视图才能够实现增量数据的抽取。   5. 然后我们去系统中创建一条新的billing document,以测试增量(delta)数据抽取。创建Billing Document 90000957,如下图所示:   6. 调用之前的deltalink,即可获取只有增量数据的返回信息,获得只返回Billing Document 90000957的结果。 https://<host>/sap/opu/odata4/sap/cdi_cds/cdi_cds/sap/c_billingdocitembasicdex_1/0001/Facts?$deltatoken=XXXX   7. 同时,你可以注意到,在返回结果的最后,会生成一个更新的deltalink。当你想要获取下一次增量数据的时候,调用这个更新的deltalink即可:   以上就是如何借助SAP标准通信场景SAP_COM_0531来实现SAP S/4HANA Cloud业务数据的全量抽取和增量抽取的介绍。如您也有类似需求,也可借助这一场景来快速实现您的需求。感谢阅读! FollowLikeRSS Feed Alert Moderator

Release Assessment and Scope Dependency Tool (RASD) has been given an upgrade!!   Also Read| What’s New in the Release Assessment and Scope Dependency(RASD) 2.0   What is RASD? The Release Assessment and Scope Dependency (RASD) tool is a  simple, self-learning tool for customers, which enables the ease of consumption and adoption of impacts, improvements and innovations in SAP....

The feature of Spaces and Pages within SAP Launchpad has been there for a while, for example, SAP S/4HANA Cloud (S4HC) 2005 and beyond, SAP S/4HANA 2020 and beyond, and any SAP Fiori Launchpad services. In this blog, I’d like to introduce the setup of this feature in the S4HC 2208 environment through two examples.....

Overview This post is on the key technical lessons learned from a recent brownfield conversion of the SAP ERP system hosted on our client’s on-premise data centre to SAP S/4HANA in the RISE with SAP Private Cloud Edition (PCE) on Microsoft Azure. Background The client is an SAP user from the SAP R/3 years onwards. The existing....