I was occasionally asked to download the EWA report generated in the  Solution Manager  for some managed systems. The browser displays “Site Not secured…” whenever I enter the transaction code “SM_WORKCENTER.” This article described the step-by-step procedure to resolve the issue  “Site not secured “. Investigation: As indicated above, type the Tcode SM_WORKCENTER or if....

I recently investigated an issue in our PO system and learnt few useful things. I thought it will be useful for others to share it here: Issue In our PO system, every morning, we will open NetWeaver Administrator and go to “Message Monitor”. There we could see messages in Error and Successful status. When clicking....

The purpose of this article is to describe the procedure to enlarge the MAXDB database size running on any SAP application. There was an alert that the database size used was getting full. The procedure for enlarging MAXDB datafiles is described below.   Login using SAPGUI  in any productive client. To identify and confirm  the....

In the continuation of my previous article, White Paper SAP Sizing Solution Based on Users and Workloads – Part 1 | SAP Blogs White Paper SAP Sizing Solution Based on Users and Workloads – Part 2 | SAP Blogs This article describes  SAPS calculation for the number of named users and  based on SAP  workloads. SAP....

In the continuation of my previous article, White Paper SAP Sizing Solution Based on Users and Workloads – Part 1 | SAP Blogs I wanted to describe the  concept of SAPS Sizing Methodology, Classification of SAP users and Normalized SD user. This will enable  for any beginner  to understand and wishing to prepare the Sizing Report....

With more than 100 customers using SAP Yard Logistics, a lot of incidents were received from customers in our daily supporting. This Blog collects the most frequently asked questions from customers using Yard Logistics and provides answers with appropriate solutions. Many of these are valuable for new users to get started quickly and to decrease....

The purpose of this blog is to help customers to understand the concept of sizing based on SAP Workloads. The sizing procedure helps customers to determine the correct resources required by an application within the customer’s business context. I wanted to share to make it easier for any beginner wishing to prepare the Sizing Report.....

With ST-PI Support Package 20 we have introduced a new transaction which allows to generate graphics to display the snapshot monitoring data collected by transaction /SDF/MON or /SDF/SMON. see also SAP note 3210905 – Display Snapshot Monitor Data The new program /SDF/SMON_DISPLAY will open an external modal window to display the data in a simple graphic....

There are lot of topics and blogs has been published already for SAML2 configuration with Azure AD and other IDP Providers but I found there is an difference between Okta and other IDP providers while setting up SAML2 Single Sign on. Okta doesn’t allow you to import the metadata file exported via SAML2 transaction but....

Recently I came across a very weird situation where after installation of SAP Web Dispatcher and setting up of SSL I found that I wasn’t able to login to Admin page, the credentials of webadm user weren’t working. There were lots of messages in /usr/sap/SID/W00/work/dev_webdisp as below:   [Thr 139921060026112] Sun Oct 23 09:55:29:304 2022....

This year the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse (ADT) is celebrating its 10 years jubilee. One successful decade is over and the path to the future is still  with the Eclipse-based ABAP IDE! Congratulations! Meanwhile the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse has made its way to become a very efficient, mature and feature rich development....

last updated: 2022-06-22 16:30 CEST Ok, large objects aka LOBs (no not Line of Business) are nothing special and well known from other database systems. LOBs are unstructured data like a picture, a PDF or a message XML content. The shared properties of this kind of data is that they can be quite large. There....

V3 update requests are called “collective run updates” and are not automatically processed by the update mechanism. These updates are not considered to be critical or urgent. Critical/urgent update requests should be created as a V1 update.   A background job (transaction SM36/SM37) must be schedule to collect and process pending V3 update requests. Each application area....

SAP Startup Framework now natively supports systemd on Linux  SAP applications have been available on Linux since 1999, and ever since SAP has used System-V startup scripts to start the applications automatically on all UNIX-like operating systems. This has been a big benefit in the past because SAP administrators could use the same knowledge for....