Hello Everyone, In hybris, we have the tomcat folder, where we can find the console and access logs. So on a daily basis, the logs got generated. sometimes, which will be in GBs. which slows our system and raises memory issues. To avoid this type of issue, am writing this blog.     Hope this....

The foundation of a successful digital commerce business is a secure eCommerce platform. Cyber security involves conformity of protocols, intelligent detection of security loopholes, and proactive monitoring of systems. The security measures will span across browsers, applications, networks, and servers. eCommerce security is built on three pillars: privacy, integrity, and authentication. In terms of cybersecurity,....

I have worked on this blog with my colleague Chandni Gideon Introduction: In this blog post, I am going to share some insights on basic steps for Datahub Upgrade and Datahub Migration to set the repository in accordance with CCV2 The reader is expected to know the datahub fundamentals & processes. Datahub Upgrade For this documentation, considering....

SAP Commerce 2205 is released and we already have 2nd patch for 2205 from SAP.  The support for SAP Commerce 1905,2005,2011 and 2105 is ending in 2023 and it is always recommended to run the SAP Commerce on the latest version to have good support from SAP on PROD. Usually, upgrade topics should be a very simple....

This blog is intended to provide basic steps and knowledge to create a new backoffice perspective. This is advantageous in scenarios when the use case requires a separate set of users to perform specific functionalities which can be handled effectively with a different perspective without modifying the Administration Cockpit. For instance, consider a scenario where....