Moving data from one system to another with some transformations is Data Integration. This is fine for ad hoc integrations but if such a pipeline is executed regularly and part of an entire ecosystem, I would add more requirements to a data integration process. Let’s coin it Enterprise-grade Data Integration. To make things more obvious,....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the OdataAdapter  & configure in your SDI Project Create a Remote Source Right-click on Remote Sources. Choose Add Remote Source Here you can define the Source Name (arbitary), the Adapter will be the OdataAdapter Select Credentials Mode : Technical User which supports currently Basic Authentication....

In this blog post we will be discussing setup and configurations required to use Microsoft SQL server as a data source for SAP DataSphere.   Scenario: The SQL server is hosted on-premise. Remote Tables will need the Data Provisioning Agent. The DP Agent will be hosted on-premise and on a Windows server.   Pre requisite:....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the Excel Adapter & assuming data will be pushed to your local file path from customer to load into your SDI Project – Virtual table In this blog, a Microsoft Excel file with all of the data in rows will be consumed or you....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to enable the File Adapter using PGP/GPG encryption & configure encrypted sample data from your local file path to load into your SDI Project In this blog, PGP tool is installed, we will be encrypting the source file provided by customer (extract & dump regularly) in....

Today’s blog will be very niche, but like all things niche, it will find a reader. 🙂 I’ll be discussing the impact of the VARBINARY data type when trying to do “Remote Join Relocation” with SDA (Smart Data Access) functionality. In addition we’ll see the following: How to monitor your statements executed against the remote databases How....

This blog is about updating the SAP Data Provisioning agent which is also known as “DP Agent” (On windows). The Data Provisioning Agent provides secure connectivity between the SAP HANA database and you’re on premise, adapter-based sources. The DP Agent control all SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI)  Adapters and connections to HANA database. It....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to know the basics & understanding of available Standard Adapters and Custom Adapter details for your SDI Project Implementation. Configure your own Data Provisioning Adapters Data provisioning adapters can connect to a variety of sources to move data into SAP HANA, and well as other use....

The aim of this blog is to show how to do real-time replication from one SAP HANA Cloud instance to another. With applying of the latest development technologies, I will build an interesting scenario that will integrate between two cloud instances in such a way that when the data in the original table located in....

Data Cleansing and Data Matching with SAP HANA – Smart Data Quality (Source: SAP) Introduction Today, companies leverage data from a variety of internal and external data sources. In order to integrate these successfully, the data must not only fit semantically, but also have a common key in order to be able to merge them....

Recently I have been working on a POC in HANA Cloud & S/4HANA for one of the product client, I got an opportunity to explore this new feature of SDI flowgraph and I like to share few interesting information on the same. The conventional way to create a subscription is navigating to the Data Source....

As planning data in SAC is often changed by business users, these changes need to be replicated to the target systems like BW/BPC, S/4 HANA or Data Warehouse Cloud. This is a feature highly demanded by many customers. The Data Export Service API is already GA in Q2.2022 with full data. With SAC QRC4 2022 the Data....

本ブログでは、SAP S/4HANA(以下、「S/4」) と SAP HANA Cloud (以下、「HANA Cloud」) とのデータ連携の設定について解説します。 S/4とHANA Cloud の連携のシステム構成図は下記の通りです。   機能概要と設定手順解説 本Blogでは下記の動画にて設定方法をガイドします。 ※ 画面サイズを調整する場合は、再生時に画面右下に表示されるYouTubeロゴをクリックして別画面でご確認ください。 また、動画中に出てくる関連情報/補足情報を下記にまとめていますので併せてご確認ください。   関連情報 SAP HANA Smart Data Integration – SAP HANA Cloud との接続 SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database Data Access Guide – Supported Remote Sources SAP HANA Smart Data Integration – Installation and Configuration Guide – SAP ABAP....

This blog post is aimed to share my experiences working on data migration activities migrating data from a SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to a SAP S/4HANA On-Premise system and the usage of SAP Migration Cockpit together with SAP HANA Smart Data Integration (SAP HANA SDI) helping on this purpose. There are a few challenges on this scenario....

This is a BTP blog series, where we will discuss the right way of S/4 HANA implementation and … Why we should adopt Keep-Core-Clean (S/4 HANA) approach How SAP BTP helps to keep-core-clean (S/4 HANA) & What a Business can achieve with keep-core-clean (S/4 HANA)   In the first blog of this series, we will discuss each topic above at....

This feature is available and demonstrating how you can bring the data from BTP – SAP HANA Cloud Instance to SAP HANA Onpremise (SAP Commissions). It allows through DP Agent and managed instance to read data and execute commands against remote database source, for instance, HANA database server. Using this feature, we can fetch data and update it in other databases....

Hello, Developers/Architects/Project Managers My name is Partha, I’m an “Architect-Developer“. Let me share some of my experiences and realizations. So far… I have been involved in multiple S/4 HANA implementations. One thing, I realized vividly and truly believe is that developers are the king in Software/Technology Industry! Let’s analyze the power of developers. For that purpose, I....

1. Introduction This simple tutorial should give you an idea of how to extract the flat files from MS Sharepoint 365 to BW/4HANA. Many thanks to Andrei Paul Andreianu for co-authoring this blog! 2. Use-case Load the flat files from MS Sharepoint 365 to BW/4HANA. Store the Flat File changelog and snapshots in BW/4HANA. Enhance....

Hello, Developers/Architects/Managers Thank you for your overwhelming responses to my last post on SAP BTP Roadmap – “Developer is the KING” I got lots of queries from many of you regarding the certification in SAP BTP. And that’s a good sign, it’s the right time to upgrade your skill set in SAP. Like : “Partha, I’m....

本ブログでは、Oracle データベースとSAP Data Warehouse Cloud (以下、「DWC」) とのデータ連携の設定について解説します。 Oracle とDWCの連携のシステム構成図は下記の通りです。   機能概要と設定手順解説 本Blogでは下記の動画にて設定方法をガイドします。 ※ 画面サイズを調整する場合は、再生時に画面右下に表示されるYouTubeロゴをクリックして別画面でご確認ください。 また、動画中に出てくる関連情報/補足情報を下記にまとめていますので併せてご確認ください。   関連情報 SAP Data Warehouse Cloud – データプロビジョニングエージェント接続の準備 SAP HANA Smart Data Integration – Oracle との連携 SAP Support Portal – DP Agent のソフトェアダウンロード SAP Development Tools – DP Agent のソフトウェアダウンロード SAP HANA Smart Data Integration – Product Availability Matrix (PAM)....

Me complace presentar la Nota Principal para los reportes de IVA para Argentina de SAP Document and Reporting Compliance: SAP Note 3103052 – DRC Argentina Value-Added Tax (VAT): Leading Note for Reports Implementation En esta publicación de blog, explicaré qué es una Nota Principal, por qué recomiendo utilizarla y cómo aprovechar al máximo este nuevo recurso. ¿Qué es una Nota Principal? La Nota Principal de los reportes de IVA para Argentina es un nuevo recurso integral para la implementación de SAP Document and Reporting Compliance (DRC, anteriormente conocido como ACR). La Nota Principal le proporcionará: Una Nota SAP colectiva: Hemos reunido todas las Notas SAP necesarias para implementar su solución de IVA para Argentina en SAP Document and Reporting Compliance (DRC, anteriormente conocido como ACR) en este único recurso. Preguntas frecuentes y enlaces útiles: Proporcionamos respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes, así como enlaces a la documentación del Portal de Ayuda (SAP Help Portal) y recursos centrales de SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Un recurso activo: la Nota Principal se actualiza constantemente con las Notas SAP, preguntas más frecuentes y los enlaces más recientes. ¿Por qué debería utilizar una Nota Principal? Una Nota Principal le ahorrará tiempo porque actualiza todas las Notas SAP relevantes en un solo lugar, por lo que no pasará tiempo preocupándose si se ha perdido de alguna actualización importante. Si tiene un problema al ejecutar sus reportes, compruebe aquí primero si se ha salteado algún paso de implementación reciente o anterior. Además, proporcionamos el orden correcto de instalación de estas Notas SAP, por lo que nunca ha sido tan fácil garantizar la correcta ejecución de su solución para Argentina de SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Por último, reconocemos que a veces tendrá preguntas sobre la implementación de su producto, por lo que hemos creado una lista de preguntas frecuentes que lo ayudarán con las dudas más habituales que surgen. Si su pregunta no se responde en nuestra Nota Principal SAP, recomendamos abrir un incidente en el SAP Support Portal utilizando el componente FI-LOC-FI-AR-ACR. Posteriormente su pregunta se añadirá a listado de preguntas frecuentes, por lo que usted ayudará a los demás en el futuro. ¿Cómo utilizo la nota principal? Hay dos pasos que debe seguir para implementar nuestra SAP Note 3103052 – DRC Argentina Value-Added Tax (VAT): Leading Note for Reports Implementation: Complete los requisitos previos enumerados en la pregunta 2 de las preguntas frecuentes (Frequently Asked Questions), como la verificación de los requisitos centrales para SAP Document and Reporting Compliance framework y SAP Fiori. Instale las notas SAP enumeradas en la SAP Note 3103052 – DRC Argentina Value-Added Tax (VAT): Leading Note for Reports Implementation en orden ascendente (comience por “1”, luego “2” y así sucesivamente). Esta es una captura de pantalla de las primeras notas SAP que debe instalar: ScreenshotofArgentinaLeadingNote Para los usuarios que utilizan lector de pantalla: La imagen muestra una captura de pantalla de la Nota SAP 3103052, con una tabla que muestra las Notas SAP que debe implementar en orden ascendente. Hay cuadros verdes que resaltan el orden de implementación. ¿Qué más debería saber? La Nota Principal para Argentina es un recurso activo que actualizamos con nuevas Notas SAP y preguntas frecuentes. Por lo tanto, le recomendamos que verifique regularmente esta Nota SAP para obtener nueva información, de modo que su implementación se ejecute sin problemas. ¿Sabía usted que puede configurar notificaciones de nuestra Nota Principal para Argentina, por lo que se le notificará cuando se realicen cambios? ¿Y sabía usted que puede configurar notificaciones cuando se libera una nueva Nota SAP o un KBA de un área relevante para usted? Consulte los siguientes enlaces para descubrir cómo puede aprovechar al máximo su experiencia con SAP Notes y KBAs: Notificaciones: 2478289 – How to set up notifications for SAP Notes and/or KBAs with Expert Search filters 2771695 – How to get notified about new SAP Notes & KBAs – SAP ONE Support Launchpad Otros recursos sobre búsqueda y notificaciones de Notas SAP: Blog [con video]: Did you know you can receive email notifications of SAP Notes and KBAs? Blog [con video]: SAP Notes and KBAs: how to be notified ¿Hay algo más que le gustaría saber sobre la SAP Note 3103052 – DRC Argentina Value-Added Tax (VAT): Leading Note for Reports Implementation? ¿O tiene más preguntas sobre cómo funcionan los informes de SAP Document and Reporting Compliance para Argentina? Si es así, por favor hágamelo saber en los comentarios. Su retroalimentación siempre es apreciada e incluso puede ser objeto de nuestra próxima publicación de blog. ¡Gracias y saludos! Barnabás Kirk #SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization

Hello Everyone, Hope all are doing good! Let me tell you some ground level facts.. There are many SAP consultants/customers thinks BTP is all about FIORI, many have perception that it is all about integration and sometimes people think here we can only do innovations, like ML and AI based application. Actually, there are broader....

At time of writing there is no dedicated connection tile for Snowflake in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. An alternative that you can use today is the Generic JDBC connection, which can leverage the Snowflake JDBC driver. Since I got several questions on how to configure this and overcome certain limitations, I’d like to share my....

In the past two years, I noticed one of the common mistakes when using SAP Data Warehouse Cloud  is trying to use SDI ABAP connection for federation. Thus I am thinking of some simple examples to make everyone understand why it will not work. First, it is strongly recommend everyone read SAP Data Warehouse Cloud :....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to start with basic configuration in HANA WebIDE for your SDI Project SAP will provide web-based integrated development environment (SAP Web IDE) is a quick way to get started for developing applications. SAP Web IDE is a good choice for immediate development access. Also an....

I am writing this blog post on HANA Smart data integration aka SAP HANA Flowgraphs. Basically SAP HANA Flowgraphs are nothing but ETL data flows which are inbuilt in SAP’s web based modelling toll i.e. SAP WEB IDE or SAP Business Application Studio. Flow Graphs A flow graph is usually considered an operator which helps....

This article is intended for database admins, consultants, customers & partners to know the basics & understanding of Design time Artifacts available in HANA WebIDE for your SDI Project Implementation.. The following table lists in alphabetical order the design-time artifacts you can develop and deploy with the SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI). For more information about the syntax required for....

Smart Data Access is a SAP Technology which transfers the data from the source system tables virtually in SAP Hana system in the form of Virtual tables. These Virtual tables in SAP Hana will point towards Remote tables of any type of source system (SAP/ Non-SAP). This technology has many benefits Firstly in terms of DB space....