En este blog quiero mostrar el modelo CAP y compartir lo que pienso que fue interesante durante mi aprendizaje en este tema. Quiero agradecer al equipo de developer advocates de SAP y a Amar Ubhe por su pregunta en uno de los posts. Yo segui videos de you tube, sap tutorials, github repos y lei mucho acreca....

We are using below standard SAP integration solutions SAP Data Intelligence Cloud, Integration and Data Management, SAP Data services. Enterprise Data Management Solutions SAP HANA Smart Data Integration(SDI) To integrate data from diverse systems (data integration) data orchestration services… etc We are using HANA Cloud Database Technical User for few integration scenarios   What is....

SAP HANA (HANA Cloud , HAAS ..) offers comprehensive functionality to safeguard your database  i.e. SAP HANA offers automatic Backup to back up your database and ensure that it can be recovered speedily and with maximum business continuity even in cases of emergency. The recovery point objective (RPO) is no more than 15 minutes. A full backup....

After the release of the Business application studio(BAS)  I was eagerly waiting for the extension which will help us to build calculation views, and finally, we can build using BAS. This blog post will help you understand how to connect the existing HDI container and build a calculation view on the tables in the respective schema.....