In this blog, I wish to give high-level technical details on the new features available with SUM2.0 SP17. Homogeneous DMO DMOVE2S4 For those looking for quick details, below is a simple explanation in my own words in this regard. DMOVE2S4:(Available since SUM2.0SP17) DMOVE2S4 is a way to move/convert  SAP on anyDB to S/4HANA system or....

Although the database instance was up and all HANA services were active, a database unavailability alert appeared in the “Focussed Run” or in the CCMS alert. In this article, identify the root cause of the HDB connectivity issue and also check whether the KEY entry corresponding to the database user was present in the hdbuserstore.....

SAP HANA allows for near-endless scalability by allowing one SID to be deployed on multiple hosts, called HANA node. In HANA terms a deployment with multiple HANA nodes is considered an SAP HANA Scale-Out topology. The deployment can be physical or virtualized. The number of nodes can theoretically reach more than one hundred, even though....

There is huge knowledge available about SAP HANA High Availability and Disaster Recovery topic, but the knowledge is very fragmented (Help Portal, Blog post, SAP KBA, SAP Note, other). The aim of this article is simplify and make content consumption easier with a centralized page. There is no reason to duplicate the already well prepared content,....

last updated: 2023-04-14 16:00 CEST After we identified our bottlenecks, understood the workload and configured the right parameters for our instance, we have to check if we should go for a new HANA workload class or use the possibility for user parameters. At first you should know that your first choice should always be to use workload....

After Hardware Configuration Check Tool (HWCCT), HANA hardware and cloud measurement tools (HCMT) has emerged as a very reliable and popular tool in recent years to measure the configuration and performance of hardware and cloud systems for the deployment of HANA 2.0 onwards. HCMT checks the various aspects of the hardware readiness such as Filesystem,....

With the release of SAP Web IDE SPS07 and HANA 2.0 SPS07, new features in the area of calculation view modeling will become available that had only been released in SAP HANA Cloud before. Below is a short description of newly released features. For examples of the individual features have a look at the respective....

A technical database user was locked many times. Therefore, an application, such as a third-party BI reporting tool, cannot connect to the SAP Hana Database. Checked the traces and HANA studio to investigate the root cause. In the Hana studio as shown below   Investigation and Finding: Executed SQL statement.   ALTER USER ZUSER ACTIVATE....

last updated: 2023-01-09 18:00 CEST Ok, you already read part I of the deep dive series of HANA workload management. You are waiting for more insides after you identified some HANA resource bottlenecks? Then you are on the right track. In this part I will describe how you can get an overview of your systems workload and....

This is my first Blog so please conisder;-) As a technical sap consultant working for large companies we are facing several challenges concerning big SAP- and HANA-landscapes. There are a lot of automated processes for administrating of these landscapes and this leads to problems in connection with HANA databases. One of these challenges I wan’t....

With the new evolving modern methodologies around many SAP applications and database technology, i am trying to contribute with some idea that can be helpful or spark a new idea for others. The thought is … What if we can create HANA docker container with database filesystems mounted to the container using NFS filesystems from....

In this blog, I wish to discuss the high-level technical details on ZDO upgrades/updates that can be performed by any basis expert who has completed the learning journey and assessment ADM330. If you want to have a quick overview on what this assessment is about, do check out my other blog =>”Why should a basis....

SAP HANA provides full support for data-at-rest encryption to secure your data. SAP HANA is an in-memory database, and most of the data is in the main memory for maximum performance. This helps in processing large data at a very high speed with less administrative effort. However, data is automatically saved from memory to disk....

last updated: 2023-01-09 18:30 CEST We all know that HANA needs a lot of system resources due its in-memory design. When we are not monitoring the prod. systems well the system can get overloaded by too highly parallelized applications, a memory leak or a SQL which was not restrictive enough ending up in a OOM....

This blog demonstrates a simple use of SAP Client for Python with SAP HANA HDI SQL APIs (stored procedures) in an on-premise SAP HANA Database. TL;DR: A simple example of a Python wrapper on top of the SAP HANA Client for Python ( is provided in the Git repository with one predefined example for containers deletion.....

This blog demonstrates an approach of collecting information about applications, service instances and other entities from SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model (XSA) using XS Controller APIs. TL;DR: The blog provided an overview of a command-line tool that utilizes XS Controller APIs to simplify some of maintenance operations. The tool is based on a....

One of the most important task during S4 Hana conversion is CVI integration. When functional consultants run report SAP readiness check for S4 Hana conversion.  Usually MasterData BP error comes. SAP Readiness check   In order to resolve this issue SAP has provided many tools tcodes and reports. In order to develop these tcodes SAP....

During S4 Hana conversion SUM sometimes give following error. SUM error   In log file system was stuck at following place. SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID 26421 at 20211104101611 ENV: DIR_LIBRARY=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin ENV: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/PRD/hdbclient ENV: PATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin:/home/prdadm/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run:/home/prdadm:.:/usr/sap/PRD/hdbclient ENV: RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data ENV: RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key ENV: SAPSYSTEMNAME=PRD ENV: dbms_type=HDB *DBENV: dbs_hdb_schema=SAPABAP1 ENV: rsdb_ssfs_connect=0 *DBENV: (auth_shadow_upgrade) PWD: /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/tmp EXECUTING /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/bin/SAPCAR -cvrf /usr/sap/PRD/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket.sar....

In this blog I will discuss one issue which I face after S/4 HANA conversion in SWIA (WI Administration Report). In SWIA when assigning workitem to another user agent. System was giving following error. “Exception condition “PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST” triggered”. Although the error was clear as it shows that package does not exist. But the error was coming....

last updated: 2022-06-22 16:30 CEST Ok, large objects aka LOBs (no not Line of Business) are nothing special and well known from other database systems. LOBs are unstructured data like a picture, a PDF or a message XML content. The shared properties of this kind of data is that they can be quite large. There....

In S4 HANA when we implement my inbox fiori app. It shows some action tasks buttons by default like “Suspend”, “Claim”, “Show Log” etc. as follows: My inbox fiori app buttons In this blog we will discuss how to hide these buttons In order to hide these buttons we will use the standard BADI “WF_TASK_SUPPORT”. Go....

When you install SAP HANA 2.0, SSL certificate in PSE store is self-signed. In order to allow for signed SSL HTTP connections with SAP HANA, we need to replace default self-signed certificate with a new one signed by a CA of your choice. Steps Go to below URL https://FQDN:4300/sap/hana/xs/wdisp/admin/public/default.html Open the tree of SSL and....

SAP HANA application and services are being consumed in different other applications such as sap analytics cloud, business objects, other reporting tools etc. To access these services seamlessly, SSO plays important role. SAP HANA applications can use single sign-on (SSO) authentication with SAML assertions to confirm the logon credentials of a user calling an application service.....

This article is intended to help customers using external identity provider  to configure SAML SSO for SAP Analytics Cloud. By default, SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication is used by SAP Analytics Cloud. however, if required SAP Analytics Cloud can also be configured with  single sign-on (SSO) using your identity provider (IdP). Pre-Requisite to Configure SSO with External Identity....

SAP HANA smart data access (SDA) allows you to access remote data as if the data were stored in local tables in SAP HANA, without copying the data into SAP HANA.   Before we start we check a view requirements Which Oracle Version is supported by which HANA Version: 2600176 – SAP HANA Smart Data Access....

The topics discussed here may touch legal or regulatory topics. Neither SAP nor myself are allowed to provide legal advice. The information provided here considers only technical aspects and is not  legal advice any may not be used as such. Examples are for illustration only and shall highlight possible efforts that might be necessary.  ....

Earlier this year the first version of the SAP HANA Database Explorer Visual Studio Code extension was released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace. This version included the database connection list and a SQL console for executing queries against a database. What’s New? Today, version 1.5 of the extension has been released to the Visual Studio Code marketplace.....