SAP Notes 2161288 and 2313846 introduce report CRM_IC_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING which helps me a lot when supporting CRM Interaction Center issues. In this blog, I would like to share with you how. The main reason why I like this report is, it gives me a quite easy overview on how a CRM IC Web Client business role is set up on customer site and I....

There are often instances when you would like to debug the transfer of accounting structures from Billing engine in CRM into R/3 Accounting via CRM middleware. One example, is if you have added a custom field in the CRM Billing Engine application and would like to have this field accessible before Accounting documents are posted.....

There is no big change on One Order Status component in S/4HANA for Customer Management.   There are some dedicated flag modeled in flat table each of which represents a given system status.   If the order has a given system status, the corresponding flag will be set as X.     For example, my....

Requirement: create custom partner function and consume it in Service scenario in S/4HANA for Customer Management.     As introduced in my blog One Order Partner Component model in S/4HANA for Customer Management, there are corresponding fields in flat table CRMS4D_SERV_H which stores the ID of different party roles. How about if customers would like to....

In an integrated scenario with SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud, business partner data is replicated from SAP CRM to SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud. As there are additional information available to those account/contact records in SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud, it might be beneficial for sales representatives to have insight in the....

How to create extension field using S/4HANA extension tool   How to put S/4HANA extension field to CRM WebClient UI   How to read the extension field value via One Order API   In SAP CRM we use Application Enhancement Tool(AET) to create extension field in a very convenient way.   When I was working on....

This blog introduces some important tables in CRM Marketing Segmentation area. Here I create a new segmentation model as example: ID 6022, which includes two segments and target groups. Firstly, please run report CRM_MKTTG_SEE_SEG MODEL and with the segmentation model ID, then you will get the technical information for this segmentation model:     Here I provide more....

In previous blog CRM One Order Model Redesign in S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0 – Part 1 I have illustrated how One Order read scenario work under new persistence model in S/4HANA for Customer Management. In this blog let’s explore the write scenario ( order create, update and save ).     I will use the source....

In previous blog CRM One Order Model Redesign in S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0 – Part 1 I have illustrated how One Order read scenario work under new persistence model in S/4HANA for Customer Management. In this blog let’s explore the write scenario ( order create, update and save ).     I will use the source....

SAP微卡 (SAP Mobile Cards for WeChat)是一个基于云服务的微应用平台。SAP的客户可以通过上载网页资源,配置后台链接直接快速发布微信应用。SAP微卡帮助企业用户减轻软、硬件资源管理负担。同时,SAP微卡降低了企业微信应用开发的门槛,缩短了企业微信应用开发周期。SAP微卡继承了微信使用方式,减少了用户培训投资。SAP微卡现支持企业微信账号。 此文中,用“Corporate” 代表“企业”,不用“Enterprise”。 SAP微卡与SAP Mobile Cards的iOS和安卓应用共享同一后台云应用平台,喜欢原生态应用的用户可SAP Mobile Cards的iOS和安卓应用共享SAP微卡数据。 SAP微卡web应用有两个链接接口, 企业微信账户使用这两个接口来配置应用: 注: 每个用户有自己的{landscape}和{account}参数值。 SAP微卡web应用需要微信账户的“企业ID”,“AgentId”,“Secret”,“Token”和“EncodingAESKey”来建立与微信账户安全信任。 企业微信账户管理员简介 企业使用企业微信网页来组织管理、授权用户和应用。这一小结的目的是帮助管理员找到关键配置信息。 手机用户可点击“下载”来安装“企业微信”应用(WeChat Work)。 管理员可点击“企业登录”后,可使用“企业微信”扫码登录。 管理员可在“我的企业 > 企业信息 ”下找到“企业ID”。“企业ID”是一项重要配置参数。 管理员可在“应用与小程序”下的“自建”区创建配置SAP微卡应用。 完成点击“创建应用”后,管理员需进一步授权配置应用。 每一应用对应一个自动生成的“AgentId”。“AgentId”和“Secret”是与“企业ID”一样重要的配置参数。配置过程中,推荐使用网页生成的值。 另外,管理员需要“配置”“接收消息”。在这一步骤提交https://cardsbroker{landscape}-{account}链接。 注:“Token”和“EncodingAESKey”也是重要的配置参数。配置过程中,推荐使用网页生成的值。 下面来配置网页应用链接。点击“菜单”中的“配置”。然后推荐按照以下图中的方式配置用户菜单。提交https://cardsui{landscape}-{account} 作为网页界面链接。 小结:请记录“企业ID”,“AgentId”,“Secret”, “Token”和“EncodingAESKey”。我们将在SAP端使用这些参数。 SAP微卡管理员简介 每个SAP 客户拥有自己的管理网页链接,例如https://mobile{landscape}-{account}。 微信配置 步骤: 登录后,管理员需导航到“SAP Mobile Cards”   使用前一小结搜集的参数来配置“微信设置”。点击图标,并提交参数 至此,SAP微卡和企业微信的接口配置完成。 创建“Sample Template Welcome Card”卡 “Sample Template Welcome Card”是一个简单的“Welcome....

As of CRM 7.0 it is possible to use icons (or a combination of text and icons) in the buttons of the Interaction Center communication toolbar. In this short video we will see how to quickly and easily add icons to the toolbar buttons. Note: John Burton is out sick this week. Filling in for....

I worked on a requirement where I had to call an SAC report from the Reports section adjacent to the Promotion Detail screen. The requirement was to call an SAC report by passing the relevant parameters so that the report opens with the details of the Promotion which is being viewed. The assumption is that....

In SAP CRM On-Premises we simply use tcode BP in the backend to create employee. The steps are described in blog Step-by-step Create Employee Role to BP in CRM.     In S/4HANA for Customer Management, we should follow the below steps instead.   1. tcode PA30, select Infotype as Actions and press the creation button:....

SAP Customer Data Cloud offers best-in-class Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) features such as customized registration, user profile and preference management, user engagement and loyalty, integration with third-party social, marketing and service platforms, and so on. When integrated with SAP Commerce Cloud, you can leverage these powerful capabilities to deliver exceptional customer experience through....

(click to zoom) This blog serves as a one-point-reference for all SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (C4C) integration content, and is updated every release. I am consolidating all the existing resources here, and have introduced a Troubleshooting section. Here, you will find FAQs related to specific topics. Feel free to ask questions on these blogs, as the....

Introduction: Recently we faced a scenario where it was required to create one more accounting document ( different document type) in ECC for CRM billing scenario and for a special case. There might be one question can come up why it was at all required and believe me that we had a same question. But business....

Introduction: In this article, I’ll demonstrate, how we can draw an HTML table in an E-mail body by using an E-mail template with all the styles we can do in Microsoft Word and a simple way to do this. In SAP_BASIS 750 and above releases or in S/4 systems, we have an Email template feature available....

Introduction: Recently I have encountered a business scenario where we needed to schedule a batch job for a definite period and on a regular time interval. Furthermore, subsequent jobs should not trigger, if we needed to stop/delete a previous job in case of any error. In T-code SM36, we don’t have this functionality available. We can....

Introduction: In this blog post we will see how we can have a file attachment title when it is over 50 characters long. If we use the CL_BCS class to build email functionality, we use the method ADD_ATTACHMENT from the class CL_DOCUMENT_BCS to attach any document. Generally, we pass all the mandatory importing parameters including (I_ATTACHMENT_SUBJECT) which....

Introduction: In SAP, the email subject line is limited to 50 characters only, but there may be circumstances where we need to have the subject line more than that. In this article, I’d cover how we can get rid of this restriction. If we use the CL_BCS class to build email functionality, we have the....

In this blog I will talk about requirement in which from SAP Web UI Attachment assignment block,  selected attachment can be added to Outlook Email as below. It brings convenient to users if they want to mail attachments.SAP by standard provides download functionality in GS_CM/DocList view controller, which converts selected attachments to unique zip file....

I am writing this to help my CRM technical friends to avoid hardcoding while trying to validate a search screen for informing business user to enter search criteria before clicking on search/pressing enter.  Normally most of us due to time crunch embraces the path of validating each and every field by putting “IS INITIAL”. This is fine....

I am writing this blog to assist especially new Key Users who are creating or trying to get better understand how to run Revenue Recognition for Project Base Services with Report Analytics. Basic Idea is to share a very general information related to this blog is to provide bit more comprehensive and technical information that....

Introduction The purpose of this blog is to explain how we can easily use AJAX to trigger asynchronous HTTP requests in Web UI Tableviews. There are several blogs available on SAP Community about AJAX implementations in the Web UI but this blog focuses on Tableview integration. Use cases for such implementation are unlimited but the....

Summary: In my previous blog, I explained how to enable the GOS toolbar on the CRM billing document in SAP  GUI screen. In this blog, I’ll capture the need to display the GOS toolbar’s data and PDF attachments in the CRM Web-UI screen for improved user experience.   First step is the enhancement of standard BSP....

Summary : This blog will cover to make hyperlink on specific field and display PDF document on CRM webUI screen in a popup window. To achieve this functionality, we need to redefine P-method of the attribute with below code logic. I’ll take an example of below technical objects to demonstrate the solution. BSP component :....

Summary: This blog post will demonstrate how to handle incoming email with PDF attachments and save them against any transaction in SAP. We will use GOS functionality to save the document but same kind of logiccan be used to save/process the attachments in the SAP system. I am taking an example of CRM billing document here.....

This article will explore how an action(trigger) which is associated with an action profile can be controlled programmatically. This paper will explore how an action can be established as repeatable and how a workflow container can be utilised to control the scheduling and processing of an action. In a previous article we explored how the RAP....

Summary : In SAP CRMB Billing engine Framework, we don’t have GOS (Generic Object Services) toolbar available in a SAP standard solution. We received a requirement to create an attachment and save the IDOC information when some action gets executed for a billing document in the system. It was required to store the PDF document....

This blog will give an overview of sending Provider Contract Custom fields of CRM Order to S4 HANA Provider Contract. Step1  : Create AET field in SAP CRM using Administrator Business Role. Enhanced Object – PROVIDER_CONTRACT , Field name  – ZZFIELD using the AET Application Enhancement tool in SAP CRM. In CRMD_ORDERADM_I table Object –....

A few weeks ago we concluded our Customer Connection project SAP for Utilities on-premise 2021. Once more SAP development has delivered numerous enhancements based on your suggestions we collected earlier in 2021 related to IS-U device management, meter reading, AMI, billing and invoicing. We shared details at our delivery call webinars that took place at 15....