This time of year, there’s so much to do! If one of the items on your holiday checklist is to expand your SAP CX product knowledge, here’s an easy way to do it without taking time away from all your other year-end tasks. Most of our SAP CX products have free short, easily digestible videos....

This article is intended to help other consultants like me regarding known issues, scenarios and limitations regarding SAP CPQ system. During the implementation I had some requirements that were not very clear in the SAP HELP GUIDE if it was technically possible to implement, but it was latter clarified by SAP in the incidents or....

SonarQube is a tool that helps you catch bugs and vulnerabilities in your SAP CPQ application written on Ironpython scripting. Working together with PYLint and Unit tests, it provides a great code quality scan. On this blog, I will show you how to set up SonarQube and run locally over a Ironpython scripts folder project. Then, we will improve SonarQube analysis....

Refer Previous blog : Introducing SAP CPQ Script Plugin in VS Code Step 1 – Follow the steps below to register into the SAP CPQ Script Plugin. Open the browser and log into SAP CPQ. Navigate to Setup — Trusted Applications. Click Add New  Add  SAP CPQ Script Plugin Click Save. Step 2 –  Configure SAP CPQ Environment in VS Code To configure....

This guide provides comprehensive advice on how to eliminate common performance issues seen in your CPQ applications. It covers everything from understanding the common performance issues and determining the root cause, to implementing the necessary changes to improve performance and prevent future issues. It also provides overview and some best practices to help you diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve any performance issues that may arise. Additionally, this blog provides suggestions on how to monitor app performance, identify and address areas of improvement, and establish an efficient performance management system. With this blog, you can be sure to optimize your application performance and ensure a flawless Sales user experience. 8 Tips & Tricks to solve Performance Issues 1. Check system resources and configurations: Check the system resources (CPU, memory, disk, etc.) to ensure that they are configured correctly and are sufficient for the application. 2. Monitor for bottlenecks: Monitor for performance bottlenecks, such as disk bottlenecks, network latency, memory contention, etc., and take corrective action. 3. Optimize code and queries: Optimize the code and sql queries to ensure that they are as efficient as possible. 4. Utilize caching: Utilize caching to store frequently–accessed data and reduce the load on the database. 5. Utilize appropriate indexes: Utilize appropriate indexes to improve sql query performance. 6. Monitor application logs: Monitor application logs to identify and resolve issues quickly. 7. Tune SQL queries: Tune SQL queries to ensure that they are as efficient as possible. 8. Debugger : Utilize a Developer Console: Utilize a console to Trace & identify code that is inefficient and can be optimized. Main Dashboard for to find Script Performance, System Errors, Storage, Users License.....

Automating user sync from active directory to application is an important and time–saving process. It is a process that allows users to easily access applications by securely logging in and providing authentication. Without automation, users would have to manually enter their credentials into each application they need access to. Active Directory (AD) is the heart of user identity management. It is an important component of the Windows–based network infrastructure, allowing users to authenticate and access resources of the network. By using AD, organizations can store user information in one location, allowing for easy access and management. The process of automating user sync from active directory to application involves two major steps. First, the application must be configured to use the AD user credentials for authentication. This is done by setting up the appropriate user access policies and permissions. Second, the AD user accounts must be synchronized with the application. This is done by configuring the application to regularly pull the user information from AD. SAP CPQ SCIM API enables you to manage users and their group assignments. If the SAP CPQ users are centrally managed in an external system, such as SAP Identity Authentication Service, this API can be used to integrate with the external system for user provisioning. The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specifications are designed to....

SAP CPQ is now under the umbrella of S/4HANA, so Implementation Partners/Customers need to know and how to follow SAP Activate Methodology for Implementation. This blog will provide you with an overview of SAP Activate and WRICEF. Several CPQ clients were asked about the specific subject/questions during the project assessment. So I decided to share my experience while....

This blog post will explain how can we call a SCPI IFlow using SAP CPQ Ironpython Scripting. we can also call this same script as a custom Action. To get more details on CPQ. Refer  SAP CALLIDUS CPQ To get more details on SCPI. Refer SAP CLOUD INTEGRATION Business Case: SAP CPQ by default provides standard integrations....

In this blog post, i would like to give you a brief overview ‘destinations’ in SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry. I will also show real time use case. “How to connect to SAP CPQ Service from BTP CAP Application” This  will be similar approach if you are looking for   “How  to connect to any external REST....

In this article, you will come to know different ways to authenticate your SAP CPQ APIs for REST & SOAP methods. I will provide you more examples in my next blog for all the Authentication types. Its good to know each and every authentication types for users to authenticate the API endpoint. More details, refer this link SAP....

This article helps you to plot & understand some basic visualization of the below examples for CPQ using QuickChart. Quickchart is an open-source Chart image library for building user interfaces or UI components. Chart.JS is a free open- source JavaScript library for data visualization, which supports 8 chart types.. Generate chart images with a simple,....

This blog describes how you can manage deployment without writing any code to move your objects from one environment to other environment. CPQ Provides codeless deployment feature called “Deploy/Send Changes” action to perform migration activity. When an administrator wishes to do a deployment task, follow the steps below to understand the procedure. Never move your....

This article describes how you can build your own mobile Application(app) for all devices using SAP Appgyver..   AppGyver is a no-code platform that allows users to easily build good-looking and professional applications without having to write a single line of code. In below example, I have a chosen SAP CPQ integrated with SAP S4HANA as backend and SAP Variant Configuration and Pricing as....

Great news! The low-code application development in SAP Business Application Studio is now available out-of-the-box to all users and in SAP BTP Free-Tier! This means that customers, partners, or individual developers, already using SAP Business Application Studio for professional development can now easily access low-code attributes, such as a development toolkit, visual user interface, reusable....

This article gives you an overview of the steps to set up your SAP Subscription Billing in SAP Business Technology Platform environment (BTP) with SAP CPQ and enable access to the application and APIs. Once you’ve received a “welcome” email from SAP with your global account and initial user, you need to complete the following setup activities....

Configure your own IDP – SSO in SAP CPQ

Single sign-on (SSO) is a session/user authentication process that permits users to enter a single name and password to access multiple applications. While SSO uses a single login (username/password) to access all applications within the same organization, federated SSO (FSSO) goes a step further and extends SSO across enterprises. In other words, FSSO allows access to multiple systems....

Introduction- I am writing this blog in extension to my JWT token blog . There are many Standard SAP CPQ REST API which works with Cookies along with JWT token and Bearer Token. This blog will help to fetch ASP.Net_SessionId Cookie, WebCom-lbal cookie and X-CSRF-Token Cookie from CPQ and pass the same value as header....

With release 20.08 of SAP Business ByDesign Cloud ERP marketing, sales and service employees can more flexibly analyze the sales forecast based on quotes and manually add a reference to presales and service documents. This allows more accurate sales forecasting on sales quotes with our without quote versions and to depict the relation to presales....