I am getting an error when I use ‘cds add’ in the cds command line locally on a Windows machine in a PowerShell terminal. Somehow the command line does not recognize the comma in the add command. PS C:_projectsexample-2021> cds add hana,mta [init] - adding feature(s) to project in current folder [ERROR] feature 'hanamta' not....

Once application cache busting is enabled and the sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json is available, UI5 will start looking in the timestamped directory for the resource. E.g. /webapp/~1623054905000~/controller/App.controller.js Is it up to us to provide a routing to these original files in both deployment to a standalone app in the Cloud Foundry Application Runtime and the HTML5 Application Repository? At the....

In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to import external edmx files into CDS model and expose the entities defined in the edmx file as projections. Importing EDMX Files into the CDS Model Suppose you have downloaded API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.edmx file from https://api.sap.com/api/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/overview, and you would like to use it as  an external file in your....