This blog details a topic which is planned for delivery with a future release FP16 of SAP Customer Checkout 2.0 (scheduled for end of Q2,2023). The functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this blog is not a commitment,....

If you are like me, you don’t like paying for something that is available for free. One such example are SSL certificates. is a great service for free SSL certificates, if you know a little scripting to automate it all. We have been using Letsencrypt certificates in B1 installations of all types and for....

Recently I had to work around some limitations in SAP Business One’s Service Layer. As a result, I had to decode some BASE64 string that was stored in our customer’s database, modify the (unencoded) string and then save it back, all from within a native SAP HANA Stored Procedure. To my surprise, there is no....

Since the early ages of SAP Business One, restricting the printing of draft documents (before they were added to the database and properly validated or authorized) has been an important topic. Yes, you can have SAP insert the “DRAFT” background image, but that is ugly, and I have also seen cases where the grayscale image....

E-Books is a legal requirement in Greece for the electronic reporting submission of accounting and invoicing records to the government revenue authorities (AADE). In SAP Business One, settings are available on the Electronic Documents tab of Document Settings (follow path Administration → System Initialization → Document Settings → Electronic Documents tab) to enable and set up E-Books. For more information, you can refer to SAP....

Este blog es una traducción al español del blog publicado por Clodagh Walls en Junio 10,2021: En este blog me gustaría cubrir algunos puntos de claves para configurar de forma exitosa el Servicio del SBO Mailer en SAP Business One. Estos se encuentran basados en preguntas que los Partners nos han hecho al equipo....

Hello all, Since I always find it hard to gather the “right” packages for a fresh install of SLES for SAP Business One, here is a summary of repositories and associated packages required. The following information was gathered from installing using the “SLE-15-SP3-Full-x86_64-QU2-Media1.iso”, however, the same should apply when installing from the “GM” release, or....

Este blog es una traducción del blog publicado por Relle Chen  en Sep 10,2021: En este blog queremos mostrarle algunos consejos útiles de experiencias reales cuando se correo el asistente de migración para bases de datos grandes. Revisaremos los siguientes temas: Preparación de la base de datos, Definición de las parametrizaciones de rendimiento y, por....

In this blog, we will provide more detail on the b1-local-machine.xml file. This is used by SAP Business One Components like the Client application and DI API. We will explain more about this file and how is it used in troubleshooting connection issues. b1-local-machine.xml is not supposed to be a configurable file. You should not....

A lot of talk about Guided Answers (GA)? Yes, we want to make sure that you are aware of this new resource. We will keep on talking about it so that the message gets out. In this short blog post we are again promoting the concept but specifically a fresh GA release: Fixed Asset Master Data....

In our effort to offer new and faster ways for customers and partners to find solutions, SAP Business One Global Support continues to produce material that is easily digested. In this short blog post we announce the fresh release of two new Guided Answer Trees in the areas SAP Business One Mobile App and Apache Resources for SAP....

ExportDeterminationService in SAP Business One DI API enables you to add, update, get and delete Export Determination data in Electronic Documents Export Setup window. The window Electronic Documents Export Setup is available in SAP Business One when Document Mapping Determination is selected on the Electronic Documents tab of Document Settings (Administration → System Initialization → Document Settings). The contents of Electronic Documents Export Setup may vary depending on the localization....

ImportDeterminationService in SAP Business One DI API enables you to add, update, get and delete Import Determination data in Electronic Documents Import Setup window. It is a part of the Electronic Document Import Wizard. The Electronic Document Import Wizard provides dedicated functionality for importing electronic documents to the system. In SAP Business One, you can access it using Main Menu → Purchasing – A/P → Electronic....

In this short blog post we want to catch up a bit on what is going on with GoToAssist – the primary remote support tool used by SAP Business One Global Support. A few years ago we introduced the tool and announced it in the following LinkedIn article Support Spotlight: Let us all welcome “GoToAssist” Together!....

In this blog post I will present to you an overview of B1SLayer, an open source .NET library created by me that aims to make Service Layer integrations as clean and easy as possible. Introduction If you, as a developer, ever worked in multiple .NET projects that consume Service Layer, you probably faced the issue....