Feature discussed: Passing variables from main application to bookmark Context / scenario: We have several custom widgets in our application which requires initialization since bookmarking won’t load custom widget state. For loading this custom widget, we need the state of many variables in application while the application was bookmarked. For ex: selected country, selected cost center,....

The purpose of this blog is to showcase the usage of a multidimensional array with the SAC Analytics Designer scripting APIs. More specifically, in relation to calendar tasks as here the built-in functionalities were lackluster to me. The greater context is to retrieve information of calendar tasks for the current planning cycle ordered by the....

Welcome to the latest innovation in designing responsive layouts with the Optimized Story Experience! With an abundance of powerful features at your fingertips, we’ve made it even easier for designers and app developers to create visually appealing and functional stories that adapt seamlessly to various viewport sizes. And worry not, designers coming from a classic....

This short document explain one possible alternative to avoid the utilization of code in the “onInitialization“, mainly when we need to improve performance in our SAC AD (when it’s possible). When we introduce code in the “onInitialization” we are stacked with the performance of execution sequencial instructions one by one. In some cases just to introduce code....

SAP Custom Widget Currency Widget is a powerful tool that displays real-time currency conversion rates between two currencies. It can be used in SAP applications to enhance user experience by providing quick access to currency conversion information. In this tutorial, we will go through the installation process and various methods that can be used with....

TimeCountdown is a SAP Custom Widget to customizable countdown timer widget that can be easily integrated into web pages or applications. The widget allows developers to create multiple countdowns with different end dates and style them to match the overall look and feel of their projects. Repository: https://github.com/SAP-Custom-Widget/TimeCountdown Installation To use this widget in your SAP....

The SAP Widget package is a Node.js module designed to help developers create and use SAP widgets in their applications. With this package, developers can easily create, configure and use SAP widgets, and export them to various platforms, such as SAP Launchpad, SharePoint, and others. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps required to....

Whether you were building stories or analytic applications, now you can use the new Optimized Story Experience, which unifies features from both stories and analytics designer as one design experience. In addition to creating your stories in a self-service workflow, you can create customized interactions with a variety of widgets, functionalities and scripting capabilities for business....

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. You can extend the visualization capabilities in SAP Analytics Cloud with Matplotlib. In this blog post, I would like to share with you how to quickly add Matplotlib as custom widgets to your analytic application or optimized story. The following video....

Using a planning enabled SAC model, users can comment on data – typically this done by clicking on a table and accessing the contextual menu to add a data point comment. From a UX/UI perspective this got me thinking that there must be a more obvious way for users to read/add comments – particularly if....

Cumulative sum, running total, accumulative sum, running sum… Yes, we have many ways to call this calculation: A summation of a sequence of numbers across a certain period or dimension. No matter the name, it always gives us a headache: You have many ways to calculate it but it seems you can never fit your....

SAP Analytics Cloud(SAP分析云,简称SAC)作为SAP全新一代的战略绩效云平台,其不仅仅只是传统的BI商务智能分析,而是整合了“商务分析”、“智能预测”、“全面预算”为一体的全新数据应用与分析的一体化平台,它既能支持业务用户进行敏捷自助化的数据分析,也能支持技术用户设计复杂的应用场景。 SAC为用户提供了“敏捷可视化”、“决策推演”、“预算编制”、“智能预测”、“专业分析应用”以及“数字董事会”等强大的功能。同时SAC也提供了多种数据连接方式,支持不同数据源的连接,支持便捷的数据处理和数据建模。SAC预置了强大的系统管理功能,支持细化到单元格的权限管理,支持用户对系统使用情况、报告访问情况、报告加载效率等进行监控和分析,以提供端到端的DevOps解决方案。 SAC于2017年落地中国,五年来,随着SAC在国内的快速发展,很多企业已经采用了SAC作为其企业级的分析平台,赋能国内的千行百业。 在SAC产品落地中国的过程中,我们国内的客户、合作伙伴都希望对SAC有更加深入、更加全面的了解。为此,SAP BTP售前团队结合SAC的应用场景和技术特点,整理了一套中文版的《SAP分析云操作培训文档》,内容涉及SAC总览、模型构建、BI分析、计划预算、分析应用、智能预测、数据连接和系统管理等多个方面。 我们希望这样一套贴近实战的操作培训文档能够为客户和合作伙伴带来实实在在的技术收益,为推动SAC分析云在中国的应用提供些许助力,也欢迎大家针对文档中的错误和纰漏提出宝贵的意见和建议。   操作培训的材料请从以下链接下载(因SAC系统不断更新,本系列文档个别内容如有与最新SAP在线帮助文档不一致之处,请以最新SAP在线帮助文档为准)。 1、 SAC 分析云操作培训_总览 2、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附1_构建模型 3、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附2_BI分析 4、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附3_计划预算 5、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附4_分析应用 6、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附5_智能预测 7、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附6_数据连接 8、 SAC 分析云操作培训_附7_系统管理

Author: Geetha Madhuri Bobbili LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geetha-madhuri-bobbili-971268184/ Introduction: We can use the ” Export to PDF“ component and its script APIs to export an analytic application to a PDF file. By default, the export settings we defined in the Export to PDF panel cannot be modified during the application run time by the users. In this example, to offer application users the....

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danish-meraj-5b3138200 In my previous blog, I discussed an algorithm for creating a risk prediction tool by combining machine learning and an aggregation algorithm. In this blog, I will take a different approach to creating a predictive analytic application, leveraging the R interface in the SAP analytics cloud. You can follow along with me in this....

With the Q3 QRC 2022 release of SAP Analytics Cloud, we delivered additional sample content to help you on your accessibility journey. In addition to the high-contrast stories and templates that have been available for a while, we added an analytic application and two themes that show you how to style analytic application elements dynamically....

If you’re an application designer, you can create a bookmark set technical object so application users can save the state of your analytical app at runtime. image source: seongon.com In order to dynamically create bookmarks in the analytics application, please follow the steps below. Before staring, create Bookmark set from scripting. First create one popup with components....

SAC provides extensive capabilities for integration with different SAP and non-SAP solutions. These capabilities can be used for scheduled or manual upload of master and transaction data into planning models, including loading from flat files. But for specific use cases it is required to load transaction data from flat files to SAC planning model specifically....

This blog post will demonstrate how to pass parameters between two analytics application. Two kind of parameters will be discussed Passing data source filter values across applications Passing constant value  – which can be numeric constant to be leveraged for calculations Or values like SAC Calendar Task Id or user name, values that do not....

  In this article, I would like to describe a typical business challenge in the context of extended Planning and Analytics (xP&A) and how they are handled within SAP Analytics Cloud.   Problem definition: In the area of planning and forecasting, for example in sales planning or as well as in cost planning, typically business....

Overview From a hosting point of view, a custom widget consists of two types of files: the custom widget JSON file (explained in more detail in previous blog) and the resource files. The custom widget JSON file contains the metadata of a custom widget. It defines all the ingredients of a custom widget and references its....

Power BI has Decomposition Tree Graph. It is very good for helping business users to do their Data Analysis. How’s in SAC? This article is to describe the using of Collapsible Tree having close functionality to Decomposition Tree Graph in SAC.   Table Contents: Introduction Collapsible Tree Features Setup Collapsible Tree R-Visualization in Analytic Application....

In this blog, I would like to introduce the new quick access to the script performance analysis tool, available in Q2 2022 release. Now at design time you can select Performance Optimization->Analyze Script Performance in Runtime from the toolbar so that you don’t need to manually add the URL parameter APP_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING=true. You’ll see the application opens in....

The new version of Analytics Designer Developer Handbook is available: version 12.1, link It includes the following updates: New Input control API to get active selected members New Performance best practice: Use Application.refreshData() to refresh multiple data sources New Performance best practice: Pause each widget individually when you want to pause a group of widgets New Keeping last saved values....

It is key that any derived insight can be turned into an action, because without any alternate action the insight brings no value. This is what makes the SAP Analytics Cloud platform so valuable, as it combines derived insight from business intelligence with resource allocation in planning as a form of strategic decision making.  ....

Overview : There will be requirements to improve the Dashboard Performance in SAP Analytics Cloud Implementation Projects. From the design to the implementation of dashboards, this must be carefully examined. In the real world, even if we have the nicest car, if there is a problem with the engine, it must be addressed; otherwise, we....

In analytics applications, there is usually the requirement to filter the dataset with cascading dropdown filters. This blog post uses a generic example (Region <-> Country <-> State <-> City) to demonstrate this functionality. Users can choose dimension members that appear in the Region, Country, State or City dropdown list and pass them as filter....

Through this blog post we will learn How to create cascading filters for the Hierarchy node levels (2 levels) in two different dropdown filters. Add logic for “ALL”  as a list of value which will help you to reset the selected value and allow Table_1 to display all values. Example: I am using SAC trail....

就在最近,我们的同事 Junling Chang 使用SAP 分析云中的分析应用功能,开发了一个专为移动端展示而设计的移动应用demo。 我们先来看下这个demo,这是一个移动端上的仪表盘,展示的是业务用户比较关心的一些关键指标,这些指标会按照不同的主题来加以分类,包括财务、销售、生产和库存等四个不同的主题。用户可以在这四个主题间做切换,快速定位到自己所关心的那部分内容。   关于这个demo的详细内容,可以参考以下的这篇blog: 指尖上的业务分析助理 – SAP 分析云与企业微信集成案例   今天我们就以这个移动应用为例,来简单介绍下如何利用分析应用做有针对性的移动设计,以及设计过程中需要注意的一些点或经验。   1 – 为什么要使用分析应用 我们都知道,在SAP 分析云的故事中,已经可以使用响应式画布来做设计,而这些响应式页面已经支持在移动端实现自适应的展现。但是,使用故事的响应式画布,在实际应用中,还是会遇到某些限制,比如: 画布的自适应行为完全由系统来决定,单个微件(widget)会占据整个屏幕的宽度,无法有效利用屏幕的全部空间 不同微件之间不允许重叠,在页面设计上会有一定局限性,尤其是最终的界面美观 用户交互的方式比较有限 而如果采用SAC的分析应用,则可以利用更丰富的配置以及灵活的脚本语言,来做灵活的页面布局,更美观的页面设计,以及更多样的用户交互,从而在移动端实现更好的用户体验。 目前,分析应用已经支持在IOS的SAC移动app,或者在移动设备的浏览器上使用。对于安卓端的SAC移动app对分析应用的支持,也已经在开发的产品路线图上。 关于分析应用的更多详细信息,可以参考以下帮助文档: SAP 分析云 帮助文档 – 分析应用设计(分析设计器)   2 – 如何为移动端设计分析应用 应用的页面分为上下两个部分:   位于页面底部的切换面板,方便用户在不同主题间做内容的切换 占据大部分页面的主题面板,展示不同主题下的内容,主题面板也包括两部分: 页面上方固定位置的KPI面板,展示用户最关心的一组关键指标 页面中间的分析面板,用户可以通过手指的移动来展示更多内容 下面我们就依次来介绍下不同面板的一些设计细节。   2.1 – 切换面板   切换面板包含了四个区块,代表不同的主题(财务、销售、生产、库存),供用户做切换,每个区块占据25%的屏幕宽度。 在设计上,每个区块其实都包含了四个不同的微件: 图片,即不同的小图标 文本,主题描述,如“财务分析” 前景图形,用于用户点击 背景图形,用于标识当前选中的主题   这个切换面板占据100%的屏幕宽度,为了保证切换面板一直显示,将其高度设计为固定的11%的屏幕高度(可根据页面设计自由调整),并且在位置上,设置为从屏幕底部开始布局。   每个区块则占据25%的屏幕宽度,分别从屏幕的0%、25%、50%和75%处开始定位。....

The purpose of this Blog post is to demonstrate how text entered into a search (input field) can be used to filter a dashboard. This can be useful if users want to be able to filter on multiple values (not currently possible using a drop down ) or if the list of values is too....

In this blog post, I will talk about how we can create the following Newsflash effect (or any animation effect) in a dashboard by applying Timers. Animation using Timers I have used 2 Timers, both have been initialized in Application – onInitialization using Timer.start(). Use Case 1 : Timer1 in Action Here, I want to....

A while back I set myself the challenge of building an Analytic App that brought together a number of scripting elements; primarily as an exercise in understanding script interactions and chains of events. As you start creating ever more complex Apps for customers, you quickly realise that each script / function in isolation is fairly....

As a couple of people have asked, this blog will try to explain the scripting thought process used to create the Pac Man Analytic Application. It’s worth calling this out from the outset: The idea and scripting more or less evolved as each step presented a new challenge. I’ll be the first to admit the....

But sometime we need to add items in Dropdown dynamically, so for this we need to write a code, follow the bellow step to add items to dropdown dynamically. Create Dropdrown First add new fresh dropdown from insert tab, and for example your dropdown name is Dropdown_1. Create Planning_Model Create Planning model shown in image, then....

Need to replace character from a long string, so in SAC we have predefine function to replace a specific character from string, as we know SAC based on JavaScript but not all javascript code are works here, so here we have replace() function to replace that string. But there is an issue its can only....

  Happy New Year All!! We have an exciting year ahead for SAP Analytics Cloud, we begin with a sneak peek into some of the cool new features you will see in Q1 2022. A full list of what is coming can be found on our Roadmap Explorer or the Product Plan however in this blog I will give....

Happy New Year! Welcome to the January 2022 Edition of our SAP Analytics Cloud Community Monthly News. We hope to bring the latest product updates, top user content, helpful resources, and more to the attention of our community. What’s in the Spotlight? Sneak Peek into SAP Analytics Cloud release for Q1 2022 SAP Analytics Cloud....