Hi! I’m doing BP code transformation. Old code is using posting with reference via BDC XK01/XD01 transaction call.  BDC call will now be replaced with API class CL_MD_BP_MAINTAIN. Is there a way that we can create with reference using this class? I have been looking at some articles and looking into the CVI structure for....

The purpose of this blog post is to give you a high-level overview of the steps involved in lockbox processing in SAP S/4 HANA. Let’s first understand the business process In this blog post, we will see the whole process using the BAI2 format. Please check the following link to get a sample file for....

If you’re still following along, you’ve noticed there has been a very heavy focus on data in my pas blog posts. Specifically, on how we segment and prepare data for carve-outs from the source system using two general techniques: system clones or selective extractions. We’ve also covered some of the questions that will determine how....