Over the last few months, Sanraj Mitra, Shetty Vriddhi and myself have been working on a product inspection solution combining SAP solutions with external technologies. Product inspection is a key part of quality assurance where goods are assessed for compliance with the company’s standards. Due to the wide range of checklists for each product, this often is a complex procedure.....

Introduction (Business Case) This blog is part one of a two-part series presenting the automation of the yard process and is a joint work together with Former Member . Part one will be on the project use case of this demo as well as how the different architectures tie in together. Part two is reserved for the....

This is part 2 of the blog on automation of the yard process. In part one, we have seen how the different architectures tie together. In this part, it will be a more in-depth look at the Machine Learning model specifically the digit recognition that is deployed in the microcontroller.  Machine Learning Model One key aspect of....

Edge computing today is one of industry’s most promising technology opportunities. Used in production by just over a quarter of manufacturers, it’s a tool that is expected to be trialed by more than half of U.S based manufacturing firms within the next two years. As a technology with revolutionary potential, it’s one that every manufacturer,....

Over the past 2 years the risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have been front and center in presidential briefing rooms, company boardrooms, and even family dining rooms. Supply chains are now recognized as central to business survival, success, and growth, rather than an opportunity to just reduce costs. As we head into....

This blog will tell you how a replenishment scenario will work smoothly by using SAP IoT. Before going into details, Please watch the SAP IoT-enabled Replenishment video on Youtube to get a better high-level overview on what exactly this scenario is about. SAP IoT-enabled Replenishment IoT-enabled replenishment helps connecting digital and physical world by using IoT devices.....

he internet-of-things (IoT) is one of the most game-changing innovations for inventory management we’ve seen in our time. From a programmer’s perspective, it’s like turning every single crate or box into an object that knows where it is, where it’s going, and its condition. With the use of a function, a tracking dashboard can get....

この記事は SAP IoT services for SAP BTP for the Cloud Foundry EnvironmentのEdge PlatformをRaspberry PIにセットアップしたときの備忘録です。   はじめに Internet of Things Edge PlatformをRaspberry PIにセットアップする場合、メモリが2GB以上ないとgatewayを起動させることが出来ないことに注意が必要です。つまり、Raspberry PI4のメモリが大きめのモデルでないと動作させることが出来ません。Raspberry PI 3やZEROなどではメモリの問題で動作させることが出来ませんでした。 今回は私は以下のバージョンのOSを使用しています。   pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -aLinux raspberrypi 5.10.17-v7l+ #1403 SMP Mon Feb 22 11:33:35 GMT 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux   注意1:私はRaspberry PI 4の4GBメモリモデルを使用しています。2GBモデルでも動作すると思うのですが、テストはしていません。 注意2:ひょっとしたら様々なパラメータや後から入れるメモリ関連のパッケージを駆使することでメモリ2GB以下のRaspberry PIでも動作させることが可能かもしれません。   JREのインストール Edgeゲートウェイの動作にはJavaの実行環境が必要です。 Raspberry PIをネットワークに接続し、ターミナル、あるいはSSH等でログインします。 まず一応パッケージリストを更新するほうが良いでしょう。....

This article is a memorandum on setting up the Edge Platform for SAP IoT services for SAP BTP for the Cloud Foundry Environment on a Raspberry PI. First When setting up the Internet of Things Edge Platform on your Raspberry PI, you need to be aware that you cannot start the gateway unless you have....

Combining the right data from connected devices and bringing it into business context helps most companies to make digital transformation reality. SAP IoT offers an end-to-end, managed cloud solution for Industry 4.0. This solution generates business outcomes by combining real-world usage data from sensors and devices with business semantics such as master and transactional data.....

As a product manager of Internet of Things (IoT), I have worked with many companies that implement IoT to reinvent production, dive into entirely new business models and put the focus on their customer In this blog, I would like to share with you the fascinating transformation journey at SCHAEFER WERKE. Earlier this month I was....

Introduction Welcome to d-shop Bangalore, a maker space for developers. An opportunity for all the SAP employees to meet, collaborate and at the same time explore different technologies, attend workshops and innovate. We at d-shop aim to bring hardware technologies closer to all SAP developers helping them to be leaders in the Internet of Things. This is the....