In a previous blog, Use cases for choosing the different types of Higher Duty or Temporary Assignment, we outlined the different responsibility types you could choose for that assignment. The employee or manager or administrator can initiate or create the higher duty or temporary assignment process. There are standard workflows to edit, and approve the higher....

SAP Next Talent(SNT) takes pride in providing a robust 7-day onboarding experience for all its new program participants. Over the course of several days, SNTers learn SAP strategy, expectations for their time in the program, as well as crucial human skills and technical skills that will help kickstart their journey at SAP. But of course,....

SAP Group Reporting Data Collection May 28, 2021 release is live, with new formula and comment features— We in SAP Product Engineering are glad to announce the general availability of the latest version of SAP Group Reporting Data Collection on May 28, 2021. SAP Group Reporting Data Collection is the companion app of SAP S/4HANA for group....