Subcontracting is the process where child materials (components) are issued to an external vendor for final assembly. In this blog, I will try to explain the configuration and steps required to accomplish the subcontracting process with EWM managed. Configuration required: Document type and Item type integration: When we issue the component material from our premises for the....

In below blog, I will describe usage of Graphical Warehouse Layout (GWL) in SAP EWM. Examples and screens comes from SAP S/4Hana 2021 Embedded EWM. Introduction: What is GWL? Graphical Warehouse Layout (GWL) display two-dimension layout of your warehouse. Based on coordinates, you can create full layout of your warehouse/factory. There are some predefined objects....

In this blog I would like to explain the basic information on Message queue monitoring in SAP EWM.   INTRODUCTION: Communication between the ERP system and the SCM system is based on the asynchronous transfer technique queued Remote Function Call (qRFC). This technique is used for both the initial data transfer and the transfer of....

To establish a flow how nested HU can be relevant for Quality inspection for Inbound receiving process considering a shipment is arriving in Pre-Packed form at Pallet level and at box level. Figure out how Usage decision can be conducted at Top HU level and at Sub HU level. Address the core issues of Warehouse....

Stock upload is a key activity in any SAP EWM project. Sometimes we may get automated methods to build a file but sometimes we must build it from scratch. That’s where this blog will come handy. There could be many ways of building the stock upload csv file and this is one of the method.....

In some cases, we require to maintain the texts related to the products maintained in the warehouse. These texts can be any such as the how the product maintained, customer feedback, quality/inspection notes, vendor feedback etc. Using this simple but powerful functionality, the long text can be maintained in EWM product master by enhancing the....

In this blog, we will learn SAP EWM Technical. In the first part,  read the header and item of the delivery. There are some business cases where we need to write the logic to get the information of deliveries like inbound and outbound. we can utilize the logic in reports, function modules, and classes. A....

Introduction: It is common requirement in the most of SAP implementations to meet the business requirements to enhance the standard screen with the custom fields. There are many different ways to enhance the tables and the dependent screens as well. When it comes to EWM, most of the projects are/were using the transaction code ‘EEWB’....

It is common in most of the SAP implementation to have custom fields to meet the business requirements. We use different approaches to add these fields in product master warehouse and the storage type views. Once you add the custom fields to the standard table, then it comes to update of the field/s. How do....

The travel distance calculation (TDN) is a very complex functionality in EWM, which needs many data to work properly. The process of completing of all this data is very complicated and lacks on comprehensive visualisation and tools in standard system. Mostly you have to edit or import tables with XYZ bin coordinates, local and global....

Introduction: The most of the times, it is common requirement to create the packing instructions in the ERP and the packaging specifications in EWM. Since these two activities will have the same functionality, it would be better to have common approach/solution to reduce the effort of creating these packing instructions/packaging specifications. The ERP and EWM....

This post captures a few quick notes about supporting multiple languages in your SAP implementation, and perhaps a surprise or two if you haven’t been down this road before. A recent project required master data with descriptions in multiple languages: 1X Spanish Mexico 3E English Canada 3F French Canada 6X Spanish Puerto Rico There’s nothing....