To send ‘.XLSX’ file type with multiple sheets in single excel file as attachment via E-mail Context Using OLE logic, we can achieve this requirement and the attachment will be an ‘.XLS’ file. But our client system has some trust center setting enabled in their system which exempts them from opening .XLS file. So, we....

This article is available in German and in French languages. Overview The email abuse technique called “list bombing” or “email bomb” has been occurring more frequently for the last couple of years. Any brand which collects email addresses with web forms is vulnerable to list bombing. This type of attack can harm your deliverability and can lead to the....

Below is a short history of DMARC, giving some background into why this is important and how it works. How DMARC works DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that provides instructions, via a DMARC policy published in DNS, to ISPs and other email receivers about how to handle unauthenticated....

Business requirement I worked on this project with my colleague Albert Neumueller, and we were trying to improve a SAP Conversational AI Chatbot based on Skills, our Digital Purchase Assistant: this type of bot is very well suited to handle different conversation types, from direct answers to questions to complex user statements where the bot....

Welcome to the very first post from the new SAP Emarsys Email Deliverability Team! My name is Steve Henderson and I lead the Deliverability team in Emarsys. The Deliverability team are a global set of experts in email sending technology, strategy, and compliance. Over the coming months and beyond we will be creating a new content....