Background Many Organizations complain about the ERP solutions are too complex and not easy to learn or understand by their employees.Sometimes they want a standard instruction set for the systems or a repeatable course such as ‘Induction course for employee’. to help with that SAP has created a Content authoring tool which is gaining momentum....

Overview Today’s companies are under increasing pressure to transform at a rate unprecedented in our history.  In many instances, companies either evolve their operations and go-to-market strategies or they cease to exist.  These demands for change, not only impact how an organisation operates but also the fundamental duties performed by their workforces.  Given the rate and nature of current business transformations, it’s important....

Dear community, As you surely know, SAP has recently discontinued the brand name “SAP Cloud Platform”. However, the functions remain and will continue as products and services within SAP Integration Suite and SAP Extension Suite. This means that the functional scope of the former SAP Cloud Platform is now part of the SAP Business Technology....

They’ve done it again! You thought you’ve heard it all already? Nope – the SAP Enable Now team has done it again and I am very excited to present these exquisite new features to you. Wait till you’ve read about the new Manager user interface, the new Web Assistant features, or the 5 (yes, FIVE)....