At a guess, many of you will have had reasons to use the SAP standard transaction CODE_SCANNER to search through ABAP code in order to find a specified string. I hadn’t known about this old transaction until happening upon the blog post by arghadip kar in 2021 and have been using it regularly since then. It’s a great way to quickly....

In the world of ABAP development, efficient data retrieval is crucial for optimal performance and seamless user experience. ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) views provide advanced techniques to leverage the power of the underlying database for efficient data retrieval and manipulation. In this blog post, we will explore various advanced data retrieval techniques with ABAP....

In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition and SAP S/4HANA on-premise we recommend to follow the ABAP Cloud development guidelines as much as possible and reduce the amount of classic ABAP developments to enforce upgrade stability and clean core for your systems. The 3-tier extensibility model described in the ABAP Extensibility guide provides you a blueprint how you should setup....

In this blog post of my series Use ST05 to Analyze the Communication of the ABAP Work Process with External Resources, I explain how you can store traces of your applications’ communication events as long as required. Beside giving you more time for in-depth analyses, stored traces pave the way to completely new types of investigations. Examples are: Check....

This is the second blog post in my series of posts about SAP GUI transaction ST05. Here, I explain that you can control and customize the trace recording with filter conditions, and how this is useful for analyzing your applications’ performance. With a small case study I show this feature in action. In the introduction to....

As you for sure already know, ABAP Cloud was announced at SAP TechEd 2022 and was part of the Juergen Mueller’s day 1 and Philipp Herzig’s day 2  keynotes. ABAP Cloud is the ABAP development model to build cloud-ready business apps, services, and extensions on the SAP products SAP BTP ABAP Environment, SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, and SAP....

This blog post in my series of posts related to SAP GUI transaction ST05 (introduced in Use ST05 to Analyze the Communication of the ABAP Work Process with External Resources) explains the tool’s inner workings and configuration options, and how they affect its behavior. With this knowledge, you can avoid some pitfalls that otherwise would make your performance....

This post’s origin is the doubt that appeared in my mind while I was writing some sort of “guidelines” proposal for my company. Been an ancient reliq of the programming world, and having zero knowledge about how to develop properly, I am not able to decide which way to follow, so I decided to ask....

This is the first blog post in a series of posts that cover my SAP GUI transaction ST05. Here, I show the straightforward use of the tool to get you started for ad hoc performance analyses of your business applications. If you have not yet done so, please read the introductory post Use ST05 to Monitor the....

In my previous blog posts Measure your Application’s Performance and Resource Consumption: Evaluate Statistics Records with Transaction STATS and Use Transaction STATS_FE to Analyze the Performance of your Web Application, I have put you as a software developer in charge of your business applications’ performance. Here, performance encompasses end-to-end response time and scalability, which is impacted by your application’s....

Motivation and Functionality In this blog we want to show how ABAP Unit-Tests can be run from a CI/CD pipeline. This is relevant for all applications where automated deployment shall be achieved. We run the respective ABAP Unit-Tests through automatically triggered Azure DevOps pipelines. Graphically displayed test results are also desired to be obtained. In the following, I will start....

In pursuit of making ABAP Unit Test less dependent and more independent 😊, today I have decided to write on an interesting but less explored topic which is removing function module dependency in ABAP Unit Test using TDF. This is one of the less discussed topics in abap unit test double framework.After implementing some of them....

I posted this blog back in 2005 in SDN (earlier to SCN) & it is missing now ! Hence I am reposting the same content as this concept is very useful & used widely in ABAP development world.   Introduction – Test Data Container A Test Data Container (hence its is referred as TDC) is....

Just imagine you have implemented a new ATC check in your ABAP cloud system (SAP BTP ABAP Environment or SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud) and bundled it into your custom ATC check variant. Since this new ATC check variant fully covers your special testing requirements, you would like to reuse this check variant also in your....

SAP S/4HANA 2022 was released to the SAP customer base on October 12th, 2022. ABAP Platform 2022 is the technology platform underlying SAP S/4HANA 2022 and is shipped as part of SAP S/4HANA 2022. In addition, ABAP Platform 2022 is part of SAP S/4HANA Foundation 2022 for SAP HANA-only Add-Ons. ABAP Platform 2022 is not....

Hopefully you have already heard the news that the SAP S/4HANA 2022 release is out now for on premise and private cloud customers including the new ABAP cloud development approach for ABAP custom extensions. As the Chief Product Owner of the ABAP Platform Boris Gebhardt outlined in the blog post How to use Embedded Steampunk in SAP S/4HANA....

This blog is based on the knowledge from this blog. But providing a more streamlined approach, when you want to test your OData services on the BTP ABAP environment from Postman. It may be somewhat tricky to setup authentication for your service calls in Postman against the BTP ABAP environment, but I will show how it....

Over past years SAP customers have heavily extended and modified SAP solutions. There are SAP ERP systems with a few million lines of custom code. During a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA or a migration to SAP BTP ABAP Environment customers want to reuse the existing custom code. Simplified the custom code migration process looks....

This year the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse (ADT) is celebrating its 10 years jubilee. One successful decade is over and the path to the future is still  with the Eclipse-based ABAP IDE! Congratulations! Meanwhile the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse has made its way to become a very efficient, mature and feature rich development....

I faced lots of issues while developing code for PS Module. So as to help ABAP’er as well as Functional I am writing this blog. Introduction In this blog post, we are going to learn about various function modules that are helpful for the Project system. But before going into the list of function modules,....

The Open Source contribution Clean ABAP style guide for ABAP coding offers best practices and set of rules for you as developers to enable you to write more efficient, easier to understand and maintainable code. Having a common understanding of the code style enhances consistency of the code base and thus significantly improves your developer experience enforcing....

This blog post will help you to change database entry in any environment with ease, but remember this is very powerful technique and may leads to data inconsistency if any wrong key data changed. Also after this blog post you will be able to update the entries. “This is very useful technique which can be....

Introduction: In this blogpost, I will try to give you brief idea about LUW (Logical Unit of Work). It is basically required time for system to complete the process of Database (DB) data modification. Either Full or Rollback all changes done in DB data. Main purpose of LUW is to ensure data consistency in system.....

When working with the Custom Code Migration app, there are some typical pitfalls. Here is a list of solutions for the most frequent questions and issues. Known Problems  I want to create a cloud-to-on-premise connection and configure the RFC access control list. During the ATC run, I get an error, e.g. “Access denied for function_module_name_xyz....

SAP defines Test-Driven Development (TDD) as “a way to develop software driven by automated tests which are written earlier than the production code itself”[1] Applying this approach for AMDPs is particularly challenging since there are no built-in tools for mocking database tables within AMDPs (unlike regular ABAP classes, where cds views and database tables can....

More of an announcement rather than a blog: Drumroll for the latest in Unit Testing Frameworks, Function Modules. Function modules have always been the thorn in the side of anyone trying to write ABAP Unit Tests. The only sensible way to mock a call to a function module was to wrap the FM into a....

As a business application developer, you need to ensure that your apps run with optimal performance. While this holds for all types of applications, in this blog post I am specifically looking at web apps, and in particular I am focusing on SAP S/4HANA applications using web-based access. Your app’s users demand short end-to-end response times to....

Some of you may not only want to configure the ATC checks delivered by SAP and bundle them to custom ATC check variants but are eager to write own ATC checks. It became possible with the SAP BTP ABAP Environment 2105 by using the released API IF_CI_ATC_CHECK and ADT in Eclipse. NOTE: In order to incorporate....

For the ATC execution in the SAP BTP ABAP Environment, we currently offer some standard ATC check variants. But surely, you may want to create your own ATC check variants as you can do it in your on-premise SAP systems to bundle ATC checks as it is suitable for your own development use case. It....

where test early, test often and test enough is not related to COVID-19. Thus spake the master: “Any program, no matter how small, contains bugs”. The novice did not believe the master’s word. Geoffrey James, The Zen of Programming Code Quality Every software is expected to have bugs, known and unknown. While all bugs are not equal in impact, the defect density (number....

Introduction I would like to propose a new design pattern for organizing ABAP OO development and unit testing in a universal way. This design pattern is based on interface and factory design pattern. It has the following important features One factory class to create all interfaces’ instances. One injector class to inject the test double....