I have found a small but nice program to change the SAP logon language on the fly without the user having to log off and log on again. This program is very useful to me on some days and I save a lot of time to test e.g. functionalities multilingual.   REPORT ZBCLNG01 . data....

Hello everyone, this is my first blog, i would like to share with you a multi ALV display code repository written by me. Introduction I am an ABAP developer who is willing to share. This blog will introduce an open source repository that I have written. It can display multiple ALVs on a single screen....

I am am using my display_data-method quite often. And every now and then, I stumbled over a dump, e.g. wenn the table provided was “deep” -> included other components that where themselves tables. I often thought: If we could just drop those columns but display all the others – would’t that be nice?! But I never created....

Do you know this problem? New features should be developed, but communication with the customer is difficult. People talk past each other. Requirements are unclear. Finally, when the feature is implemented, it turns out the customer actually had a different requirement: “But we thought that does something completely different!” One solution to this problem is....

You’ve already been introduced to ABAP Cloud by Boris’s Blog Post, if not, I highly recommend reading it. In this blog post, you’ll gain insight into the architectural idea of ABAP Cloud and its essential parts. If you are directly interested in the supported technical use cases and recommended technologies, you can find them in this complementary....

In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition and SAP S/4HANA on-premise we recommend to follow the ABAP Cloud development guidelines as much as possible and reduce the amount of classic ABAP developments to enforce upgrade stability and clean core for your systems. The 3-tier extensibility model described in the ABAP Extensibility guide provides you a blueprint how you should setup....

Todos nós sabemos que o MVC é um padrão de projeto muito consolidado no mundo Web, isso não é novidade, mas se te disser que podemos importar essa ideia para dentro do SAP e construir aplicações utilizando o MVC e tendo todos os seus benefícios?   Componentes Primeiramente devemos entender como o MVC funciona para....

We are excited to announce the launch of Microsoft AI SDK for SAP ABAP. This software development kit (SDK) is designed to provide SAP ABAP developers with the tools they need to create intelligent enterprise applications using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Microsoft AI SDK for SAP ABAP is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive....

The SAP Community is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. We thought it would be the perfect time to not only commemorate the SAP Community but also honor the remarkable accomplishments of our fellow ABAP developers within the open-source ABAP community. What is Open-Source? Open source refers to software whose source code is made available....

In my last blog post about Custom Business Objects, I illustrated some simple cases of how to execute API operations on a Custom Business Object in S/4HANA Cloud. In this follow-up post on CBO’s, I’d like to demonstrate a slightly more complex use-case that you might need to employ if you have specific customer requirements that necessitate....

Dynamic structures and data references have been well-documented and written for more than a decade already and it’s one of the most flexible (albeit, also the most dangerous security-wise) components of SAP development. I would not be re-engineering the wheel but presenting it in different layers of a dynamic structure. In addition, I wouldn’t include....

Welcome back to our ongoing series on getting to know RAP! In the previous blog post, we went over the steps on how to create a CDS data model and how to project this data into an OData service. Additionally, we also showed how to consume this data model using the SAP Fiori elements app preview. In this blog....

Hello, my fellow ABAPers, In this blog, we are going to learn about what is Customer/ User exists for any transaction in sap. So it is the place or area where we can add our custom logic which will get executed along with the Standard SAP code. In this case, we are taking the example....

In this blog I am going to explain how to add additional tab and print preview button in MIGO Transaction. Normally in MIGO Transaction there is no standard print preview button available to preview the forms. Only way to preview the Form layout is by using another transaction MB90 only, But there is an way to achieve....

In our previous blogs we created CFL enabled custom fields. Refer blog: “How to prepare and enable your existing custom fields in tables EBAN and EKPO and show on GUI” before going through below for better understanding. Here we will see – “How to enable BAPI to update the custom fields”. BAPI to be enabled – ‘BAPI_PO_CREATE1’....

This blog is for anyone who is developing CDS views, they can check CDS views already available in the system based on source tables provided to executable ABAP Program. Based on the findings, CDS view already available can be utilized instead of developing new CDS views. When many developers are working, we will create lot....

The ITS mobile application is a vital part of SAP when it comes to accessing SAP from remote locations, especially for scanning data from different types of handheld devices (HHD) using one application. Major challenges in developing ITS applications are related to the shape and size of application screens when we execute them from different....

Change analysis is one of the Root Cause Analysis techniques that is to identify different kinds of changes implemented which may cause a specific problem or problematic event. Though a comprehensive Change Analysis (ABAP) tool is available from ST-A/PI Release 01S* onwards in the transaction ST13 -> BACKOFFICE_TOOLS -> Change Analysis (ABAP), this blog explains how to....

The Inline declaration provides an effortless way to create data objects and better readability to code readers. Since SAP NetWeaver ABAP 7.4 introduced this new feature, it has been the preferred way over explicit data declaration. We will always have to consider the data volume for the internal tables to avoid possible performance issues. It....

In this blog, we shall learn how we can create OVP Column card using XML annotations which based on the CDS service which is very simple process. I will cover only Column type OVP card creation, consuming the CDS view using annotation file. Pre-requisite: Have to understand or knowledge on UI. Annotations Creating new app in WEB IDE: process of creating Overview Page application in WEB IDE FILE->NEW->select the PROJECT FROM TEMPLATE-> select the Category as SAP Fiori Element -> Select the Overview page While creating the application we must select the Data Source which we have available CDS in the Backend system. After our OVP app created we need to create the Annotation file: Right click on the webapp folder we can New option, after click on the New option we can see Annotation file option we can able to create the Annotation file, Once click on the Finish Annotation file will be created and available in the webapp Folder. In Below screenshot is the Application structure we can find:InthisImagewecanseetheOVPapplicationstructure In this Image we can see the OVP application structure In annotation1.xml fil we must write the UI annotation for Column type chart, I have provided below for reference code. To develop Column type chart required at least one Measure and one Dimension value. We have to write code like below in the annotation1.xml file. annotation1.xml <!—-> SupplierName CostCenterName WBSDescription WBSElement This step is most important and main operation for this to work. Adding the card in the manifest.json file with the annotations and template which we need to provide manually. wehavetomaintaincardslikethis we have to maintain cards like this We created OVP Fiori element application with required DATA source and created annotation file to local UI development and maintained XML UI annotation code in annotation file. Final step is we maintained card and called annotation using Qualifiers which we provided on the annotation file. all set we developed the OVP Column with UI annotations using CDS. OUTPUT of our application: OUTPUTofZOVP_DEMOApplication OUTPUT of ZOVP_DEMO Application I hope this was a good and new learning experience for you with simple steps and helped you in your implementation. If you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment below. I will be happy to answer them.

This Blog post will be very useful for Technical as well as functional consultant for preparing or providing technical specification and functional specification. With the help of this blog post you will be able to get External Calls, Database Operations, Internal Table Operations, Internal Objects performed on report without Debugging it. Solution : Get program....

Writing readable, maintainable and testable code is a practice and discipline you can apply to any kind of programming language. And many developers switch between languages and frameworks (e.g. between ABAP backend and UI5 frontend development). Therefore we wrote the books Clean UI5 and Clean ABAP with the intention to simplify learning and make it easier....

Hello ABAPers, This is my very first Blog on ABAP Development and I am thinking sharing my experience with you will definitely help someone. Please follow this blog for more contents on ABAP.     Requirement: Based on some condition in Program1, change the values from all the variants of Program2. For this test scenario,....

This blog shows how the Client Proxy (CP) can be used to consume any public REST service. The features used in this blog will be available from ABAP Platform 2022 and the corresponding SP’s in SAP Note: 2512479. For our example, the PetStore-V3 REST API from swagger has been used. Since it is based on....

When working with the Custom Code Migration app, there are some typical pitfalls. Here is a list of solutions for the most frequent questions and issues. Known Problems  I want to create a cloud-to-on-premise connection and configure the RFC access control list. During the ATC run, I get an error, e.g. “Access denied for function_module_name_xyz....

Intent of this blog post is provide a working prototype for additional GOS service to upload multiple attachment together in one go. Business Requirement Some time it is difficult for users to upload 7-8 documents in GOS using the option ‘Create Attachment’, as the same steps needs to be repeated several times. So users require....

SAP Champion Michael Keller and I discussed why we got started with ABAP and why you should too. We talked briefly on our experience with ABAP and Michael shared his expertise and why he “Hearts ABAP”. Check out the 3 minute video below   If you are also interested in learning ABAP, check out the resources below:....

Dear SCN, My name is George Drakos and I decided to write a blog about handling of TSV and CSV files. First we will see what TSV and CSV files really are and then we will develop code methods to convert these files. I would like to thank my colleague and dear friend Dimitris Valouxis for his support and....

Adobe Forms from Scratch   PDF stands for Portable Document Format.Definition: It is a Universal file format developed by Adobe that preserves all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document,regardless of the application and platform used to create it. PDF files are compact and can be shared, viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as intended by....

This blog is written to help those developers who would try to restrict the FAGLL03H on cost centers despite it’s an optional field on report. Problem Statement: In transaction related to line item browser FAGLL03H and we faced a scenario from business where they want to make cost center as mandatory field so that if....

Hello folks, I am Vasu Sharma, SAP ABAP on HANA expert, have provided SAP solutions in various domains like manufacturing, aerospace industry, banking, finance and insurance. With the help of this blog, you will be able to set null values in Core Data Service view.   Issue: Recently, I came across with an interesting issue....

API’s are digital building blocks for an intelligent enterprise and constitute to be the back-bone for digital transformation which makes API based integrations very relevant. In S/4 HANA world, apart from use of standard API’s made available via API Business Hub for extension, there is also a need to write new API’s for use withing....