I just finished the opensap course DevOps for ABAP with gCTS in SAP S/4HANA
Lots of excellent content like advice on dockerization and hands-on experience with gCTS
And some confusing advice on branch switching on shared dev systems (which I find almost impossible to reconcile with a sane git based workflow.
One of the exercises though gave an unexpected result, as gCTS tells me my system is up to date with the latest commit on github:
…but the source code doesn’t match:
It might depend on me doing something wrong, but it’s not obvious what, and I already tried to update to the latest commit multiple times
I don’t have access to the system anymore, I was late with my exercises, but this is really scary.
I suspect this has to do with the synchronization between the local repository and the code in DEV
As I understand, gCTS has a copy of the code in a server folder, and syncs it both with the git repository and the ABAP server. I suspect there’s some bug in the last step.