Do you have difficulty selecting the correct component when creating an incident? Or, did you wish you knew exactly what details to include when submitting an incident? Support assistant is here to help you. Create the perfect support incident with ease and deliver it straight to the correct experts in that product area the first time, with support assistant.


So how does support assistant work?

Think of support assistant like a choose-your-own-adventure Book, but for Product Support.

When creating an incident in the Support Portal, simply select your product and/or area.  If support assistant is available for your product, a pop-up will automatically be displayed.  Click “Start” to begin using support assistant.



Next you will be asked a series of questions regarding what product you are working with and what issues you may be facing. As you answer these questions, you navigate further down a path which leads you towards a more accurate support component.


Navigating through support assistant


These navigation paths, are what we call trees, created by some of the best Product Support experts in those component areas, who know exactly what’s needed from you when submitting an incident.  Each tree is hand tailored to that particular product, so you will not be answering generic questions or be led down paths that does not make sense for you.


With each answer provided, a list of valuable recommended content will appear on the right side of the screen. This content is curated by our experts in Product Support or auto-recommended based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning (ML) and they come in the form of knowledge base articles (KBA), SAP Notes, Guided Answers, product documentation and more.



Recommended content

If the recommended content helps you resolve your issue, you might not even need to create an incident.


However, if the recommendations don’t help solve your issue, you can click Submit to create your incident at the end of the tree and send it to Product Support.  The support expert who receives the incident will be able to review your support assistant navigation path and browse any of the recommended content that you did or did not click on.  This saves you and the engineer valuable time, and no time is wasted on solutions that have already been reviewed.

Watch a demo of the support assistant by SAP HANA Academy


Is support assistant available for my product?

Support assistant is now available to a majority of SAP products, with more trees being added all the time.  If you select your product/area and you are not presented with the Support Assistant then there is currently no content available yet.  For a list of currently available products, or to request for your product area, see the following KBA 2836020.


Start using support assistant today!

Let the incident creation process be a guided tour with helpful answers, rather than a ticket submission process. Creating an incident using the support assistant is your best chance at getting you issue to the correct expert the first time. It ensures all the relevant details needed for a support expert to answer tour question, reducing the “ping-pong” between different processors of the incident.



Interested in learning more?

jooman neshat


Author Since: April 23, 2021

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