The Manage Customer Returns app already supports LUMF (Pricing, inventory management, and delivery processing for the sales kit components, sales kit header is just for explanation) and ERLA (Pricing, inventory management, and delivery processing for the sales kit header, sales kit components are just for explanation) on previous release CE2008.

From CE2105, the 3rd sales kit variant with item category CPFH (sales kit header is pricing relevant and sales kit component is inventory relevant) is supported on Manage Customer Returns app.

You can refer to a sales order or invoice which include 3rd sales kit materials. I listed the highlights on create page below.

  • Item hierarchy is shown on Higher-Level Item.
  • If enter quantity on header, the quantity on components are calculated and filled automatically.
  • The UoM cannot be changed on components. If change the UoM on header, the quantity on component will be calculated via UoM conversion formula which maintained in material master data,
  • User can change the component quantity to a lower number only when the header quantity = 1 base unit. Other than that, the component quantity cannot be changed.
  • If enter return reason here, after creation, the return reason would be copied to all items.


3rd Sales Kit Variant on Create Page

As 3rd sales kit variant is pricing relevant on header, the refund details are enabled on header and user can change the refund type, refund control and refund code on header item. And the changed value would not be updated into components as the components is pricing NOT relevant. For the components, the refund details are disabled. The logic of quantity and return reason column is same with when you create customer return.


3rd Sales Kit Variant on Edit Page

The follow up activity and inspection result are also only enabled on sales kit header now. If user change the follow up activity and enter inspection result on header, the value would be copied to components. The inspection comments can be entered individually.


3rd Sales Kit Variant to Be Refunded

After release the customer return, the refund progress is completed and all items including sales kit components are moved to ‘Completed Items’ tab. The credit memo (request) is only created for sales kit header that is pricing relevant.


3rd Sales Kit Variant Refund Completed




Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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