This blog, will give you an in-detail ,technical description on how to extend/navigate , to a custom/canvas page, from a List-report page, within a List-Report application.
The standard, List report navigation functionality, allows user to navigate to “object page”.
However, at times, we might require to navigate to a custom/canvas view.
The basic idea is to, call a second component(“flightcrud.Comp2”) from first component(“flightcrud”).
To get an idea, about canvas page, please refer to below link, form ui5 demokit:
My system details:
Ui5 version: 1.96.5
S4 Hana-2021
- Create a simple List-Report application, using BAS or web -IDE.My application name is “flightcud”.
- Extend the List-report page, to add a custom button/action and a controller extension, for List-report extension view.
- The below link can provide an idea, to extend a list report page:
- Write the navigation logic, inside action, in ListReportExt.controller.js file.
- Go to manifest.json .
- Write the code, for canvas page inside pages section of manifest.json.
- The below piece of code, needs to be written, above “models “ section, in manifest.json.
- Accordingly, you have to create a separate component/folder, named as “Comp2”, inside webapp of parent application ”flightcrud”.
- Like any other ui5 application/component, we have to create a separate “Component.js, manifest.json, view and controller ” under, Comp2 folder.
- The below piece of code , can be written , in the new/reusable component.js file, under Comp2 folder.
- The new manifest.json file under “Comp2”, can be updated as per code snippet.
{ "_version": "1.8.0", "": { "id": "flightcrud.comp2", "type": "component", "embeddedBy": "../", "i18n": "i18n/", "applicationVersion": { "version": "1.0.0" }, "title": "{{compTitle}}", "description": "{{compDescription}}" }, "sap.ui": { "technology": "UI5", "icons": { "icon": "", "favIcon": "", "phone": "", "phone@2": "", "tablet": "", "tablet@2": "" }, "deviceTypes": { "desktop": true, "tablet": true, "phone": true }, "supportedThemes": [ "sap_fiori_3" ] }, "sap.ui5": { "rootView": { "viewName": "flightcrud.Comp2.view.Detail", "type": "XML", "async": true, "id": "Detail" }, "resources": { "js": [], "css": [] }, "dependencies": { "minUI5Version": "1.96.1", "libs": { "sap.ui.core": { "lazy": false }, "sap.m": {} }, "components": {} }, "models": { "i18n": { "type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel", "uri": "i18n/" } }, "contentDensities": { "compact": true, "cozy": true }, "routing": { "config": { "routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router", "viewType": "XML", "async": true, "viewPath": "flightcrud.Comp2.view", "controlAggregation": "pages", "controlId": "app", "clearControlAggregation": true }, "routes": [ { "name": "App", "pattern": "", "target": [ "App" ] } ], "targets": { "App": { "viewName": "Detail" } } } } }
- Here we mentioned, our root view as “Detail view”.
- Similarly, we have to create view and controller , file for “Detail” within, “Comp2” folder:
- Accordingly, you can write detail view and controller code, based on your requirement.
Now we are done with our coding part:
Lets move to the output:
List report page , showing Flight list and “navigate” as the custom button/action:
- On click of “navigate” button, the relevant/new component.js, “Detail view” and “Detail controller” gets loaded. The same can be checked in “Network” tab of chrome browser.