In this blog, I am going to discuss about some of those best practices you can utilize –

1.Removing special character from data load : Most of the times the data load fails for unwanted source data. Execute T code RSKC and put the special character which you want BW to ignore during data load(DTP).

The common group you can use – ~!@#/$%^&*.[]ÄÖÜ

Execute it.


Then load the DTP again.

2. Immediate start of the process chain : 

To start any process chain manually immediate do not change the process chain start variant to put it immediate.

Follow below –

A.  Execute Tcode SE37 When the popup will open then put the process chain name and execute RSPC_CHAIN_START.

B.  Put your process chain name on the I_CHAIN value and execute. Our case it is PP_DEMO_01.


C. Go to RSPC and right click on process chain and display Log. You can see the process chain started.

3. Copy Query from one info provider from another provider –

I faced lots of requirement scenario where I need to develop same type of query in another Composite provider which is also the same type. IF we try to build from scratch it will be time consuming as well as there is a probability to misplace the attributes and filters which leads to improper dataset. Use the below steps :

A. Execute Tcode – RSZC –


B.  When the below popup will come put source and target Inforpovider.


C. Execute and then you will get the below pop up where you will select your query you want to copy. Transfer selection.

D. Most of the cases I got 4-5 error about miss or unavailability of the attribute in the target system. Please fix one by one and then repeat the same procedure it will successfully copy the query.


4. Implement the Alerting for your process chain  :

I will discuss about the simplest step to implement alert for a particular process chain so that if any error occurs in any of the step it will drop email to a particular list of user.

Steps –

1. Associate email ID with SAP user ID :

Execute TOCODE SU01 and provide the user name –


In the Address tab check your email is attached or not if . If not there please follow the below steps –


Click on the other communication and check on the INIT and email and activate it. Some of the organization use GRC tool to update the user. Contact your basis team member to update it.


2.  Configure recipient list in Process chain:

In the last point we check for all the users we want to add in configure recipient list in Process chain in this session. execute Tcode /NALRTCATDEF . In the screen-

Click on the double process chain —> Error in a process in Process chain . Click on the fixed recipient.


Add the user you want to add. I added PLB_DEMO in the list  by changing the Fixed recipient. Save it.


3. Last step is go to RSPC. Modify the process chain. Go to Process Chain–> Attribute —>Alerting like below and check the checkbox “Send Alert if any error occurs”.





Now you are ready to go. If any error occurs the alert will execute and you will get an email.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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