Writing readable, maintainable and testable code is a practice and discipline you can apply to any kind of programming language. And many developers switch between languages and frameworks (e.g. between ABAP backend and UI5 frontend development).

Therefore we wrote the books Clean UI5 and Clean ABAP with the intention to simplify learning and make it easier to transfer knowledge between ABAP and JavaScript by having a universal terminology and the same principles where it makes sense. Developers can benefit from an easier learning process, focusing on known concepts and then exploring differences.

Still, there major differences exist between ABAP and JavaScript, so the books differ also when it comes to some principles or concepts. And there are huge differences when it comes to implementing those principles.

Clean ABAP – German

Clean ABAP – English

Clean UI5



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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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