Blogs in this Series [#CAP #DPP] 

  1. Part 1 : DPP Terminologies and PDM Overview
  2. Part 2 : Personal Data Annotations in CAP and Integration with PDM
  3. Part 3 : Explore PDM Application features


In previous blogs of this series, we explored how to develop and deploy a CAP application which provides an OData service with necessary annotations to be consumed by PDM. Also We integared PDM service instance to CAP application and subscribed PDM Application.

In this blog post, we will explore further steps bout how can we use PDM UI application to manage data privacy requests.

Exploring Personal Data Manager Application:

Personal Data Manager subscription provides you with 3 applications:

Manage Personal Data – [Role: Customer Service Representative (CSR)]

  • Search for specific data subject record using following combination of fields
    • Data Subject ID
    • First name, last name and date of birth
    • first name, last name and email address
  • Upon search, it displays the Data Subject information like the  application it belongs to, and the role it has in the process etc as shown in above screenshot.

In the sample application, Leonard Hofstadter is the Data Subject and it is part of DPP GameShop application as a Customer.

Note that, Personal Data Manager do not store any data related to data subjects. It only renders UI based on the annotations that is provided by the CAP application. It also means, you have to annotate above combination of field in your CAP application to make the search work.

CSR can view more details of the search result by click on ‘Display Details’. This opens an overview of applications and requests that have been created for a data subject.

Each application has its own detail view and can be opened by clicking on the entry as shown above. The detail view includes following sections:

  • Personal Data : It displays all the personal data stored/used by the application. The data is determined based on the annotations added in CAP application. Based on the sample CAP application, the detail view includes personal details, addresses, email addresses etc.
    On behalf of Data Subject, CSRs can edit personal data or request for deletion by clicking ‘Edit’ and ‘Request Deletion’. In both cases, it does not change or delete the data subject. It just creates a request which is shown under Inbox Requests. Later Operatiors Clerk can either process or reject the request. Details of the request can be seen by clicking on the entry and the details look as below:
    CSRs can also export Data Subject’s personal data including business transactions information in a human-readable or machine-readable format.
    Data can be sent directly to customer’s email or Download to local system. In case of download, a download request will be created. You can download the files from the Export Requests section once the request is complete. 

    Note that, Data can be downloaded in following formats: PDF, JSON, XML

  • Where the data subject’s personal data is used : It shows business transactions made by the data subject in an application. Click on ‘View List’ to see the list of Transactions. For more details, you can click on Transaction id (Relevant key) as well.

Manage Personal Data Requests – [Role: Operators Clerk]

Operators Clerk can use this application to process requests created by CSRs on behalf of data subjects for correction or deletion of their personal data.

Details of the request can be verified and then Status of request can be marked to ‘In Progress’.

After completing the changes in all the relevant applications and for all associated data subject roles outside of PDM, status of the request can be updated to ‘Completed’ with a comment.

Data Transport – [Role: Administrator]

PDM do not store any Data Subject’s personal data. However, it stores following information:

  1. Requests: All inbox requests and export requests
  2. Activity Logs: user who accessed the data, which data set was accessed, and the fields that were accessed

Data Transport application can be used to download above information as Zip file by the administrators.


In this blog post, We explored different features of Personal Data Manager after integrating with CAP application.

More information about cloud application programming model can be found here. You can follow my profile to get notification of the next blog post on CAP. Please feel free to provide any feedback you have in the comments section below and ask your questions about the topic in sap community using this link.
Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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