Welcome to the 2105 SAP S/4HANA release. In this blog post I will discuss the latest features and additions in technology related topics. This release’s highlights include SAP Analytics Cloud Enterprise and Embedded as well as Machine Learning, Situation Handling and Enterprise Search updates.

SAP Analytics Cloud –  Enterprise

SAP Analytics Cloud – Embedded

Machine Learning: Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM)

Situation Handling

Enterprise Search

SAP Analytics Cloud –  Enterprise

With the latest release 2105, I have three important updates to share that concern SAC Enterprise. For SAC Embedded, please refer to the next section.

Dashboards in SAP Analytics Cloud for Supplier Evaluation

We have taken the step towards increased transparency into peaks and drops in supplier performance to provide you with immediate insights and actions out of analysed supplier performance figures.


Fig. 1: Supplier evaluation overview dashboard

With this new dashboard addition, the supplier performance can be determined based on the weighted average of the single scores for quantity, price and time variance. As well as quality scores based on inspection lots and quality notifications across various dimensions (e.g. supplier, material group, plant, region, purchasing organisation etc.)


Fig. 2: Under performing suppliers

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Additional Purchasing Spend Analytics in SAP Analytics Cloud

Talking about transparency, with the 2105 release I’m glad to announce that it is now possible to provide real-time insights into purchasing spend across various dimensions, such as spend by quarter, supplier, material group, purchasing organisation and group, plant, and supplier country. We are aiming towards an increased transparency into spend in regions, monitor compliance issues related to payment terms and more. It is possible to track non-compliant purchase orders, where payment terms in purchase order do not match with payment terms in supplier master.


Fig. 3: Non Compliance Payment terms in Purchasing Orders

With the new geospatial map it is now convenient to shows spend by region. Referring to the figure below, the bubble size indicates spend volume.


Fig. 4: Geospatial Map for Purchasing and Spend Analytics

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Account Assignment Details in Monitor Purchase Requisition Items

With new 2105 update, it is now possible to monitor the processing status of Central Purchase Requisitions in combination with expected delivery date. This helps ensure effective processing of purchase requisition items by filtering according to account assignment responsibility.


Fig. 5: Processing status of Central Purchase Requisitions

Simply use the account assignment category and accounting object as input parameter to filter out respective purchase requisition items. In addition, see single or multiple accounting object details like distribution, object details and quantity requested.

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SAP Analytics Cloud –  Embedded

The new Contract & Lease Cashflow Dashboard is now available for SAP S/4HANA Analytics Cloud Embedded.

SAC Contract & Lease Cashflow Dashboard

The Embedded SAC Contract & Lease Cashflow Dashboard allows users to

    • Gain deep insights of the Cashflow over the whole Real Estate Portfolio
    • Analysis from high level aggregation down to single Contracts
    • Strong and detailed analytics of Business Partner


Fig. 6: SAC Embedded – Contract and Lease Cashflow Dashboard

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Machine Learning: Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM)

I have one important update to share with our Machine Learning ISLM users regarding the content migration from PAi to ISLM.

Predictive Analytics Integrator (PAi) Content Migration to ISLM

With this new update, comes the migration of Predictive analytics integrator (PAi) to ISLM. We would like to recommend to already start using the new ISLM app ‘Intelligent Scenario Management’.

It is also worth noting that the PAi Fiori app ‘Predictive Models’ can still be used.

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Situation Handling

If you are new or unfamiliar with situation handling, here is a quick overview before we go into ‘use-case templates’. With the use of situation handling, one could find undiscovered issues in business situations and their potential consequences. From exceeding budgets to missing approvals and expiring contracts, such situations can be dealt with situation handling resulting in better customer retention and lower cost overheads.


Fig. 7: Situation Handling – A Potential Business Case

Key Highlights of Situation Handling capabilities include:

  • Automatically identify urgent and important issues
  • Bring situations to the right groups of users
  • Intelligent support to make the right decisions
  • Monitor and adjust the situations
  • Integrate for automation


Fig. 8:Situation handling – Simplified!

New Use Cases and Templates Introduced for Situation Handling

The following new Use Case have been introduced with the 2105 release:


Manage Dispute Cases (F0702A)

  • Dispute Case Processing

Sourcing and Procurement 

Manage Purchase Orders (F0842A)

  • Delivery Insights for Ordered Items


Manage Service Orders (F3571A)

  • Planned End Date Is After Due Date
  • Transfer of Service Order Data Failed


Mass Change of Sales Documents (F5210)

  • Mass Change of Sales Docs: Jobs Complete

Supply Chain

Manage Supply Protection (F4569)

  • Multiple Matches in Supply Protection

Public Sector

Grant Budget Overview (F5153)

  • Grant Budget Threshold Exceeded

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Enterprise Search

Extending SAP Delivered Search Model with Custom Fields

Enterprise Search allows business users to extend the search models with the custom fields created from custom fields and logic app. Key users are empowered to change SAP delivered search models and adjust according to individual needs. The customisation feature is now available with 2105 release.

A new button ‘Manage Custom Fields’ in Manage search Model App helps to add custom fields created from custom fields and logic app.


Fig. 9: Extend SAP Enterprise Search with Manage Custom Fields

This feature allows end-user to make newly added field as a ‘Request’, ‘Response’ and ‘Filter’.

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If you’re interested to learn more about these innovations, join our SAP Learning Hub and participate in our SAP S/4HANA Cloud Early Release Series. Read this blog post to find out how you can license for the Enterprise Support Edition as a Customer / Partner and benefit from our regular release series either live or on-demand.

For more information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, check out the following links:

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud release info here
  • Latest SAP S/4HANA Cloud Release Blog Posts here and previous release highlights here
  • Product videos on our SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA YouTube playlist
  • SAP S/4HANA PSCC Digital Enablement Wheel here
  • Early Release Webinar Series here
  • Inside SAP S/4HANA Podcast here
  • openSAP Microlearnings for SAP S/4HANA here
  • Best practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud here
  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Community: here
  • Feature Scope Description here
  • What’s New here
  • Help Portal Product Page here
  • Implementation Portal here
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Randa Khaled

Randa Khaled

Author Since: November 19, 2020

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