We are now down to the last quarter of the year 2022 and we are releasing another SAP note for Visual Modeler enhancements and fixes. 

Now, allow me to introduce this newly released SAP note 3245200 – FS-PER Rel. 3.0 SP20 Visual Modeler Screens Enhancements and Fixes (2) that includes new features, enhancements, and improvements to the users for better visualization and user experience across the following applications: 

 Modeling Environment Screen 

  • Improved to automatically set data length and data decimal for FLTP data type to 16 

  • Enhanced to show Machine Learning configurations and settings created in Expert UI also reflects in NEO UI


  • Enhanced Distribution Base of the Allocation function where it is now greyed out when Variable Even is chosen on the Receiver rule since this is not needed for this type of Receiver rule


  • Enhanced the Model View HANA to disable the Run button


  • Refined the Erase Data functionality in which the user needs to select the function to delete the data


  • Deleted functions are removed in Recycle Bin after refresh


  • Refined the Remote Function Adapter to handle the error code 500 on HANA R Script execution


  • Disabled the Show button for Model Join


  • Ensured that the Select All (CTRL + A) functionality for Description for quick editing is working


  • Enhanced the Properties panel to prevent from collapsing after deletion of fields in Signature node


  • Fixed multi-select option on signature that overlaps on header when multiple fields are selected in Signature


  • Mapped fields are now being removed when Connection Name is changed


  • Improved  the specific roles (e.g. /NXI/P1_EXECUTION_USER) which now provides the user access to visual modeler screens


Visualize Screen / Report Management Screen

  • No more console errors in Report Management when navigating to other screens


  • Enhanced that the Report Elements are displayed without crashing or UI errors


  • Improved the filter in Sheet Chart type to display the correct data


  • Enhanced the Visualize screen where in the first layout is not removable if there is only one layout left


Process Management

  • Enhanced so that when typing the cursor remains on the correct position on the text field for Process and Activity ID fields


The new feature and enhancements will be available to your system once the SAP note is implemented.

Thank you for reading this blogpost! Stay tuned for the upcoming Support Packages

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Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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