SAP Fiori – Steps to configure Custom Fiori App for any SAP T-Code

  • SAP has provided SAP GUI Apps for which currently no Fiori Apps exits in S/4 HANA 2020 SP02
  • In our company current Greenfield project, we were provided list of SAP T-Codes to determine, if SAP Standard Fiori Apps exits for the same. Many T-codes and programs had no associated Fiori or GUI Apps
  • For Security team there was no APP for T-codes SU53, SUIM, STAUTHTRACE, SE116N, SU01D Etc., which was needed to capture authorization errors during testing phase
  • For T-codes or programs where no apps existed the Business users of clients were interested to access such T-codes or programs via the Fiori Launchpad. In short, the Business user should be able to visualize these T-codes or program as a Tile Icon from Fiori Launchpad,
  • This blog will show how to configure the SAP T-Code into Transaction App in easy step-by-step process
  • For this SAP has released a new Launchpad App Manager Tool /N/UI2/FLPAM starting from SAP S/4HANA 2020
  • The main purpose of this tool is to manage all technical catalogs in one place only, thus providing a simpler experience for managing launchpad app descriptor items
  • This is now the preferred configuration tool to create, maintain, and setup Technical Catalogs Only
  • This app can be accessed by admin users by using Fiori launchpad (/N/UI2/FLP)
  • With the advent of this App the Launchpad Designer tool will be deprecated by SAP in near future, in short, the new tool will supersede the same
  • This new central tool will be used to maintain Tiles and Target Mapping (T+TM) and is an immensely powerful tool. This serves as a single point of entry for numerous filtering options
  • Note: This app removes the confusion between Technical and Business catalogs
  • The Launchpad App Manager allows an admin to do following:
  • Create and maintain Technical Catalogs Only
  • This is only option to create Technical Catalogs
  • Allow performing mass changes/ maintenance of tiles and target mappings
  • It can contain multiple launchpad app descriptor items and maintain them
  • Explore existing technical catalogs and their related content
  • Extremely easy to copy and adjust tiles and target mappings, as everything is within a windows
  • Allows to maintain following for Technical Catalogs
  • UI5 (SAP Fiori App)
  • GUI (GUI Transaction)
  • WDA (ABAP Web Dynpro Application)
  • WCF (Web Client UI Framework)
  • URL (URL)
  • Where-used list quickly identifies similar tiles and Target mapping
  • Can reference Tile and Tile mapping from Different Technical Catalogs
  • It provides an option for translate into various language
  • SAP now recommend using the Launchpad App Manager tool to explore and maintain Technical Catalogs only, which then can be referenced to create new Custom Business Catalogs (using /N/UI2/FLPCM_CUST) within a Role
  • In this blog beside creating few Custom T-Codes Apps we will also check how to add SAP GUI and Fiori Apps in the Technical Catalog as an exercise

STEP 1: Check the System Status

  • We are on the S/4 HANA 2020 is SP02 and it is an Embedded System

  • Since we are working on Embedded deployment, here we will maintain catalog type as Standard

STEP 2: T-Code MCXA As an Example

  • SAP Transaction Code MCXA (QMIS: Material Analysis-Lot Overview) is part of Material Management module
  • We are going to create a custom SAP GUI App for T-Code MCXA
  • In S/4 HANA system execute MCXA

  • SAP GUI Application for MCXA should look like above screen

STEP 3: Verify T-Code marked as SAP GUI for HTML

  • Execute transaction SE93 and verify/check whether the transaction is marked as SAP GUI for HTML

  • Click option >> Display

  • MCXA is marked for GUI HTML, hence can be converted into a GUI App

STEP 4: Create a Custom Package

  • To create a custom app for SAP T-code we should create package and transport before hand
  • Go to SE80 and create Package
  • We need to create Package for Technical and Business Catalog as well as transport request

  • Select the option Package from drop down as shown below under >> Class/Interface

  • Enter the Package name

  • Hit the Enter Key

  • Click option >>Yes

  • Enter details

  • Click >> Continue>> and enter Transport details

  • Click the option >>Save

  • Request number is >> S4HK900345
  • Click >> Continue

  • The package ZFIORI_BUSINESS_CATALOG_PKG created
  • Similarly create package for Technical Catalog

  • Transport Details

  • Package created

  • List of packages created

  • Details of Packages created are listed below:

  • SE10 Screenshot of Packages Created

STEP 5: Determine Application Components for T-Code

  • To create an existing T-Code to an App, it is a good practice to determine the Application Components used by SAP and which can be used, when creating Custom Semantic Object and Action for a given T-Code App
  • This is done by using T-code: KTRAN

  • Click the icon >>Execute

  • Here, selects the option >>Exact Search
  • Under Transaction Search Term: Enter the T-Code MCXA as shown below

  • It gives the desired Information which can be used to obtain the value of Applic, Component and this for MCXA is QM-QC_IS
  • Beside MCXA, we will also create few more custom Apps, listed below with description and the associated Components

STEP 6: Create Semantic Object

  • To create an existing T-code to an App we need to create the intent which is Semantic Object and action. Create Semantic object by using either T-code
    • /N/UI2/SEMOBJ
  • Note: For any T-Code for which we need to create custom require creating of Semantic Objects and It should be created only if there are no SAP equivalent App available in SAP Fiori Library and the Business/Organization has the need for the same. For example, when you create a custom application for any business entities that are specific to any business stream or sub stream, the Custom Semantic Objects that will be created should follow customer naming convention nomenclature and should start with either Z or Y. Furthermore, the action field is a free text option and SAP provide many lists of the actions from where it can be chosen. Remember Action should always be in lowercase with no spaces and underscore
  • Action determines what it will do and has no direct impact on any authorization. Authorization for custom T-Code should be maintained in PFCG – like Create, Display etc.
  • Semantic Objects are created by Using T-Code: /N/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP

  • Click the >>Change >>icon option

  • Click >> Continue

  • Click >> Continue

  • Click >> New Entries

  • We are going to use the following table below to create and define some of the desired Semantic Objects

  • Enter the detail as shown below:

  • Click the option >> Save

  • Click the >> Create >>icon to create new Transport Request

  • Click the >> Save

  • Click >> Continue
  • Custom Semantic object is now created and at bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing >> Data was Saved
  • Click the >> Go Back >>icon

  • Overall Semantic objects created are listed below

  • Will use some of them as an example and also show the option Copy and Paste, which also works.

STEP 7: Create Custom Technical Catalog

  • Technical Catalogs contain Original Launchpad App Descriptor Items
  • Technical Catalog allows you to create Tile+TM (Tile + Target Mapping)
  • Technical Catalogs delivered by SAP have the prefix starting with SAP_TC*
  • In Technical Catalog we can maintain other Apps like below:
    • UI5 (SAP Fiori App)
    • UI5 (SAP Fiori App)
    • GUI (GUI Transaction)
    • WDA (ABAP Web Dynpro Application)
    • WCF (Web Client UI Framework)
    • URL (URL)
  • Technical Catalogs allows Reuse of Apps, classic UIs, and navigation
  • The primary purpose of a Technical Catalog is the reuse of Apps.
  • Technical Catalogs provide a common central source of Launchpad App Descriptor Items that can be referenced by Business Catalogs
  • Technical Catalogs should never be assigned to Role as it will give access to many more Apps then required and will have SoD’s issues
  • Technical Catalogs allows you to create your own App Descriptor Item
  • In Technical Catalog, we can copy Launchpad App Descriptor from SAP Technical Catalogs and use the same and modify as needed
  • Now to create new Custom Business Catalog use the T-code for Fiori Application Manager T-Code: /N/UI2/FLPAM

  • Chose the option >> Switch to Search

  • Create a new Technical Catalog by clicking the option >> New Catalog

  • Enter the details as shown below:

  • For Package, select as shown below:

  • Click the option >> Go

  • The final screen looks like this, make sure Transport created earlier is selected

  • Now search for transport created earlier

  • Note: Here we see only Workbench Request, as we are doing development work
  • The final screen is as shown below:

  • Click the option >>Save >> and following screen shows up with Technical catalog created and add custom objects

  • Here, click the icon >> Insert >> to add Custom Semantic Object created earlier

  • Whatever field is updated or add in the above screen gets populated in the bottom screen

  • Under option Action use the >> Search >> icon option

  • Select the option >> display
  • Under App Type >> Select >> Transaction

  • Now following shows up in the below screen

  • Under the option >> * Transaction Code>> enter transaction code MCXA >>  and hit enter

  • The above screen >>Target Application >> automatically updated with the transaction >>  MCXA
  • At the bottom click the option >> Save

  • It shows at the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing  >> Data were Saved >>  successfully
  • If there is any error, it will show up here
  • Now in the same screen click the option >> Tiles(0)

  • Select the option >> Add Tile >> and gives two options to select from
    • App Launcher – Static
    • App Launcher – Dynamic

  • Select the option >> App Launcher – Static

  • Under the header option >> Tile >> enter the tile description >>  and hit Enter

  • Now under the header option >> Tile Icon>> search for the Tile Icon

  • On my server this >>Tile Icon >> option is not available, but you can select >> Display

  • At the bottom click >> Save

  • This is the minimum information needed for Custom Creating Semantic Object Tiles, you can add more info if needed
  • You can download the information by clicking option àà download

  • We have now created a Technical with only one Custom Semantic object
  • We will add others objects later

STEP 8: Create Custom Business Catalog

  • After creating Technical Catalog, we need to create Business Catalogs
  • Business catalogs contain references to Launchpad App Descriptor Items stored in technical catalogs
  • Business Catalogs delivered by SAP starting with the prefix SAP_BC*
  • Now to create new Custom Business Catalog use the T-code for Fiori Application Manger Tool: /N/UI2/FLPCM_CUST

  • Click the option>> Create >> to create new Business Catalog

  • Enter below details

  • Add Business Catalog details

  • Click >>Continue

  • Click the >> Create >>icon

  • Click the option >>Save

  • Click >> Continue

  • Click >> Add Tiles/Target Mappings

  • Select the option>> Add Tiles/TMs to Selected Catalog

  • Under the option >> Search Tiles/Target Mappings >> enter the Technical Catalog name

  • Click the option >> Go

  • Now select the option >> Add Tile/TM Reference

  • At the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing  >> 1 tile(s) and 1 target mapping(s) added to catalog ‘ZBC_MATERIAL_MANAGEMENT1’
  • Create a Transport by clicking >> Transport

  • Create a new transport by clicking >> Create

  • Click >> Save

  • Click the >>Continue icon
  • At the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing >> Catalog ZBC_MATERIAL_MANAGEMENT1 recorded successfully in transport request
  • Now select the tab >> Tiles/Target Mappings

  • Now search for the tile >> Material Analysis-Lot Overview (MCXA)

  • Click >> Go

  • The above screen shows where the Tile belongs to in the bottom screen
  • Note: Technical catalog cannot be edited here as it is Read-only and is selected
  • Business Catalog can be edited as the Read-only is not selected

STEP 9: Check SU24 option for MCXA

  • For MCXA check SU24 objects maintained

  • Click >> Execute

  • Select the >> Set Filter >> option

  • Click the >>Continue icon

  • These Objects will show up when we create the custom role via PFCG

STEP 10: Create Custom Role for custom T-Code

  • Now create Custom role for T-Code: MCXA
  • Use T-Code: PFCG

  • Click >>Save
  • Under the option >> Menu

  • Select option >> Launchpad Catalog >> and search for the Custom Business Catalog created

  • Click the search option >> Display

  • Click the >> Continue icon

  • Click the icon >> Continue


  • Click option>> Change Authorization Data

  • In the above screen we can maintain and Define Organization level, here we maintain * for Master Role we can maintain blank ‘ ‘
  • Click >>Save >> and Generate the role

  • The above screen shows all the objects maintained in SU24 have been populated within the above PFCG role

STEP 11: Create a Test User

  • Now create a test user and assign the role created and check if the Tile are assigned

  • Two roles are assigned to the test user >> TEST_FIORI
  • Log in as test user by using T-code: /N/UI2/FLP

  • Click >> Log On

  • Click the symbol >> TT

  • Select the option >> APP Finder

  • The App shows up along with the Catalog name
  • Double click the App

  • The App works and has the same output screen as SAP T-Code >> MCXA

STEP 12: Create more Semantic Objects

  • Add some more new Semantic Objects

  • Click >> Save

  • Select the same transport created earlier and click >>Continue >> icon at bottom of the screen it shows >> Data was saved
  • Click go back icon
  • Final screen is as follows below

  • Note: It is a good practice to create Excel File with all details of Custom apps to be created as we can copy and paste in the T-Code: /N/UI2/FLPCA

STEP 13: Update Technical Catalogs

  • Add new Semantic Objects created to the Technical Catalog

  • Added four more Custom Semantic Objects
  • Now we will add an SAP GUI APP>> MM71 >> to the Technical Catalog

  • Select the option >> Copy from Other Catalog

  • Here you can use search term or use Technical catalog where the SAP GUI resides
  • In the field>> Search Term >> enter MM71

  • Now click >> Go

  • Click at the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing >> Copy

  • Here the App is missing Target Application Tiles, which can be added

  • Note: Make Sure you update both places as shown in the above screen
  • Now add any Fiori App

  • Add Fiori App F0842A

  • The Purchase Order App has now been added

  • Everything in the above screen in required order
  • Click >> Save

  • All data was successfully saved message is displayed at bottom of the screen showing >> Data were saved
  • The final screen shot is as shown below

  • The above is the final screen

STEP 13: Update Business Catalogs

  • Business Catalog update is done in /N/UI2/FLPCM_CUST

  • Select under >> Add Tiles/Target Mapping >> and select the option >> Add Tiles/TMs To Selected Catalogs

  • Click >> Go

  • Note: Initially GUI and Fiori Apps do not show up, you need to log out and log back in the system
  • Select as shown below

  • Select >>Add Tile/TM Reference

  • The Business Catalog got updated
  • Click >> Transport

  • Select >> Own Requests >> to check if this is the right transport

  • Click the icon >> Continue
  • Bottom of the screen it shows tiles added message is displayed>> 6 tile(s) and 6 target mapping(6) added to catalog ZBC_MATRIAL_MANAGEMENTS1
  • Now perform the check by Clicking as shown below

  • Select >>Check and Show Service

  • All OData services are green, meaning they are activated
  • If anything is red click >>Activate and Maintain Services >>   and maintain
  • Select the tab >> ICF Services

  • All ICF Services are green
  • If anything is red select the option >>Define Services >> and activate the service

STEP 15: Update the role in PFCG

  • In PFCG and get into Change mode


  • Select >>Details >>  or the icon >> Detail

  • Click the icon >> Continue

  • At the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing >> Nodes text changed
  • Save the role

  • At bottom it shows >> Data saved
  • The Authorization tab turns red
  • Click >> Authorization

  • Select the option >> Expert Mode for Profile Generation

  • Choose >>Read old status and merge with new data

  • Choose >>Full authorization >> and click >> Save >>  and at bottom of the screen  a message is displayed showing  >> Org. levels were saved

  • Maintain as desired

  • At the bottom of the screen a message is displayed showing  >> Profiles(s) were updated
  • Log in as a test user

  • All apps show up
  • Hope you like my blog, appreciate your feedback
  • For more information visit following blogs

Further Reading

SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Adding Custom Content to Business Roles | SAP Blogs

How to Configure Custom Fiori App for SAP Transaction Code (On-Premise) on Central Hub – ERP Q&A (

Update Authorization Defaults for Tile Catalogs | SAP Help Portal

SAP Security for S/4HANA – How Adding Business Catalogs to the Role Menu automates authorization maintenance | SAP Blogs


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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