As part of SAP S/4HANA Customer Care and Regional Implementation Group, I am privileged to work across many customers, and our aim is to bring their lessons learned to you.  One unfortunate pattern, common among customers new to SAP Fiori, is a poorly configured launchpad. For example, even though the SAP Fiori launchpad appears, when you start to use it you may notice that it is not configured and activated sufficiently to support the main SAP Fiori features. These are the features you will need to get you started on your SAP Fiori journey. 

The checklist below is intended to save you some time and effort in getting the basic launchpad features in place.

Want to know if your brand-new SAP Fiori launchpad is fully functional and ready to explore? Below you will find a collection of first pass checks for any Sandbox or Development system. These are checks you should be able to complete very early in your project before you start exploring roles, and certainly before you start any fit evaluation.


Entry page of the SAP Fiori launchpad for SAP S/4HANA 2021 with all major features working including Spaces and Pages layout mode

IMPORTANT: These checks apply to SAP S/4HANA 2021 – but are recommended for lower releases as well.  In particular, Check 5 is not relevant for release SAP S/4HANA 1511 to 1909. The examples shown are for SAP S/4HANA 2021.

These are the mandatory checks:

  • Check 1: Your Launchpad URL works
  • Check 2: Context-Sensitive Help is available
  • Check 3: Search on objects is available
  • Check 4: Notifications dialog works without error
  • Check 5: Spaces and Pages layout mode is active
  • Check 6: Settings are working
  • Check 7: Launching any SAP Fiori app works
  • Check 8: Launching any classic UI works
  • Check 9: App Support is working
  • Check 10: Performance is acceptable

You might be wondering if there are any easy/automated ways to check this, and yes there are a few technical verification checks:

  • Running the FLP Health Check task list
  • Check your SAP Fiori Foundation is in place
  • Check the SAP Fiori Foundation Roles have been created

You will find these technical verification checks at the end of this blog post.

IMPORTANT: You should consider activating at least one role to give you some useful content to test in the launchpad. For example, General Ledger Accountant (SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT) is a role that most customers use significant parts of this role.  Remember you can always tailor your content later as explained in SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Creating your custom business roles – the end-to-end process and video playlist

Tip: Need some hands-on experience for your team? Register for the SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – 5 Steps to Fiori Bootcamp for Customers – run once per quarter per region (Asia-Pacific Japan, Europe and Middle East, Americas).  It’s a free bootcamp and you do the hands-on in your own sandbox!


Check 1: Your Launchpad URL works

When you launch your launchpad URL you should be able to login to your SAP Fiori Launchpad and see your entry page.

Your URL should be:



  • host and port are your SAP Web Dispatcher host and port
  • client is your SAP system client id, e.g. 100
  • language is your login language, e.g. EN for English

Pass and fail checks for SAP Fiori launchpad

Your login screen will look something like this:


Login page of the SAP Fiori launchpad

Once you login you should see the Fiori Launchpad which should look something like this example below. You should see the top “shell” line with the logo, Home navigation button, and other icons on the right.  The second line will have tabs representing the pages assigned to the user. The entry page of the user should be shown below that. The contents shown may be different depending on which user you are using for your test.


Entry page of the SAP Fiori launchpad – focused on My Home page

If both the login screen works and you can enter the launchpad this is considered a PASS.

IMPORTANT: You can use the basis help transaction /UI2/FLP to generate the URL.  However, once you have the URL it should be bookmarked in your web browser or included as a link on your Intranet or Internet portal. You should NOT continue to use transaction /UI2/FLP as this adds an unnecessary point of navigation.

SAP Fiori Launchpad URL not working?

You will find some assistance at the end of this blog post in the section called Technical Verification Checks.

Check 2: Context-Sensitive Help is available

When you start up your launchpad, the context-sensitive help should be available straight away. This is something you need immediately to help you become familiar with your launchpad.

IMPORTANT: The context-sensitive help shown here is provided as part of your SAP S/4HANA system, i.e. there is no additional licence or subscription required. If you later wish to tailor or add new content to the help documentation, you will need to consider SAP Enable Now.

Pass and fail checks for Context-Sensitive Help

In SAP S/4HANA 2021 when you first login to the launchpad you should see a Quick Tour appear to get you started. Once you close the Quick Tour you can see the launchpad. Seeing the Quick Tour is a PASS as this will only be shown if the context-sensitive help is configured.


Quick Tour shown on first login to the launchpad and afterwards on request

For all releases, or once you have closed the quick tour, you should see the “?” help icon.


Help icon appears in the top line of the SAP Fiori launchpad

You can select the “?” help icon to toggle the Help Topics panel on and off. Selecting any term mentioned in help topics highlights the matching feature. Similarly selecting any highlighted feature brings up the help information for that feature.


Help icon is used to toggle the Help Topics panel on and off

You should be able to select the Learning Center button or icon in the Help Topics panel.


Learning Center icon is shown in far right hand toolbar of the Help Panel

The Learning Center takes you to context-sensitive tutorial sets you can run for the current page or app. For example, when you are on the launchpad you can access the tutorial set Working with the Launchpad.


Tutorial sets shown in the Learning Center – the set Working with the Launchpad is highlighted

When selected, tutorial sets will launch in a new browser tab. You can select any of the tutorials in the set.


Working with the Launchpad tutorial set launches in a new browser tab. You can select any of the tutorials in the set.

You can start the tutorial online or download the offline version for your reference

Tutorial can be run online or downloaded as PDF for offline use

Context-Sensitive Help not working?

Check the settings in transaction HELP_CONFIG and your SAP Web Dispatcher parameters.

For further advice, refer to the blog posts:

And SAP Notes:

Check 3: Search on objects is available

When you select the magnifying glass you will see a dropdown list of available Search objects.


Search feature in the top shell line of the SAP Fiori launchpad showing the dropdown to search on objects

Tip: Personally, I like to set the default search scope to Apps for 2 reasons:

  1. Faster performance when users first select the search icon
  2. It’s often the search users want to use first

Refer to blog post: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Enterprise Search Optimization

Pass or fail checks for Search

When you press the Search icon, you do not see a dropdown. You only see “Search in: Apps”.  There are no searches available apart from apps. This is a FAIL.

If you see “duplicate” searches – that’s fine. This is a PASS.

If you see only a few or many search objects, that’s fine – PASS.

Search not working?

For further advice check these blog posts:

Check 4: Notifications dialog works without error

When you select the notifications bell icon, the notifications dialog appears.  You should not see any errors.

Notifications dialog after pressing the notifications bell icon


Pass or Fail checks for Notifications

Any error is a FAIL.  For example: “An error has occurred” when you first click ok means at least critical authorizations are missing.


Error message shown when notification authorizations are missing

If you don’t have any notifications that’s ok. PASS – probably.


Notification dialog when the user does not have any notifications showing text You have no notifications

However to fully check notifications are correctly configured run the GUI transaction /IWNGW/BEP_DEMO to generate a demo notification to that user.


GUI Transaction for generating a demo notification for testing purposes

Wait 2 to 3 minutes, if the notification badge showing the count of new notifications appears, this is a good sign.  PASS – Probably.


Notifications icon showing the badge with the count of new notifications

Press the bell icon to check the notification can be seen. If the notification can be seen, this is a definite PASS.


Notification dialog when the user has one or more notifications

Tip: Once you have displayed the notification, the notification badge count disappears until more notifications are sent to you.

Notifications not working?

Refer to the guides:

Refer to: SAP Note 2729492 – Configuring notifications in Fiori Launchpad and known restrictions.

You can find further information on configuring notifications in blog posts:

Tip: Which notification providers should be activated? The easiest option is to activate all notification providers. The provider will only be called if your users are using the related process, at which point the provider will decide whether to add a notification to the notification channel queue. So there is no pragmatic downside to activating notification providers that are never used.

Check 5: Spaces and Pages layout mode is active

IMPORTANT: This check applies for releases SAP S/4HANA 2020 and higher. It does not apply to releases SAP S/4HANA 1511 to 1909.

Quick check option: You can see 2 lines at the top of the launchpad:

  • Shell is the first line at the top of the page.
  • The second line is either Groups (flat tabs), or Spaces and Pages (menu tabs).

IMPORTANT: Spaces with only one Page assigned will appear as a flat tab.

Pass and fail checks for Spaces and Pages

From SAP S/4HANA 2021 or higher, you see the My Home tab. You may see a handful of other tabs. Some tabs may be menu tabs. Seeing the My Home page with the illustration is a PASS as this only appears in Spaces and Pages layout mode.


Spaces and Pages layout showing My Home page and additional menu tabs

Tip: Each tab represents a space. If the space has only one page, the space is shown as a flat tab. If the space has more than one page it is shown as a menu tab.

Selecting any menu tab shows the pages within that space.  This is a PASS.


Spaces and Pages showing the menu tabs for a space with multiple pages


You see Groups mode. A symptom of Groups mode is having many tabs and possibly many tiles. This is a FAIL.


Groups mode showing many flat tabs and many tiles


Why you want to use launchpad layout mode: Spaces and Pages

Groups are deprecated from SAP S/4HANA 2021. Refer to What’s New Viewer for ABAP Platform – SAP Fiori Launchpad Home Page Deprecated for the ABAP Platform 2021  and SAP Fiori Launchpad Home Page Deprecated as of SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS01.

IMPORTANT: Deprecated means this feature still exists and can continue to be used, however it will be removed in a future release. You should look to move from Groups to the successor Spaces and Pages as soon as possible.

Spaces and Pages offer significant advantages over Groups such as:

  • They are easier to understand
  • They are easier to maintain and manage over time
  • They are easier to align with security authorizations
  • They have reduced interference on maintenance of security authorization roles
  • Changes to spaces and pages are automatically merged with user personalizations
  • Future SAP Fiori functionality, such as the Horizon Theme, will only be available with Spaces and Pages.

General advice on when to move to Spaces and Pages:

  • If you have started new on S/4HANA 2020 or S/4HANA 2021 you should start with Spaces and Pages.
  • If you are upgrading from a lower SAP S/4HANA release (1511 to 1909) to a higher release (2020 or higher) you should move to Spaces and Pages as soon as possible.
  • Users can be given the option in their Settings to choose to use Groups or Spaces and Pages, however you should encourage the move to Spaces and Pages.

Spaces and Pages not working?

Please make sure that when you run the task list SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4 you explicitly include the optional tasks for Spaces and Pages – i.e. select the checkbox in front of the task :


Task for spaces in the task list SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4

While these tasks are not yet defaulted, since in SAP S/4HANA 2021 Groups layout is deprecated, you should be going immediately onto Spaces and Pages.

What if you forgot to include the optional step when you previously ran the task list? You can also run the task list with only the Spaces and Pages task selected (look for the “deselect all” option to clear all tasks and then reselect only the tasks that you need).

Make sure you adjust your Launchpad Configuration Parameters for spaces:

  • SPACES = true (default layout mode is spaces)
  • SPACES_ENABLE_USER = true (user has the option to toggle between spaces and groups mode)
  • SPACES_MYHOME = true (show the My Home page by default)

IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading to SAP S/4HANA 2020 or higher, then it is a good idea to make spaces available, rather than the default layout mode. You can then give the user the option to try spaces through their Settings by setting the Launchpad Configuration Parameter SPACES_ENABLE_USER to true. This gives you some flexibility to explore differences and discuss the pace of change appropriate to your organization.

How to fix a Role that does not have a Space

You may have some custom business roles that do not yet have a space. Occasionally you may find SAP delivered roles that do not yet have a space.

You will need to use the Fiori Foundation Admin user to perform these tasks.

  1. Create a space for the role in SAP Fiori app F4834 Manage Launchpad Spaces.
  2. Assign your space to the role – in transaction PFCG.
  3. For each Group assigned to the role, use the migration tool Create Launchpad Pages from Groups which is ABAP Web Dynpro /UI2/FDM_GTP
  4. Assign your page(s) to the space in SAP Fiori app F4512 Manage Launchpad Spaces.
  5. Retest your role’s layout

Check 6: Settings are working

You should see the Settings option in the User Actions menu (also known as the Profile menu).


Settings option in the User Action (Profile) menu

As a general guideline, the following sections should always appear in the Settings dialog:

  • User Account
  • Appearance
  • Spaces and Pages
  • User Activities
  • Language and Region
  • Default Values
  • Notifications


Settings dialog showing the available sections in the left hand pane. These sections are highlighted:  Spaces and Pages, Default Values, Notifications.

IMPORTANT: Some settings show different contents depending on what has been assigned to the user. For example:

  • The contents of Default Values depends on the apps assigned to the user. Only default values used by one or more apps assigned to the user will be shown, i.e. the default values are listed as parameters in the Target Mappings of the apps assigned to the user.
  • The options shown in the Notifications settings depend on the data assigned to the user. For example, options to send notifications via email will only be shown if the user has an email address assigned to their user master.

These sections MAY appear in the Settings dialog depending on your configuration:

  • Home Page – gives access to the older Groups layout mode
  • User Profiling
  • Search

Settings dialog not working?

If the Spaces and Pages settings are not shown, refer to the not working section for Check 5: Spaces and Pages layout mode is active.

If Default Values settings are not shown refer to blog post Activating User Defaults in SAP S/4HANA

For Search settings, refer to SAP Fiori app F2800 Configure Personalized Search.

Check 7: Launching any SAP Fiori app works

You will need at least some apps to be active to complete this test.

Personally, I like to use a Manage or Monitor app as these are simple apps that typically require no  configuration, just some data to show.

Pass and fail checks for launching a SAP Fiori app

When you launch the app, the app title, filter bar and table content area are shown. PASS.


Example of a Manage app – Manage Journal Entries is shown

No data shown? Probably still a PASS. After all there may not be any data to show at this stage.

Any error messages – particularly error messages complaining that OData services or ICF nodes are not active are a FAIL. This indicates the app involved has not been activated correctly and/or the user has not been assigned the correct authorizations to launch the app

Launch of SAP Fiori apps not working?

You will need to check your URL launch security configuration such as:

  • your SAP Web Dispatcher
  • your HTTP allowlist
  • SICF services have been activated for HTTP/HTTPS
  • your single signon trust configuration
  • your system aliases

You will also need to check your SAP Fiori Foundation configuration is complete.

As a first step, check in transaction STC02 if task lists SAP_GW_FIORI_ERP_ONE_CLNT_SETUP and SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4 were run successfully. These task lists encapsulate the main tasks needed, so if anything failed or was missing, check those tasks first.

You will need to check that the app you intend to launch has been activated. For example:

  • In Sandbox, by using rapid activation to activate the related SAP Business role
  • In Development, by using content activation to activate the related custom business role

Refer to:

Check 8: Launching any classic UI works

Most customers will want to use some GUI transactions and some WebDynpro ABAP applications as part of their user experience mix for a role.

Personally, I like to use a simple Display transaction for checking GUI and the Launchpad App Manager for checking Web Dynpro.

Launching GUI transactions

You can start the GUI transaction from a catalog or from the SAP Menu in the App Finder.

For example, you could use transaction FB03 (Display Journal Entry) from the App Finder, or transaction FBV2 (Parked Journal Entry Changes) from the General Ledger Accountant role (SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT). The following screenshot shows FBV2.

Tip: You can search on transaction code in the Search on Apps provided the transaction is assigned to a catalog. In the App Finder, you can also search on transaction code in the SAP Menu or User Menu for any transactions assigned to those menus.


Launch of GUI transaction FBV2 in the SAP Fiori launchpad

IMPORTANT: By default, classic UIs should launch in the same browser tab, and should NOT create a second browser tab.  This is controlled by Fiori launchpad configuration parameters.

Refer to: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Calling GUI & Web Dynpro ABAP without opening a new tab

You should be aware there are a few apps where content is explicitly launched in a new browser tab – this takes a little longer.

Launching WebDynpro ABAP

To test this, you can use any multidimensional app, e.g. F0996 Trial Balance which is part of the General Ledger Accountant (SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT) role.


Multidimensional report app Trial Balance uses the Web Dynpro Grid format


Alternatively, you can start the Launchpad App Manager from the Fiori Foundation Admin user tile Manage Launchpad Apps Cross Client.


Manage Launchpad Apps


Launchpad App Manager tool is ABAP Web Dynpro application

Launch of classic UIs not working?

You will need to check your URL launch security configuration such as:

  • your SAP Web Dispatcher
  • your HTTP allowlist
  • SICF services have been activated for HTTP/HTTPS
  • your single sign-on trust configuration
  • your system aliases

You will also need to check whether your SAP Fiori Foundation configuration is complete.

As a first step, check in transaction STC02 if task lists SAP_GW_FIORI_ERP_ONE_CLNT_SETUP and SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4 were run successfully. These task lists encapsulate the main tasks needed, so if anything failed or was missing, check those tasks first.

Check 9: App Support is working

IMPORTANT: To test App Support you must be have launched an app. App Support does not show on the launchpad page.

Pass and fail checks for App Support

When you go to the User Actions (Profile) menu, the App Support option must appear.


User Actions menu highlighting the App Support option

When you select the App Support option, the App support dialog must open, and not show service errors.  You should see several sections in the left-hand pane, such as:

  • App Information
  • Embedded Server
  • Authorization Errors
  • Gateway Errors
  • Runtime Errors

If the dialog appears correctly, this is a PASS.


App Support dialog appears correctly showing the support sections with message counts

If the dialog shows an error message such as “The App Support service cannot be reached”, this is a FAIL.


App Support dialog showing a service error – FAIL

App Support not working?

Refer to Setting up App Support in the SAP Fiori launchpad guide in the SAP Help Portal.

For example:

  • Check if the App Support service is active.
  • Check if The launchpad plugin has been defined in transaction /UI2/FLP_CONF_DEF and activated in transaction /UI2/FLP_CUS_CONF.
  • Check if the authorization object S_FLP_AS has been assigned to permit users to download logs so they can send them to your Support team.
  • Check if the App Support plugin is included in the user’s permissions.
    • Check the user has IWSG and IWSV authorization object permissions to use the service (ideally this should be part of the generic Fiori Foundation User role given to every user).
    • Alternatively, you can assign a custom business catalog, referencing the technical catalog SAP_TC_FLP_COMMON.

For more suggestions on what else to include in your business-as-usual support toolkit, refer to blog post SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Support Best Practice Recommendations

Check 10: Performance is acceptable

Performance is a critical part of usability and something that SAP continually works to improve.

Ideally most navigations within an app should be sub-second. Launching apps, UIs and other features should take only a second or two.

Any navigations that are sub-second are a PASS. You should only spend time and effort improving response times that exceed the expected timeframe.

As a general guideline, even worst-case response times should still be no more than a few seconds. If you are experiencing minutes, then something is seriously wrong, and the application may be hanging.  You should consider monitoring for HANA CPU Time Violations and excessive time in the WAN as these are the most common identifiers of known issues as shown in SAP Note 3090070 – SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS0: Performance Restrictions.

When performance testing, remember the impact of caching on your user session.

  • If the first time is slow, try it again, and it should be faster for every subsequent time after the very first time.
  • Running your tests again is in the same session is a good quick test to help narrow down whether performance for an app/UI or feature is a persistent problem, or only related to first usage per session.
  • You can also use this approach to help you set expectations with your team and your users as they start to explore the system, while you look to further improve performance wherever you can.

Be aware that performance in web technologies involves a LOT of factors.  Some of these are under your control, and some depend on your infrastructure, such as your web browser settings, your network bandwidth, latency to your data center, your WAN network, your system sizing, your HANA database configuration, etc.

For the latest performance best practices refer to blog posts:

You should keep in mind that there are known performance exceptions, for example:

  • Launchpad uses a progressive loading approach, i.e. you can start to use any feature available while the remaining features are still loading
  • Some apps may have performance challenges – particularly where there are complex analytics over very high data volumes

With respect to individual apps, check for SAP Notes with the list of exceptions for your release, where there are known delays. For example, SAP Note 3090070 – SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS0: Performance Restrictions. Typically, any non-critical delays reported by customers are remediated in subsequent Feature Pack Stacks, Support Pack Stacks, or releases, depending on the nature of the changes required.  You may notice that for some apps you can also improve times yourself by adjusting your settings, such as for your WAN or HANA CPU environment.

For classic UIs you should also check your launchpad configuration parameters have been set optimally. Refer to Improving Navigation Performance for SAP GUI Applications

Pass and fail checks for Performance

Be aware that performance can be different for SAP Fiori apps than for classic UIs, as they use different resources. This means it is important to perform a check for at least one app of each UI technology, i.e. SAP Fiori (SAPUI5), GUI transaction, ABAP Web Dynpro, CRM Web Client UI (if using).

Check the time to navigate to any SAP Fiori app, e.g. a Manage app such as F0717 Manage Journal Entries.


SAP Fiori app Manage Journal Entries launched in the SAP Fiori launchpad

Check the time to navigate to classic UIs, for at least one example for each UI Technology.

For SAP GUI transaction, personally I like to use a Display transaction from the SAP Menu in the App Finder (if active), or find a transaction in the App Finder (you can search on TCode).

For example, you could use transaction FB03 (Display Journal Entry) from the App Finder, or transaction FBV2 (Parked Journal Entry Changes) from the General Ledger Accountant role (SAP_BR_GL_ACCOUNTANT). The following screenshot shows FB03.


GUI transaction FB03 as launched from the SAP Menu in the App Finder

Start with a HTTPWatchTrace to get a quick breakdown of where time is being spent. Identify the percentage of time spent in network/bandwith, WAN, and other components external to your SAP S/4HANA system.

Then use the new STATS_FE tool to help monitor what is going on for web applications within your system. Refer to blog post: Measure your Application’s Performance and Resource Consumption: Evaluate Statistics Records with Transaction STATS and Use Transaction STATS_FE to Analyze the Performance of your Web Application

Understanding progressive loading of the launchpad

Progressive loading essentially means that the launchpad is loaded in stages. You can interact with any of the elements you can see even while others are still loading. The below is what is observed  in SAP S/4HANA 2021:

  1. You see the shell bar and main content area with the logo, Home navigation and user actions first.
  2. The initial page, such as the My Home Page is loaded, and the space menu tabs appear
  3. The remaining shell features (search, notifications, help) are added.
  4. Any additional pages are added.

Technical verification checks

What technical checks can you do?

Running the FLP Health Check task list

You can find all task lists in the Task Manager for Technical Configuration transaction STC01.

Navigate to transaction STC01 to execute task list /UI2/FLP_HEALTH_CHECKS


Task list /UI2/FLP_HEALTH_CHECKS in the initial screen of GUI transaction STC01

Run the task list in dialog mode to check the main services are active and the main system aliases created. There should be no warning or error messages.


Example successful execution run of the /UI2/FLP_HEALTH_CHECKS task list

Check your Fiori Foundation is in place

You want to check that the Fiori Foundation tasks have been successfully completed.

Navigate to the Task List Run Monitor transaction STC02 to find previously run task lists. Check the SAP Fiori Foundation task list SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4 has been run successfully to successful completion (all icons are green squares).


GUI Transaction STC02 showing the status of previous runs of task lists, such as SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4

It’s ok if the task list has been run multiple times At least the most recent run should be successful.

Refer to: SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA – Activate SAP Fiori in 1 day or less – the video playlist and FAQ

Check if the Fiori Foundation roles have been created

There are 2 authorization roles you need to get you started:

  • The role that grants every user access to the Fiori launchpad and main features
  • The role that grants admin access to the Fiori launchpad content and layout tools

These roles are generated by the SAP Fiori Foundation task list SAP_FIORI_FOUNDATION_S4, task “Generate Fiori Foundation Roles” and by default are called, respectively:


Tip: If they were not previously generated, e.g. when upgrading from an earlier release of SAP S/4HANA, you can run just the task “Generate Fiori Foundation Role” on its own.

You can find the generated roles in transaction PFCG.

Once generated you can further adjust the roles if needed, e.g. to add in every user permissions for App Support.

Becoming a SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA guru

You’ll find much more on the community topic page for SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA

Other helpful links in the SAP Community:

Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA Customer Care and RIG.


Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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