SAP GUI and SAP Fiori each perform similar functions. SAP GUI is accessible through the SAP Menu, allowing you to develop GUI-based reports for various tabular data. SAP Fiori, on the other hand, makes things much more manageable with its more accessible interface. Let’s take a look at how these different systems develop reports.

Building a Report Through SAP GUI

We’ll start developing a report with SAP GUI in the SAP Menu. Our “on-ramp” to the SAP GUI interface is through the Information System. Depending on which department the report will address, we can locate the corresponding Information System. For example, we’ll develop a report that lists customer data.

  •         Step 1: Open the SAP Menu, and head to Accounting > Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Information System > Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting > Master Data. You should notice a transaction code of the type “S_ALR_######## – Address List.” You can also access this report through the transaction code via the command field. However, since these transaction codes rarely make logical sense, we’ll use the GUI to interact with them instead.
  •         Step 2: When we double-click the Address List entry, it’ll bring up the initial report screen, also known as the selection screen. At this screen, you’ll determine what data you’ll eventually display. Once you’ve sorted that out, you can hit the “Execute” button on the bottom right of the screen.
  •         Step 3: The report will ask you for the maximum number of entries for the report, with a value preset at 100. You’ll have to adjust this number if you need more entries. If you’re alright with the default entry, hit “Enter” to continue.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you can hit “Exit” to head back to the SAP Menu. After making the report, you can add it to your favorites by right-clicking the report on the screen and selecting “Add to Favorites” so you can access it anytime you wish.

Using SAP Fiori for Report Generation

What SAP GUI calls the “term list,” SAP Fiori refers to as “tables.” To find an app that contains a table that could generate a report, you simply have to search for “Manage” in the list of apps. All apps with tables share the term “Manage” in their names. For this example, we’ll look at the Manage Purchase Orders app.

  •         Step 1: Launch the Manage Purchase Orders app.
  •         Step 2: When the prompt screen comes up, you’ll get to select your records. You can use filters to limit the criteria of which records are chosen to add to the report.
  •         Step 3: Hit “Go” once you’ve set up your filters. If you want to see all the eligible records, you can simply hit “Go” with the default settings.
  •         Step 4: The table that comes up allows you to select an “Order Number” to bring up the order form. You can use the “Back” button to go back to the table select.

That’s it! Getting your records set up with SAP Fiori is a relatively simple process. If you end up with a table with no entries in it, you may have an issue with your database access, or you may have too many filters applied. To troubleshoot this, simply reduce the number of filters you have applied to the report. With fewer filters, you should see more entries showing up.

Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Author Since: March 10, 2022

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